889 resultados para Stock market technical analysis
This study proposes a new method for testing for the presence of momentum in nominal exchange rates, using a probabilistic approach. We illustrate our methodology estimating a binary response model using information on local currency / US dollar exchange rates of eight emerging economies. After controlling for important variables a§ecting the behavior of exchange rates in the short-run, we show evidence of exchange rate inertia; in other words, we Önd that exchange rate momentum is a common feature in this group of emerging economies, and thus foreign exchange traders participating in these markets are able to make excess returns by following technical analysis strategies. We Önd that the presence of momentum is asymmetric, being stronger in moments of currency depreciation than of appreciation. This behavior may be associated with central bank intervention
Ante el fenómeno de la globalización, el gigante asiático se presenta como un actor fundamental para establecer relaciones económicas, por su reciente ascenso en la jerarquía de poder, su creciente industria demandante de materias primas y su densa población, cuya capacidad de consumo aumenta día a día. Lo anterior le permite a Colombia abrir nuevos mercados que generen un mejoramiento económico y un mayor reconocimiento internacional La presente investigación se desarrolló mediante una metodología cualitativa que abarca la revisión de material bibliográfico, investigaciones realizadas y consulta de documentos oficiales. También se recogen datos estadísticos, fundamentales para soportar los objetivos de este documento y se citan casos de países como Brasil, Argentina y Chile, que constituyen un referente para conocer los procesos que llevan a cabo estas naciones con el gigante asiático relacionados a las importaciones de carne Bovina. La inclusión actual del sector ganadero en los nuevos contextos nacionales e internacionales de competencia por mercados, resulta indispensable para asegurar no sólo la estabilidad sino fundamentalmente la sostenibilidad de la actividad a mediano y largo plazo. Lo anterior debe convertirse en un propósito nacional de los sectores públicos y privados para comenzar a desarrollar, conjuntamente con los gremios; acciones que permitan remover los obstáculos que hoy en día se presentan y promover la modernización de esta actividad. Es pertinente elevar la condición de la producción, comercialización y mercadeo de la ganadería bovina colombiana, además de garantizar niveles de rentabilidad que permitan consolidar la confianza y el impulso necesario para el desarrollo de las inversiones básicas, que la normatividad a nivel de logística y salubridad exige para llegar a nuevos países.
El presente estudio de caso, busca explicar cuáles son las posibles implicaciones e influencia de la construcción del Proyecto del Canal de Nicaragua en la geografía, la economía y la política exterior del Caribe Occidental. Esta investigación defiende que la construcción de este canal influirá en el largo plazo en la geopolítica de esta región, debido a la posibilidad de una competencia hasta hoy inexistente en la región entre dos canales interoceánicos, que puede llegar a afectar la disponibilidad de recursos naturales de la subregión, y asimismo, fortalecer la presencia asiática en América Latina; sin embargo, las consecuencias de este canal no pueden determinarse de manera específica. Para sustentar lo anterior, se realizará una revisión del proceso de construcción del canal de Panamá y del proyecto del de Nicaragua, para establecer un estudio de prospectiva de los escenarios posibles para la región del Caribe Occidental.
