961 resultados para State or Business Secondary School


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Este é um trabalho de pesquisa sobre um conjunto de números (irracionais) que é pouco trabalhado no ensino básico de matemática. Foi uma procura muito interessante e enriquecedora, pois encontrei matemáticos e historiadores com visões bem diferentes. Muitos deles não aceitavam este novo conjunto. Para Leopold Kronecker, só existia o conjunto dos números inteiros. Já para Cantor e Dedekind, o aparecimento dos irracionais foi extremamente importante para o desenvolvimento da matemática, abrindo novos horizontes. Menciono aqui um pouco da vida e da obra de alguns matemáticos que se envolveram com os números irracionais. Tratamos ainda da descoberta dos incomensuráveis, ou seja, como iniciou-se o problema da incomensurabilidade, e do retângulo áureo e sua importância em outras áreas. O trabalho mostra também dois grupos de números que não são mencionados quando ensinamos equações algébricas, que são os números algébricos e os números transcendentes, assim como teoremas essenciais para a prova da transcendência dos irracionais especiais e . Por fim, proponho uma aula para uma turma do 3 ano do Ensino Médio com o objetivo de mostrar a irracionalidade de alguns números, usando os teoremas pertinentes


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Este estudo tem como objeto e análise a compreensão da Política Pública de Formação Continuada dos Professores da rede estadual de ensino do Paraná, materializada no Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional entre os anos de 2003-2010. A pesquisa se constitui em uma investigação de natureza bibliográfica, documental e de campo, a partir do método materialista histórico dialético, no entendimento que os dados levantados nesses três processos investigativos se articulam para uma análise qualitativa de compreensão da realidade. Os objetivos foram compreender a partir da formação do professor PDE em que medida os pressupostos, a concepção e os objetivos anunciados no referido Programa foram objetivados nas relações sociais, no trabalho docente, na socialização do conhecimento e no redimensionamento das práticas coletivas. Da mesma forma, entender o processo de implantação e articulação entre os dois níveis de ensino (educação básica e o ensino superior) uma vez que o Programa foi desenvolvido em parceria entre os dois níveis de ensino. Ainda, explicita de que forma e em que medida foram incorporadas as proposições históricas dos trabalhadores da educação por formação continuada. O trabalho conclui que: ao considerar o espectro mais amplo do contexto social, político, econômico e educacional, no bojo da sociedade capitalista neoliberal, a Política Pública de Formação Continuada, materializada no Programa de Desenvolvimento Educacional entre os anos de 2007-2010, cuja concepção político-metodológica é orientada pelo princípio ontológico do trabalho, apresenta-se como uma proposta inovadora de qualificação, que contribui para o aperfeiçoamento e para o avanço na carreira e na valorização dos professores; se contrapõe à visão da educação, da formação e do trabalho docente estritamente vinculada ao mundo do trabalho e que, em certa medida, acolhe as reivindicações e proposições dos trabalhadores da educação; esse Programa produziu importantes contribuições no campo da formação continuada dos professores da rede estadual de ensino paranaense quanto aos fundamentos políticos e disciplinares de caráter teórico-prático com impactos significativos na melhoria no processo ensino-aprendizagem, mesmo que não diretamente por meio da implementação dos projetos de intervenção, mas pela própria condição de aprofundamento no conhecimento do professor participante no Programa e, com isso, a incidência na sua prática pedagógica, na preparação das aulas, na organização dos conteúdos, na metodologia de trabalho e no processo avaliativo; que mesmo considerando os problemas, as dificuldades encontradas durante o Programa não anulam os esforços empreendidos até aqui, ao contrário, indicam possibilidades sempre de superação


