586 resultados para Sphaeroma Terebrans Bate


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Preface.--I. A grande dame, Lady Mary Coke, 1726-18ll.--II. A journ alistic parson, Sir Henry Bate-Dudley, bart., 1745-1824.--III. A hunted heiress, the Countess of Strathmore, 1749-1800.--IV. A professional beggar, Bampfylde-Moore Carew, 1693-(?)1758.--V. A unique hostess, Elizabeth, lady Holland, 1770-1845.--VI. A metaphysical humorist, Abraham Tucker, 1704-1774.


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The ability to track large numbers of individuals and families is a key determinant of the power and precision of breeding programs, including the capacity to quantify interactions between genotypes and their environment. Until recently, most family based selective breeding programs for shrimp, and other highly fecund aquaculture species, have been restricted by the number of animals that can be physically tagged and individually selected. Advances in the development of molecular markers, such as microsatellite loci, are now providing the means to track large numbers of individuals and families in commercial production systems. In this study microsatellites, coupled with DNA parentage analyses, were used to determine the relative performance of 22 families of R japonicus reared in commercial production ponds. In the experimental design 6000 post-larvae from each of 22 families, whose maternal parents had been genotyped at 8 microsatellite loci, were stocked into each of four I ha ponds. After 6 months the ponds were harvested and a total of 6000 individuals were randomly weighed from each pond. Mean wet weight of the shrimp from one pond was significantly lower than that of the other three ponds demonstrating a possible pond effect on growth rate. The representation of families in the top 10% of each pond's weight distribution was then determined by randomly genotyping up to 300 individuals from this upper weight class. Parentage analyses based on individual genotypic data demonstrated that some families were over-represented in the top 10% in all ponds, while others were under-represented due to slower growth rates. The results also revealed some weak, but significant, male genotype x environment (G x E) interactions in the expression of shrimp growth for some families. This indicates that G x E effects may need to be factored into future R japonicus selective breeding programs. This study demonstrated the utility of DNA parentage analyses for tracking individual family performance in communally stocked shrimp pond populations and, its application to examining G x E effects on trait expression under commercial culture conditions. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Por um lado, o mundo do Século XXI com ferramentas que possibilitam cada vez mais estarmos conectados e dependentes das tecnologias de comunicação, em que a internet prevalece como meio principal para as pessoas se relacionarem, interagirem, consumirem, se divertirem e se informarem. Do outro lado, quase que uma ilha à parte dessa tendência tecnológica, um espaço em que a comunicação oral, a confiança, o valor da palavra, o conhecer o vizinho do bairro e a comunidade são o que prevalece. Trata-se de mais um fenômeno decorrente do crescimento da Classe C no Brasil, posterior ao lançamento do Plano Real, por Fernando Henrique Cardoso no governo do ex-presidente Itamar Franco, e da implantação de medidas sociais nos anos seguintes, durante o governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. O segmento que representa 54% da população brasileira e desperta a atenção das empresas como uma nova frente de geração de riquezas e negócios. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental para análise de conteúdo, este estudo de caso único investigará como o Banco Itaú se comunica com esse público para oferecer o microcrédito na periferia da cidade de São Paulo. Num mundo em que se pensa quanto mais rápidas e sensoriais serão as tecnologias de informação no futuro, o bom e velho bate-papo pode levar a conhecimentos importantes quando queremos nos comunicar com as camadas populares da população.


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Government regulation of industrial hazards is examined in the context of the economic and technical processes of industrial development. Technical problems and costs of control are considered as factors in both the formation and impact of regulation. This thesis focuses on an historical case-study of the regulation of the hazard to painting workers from the use of lead pigments in paint. A regulatory strategy based on the prohibition of lead paints gained initial acceptance within the British state in 1911, but was subsequently rejected in favour of a strategy that allowed continued use of lead paint subject to hygiene precautions. The development of paint technology and its determinants, including concern about health hazards, are analysed, focusing on the innovation and diffusion into the paint industry of the major white pigments: white lead (PbC03 .PB(OH)2)and its substitutes. The process of regulatory development is examined, and the protracted and polarised regulatory d~bate contrasted to the prevailing 'consensual' methods of workplace regulation. The rejection of prohibition is analysed in terms of the different political and technical resources of those groups in conflict over this policy. This highlights the problems of consensus formation around such a strategy, and demonstrates certain constraints on state regulatory activity, particularly regarding industrial development. Member-states of the International Labour Organisation agreed to introduce partial prohibition of lead paint in 1921. Whether this was implemented is related to the economic importance of lead and non-lead metal and pigment industries to a nation. An analysis is made of the control of lead poisoning. The rate of control is related to the economic and technological trajectory of the regulated industry. Technical and organisational characteristics are considered as well as regulatory factors which range from voluntary compliance and informal pressures to direct legal requirements. The implications of this case-study for the analysis of the development and impacts of regulation are assessed.


