859 resultados para Students--Religious life


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Em especial no ocidente, as instituições perdem o seu poder de influência. A religião não ficou isenta de participar deste fenômeno social, apesar de ter ditado o ritmo e o sentido da vida durante muitos séculos. No Brasil um grupo religioso minoritário, a saber, os evangélicos, historicamente tiveram entre as suas principais características a pertença e a participação dos fieis em uma igreja/instituição. Na contemporaneidade tem ocorrido um fenômeno novo neste campo religioso, ou seja, a existência de evangélicos sem vínculo e participação em uma comunidade de fé. Esta dissertação discute este processo de desinstitucionalização. Procurando colaborar para a ampliação da compreensão deste fenômeno, relatando uma pesquisa de campo com ex-alunos(as) de teologia evangélica que, apesar de terem sido treinados para liderar igrejas evangélicas, optaram por não mais pertencer as mesmas. Com este recorte de pesquisa demonstra-se a profundidade deste fenômeno e nas narrativas dos entrevistados constata-se que a espiritualidade e a fé estão para além da instituição/igreja.


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Este trabalho estuda a capelania escolar desenvolvida no Sistema Batista Mineiro de Educação (STBM), organização formada por seis colégios, uma faculdade, um instituto de idiomas e três projetos socio-educacionais, localizados em Minas Gerais, mantida pela Jutna de Educação da Convenção Batista Mineira, instituição das igrejas batistas de Minas Gerais. Apresenta a origem, contexto, desenvolvimento e constituição do Sistema Batisa Mineiro de Educação, bem como sua relação com a estrutura da deominação batista. Descreve os objetivos, importância, funções e legalidade da capelania escolar e o papél, a formação e o perfil ideal de um capelão ou capelã escolar. A capelania (ou pastoral) escolar está presente em praticamente todas as instituições educacionais confessionais, isto é, naquelas que estão ligadas a uma religião e que adotam os princípios de fé e vida dessa tradição religiosa como norteadores de sua ação poliítico-pedagógica. O objetivo da capelania escolar é ministrar aos alunos, funcionários administrativos e docentes e familiares de uma instituição de ensino, em suas necessidades emocionais, espirituais e morais, ajudando-os a superarem suas dificuldades e lutas, a fim de que o processo de formação do ser integral aconteça. A Capelania do SBME, como todas as capelanias escolares, enfrenta muitos desafios oriundos do exercício da sua confessionalidade, do ambiente interno e externo da escola, da sociedade e de vários problemas que vivenciam o jovem estudante contemporâneo, relacionados ao longo do texto. Para responder a esses desafios e demandas a capelania do SBME usa uma série de estratégias e desenvolve várias ações. Entre as estratégias e possibilidades de ação pastoral apresentadas neste trabalho, destaca-se o Projeto Ética e Caráter na Escola , que objetiva ajudar aos corpos docentes, discente e adminsitrativo a construirem e adotarem valo res e princípios éticos cristãos, ao longo de todo o processo educativo na escola e para a vida(AU)


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A presente pesquisa investiga o aprender a ler e a escrever do segmento idoso partindo do pressuposto de que a introdução no mundo da leitura e da escrita pode propiciar-lhe, mesmo que tardiamente, a inclusão social e uma transformação na sua vida pessoal. Nesse sentido, foi realizado um estudo sobre o analfabetismo no nosso país amparado em um referencial teórico específico, adotando a visão de homem como um ser inconcluso e em constante processo de construção que pode progredir social, histórica e temporalmente. Para dar concretude a esses objetivos a opção foi pela abordagem qualitativa. São sujeitos deste estudo, alunos matriculados na Educação de Jovens e Adultos de uma Organização Não Governamental (ONG) uma instituição religiosa e também alunos de instituições que atendem ao segmento idoso. Foram aplicados quarenta questionários, por meio dos quais foi possível inferir que esses alunos buscam resgatar a possibilidade de serem incluídos e aceitos socialmente, bem como convívio com os seus pares.