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The diversity of non-domestic buildings at urban scale poses a number of difficulties to develop models for large scale analysis of the stock. This research proposes a probabilistic, engineering-based, bottom-up model to address these issues. In a recent study we classified London's non-domestic buildings based on the service they provide, such as offices, retail premise, and schools, and proposed the creation of one probabilistic representational model per building type. This paper investigates techniques for the development of such models. The representational model is a statistical surrogate of a dynamic energy simulation (ES) model. We first identify the main parameters affecting energy consumption in a particular building sector/type by using sampling-based global sensitivity analysis methods, and then generate statistical surrogate models of the dynamic ES model within the dominant model parameters. Given a sample of actual energy consumption for that sector, we use the surrogate model to infer the distribution of model parameters by inverse analysis. The inferred distributions of input parameters are able to quantify the relative benefits of alternative energy saving measures on an entire building sector with requisite quantification of uncertainties. Secondary school buildings are used for illustrating the application of this probabilistic method. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gender stereotype has a great effect on an individual’s cognition and behavior. Notably, stereotyped cognition about gender and science exerts an influence on an individual’s academic or career choice. In order to weaken the negative effect of gender-science stereotype and facilitate girls’ participation in science, this study examined the development of implicit gender-science stereotype and influence factors with implicit association test and questionnaires in a sample of secondary school students. The present work showed that: Firstly, there were no gender differences and gender predominance in performance of math and physics during secondary school years. However, girls tended to attribute success in math and physics to unstable factors, or the failure to stable factors. The reverse was true for boys’ attribution. This gender difference in attribution was especially evident in their study of physics. Secondly, 7th to 11th grade students implicitly regarded science as male domain, with the exception of 7th grade boys, who thought both boys and girls can study science well. On the whole, this gender-science stereotype was more and more evident as the specialization of science subjects’ progresses through secondary school, and this inclination decreased with increasing grade. Thirdly, the negative correlation between explicit and implicit stereotype which appeared in girls from 8th grade grew stronger with increasing grade and became significant in 10th grade. On the contrary, the significantly positive correlation existed in 7th -11th boys. Fourthly, the experience including attitude toward science, science interests and self –efficacy in math and physics had significantly negative effect on girls’ implicit gender-science stereotype, and significantly positive effect on boys’. It was showed that gender moderated the effect of experience in the study of science and implicit gender-science stereotype, and the attitude toward science mediated the relationship between science interests, self-efficacy and implicit gender-science stereotype. Fifthly, the perceived teacher’s class behaviours by students and the perceived parents’ gender stereotype by children had strong predictive power on students’ implicit gender-science stereotype. And the perceived teachers’ and parents’ performance expectancies can influence gender-science stereotype indirectly through self-efficacy in related subjects and attitude toward science. In conclusion, the present study showed that cognitive bias about gender and science existed in Chinese secondary school students. The information conveyed from teachers and parents interacting with students’ experience in the study of science affect the formation of stereotyped cognition.


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Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, which are one of common factors effected on mental health of secondary school students, have been rarely studied at home and abroad. In accordance with the problems existed in these literature up till now, the thesis had mainly studied the measured tool, contents and structure, developmental features, psychosocial risk factors and integrated model of obsessive-compulsive symptoms from them by means of investigation with quetionnaires. The entire research was divided into three phases. 3185 students(age 14.68±1.75 years) were firstly measured with the 20-item Leyton Obsessional Inventory-Child Version(LOI-CV) at four secondary schools including six grades in Beijing city, which was applied to revise LOI-CV, and to study the structure and contents, developmental features and screen of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Then, 216 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, paired with controls in the light of school, grade and gender, were investigated with 10 self-rating scales on obsessive-compulsive symptoms, anxiety, depression, personality, coping and attributional style, negative life events, parent's rearing style, family environment and life adaptation in school, and with an inventory on social demography. The results were used to explore psychosocial risk factors and integrated model of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The third survey was only carried out, about two months after the second, among 264 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms through MMOCI and Negative Life Event Scale for Adolescents, in order to probe into the integrated model. The research had mainly found: (1) LOI-CV can be used as a screen tool for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in urban adolescents in China; (2) Total screening-out ratio of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was 13.6% (male:15.0%, female:12.2%). The most common manifestations of obsessive-compulsive symptoms were hating dirt and contamination, doing things in exact manner, angry if someone messes desk, bad conscience but no one else, worry about cleanliness, repeated thoughts or words; the least were favorite or special number, spending extra time on homework, special number or words to avoid, talking or moving to avoid bad luck, fussy about hands. The checking and repetition, cleanliness and tidiness, general obsessions were more common forms than numbers-luck; (3) No differences were existed in serious degree of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, but the screening-out ratio in male was higher than it in female; (4) No differences were detected in the serious degree of obsessive-compulsive symptoms except the scores of cleanliness and tidiness among grades, but the screening-out ratio of the grades justly entering secondary school or going to graduate were higher than other ones; (5) The main psychosocial risk factors for obsessive-compulsive symptoms included anxiety, mother's over-protecting and over-interfering, fantasy, flexibility, self-actualization, peers relationship, sense of responsibility, negative life events, mother's occupation, help-seeking, and (6) The integrated model on psychosocial risk factors suggested that the possible developed and sustained mechanism of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was that personality, coping and attributional styles constructed the developmental diathesis foundation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms; negative life events were promoting factors of them. There was a dynamic interaction between personality and environmental factors. Negative emotion played a core role in the developmental process of them. The continued existence of obsessive-compulsive symptoms was related to pre-existed obsessive-compulsive symptoms and negative life events experienced by an individual. Therefore, this research not only let us get a deeper understanding of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and more entirely find out psychosocial risk factors, firstly applied diathesis-stress theory to comprehend the psychological mechanism of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and, moreover, elaborate and expand it, but also has more important practice significance of treatment, prevent and education for obsessive-compulsive symptoms in secondary school students.


