993 resultados para Space objects


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Technological developments in microprocessors and ICT landscape have made a shift to a new era where computing power is embedded in numerous small distributed objects and devices in our everyday lives. These small computing devices are ne-tuned to perform a particular task and are increasingly reaching our society at every level. For example, home appliances such as programmable washing machines, microwave ovens etc., employ several sensors to improve performance and convenience. Similarly, cars have on-board computers that use information from many di erent sensors to control things such as fuel injectors, spark plug etc., to perform their tasks e ciently. These individual devices make life easy by helping in taking decisions and removing the burden from their users. All these objects and devices obtain some piece of information about the physical environment. Each of these devices is an island with no proper connectivity and information sharing between each other. Sharing of information between these heterogeneous devices could enable a whole new universe of innovative and intelligent applications. The information sharing between the devices is a diffcult task due to the heterogeneity and interoperability of devices. Smart Space vision is to overcome these issues of heterogeneity and interoperability so that the devices can understand each other and utilize services of each other by information sharing. This enables innovative local mashup applications based on shared data between heterogeneous devices. Smart homes are one such example of Smart Spaces which facilitate to bring the health care system to the patient, by intelligent interconnection of resources and their collective behavior, as opposed to bringing the patient into the health system. In addition, the use of mobile handheld devices has risen at a tremendous rate during the last few years and they have become an essential part of everyday life. Mobile phones o er a wide range of different services to their users including text and multimedia messages, Internet, audio, video, email applications and most recently TV services. The interactive TV provides a variety of applications for the viewers. The combination of interactive TV and the Smart Spaces could give innovative applications that are personalized, context-aware, ubiquitous and intelligent by enabling heterogeneous systems to collaborate each other by sharing information between them. There are many challenges in designing the frameworks and application development tools for rapid and easy development of these applications. The research work presented in this thesis addresses these issues. The original publications presented in the second part of this thesis propose architectures and methodologies for interactive and context-aware applications, and tools for the development of these applications. We demonstrated the suitability of our ontology-driven application development tools and rule basedapproach for the development of dynamic, context-aware ubiquitous iTV applications.


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This study examines the structure of the Russian Reflexive Marker ( ся/-сь) and offers a usage-based model building on Construction Grammar and a probabilistic view of linguistic structure. Traditionally, reflexive verbs are accounted for relative to non-reflexive verbs. These accounts assume that linguistic structures emerge as pairs. Furthermore, these accounts assume directionality where the semantics and structure of a reflexive verb can be derived from the non-reflexive verb. However, this directionality does not necessarily hold diachronically. Additionally, the semantics and the patterns associated with a particular reflexive verb are not always shared with the non-reflexive verb. Thus, a model is proposed that can accommodate the traditional pairs as well as for the possible deviations without postulating different systems. A random sample of 2000 instances marked with the Reflexive Marker was extracted from the Russian National Corpus and the sample used in this study contains 819 unique reflexive verbs. This study moves away from the traditional pair account and introduces the concept of Neighbor Verb. A neighbor verb exists for a reflexive verb if they share the same phonological form excluding the Reflexive Marker. It is claimed here that the Reflexive Marker constitutes a system in Russian and the relation between the reflexive and neighbor verbs constitutes a cross-paradigmatic relation. Furthermore, the relation between the reflexive and the neighbor verb is argued to be of symbolic connectivity rather than directionality. Effectively, the relation holding between particular instantiations can vary. The theoretical basis of the present study builds on this assumption. Several new variables are examined in order to systematically model variability of this symbolic connectivity, specifically the degree and strength of connectivity between items. In usage-based models, the lexicon does not constitute an unstructured list of items. Instead, items are assumed to be interconnected in a network. This interconnectedness is defined as Neighborhood in this study. Additionally, each verb carves its own niche within the Neighborhood and this interconnectedness is modeled through rhyme verbs constituting the degree of connectivity of a particular verb in the lexicon. The second component of the degree of connectivity concerns the status of a particular verb relative to its rhyme verbs. The connectivity within the neighborhood of a particular verb varies and this variability is quantified by using the Levenshtein distance. The second property of the lexical network is the strength of connectivity between items. Frequency of use has been one of the primary variables in functional linguistics used to probe this. In addition, a new variable called Constructional Entropy is introduced in this study building on information theory. It is a quantification of the amount of information carried by a particular reflexive verb in one or more argument constructions. The results of the lexical connectivity indicate that the reflexive verbs have statistically greater neighborhood distances than the neighbor verbs. This distributional property can be used to motivate the traditional observation that the reflexive verbs tend to have idiosyncratic properties. A set of argument constructions, generalizations over usage patterns, are proposed for the reflexive verbs in this study. In addition to the variables associated with the lexical connectivity, a number of variables proposed in the literature are explored and used as predictors in the model. The second part of this study introduces the use of a machine learning algorithm called Random Forests. The performance of the model indicates that it is capable, up to a degree, of disambiguating the proposed argument construction types of the Russian Reflexive Marker. Additionally, a global ranking of the predictors used in the model is offered. Finally, most construction grammars assume that argument construction form a network structure. A new method is proposed that establishes generalization over the argument constructions referred to as Linking Construction. In sum, this study explores the structural properties of the Russian Reflexive Marker and a new model is set forth that can accommodate both the traditional pairs and potential deviations from it in a principled manner.