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The doctoral research process is the entry path for the academic profession. Traditionally it is explained by reference to another professional entry path, the industrial apprenticeship. Revisiting a paper and discussion originally held at the Marketing Education Group conference in 1991, we explore the implications and limitations of this metaphorical model, suggest alternatives and consider the interaction between student characteristics and supervisory approach. Through this process we offer marketing academics a vast range of unflattering metaphors to employ in describing themselves, their students, their supervisors and their colleagues.


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The Aston Centre for Human Resources (ACHR) was created at Aston Business School, Aston University, in February 2006. The mission of the Centre is both to inform and influence practice through conducting high quality, challenging research in order to extend the existing theoretical frameworks and to develop new and relevant conceptual models to represent and guide the changing realities facing businesses and the people they employ in the 21st century. * Students studying an Employment Law module on a HR or general business degree, whether undergraduate or postgraduate. * Students taking the Employment Law elective on the CIPD's Professional Development Scheme (PDS). * Students studying Employee Relations or Diversity. This new edition has been thoroughly updated, and includes expanded coverage of the impact of EU Law, and Discrimination Law including ageism, sexual orientation, religious belief, harassment and disability. The text is ideal text for those business students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses who are taking a first module in Employment Law. It covers a comprehensive range of topics enabling students to gain a solid understanding of the key principles of the subject. The engaging, authoritative writing style and range of learning features make this a refreshingly accessible and student-friendly read. Each chapter includes summaries of topical and relevant cases, direction to key sources of legal information and suggestions for further reading whilst covering the CIPD’s standards for the Employment Law elective on the Professional Development Scheme (PDS). This text includes a range of case studies, tasks and examples to consolidate learning and includes a brand new section on Employment Law study skills to help students get to grips with how to access and read law reports, understand the sources of the law, find and use up-to-date legal information (particularly websites) and how to prepare for exams and written assignments.


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The most accessible and concise law textbook available for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying law for the first time. - Written in a clear, engaging style specifically for non-lawyers - Packed with interactive learning features that will consolidate your learning and get you exploring the subject in more depth - Relates theory and law with real life practice, making the subject relevant - Designed to impart you with the skills you need to study law successfully New to this edition: - Completely updated with the latest developments in employment law and in line with the latest CIPD requirements at UG and PG levels - Questions throughout the text and end of chapter further reading - Excellent tutor and student support sites - Practical guidance on how to prepare for an employment tribunal Online resources: For tutors: - Lecturer Guides (including tasks, examples and cases studies with comments from the author) - HR-inform monthly newsletter - Lecture slides For students: - Annotated web-links - HR-inform monthly newsletter


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Universities are increasingly diverse places; in terms of staff and students, their nationality, ethnicity and religious backgrounds. HEIs need to find ways of ensuring that this diversity adds to the life of the institution and to the development of graduates as employees in a global workplace. The paper offers a case study of one way of developing an intercultural strategy at a UK university. The university concerned has a highly multicultural and multinational staff and student population. Over many years the university has worked to celebrate and embed this diversity into the culture and values of the institution; in its learning, teaching, business operations and relationships. The university wished to develop its intercultural awareness strategy in an inspirational and vibrant way, one which was informed by research and practice. The paper proposes a new integrative approach to developing an intercultural strategy, and summarises some reflections on the process of creating the intercultural awareness strategy which may be of use to other institutions. Analysis showed that in order to make the strategy effective there had to be commitment from senior management to match innovative practices at an individual level. It is also clear that such a strategy must include formal policies and procedures, as well as more informal channels to allow people to express intercultural differences and shared values. The critical role of middle management in strategy implementation is also discussed.