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General aptitude tests have been playing an important role in vocational guidance and preliminary personnel selection. The present research aimed at the estimation of the reliability and validity of the preliminarily constructed Chinese version of the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB). A Chinese version of GATB was developed on the basis of the Japanese version of GATB at first. It was then administered to a sample of nearly 500 secondary school students in Beijing City. And its reliability and validity were studied through a series of univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. The results showed that the reliability of the test battery and the criteria-related validities of some subtests were acceptable. Concerning construct validity, three or four common factors were identified by exploratory factor analysis, and a simpler reasonable four-factor-solution was approached by confirmatory factor analysis; desirable group differences were also discovered by analyses of variance and multivariate analysis of variance. Generally, it has been demonstrated that the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of GATB constructed in the present research are satisfactory.


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Lonsdale, R. E. & Armstrong, C. (2006). A study of information literacy initiatives between secondary schools and universities in the UK. In A.B. Martins, A.P. Falcao, E. Conde, I. Andrade, M.B. Nunes, M.J. Vitorino (Eds.), Proceedings of 35th Annual conference of the International Association of School Librarianship, Lisboa (Portugal). The Multiple Faces of Literacy: Reading, Knowing, Doing: Selected papers from the 35th Annual Conference of IASL [CD-ROM: PDF version] Lisbon, Portugal 2006 Sponsorship: JISC


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Breen Smyth, M. (2007). Truth Recovery and Justice after Conflict: Managing Violent Pasts. Abingdon: Routledge. RAE2008


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The aim of the present review was to perform a systematic in-depth review of the best evidence from controlled trial studies that have investigated the effects of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education and performance in school-aged children (4-18 years) from the UK and other developed countries. The twenty-nine studies identified for the review examined the effects of breakfast consumption, sugar intake, fish oil and vitamin supplementation and 'good diets'. In summary, the studies included in the present review suggest there is insufficient evidence to identify any effect of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education or performance of school-aged children from the developed world. However, there is emerging evidence for the effects of certain fatty acids which appear to be a function of dose and time. Further research is required in settings of relevance to the UK and must be of high quality, representative of all populations, undertaken for longer durations and use universal validated measures of educational attainment. However, challenges in terms of interpreting the results of such studies within the context of factors such as family and community context, poverty, disease and the rate of individual maturation and neurodevelopment will remain. Whilst the importance of diet in educational attainment remains under investigation, the evidence for promotion of lower-fat, -salt and -sugar diets, high in fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, as well as promotion of physical activity remains unequivocal in terms of health outcomes for all schoolchildren.


