893 resultados para Spin separation
A simple, fast, and sensitive liquid-liquid extraction method followed by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis (LLE/NACE) was developed and validated for Simultaneous determination of four antidepressants (fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram and paroxetine) in human plasma. Several experimental separation conditions using aqueous and nonaqueous media separation were tested by varying the electrolyte pH value (for aqueous medium) and the ionic strength concentration considering the similar mobility of the compounds. High-resolution separation was achieved with a mixture of 1.25 mol L(-1) of phosphoric acid in acetonitrile. The quantification limits of the LLE/CE method varied between 15 and 30 ng mL(-1), with a relative standard deviation (RSD) lower than 10.3%. The method was successfully applied in therapeutic drug monitoring and should be employed in the evaluation of plasma levels in urgent toxicological analysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work had as objective the isolation of the five compounds by thin-layer Chromatography (TLC) from the essential oil of the Aloysia gratissima. For this, a number of systems of eluents were used for its separation, indicating that through the system acetone/hexane in proportions (v/v) 1:30 it was possible to isolate guaiol, elemol, pinocanphone (trans-3-pinanone), cis-pinocarvyl, and acorenone. The isolation of the compound acorenone from the other compounds was possible with the mixture of solvents hexane/dichloromethane in proportions (v/v) (1:1,3).
This report presents an algorithm for locating the cut points for and separatingvertically attached traffic signs in Sweden. This algorithm provides severaladvanced digital image processing features: binary image which representsvisual object and its complex rectangle background with number one and zerorespectively, improved cross correlation which shows the similarity of 2Dobjects and filters traffic sign candidates, simplified shape decompositionwhich smoothes contour of visual object iteratively in order to reduce whitenoises, flipping point detection which locates black noises candidates, chasmfilling algorithm which eliminates black noises, determines the final cut pointsand separates originally attached traffic signs into individual ones. At each step,the mediate results as well as the efficiency in practice would be presented toshow the advantages and disadvantages of the developed algorithm. Thisreport concentrates on contour-based recognition of Swedish traffic signs. Thegeneral shapes cover upward triangle, downward triangle, circle, rectangle andoctagon. At last, a demonstration program would be presented to show howthe algorithm works in real-time environment.
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa barn och ungdomars erfarenheter, upplevelser och eventuella risk-och skyddsfaktorer i samband med föräldrarnas separation. Undersöka betydelsen av goda familjerelationer och vilka möjliga stödåtgärder sjuksköterskor kan använda för att hjälpa barn och ungdomar som inte mår bra av en separation.Metoden var utformad som en retrospektiv systematisk litteraturstudie och sökningar gjordes i databaser, framförallt via Högskolan Dalarna bibliotek. I resultatet framkommer hur barn upplever separationer, både positiva och negativa aspekter. Bra relationer både inom och utom familjen är viktiga för barnen vilket framkommer genomgående i arbetet. Umgängesföräldern har en viktig roll för barnen. Själva boendet spelar oftast inte så stor roll så länge barnen har bra relation till, regelbundet umgänge med, båda föräldrarna. Många riskfaktorer för barnen är ändå kopplade till separationer och barnen kan må psykiskt dåligt ända upp i vuxen ålder. Sjuksköterskan i barn- och skolhälsovården kan använda sig av olika verktyg för att hjälpa barn och föräldrar efter en separation. Familjefokuserad omvårdnad är en omvårdnadsmodell som lämpar sig väl för familjer i svåra och konfliktfyllda situationer.
I olika sammanhang och i olika omfattning separeras mor och barn idag inom den perinatala vården. Då barnet behöver vård på neonatalavdelning leder det ofta till upprepad och långvarig separation mellan föräldrarna och barnet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva föräldrars upplevelse av separation från sitt nyfödda barn efter förlossningen. Metod- studien är en systematisk litteraturstudie där 15 vetenskapliga artiklar ingår. Resultat- situationer som leder till separation mellan mamma och barn kan utgöra ett unikt tillfälle för pappan till nära kontakt och tidig anknytning mellan honom och barnet. Behovet att vara nära sitt barn är starkt och finns hos båda föräldrarna och separation leder till många negativa känslor och ökad stress hos föräldrarna samt utgör ett hinder för den tidiga anknytningen till barnet. Skillnader i behovet att vara nära barnet i den tidiga nyföddhetsperioden kan ses mellan mammor och pappor och mellan föräldrar till prematura barn och fullgångna. Nära hudkontakt och samvård mellan föräldrar och barn har visat sig ha många positiva effekter. Slutsatser- separation mellan föräldrar och barn har många negativa konsekvenser, såväl fysiska, psykiska som sociala. Kontinuerlig närhet efter förlossningen mellan mamman och det nyfödda barnet är viktigt och närhet mellan pappan och det nyfödda barnet är att föredra vid de tillfällen mor och barn måste separeras. Neonatal samvård skapar förutsättningar för en god anknytning mellan föräldrar och barn och ger möjlighet att påbörja föräldraskapet under optimala förutsättningar.