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This paper explores the components of Service Quality in HE from the Business School Postgraduate student perspective. A six-dimensional scale measuring Service Quality is developed based on focus group and survey data. Our findings highlight that postgraduate students are highly outcome oriented; the award of a reputable degree to gain employment is more important than learning for life. Whilst developing employable graduates, Business Schools must not neglect the core service; teaching & learning. In the long-term this contributes to employability rates and the reputation of institutions. However, as student satisfaction is an increasingly paramount objective, balancing the core service and factors perceived as important by postgraduate students is key.


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This paper examines the understandings and practices of 515 heterosexual religious young adults living in the UK in terms of their religious faith and sexuality. It presents qualitative and quantitative data drawn from questionnaires, interviews, and video diaries. Four themes are explored. First, participants generally understood sexuality in relation to sacred discourses. Second, regardless of gender and religious identification, the participants drew from religious (e.g. religious community) and social (i.e. friends) influences to construct their sexual values and attitudes. Third, the religious and familial spaces within which the participants inhabited were structured by heteronormative assumptions. Thus, the participants must negotiate dominant norms, particularly those pertaining to marriage and sex within it. Finally, the paper focuses on married participants, offering insights into their motivations for, and experiences of, marriage. Overall, the paper demonstrates that, like their lesbian and gay counterparts, heterosexual religious young adults also had to manage various competing and mutually-reinforcing sexual and religious norms in constructing a meaningful life.


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The role that student friendship groups play in learning was investigated here. Employing a critical realist design, two focus groups on undergraduates were conducted to explore their experience of studying. Data from the "case-by-case" analysis suggested student-to-student friendships produced social contexts which facilitated conceptual understanding through discussion, explanation, and application to "real life" contemporary issues. However, the students did not conceive this as a learning experience or suggest the function of their friendships involved learning. These data therefore challenge the perspective that student groups in higher education are formed and regulated for the primary function of learning. Given these findings, further research is needed to assess the role student friendships play in developing disciplinary conceptual understanding.


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Learning and teaching approaches to engineering are generally perceived to be difficult and academically challenging. Such challenges are reflected in high levels of student attrition and failure. In addressing this issue, a unique approach to engineering education has been developed by the paper authors. This approach, which is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate levels, brings together pedagogic and engineering epistemologies in an empirically grounded framework. It is underpinned by three distinctive concepts: Relationships, Variety & Synergy. Based upon research, the R + V + S approach to Engineering Education provides a learning and teaching strategy, which in enhancing the student experience, increases retention and positively impacts student success [S2]. Based on the study findings, this paper shows how, by designing engineering education around the concepts of Relationships, Variety and Synergy, the student learning experience becomes one that is academically challenging yet beneficial to both students and engineering educators. The challenge is to widen and test the approach in other areas of engineering education, before going on to investigate the value of the approach in other disciplines.


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Kutatásomban arra a kérdésre kerestem a választ, hogy a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen a hallgatók miként vélekednek a képességek, készségek fejlesztésének fontosságáról az egyetemi képzésen belül. Ennek érdekében 2015 februárjában kérdőíves felmérést végeztem 106 hallgató megkérdezésével. A hallgatók 90%-a egyetértett azzal az állítással, hogy a szakmai ismeretek átadása mellett a képességek, készségek fejlesztésére is hangsúlyt kell helyezni az egyetemi oktatásban. A jövőbeli sikerességük szempontjából a három legfontosabbnak tartott képességek: a problémamegoldó képesség, a gondolkodási képesség és a jó kommunikációs készség. A hallgatók tisztába vannak a jó kommunikációs készség fontosságával az élet számos területén, viszont szembe kell nézni az egyetemi oktatás korlátozott lehetőségeivel. Az oktatók gyakran kényszerülnek választás elé, mire helyezzék az oktatásba elsődlegesen a hangsúlyt, milyen módszertant alkalmazzanak. Ezt a döntést segíti, ha ismerjük hallgatóink preferenciáit, céljait, viszonyukat az egyes módszertani eszközökhöz. Jelen tanulmány ebben kíván segítséget nyújtani. _______ The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ opinion about the importance of skills and abilities development within university. In February 2015 a survey was conducted by interviewing 106 students. More than 90% of students agreed with the statement that beside professional skill transfer, skills and abilities development should be emphasized as well. According to students’ opinion the three most important skills for their future success are: problem-solving, creative thinking and communication skills. Students are aware of the importance of good communication skills in many areas of life but the opportunity of its development is restricted. Lecturers are often forced to make a choice about teaching goals, priorities and teaching methods. Knowledge about students’ goals, preferences and feelings about teaching methods supports this decision. This study intends to provide assistance in this.