O presente trabalho teve por objectivo investigar e construir um Plano de Intervenção baseado numa sala de 1º ano de escolaridade na cidade de Portalegre com vista à inclusão, na turma, de um aluno em situação de Necessidade Educativa Especial. Este plano integra uma componente teórica – prática uma vez que foi feita uma análise teórica prévia que tinha como objectivo conhecer e caracterizar cientificamente toda a situação – problema e, consequentemente foram aplicadas técnicas de análise e recolha de dados: pesquisa documental, entrevista, sociometria e observação naturalista com base na literatura de referência para a aplicação dessas técnicas. Posteriormente foi feita a análise de toda a situação e foram identificadas quais as áreas de intervenção que seriam pertinentes para a problemática em estudo com o intuito de ser elaborado um Plano de Intervenção, realizado durante quatro meses em contexto de sala de aula e com o objectivo de proporcionar alguma mudança face à situação – problema encontrada. Este projecto de investigação – acção teve como objectivo responder à questão de partida: Como promover as aprendizagens numa ambiência inclusiva numa turma de 1º ano de escolaridade? O Plano de Intervenção foi estruturado em quinze sessões de aproximadamente 90 minutos cada, onde foram desenvolvidas actividades com a turma que promovessem, o mais possível, a progressão académica e a participação do aluno em situação de NEE. Para a avaliação do Plano de Intervenção recorreu-se às técnicas de recolha e análise de dados: entrevista e sociometria, assim como às reflexões semanais elaboradas após cada intervenção. O Plano de Intervenção interferiu positivamente na inclusão do aluno em situação de NEE na sua turma. Palavras
Actualmente la profunda crisis del sistema financiero internacional, similar a la que vivió Estados Unidos en los años treinta, es el punto más importante de discusión en todo el mundo. Por ello, se consideró importante realizar un análisis de la Ley Glass Steagall Act, promulgada en el año 1933, justamente como una salida a la crisis financiera estadounidense, de aquella época, precisando cuáles son sus principales características, y sobre todo los efectos que su derogatoria (en 1999) trajo consigo en el sistema financiero mundial, pues como veremos, para muchos la actual crisis es producto de la inadecuada mezcla de regulación y libertad que se produjo con la promulgación de la Ley Gramm Leach Bliley Act, mediante la cual los bancos comerciales empezaron a incursionar en operaciones bursátiles, actividades que anteriormente estaban vetadas, y por tanto existían garantías suficientes para los depositantes.
Following the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 volatility of daily returns of the US stock market rose sharply. This increase in volatility may reflect fundamental changes in the economic determinants of prices such as expected earnings, interest rates, real growth and inflation. Alternatively, the increase in volatility may simply reflect the effects of increased uncertainty in the financial markets. This study therefore sets out to determine if the effects of the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 had a fundamental or purely financial impact on US real estate returns. In order to do this we compare pre- and post-9/11 crisis returns for a number of US REIT indexes using an approach suggested by French and Roll (1986), as extended by Tuluca et al (2003). In general we find no evidence that the effects of 9/11 had a fundamental effect on REIT returns. In other words, we find that the effect of the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 had only a financial effect on REIT returns and therefore was transitory.
The poor performance of the Stock Market in the US up to the middle of 2003 has meant that REITs are increasingly been seen as an attractive addition to the mixed-asset portfolio. However, there is little evidence to indicate the consistency of the role REITs should play a role in the mixed-asset portfolio over different investment horizons. The results highlight that REITs do play a significant role over both different time horizons and holding periods. The findings show that REITs attractiveness as a diversification asset increase as the holding period increases. In addition, their diversification qualities span the entire efficient frontier, providing return enhancement properties at the lower end, switching to risk reduction qualities at the top end of the frontier.
Some 50,000 Win Studies in Chess challenge White to find an effectively unique route to a win. Judging the impact of less than absolute uniqueness requires both technical analysis and artistic judgment. Here, for the first time, an algorithm is defined to help analyse uniqueness in endgame positions objectively. The key idea is to examine how critical certain positions are to White in achieving the win. The algorithm uses sub-n-man endgame tables (EGTs) for both Chess and relevant, adjacent variants of Chess. It challenges authors of EGT generators to generalise them to create EGTs for these chess variants. It has already proved efficient and effective in an implementation for Starchess, itself a variant of chess. The approach also addresses a number of similar questions arising in endgame theory, games and compositions.
This paper considers how trading volume impacts upon the first three moments of REIT returns. Consistent with previous studies of the broader stock market, we find that volume is a significant factor with respect to both returns and volatility. We also find evidence supportive of the Hong & Stein’s (2003) Investor Heterogeneity Theory with respect to the finding that skewness in REIT index returns is significantly related to volume. Furthermore, we also report findings that show the influence of the variability of volume with skewness.