“Biosim” is a simulation software which works to simulate the harvesting system.This system is able to design a model for any logistic problem with the combination of several objects so that the artificial system can show the performance of an individual model. The system will also describe the efficiency, possibility to be chosen for real life application of that particular model. So, when any one wish to setup a logistic model like- harvesting system, in real life he/she may be noticed about the suitable prostitution for his plants and factories as well as he/she may get information about the least number of objects, total time to complete the task, total investment required for his model, total amount of noise produced for his establishment in advance. It will produce an advance over view for his model. But “Biosim” is quite slow .As it is an object based system, it takes long time to make its decision. Here the main task is to modify the system so that it can work faster than the previous. So, the main objective of this thesis is to reduce the load of “Biosim” by making some modification of the original system as well as to increase its efficiency. So that the whole system will be faster than the previous one and performs more efficiently when it will be applied in real life. Theconcept is to separate the execution part of ”Biosim” form its graphical engine and run this separated portion in a third generation language platform. C++ is chosenhere as this external platform. After completing the proposed system, results with different models have been observed. The results show that, for any type of plants of fields, for any number of trucks, the proposed system is faster than the original system. The proposed system takes at least 15% less time “Biosim”. The efficiency increase with the complexity of than the original the model. More complex the model, more efficient the proposed system is than original “Biosim”.Depending on the complexity of a model, the proposed system can be 56.53 % faster than the original “Biosim”.
We have obtained numerically exact results for the spin-related geometric quantum phases that arise in p-type semiconductor ring structures. The interplay between gate-controllable (Rashba) spin splitting and quantum-confinement-induced mixing between hole-spin states causes a much higher sensitivity of magnetoconductance oscillations to external parameters than previously expected. Our results imply a much-enhanced functionality of hole-ring spin-interference devices and shed new light on recent experimental findings.
The Sagnac effect is an important phase coherent effect in optical and atom interferometers where rotations of the interferometer with respect to an inertial reference frame result in a shift in the interference pattern proportional to the rotation rate. Here, we analyze the Sagnac effect in a mesoscopic semiconductor electron interferometer. We include in our analysis the Rashba spin-orbit interactions in the ring. Our results indicate that spin-orbit interactions increase the rotation-induced phase shift. We discuss the potential experimental observability of the Sagnac phase shift in such mesoscopic systems.
Neste trabalho definimos três modelos de escadas de spin integráveis novos que correspondem a variações de um modelo de escada de spin baseado na simetria SU(4). Os modelos são exatamente solúveis através do método do ansatz de Bethe e as equações do ansatz de Bethe, os autovalores de energia e o gap de spin são derivados e propriedades físicas interessantes são discutidas. Inicialmente apresentamos um modelo de escada de spin integrável que possui um parâmetro livre além do acomplamento ao longo dos degraus. Determinamos a dependência do parâmetro anisotrópico na transição de fase entre uma região com gap e outra sem gap. Nós também mostramos que o modelo é um caso especial de uma Hamiltoniana mais geral que possui três parâmetros livres. A susceptibilidade magnética em função da temperatura é obtida numericamente e sua dependência no parâmetro anisotrópico é determinada explicitamente. Uma comparação entre o gap de spin obtido através da curva de susceptibilidade magnética e aquele obtido das equações do ansatz de Bethe é feita e uma boa concordância encontrada. A conexão com alguns compostos é apresentada e mostramos que os nossos resultados ajustam bem a curva da susceptibilidade magnética dos compostos KCuCI3, CU2(C5H12N2hC14e (C5H12NhCuBr4. A seguir nós propomos dois tipos diferentes de modelos integráveis com impurezas. Mostramos em ambos os casos que uma transição de fase entre uma região com gap e outra sem gap ocorre para um valor crítico do acoplamento ao longo dos degraus. Além disso, a dependência das impurezas na transição de fase é determinada explicitamente. Em um dos modelos o gap diminui com o aumento da intensidade da impureza A. E, fixando a intensidade de impureza A, é observada uma redução do gap com o aumento da concentração de impurezas. Este resultado está qualitativamente de acordo com resultados experimentais.