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For the Chinese, fine art is one of the most important items in human life. The goals of fine arts education enhance the student so that s/he can make reasonable judgments about work, gain knowledge of color and understand the process of designing environmental layouts. Related technique and creativity training are offered students in accordance with individual differences and social expectations.^ Traditionally, Taiwan's junior high school fine art program teaches mainly painting technique. The Ministry of Education in Taiwan determines the curriculum of junior high school fine art education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of teaching Chinese painting appreciation on the artistic achievements of junior high school students in Taiwan. The subjects were seventh grade students who had never learned Chinese painting before. Two classes were randomly chosen from each target school and were designated as the experimental or control group. Instruction in all groups was delivered by the researcher himself. At the end of the study, data about subjects' related knowledge, creative technique, and feeling toward Chinese painting were systematically collected and analyzed.^ The result of the study was that students in the experimental group were more motivated to learn Chinese painting than were the students in the control group. Students in the experimental group made better progress in the development of creative skill, had better critical ability, and demonstrated better performance in Chinese painting form, set up, stroke and color of related knowledge than did students in the control group. It was therefore concluded that Chinese painting appreciation education can promote better artistic achievement and that this approach should be used in other areas of art education. ^


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Although the literature on the types of abilities and processes that contribute to identity formation has been growing, the research has been mainly descriptive/correlational. This dissertation conducted an experimental investigation of the role of two theoretically distinct processes (exploration and critical problem solving) in identity formation, one of the first to be reported. The experimental training design (pre-post, training versus control) used in this study was intended to promote identity development by fostering an increase in the use of exploration and critical problem solving with respect to making life choices. Participants included 53 psychology students from a large urban university randomly assigned to each group. The most theoretically significant finding was that the intervention was successful in inducing change in the ability to use critical skills in resolving life decisions, as well as effecting a positive change in identity status. ^


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The purpose of this research study was to examine specific factors believed to be related to academic achievement in deaf children. More specifically, this research sought to determine whether there was a significant difference in achievement between those students whose parents use oral communication only and those whose parents use some type of sign language. An additional purpose of this research was to determine if there was a significant difference in academic achievement with those deaf students who used amplification devices early in life. This study also sought to determine whether providing early intervention program which emphasizes and enables parents to develop a language rich environment had a significant impact on the academic achievement of deaf children and whether the age at which initial services are received influence deaf student's subsequent academic achievement. This study examined the relationship, if any, between intellectual ability and academic achievement among deaf children. Finally, this study sought to investigate the relationship between the degree of hearing loss and academic achievement. ^ Purposive sampling was used to select subjects for this study. All 228 eligible Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) students enrolled in a Broward County Public School were included in the original sample. Sixty-one students actually participated in this study. A correlational method of statistical analysis as well as a cross classification (crosstabs) was used to analyze the data. ^ The results show that academic achievement in the areas of reading and mathematics was significantly related to parental mode of communication and the mode of communication used in school. Academic achievement, in the area of reading, was also signficantly related to intellectual ability. The reading achievement was also found to be significantly related to degree of hearing loss. Written language was not significantly related to any factors investigated in this study. ^ Additional research should be conducted to further investigate the low academic achievement among deaf children. The diversity among signing systems at school and between home and school should also be analyzed. Finally, future studies should examine curriculum and instruction methods to increase the academic achievement of deaf children. ^