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Pronunciation training has been traditionally viewed as of limited importance in a communicatively oriented foreign language curriculum (Pennington & Richards, 1986). Many language instructors seemingly deny the usefulness of phonetic training and rely on a listen-and-repeat method with the use of audiotapes (Bate, 1989; Callamand & Pedoya, 1984; Jones, 1997). Beginners in French classes face the challenge of mastering a complex sound and grapheme-phoneme correspondence system without the benefit of specific instruction. Their pronunciation errors develop mostly from bad habits while decoding from print to sound (Dansereau, 1995). ^ The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of basic phonetic/phonics instruction on reading pronunciation accuracy in a French I language course. ^ The sample consisted of two groups of French I students from Florida International University, who received the same instruction in French language and culture during the fall semester of 1999. Only the experimental group received additional phonetic/phonics training. ^ The instrument consisted of three recorded reading tasks: isolated familiar words, isolated unfamiliar words, and dialogue. Research questions were analyzed using a one-way multivariate analysis of variance. Significant differences were found between the two groups on scores for each of the three sections of the instrument, and on the total scores. These findings support the hypothesis of the study and reveal the effectiveness of phonetic/phonics training for beginners of French. ^ The findings imply that beginning language students should receive the minimum knowledge they need to master the French phoneme-grapheme (sound-spelling) system. ^


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The formation of groups acquired new features with the arrival of the internet. The links before straitened between family, work groups and close friends today reach long distances through online communities. These communities represent groups that have affinities and common interests, and use the community space to discuss these. Examples of these communities are those related to franchise Game of Thrones, a literary phenomenon that has expanded by various media, including the social, television, and communities. This report aims to present the work steps and the theoretical reflection, necessary for the achievement of a final product in file format, which aimed to measure the engagement and participation of GOT fans on the Internet, especially in two Facebook GOT communities during the fifth season of the series aired on HBO.


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En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de aquellos aspectos que nos llevan a considerar al ms. 126 del Archivo Capitular de El Burgo de Osma un códice compilatorio: por una parte, la identificación de las fuentes de las que beben dos de sus glosas de contenido mitológico y, por otra, el análisis de la estructura del códice en su conjunto y de la relación entre las obras que lo componen.


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Currently, there are several factors that suggest the need for the school to review their teaching practices: 1) the speed with which information and communication technologies - ICT are spread throughout society and in particular the increasing use of mobile phone by groups in school age;2) the scope and power of integrating ICT convergence of these technological resources, that can be used as teaching resources; 3) the fact that nowadays students grow up in a technological world and make their thought patterns operating in accordance with this reality, etc... In contrast, there are educators unrelated to the appropriation of ICT, presenting, in many cases, resistance to them. There is a incongruity between how individuals use mobile phones, for example, inside and outside the school. There are also educators, schools, public educational departments claiming to be against mobile phones usage; bills and laws regulating their use in educational space, etc... For these controversial aspects we have investigated whether cell phone use as a teaching resource practices mediator in Physics teaching. For this purpose, we developed an applied research with qualitative and exploratory approach about the objectives, adopting participant and the technical procedures. A documental and bibliographical research was taken. First of all, data were collected by e-mail, through a multiple choice questionnaire applied to private school teachers in southern Brazil, to identify the researched reality and develop teaching practices likely to be applied in the studied corpus. Then, such practices were applied in workshops located in Curitiba and Ponta Grossa cities, in Paraná state. During the application, data was collected by the researcher's field notes. Then, we recorded chats about the workshops from an instant message software (msn messenger), and we took photographic records. Data analysis was performed by triangulation. The results showed the need to enhance continuing education courses for teachers and the production of national academic literature, such as articles, dissertations, theses and books that explore the theme of the cell phone and its functionality in educational spaces as an educational resource mediator in the practices of teaching Physics. They are available in the dissertation defended in 2012, and now are also systematized in this book, organized as a final product of research conducted by the Graduate Program in Science Education and Technology UTFPR, Campus Ponta Grossa-PR.