Spin-off é o processo de geração de novas empresas a partir de organizações existentes. Em modelos de inovação como o Open Innovation, onde a empresa utiliza tecnologias desenvolvidas por fontes internas e externas, buscando a constante maximização do retorno do investimento em inovação, é possível através de mecanismos como o spin-off alavancar oportunidades de negócios oriundas da base tecnológica da organização. Com um estudo qualitativo do tipo multi-caso, exploratório e descritivo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar como ocorre o processo de geração e desenvolvimento de spin-offs em pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras de base tecnológica, identificando as motivações e barreiras para geração deste tipo de spin-off no Brasil, bem como a governança e forma de captura do valor gerado pelas novas empresas por parte das empresas-mãe. Foram identificados quatro casos que atendiam as características da pesquisa: a) empresa-filha fundada com a participação de colaboradores da empresa-mãe; b) o spin-off visou a comercialização de tecnologia desenvolvida ou possuída pela empresa-mãe; c) empresa-filha foi ou é suportada pela empresa-mãe. Observações em campo e entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram conduzidas junto aos sócios, gestores e colaboradores das empresas-mãe e das novas empresas geradas. As oito proposições levantadas apontam que os investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) e a cultura organizacional aberta ao empreendedorismo contribuem para a geração de spin-offs nas pequenas e médias empresas de base tecnológica. As principais motivações para a geração de spin-offs são: a) estratégia de diversificação da empresa-mãe; b) garantia de maior foco para uma tecnologia específica, que dentro da empresa-mãe não seria possível e c) completar a cadeia de valor da empresa-mãe. As iniciativas governamentais de apoio a criação de novas empresas são essenciais para o desenvolvimento de spin-offs, já que em todos os casos a maior dificuldade durante o processo era a obtenção de financiamento para o novo negócio. Outra evidência apontada foi o fato de quanto menor o porte da empresa geradora do spin-off tecnológico, maior se dar a relação entre esta e a nova empresa.
Apresentamos aqui o modelo esférico quântico de vidro de spin usando a aproximação de recozimento. São calculadas a energia livre, bem como a temperatura crítica em função do momentum de inércia e a entropia. São consideradas interações aleatórias de longo alcance (campo médio) com distribuição normal de média zero, e a energia cinética de cada spin. O cálculo é feito utilizando o formalismo funcional de Feynman de integrais de caminhos. O limite clássico é apresentado e coincide com o limite conhecido de teorias anteriores.
Dissertação apresentada à pós-graduação em economia para obtenção do título de mestre em economia e finanças
2-Aminothiazole covalently attached to a silica gel surface was prepared in order to obtain an adsorbent for Hg(II) ions having the following characteristics: good sorption capacity, chemical stability under conditions of use, and, especially, high selectivity. The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2-aminothiazole (SIAMT-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to + 0.6 V versus Ag/AgCl (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; V = 20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.1 V and other at 0.205 V. The anodic wave peak at 0.205 V is well defined and does not change during the cycles and it was therefore further investigated for analytical purposes using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n = 6) of 0.02 and 0.20 mg L-1 Hg(II) was 4.1 and 3.5% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The detection limit was estimated as 0.10 mu g L-1 mercury(II) by means of 3:1 current-to-noise ratio in connection with the optimization of the various parameters involved and using the highest-possible analyser sensitivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neonatal maternal separation (NMS) is a form of stress that interferes with the regulation of the stress response, an effect that predisposes to the emergence of panic and anxiety related disorders. We previously showed that at adulthood, awake female (but not male) rats subjected to NMS show a hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR; 5% CO(2)) that is 63% greater than controls (Genest et al., 2007). To understand the mechanisms underlying the sex-specific effects of NMS on the ventilatory response to CO(2), we used two different anesthetized female rat preparations to assess central CO(2) chemosensitivity and contribution of sensory afferents (stretch receptors and peripheral chemoreceptors) that influence the HCVR. Data show that anesthesia eliminated the respiratory phenotype observed previously in awake females and CO(2) chemosensitivity did not differ between groups. Finally, the assessment of the ovarian hormone levels across the oestrus cycle failed to reveal significant differences between groups. Since anesthesia did not affect the manifestation of NMS-related respiratory dysfunction in males (including the hypercapnic ventilatory response) (Kinkead et al., 2005; Dumont and Kinkead, 2010), we propose that the panic or anxiety induced by CO(2) during wakefulness is responsible for enhancement of the HCVR in NMS females. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.