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Langerhans cells (LCs) are prominent dendritic cells (DCs) in epithelia, but their role in immunity is poorly defined. To track and discriminate LCs from dermal DCs in vivo, we developed knockin mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the langerin (CD207) gene. By using vital imaging, we showed that most EGFP(+) LCs were sessile under steady-state conditions, whereas skin inflammation induced LC motility and emigration to lymph nodes (LNs). After skin immunization, dermal DCs arrived in LNs first and colonized areas distinct from slower migrating LCs. LCs reaching LNs under steady-state or inflammatory conditions expressed similar levels of costimulatory molecules. Langerin and EGFP were also expressed on thymic DCs and on blood-derived, CD8alpha(+) DCs from all secondary lymphoid organs. By using a similar knockin strategy involving a diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) fused to EGFP, we demonstrated that LCs were dispensable for triggering hapten-specific T cell effectors through skin immunization.


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To understand academic performance of students, the variable of conscientiousness from personality inventory Big Five, has been recognized as an important key. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship established between the personality factor conscientiousness itself and two of its facets, laboriousness and planning, with academic performance, and observe if there are genre differences in consciousness personality factor. A total of 456 Spanish students of high school and college participated in the study. They were requested to answer a personality report and a self inform questionnaire. The results show that both conscientiousness as a personality dimension and the consideration of laboriousness facet are able to predict academic performance, especially with regard to student’s exam marks, classroom attendance and dedication to study. The genre variable pointed out that feminine genre is more conscious than male in that personality factor. From a practical perspective, these results indicate that the establishment of a routine of continuous work is suitable for improving student grades and their adaptation to the educational environment.


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In the last years, “Inquiry-Based Science Education” methodologies (IBSE) are being recommended by European institutions in order to improve the competence levels and the attitudes towards science of primary and secondary school students. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of an IBSE methodology, the Methodology of Problem Solving as an Investigation (MPSI), for the teaching-learning process of planning of experiments in the fourth level of Spanish Secondary Education. By means of the students’ solutions for a series of open problems, the progress in the learning of the competences related to the planning of experiments has been analyzed, along with the influence of the methodology on the development of these competencies. The results show a students’ command from higher to lower levels on: emission of hypothesis, design of the experiment, qualitative analysis, identification of variables and reformulation of the open problem. Furthermore, the Methodology has contributed to an improvement of the scientific competence in the area of planning experiments.


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This study reports the results of an investigation into the learning approaches of undergraduate accounting and business students from three universities in Ireland who were exposed to a learning environment, namely the case study method, which aimed to encourage a deep approach to learning. In order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention, the ASSIST research instrument was used to investigate changes in students’ approaches to learning over time. Consistent with previous research, this study considers whether gender is related to students’ approaches to learning over time and if there are differences between students majoring in accounting or business in their approaches to learning. The results of the study indicate that the case study intervention was successful in some respects. However, contrary to expectations, an overall statistically significant increase in students’ surface approach to learning was found. Additionally, it is reported that changes in students’ approaches to learning over time are not associated with gender or degree program. The results of this study offer insights to accounting educators developing educational interventions to encourage deep approaches to learning.


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The authors have much experience in developing mathematics skills of first-year engineering students and attempting to ensure a smooth transition from secondary school to university. Concerns exist due to there being flexibility in the choice of modules needed to obtain a secondary level (A-level) mathematics qualification. This qualification is based on some core (pure maths) modules and a selection from mechanics and statistics modules. A survey of aerospace and mechanical engineering students in Queen’s University Belfast revealed that a combination of both mechanics and statistics (the basic module in both) was by far the most popular choice and therefore only about one quarter of this cohort had studied mechanics beyond the basic module within school maths. Those students who studied the extra mechanics and who achieved top grades at school subsequently did better in two core, first-year engineering courses. However, students with a lower grade from school did not seem to gain any significant advantage in the first-year engineering courses despite having the extra mechanics background. This investigation ties in with ongoing and wider concerns with secondary level mathematics provision in the UK.


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This paper reports a two-year longitudinal study of the effects of cooperative learning on science attainment, attitudes towards science, and social connectedness during transition from primary to high school. A previous project on cooperative learning in primary schools observed gains in science understanding and in social aspects of school life. This project followed 204 children involved in the previous project and 440 comparison children who were not as they undertook transition from 24 primary schools to 16 high schools. Cognitive, affective, and social gains observed in the original project survived transition. The implications improving the effectiveness of school transition by using cooperative learning initiatives are explored. Possibilities for future research and the implications for practice and policy are discussed.