This paper models the determinants of integration in the context of global real estate security markets. Using both local and U.S. Dollar denominated returns, we model conditional correlations across listed real estate sectors and also with the global stock market. The empirical results find that financial factors, such as the relationship with the respective equity market, volatility, the relative size of the real estate sector and trading turnover all play an important role in the degree of integration present. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of macro-economic variables in the degree of integration present. All four of the macro-economic variables modeled provide at least one significant result across the specifications estimated. Factors such as financial and trade openness, monetary independence and the stability of a country’s currency all contribute to the degree of integration reported.
This paper considers supply dynamics in the context of the Irish residential market. The analysis, in a multiple error-correction framework, reveals that although developers did respond to disequilibrium in supply, the rate of adjustment was relatively slow. In contrast, however, disequilibrium in demand did not impact upon supply, suggesting that inelastic supply conditions could explain the prolonged nature of the boom in the Irish market. Increased elasticity in the later stages of the boom may have been a contributory factor in the extent of the house price falls observed in recent years.
This paper examines the predictability of real estate asset returns using a number of time series techniques. A vector autoregressive model, which incorporates financial spreads, is able to improve upon the out of sample forecasting performance of univariate time series models at a short forecasting horizon. However, as the forecasting horizon increases, the explanatory power of such models is reduced, so that returns on real estate assets are best forecast using the long term mean of the series. In the case of indirect property returns, such short-term forecasts can be turned into a trading rule that can generate excess returns over a buy-and-hold strategy gross of transactions costs, although none of the trading rules developed could cover the associated transactions costs. It is therefore concluded that such forecastability is entirely consistent with stock market efficiency.
Most previous studies demonstrating the influential role of the textual information released by the media on stock market performance have concentrated on earnings-related disclosures. By contrast, this paper focuses on disposal announcements, so that the impacts of listed companies’ announcements and journalists’ stories can be compared concerning the same events. Consistent with previous findings, negative words, rather than those expressing other types of sentiment, statistically significantly affect adjusted returns and detrended trading volumes. However, extending previous studies, the results of this paper indicate that shareholders’ decisions are mainly guided by the negative sentiment in listed companies’ announcements rather than that in journalists’ stories. Furthermore, this effect is restricted to the announcement day. The average market reaction–measured by adjusted returns–is inversely related only when the announcements are ignored by the media, but the dispersion of market reaction–measured by detrended trading volume–is positively affected only when announcements are followed up by journalists.
Purpose – Investors are now able to analyse more noise-free news to inform their trading decisions than ever before. Their expectation that more information means better performance is not supported by previous psychological experiments which argue that too much information actually impairs performance. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the degree of information explicitness improves stock market performance. Design/methodology/approach – An experiment is conducted in a computer laboratory to examine a trading simulation manipulated from a real market-shock. Participants’ performance efficiency and effectiveness are measured separately. Findings – The results indicate that the explicitness of information neither improves nor impairs participants’ performance effectiveness from the perspectives of returns, share and cash positions, and trading volumes. However, participants’ performance efficiency is significantly affected by information explicitness. Originality/value – The novel approach and findings of this research add to the knowledge of the impact of information explicitness on the quality of decision making in a financial market environment.
This paper conducts a comprehensive examination of the link between corporation tax payment and financial performance in the UK. We find no discernible link between tax rates and stock returns for the UK, no matter how tax payment is measured. This is true throughout the sample period and for both customer-facing and non-customer-facing companies. However, allowing for industry norms and a host of firm characteristics, companies with lower effective tax rates have significantly higher levels of stock market risk. Firms that are reported in the newspapers in a negative way in relation to their level of corporation tax payment experience small negative stock returns, which are partially reversed within a month. However, the initial negative effects and subsequent rebound are both more pronounced for smaller companies. News announcements of the potential involvement of a firm in a corporate inversion (expatriation) result in steeper and much longer-lasting falls in share prices, whereas news stories of a more general nature relating to a firm's tax avoidance or tax payments have little noticeable effect.