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Os seres humanos ao se reproduzirem como espécie e ao produzirem seus bens materiais produzem o espaço geográfico. Historicamente, o espaço vem sendo produzido em função do processo produtivo geral da sociedade. Partindo dessa abordagem, o trabalho em foco destina-se a fazer a análise da produção do traçado urbano de um simples povoado do litoral norte-rio-grandense, denominado Cajueiro, no qual observa-se uma total despreocupação com a composição urbanística da área, pelo fato da sua construção seguir os caminhos naturais vivenciados pelos seus moradores, mediante o atendimento das suas necessidades de sobrevivência ao longo dos anos. Para melhor entender historicamente a produção desse espaço litorâneo, optou-se por caminhar pelas suas ruas, becos e veredas, buscando através de entrevistas dirigidas e "bate papos espontâneos", explicações para a sua atual configuração urbana. Atualmente, esse parcelamento desordenado do solo, constitui-se num emaranhado tanto de ruas, como de casas que avançam sobre o leito das vias, provocando, assim, uma composição desordenada do espaço de circulação, fato esse que se constitui num problema de fluidez de veículos e pessoas que percorrem esses caminhos estreitos e tortuosos, os quais, muito se assemelham a um verdadeiro labirinto urbano, pelo fato de ruas apresentarem linhas sinuosas entrelaçadas e intricadas.


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The present paper deals with a collection of alpheid shrimps from Vietnam received by Mr R. Serene, formerly Director the Institute of Oceanography, Nhatrang (Vietnam). Though small in size the material has proved to be fairly rich. It contains 23 species belonging to the genera Alpheopsis Coutiere, Synalpheus Bate and Alpheus Fabricius, the last named genus accounting for all but three species. Two new species, one each belonging to Alpheopsis and Alpheus, have been briefly described by the author (Tiwari, 1962) in an earlier paper. The remaining species are already known and some of them have an extensive distribution in the Indo-West-Pacific.


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A UNESCO no Brasil e a Cátedra UNESCO Archai da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) organizaram no dia 19 de novembro de 2015 um Hangout UNESCO, programa de bate-papo online da UNESCO no Brasil, em celebração ao Dia Mundial da Filosofia 2015. O evento teve como tema os desafios da filosofia para o século XXI. A gravação video do hangout está disponível no endereço . O hangout foi produzido pelo Prof. Gabriele Cornelli, Coordenador da Cátedra UNESCO Archai da UnB, com o auxílio de Renato Brandão, Pós-Doutorando na mesma Cátedra. Participaram do hangout os professores Vinicius Berlendis Figueiredo (Universidade Federal do Paraná), Alexandre Sá (Universidade de Coimbra), Maria Cecília de Miranda Coelho (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) e Fernando Santoro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). A mediação foi de Ana Lúcia Guimarães, Coordenadora da Unidade de Comunicação da UNESCO Brasil.


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Os seres humanos ao se reproduzirem como espécie e ao produzirem seus bens materiais produzem o espaço geográfico. Historicamente, o espaço vem sendo produzido em função do processo produtivo geral da sociedade. Partindo dessa abordagem, o trabalho em foco destina-se a fazer a análise da produção do traçado urbano de um simples povoado do litoral norte-rio-grandense, denominado Cajueiro, no qual observa-se uma total despreocupação com a composição urbanística da área, pelo fato da sua construção seguir os caminhos naturais vivenciados pelos seus moradores, mediante o atendimento das suas necessidades de sobrevivência ao longo dos anos. Para melhor entender historicamente a produção desse espaço litorâneo, optou-se por caminhar pelas suas ruas, becos e veredas, buscando através de entrevistas dirigidas e "bate papos espontâneos", explicações para a sua atual configuração urbana. Atualmente, esse parcelamento desordenado do solo, constitui-se num emaranhado tanto de ruas, como de casas que avançam sobre o leito das vias, provocando, assim, uma composição desordenada do espaço de circulação, fato esse que se constitui num problema de fluidez de veículos e pessoas que percorrem esses caminhos estreitos e tortuosos, os quais, muito se assemelham a um verdadeiro labirinto urbano, pelo fato de ruas apresentarem linhas sinuosas entrelaçadas e intricadas.