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InsomniaGame oli Turun yliopiston digitaalisen kulttuurin oppiaineen ja Insomnia verkkopeliyhdistyksen yhteistyössä vuosina 2010 ja 2011 toteuttama pelikonseptikokeilu. InsomniaGame oli osa laajempaa ”CoEx: Yhteisöllistä tekemistä tukevat tilat kokemusten jakamisessa” kaksivuotista (1.10.2009–31.12.2011) hanketta, jonka toteuttivat yhteistyössä Turun yliopiston Porin yksikkö, Tampereen teknillisen yliopiston Porin yksikkö ja Tampereen yliopisto. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli toteuttaa sosiaalista mediaa, yhteisöllisyyttä ja lisättyä todellisuutta hyödyntäviä virtuaalisia ja julkisia tiloja, joissa käyttäjät voivat jakaa kokemuksia. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan soveltava pro gradu -tutkielma, joka sisältää kaksi vuotta kestäneen ja kaksi pelisovellusta sisältävän työosuuden. InsomniaGame koostui erilaisista pelaajien suorittamista tehtävistä, pelialustasta sekä taustatarinasta. Päätutkimuskysymykset ovat: Mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat pelisuunnitteluprosessiin ja miten? Työ esittelee InsomniaGame-pelin kehityksen. Erityistarkastelussa ovat suunnitteluprosessin ja pelin sisällölliset muutokset sekä niihin vaikuttaneet tekijät. Pelin kehitys perustui pääasiassa erilaisiin dokumentteihin, joita käytettiin suunnittelun apuvälineenä sekä viestinnässä projektin eri toimijoiden kesken. Tutkimus pyrkii syntyneiden dokumenttien sekä pelisuunnittelijoiden muistin perusteella rekonstruoimaan InsomniaGame-pelisovelluksen kehityskaaren. InsomniaGamen kehityksessä oli monia tekijöitä, jotka muuttuivat sen kehityskaaren aikana. Itse pelin sisältö, kuten myös suunnittelutapa, muuttuivat kahden vuoden aikana huomattavasti. Pelillä oli myös monia erityispiirteitä, jotka tekevät sen kehityksestä ainutlaatuisen, sillä esimerkiksi pelin testaaminen yhtenä kokonaisuutena oli mahdotonta. Lisäksi peli oli tutkimus- ja yhteistyöprojekti, jossa oli mukana monia eri toimijoita ja erityisesti tutkimuksessa korostuu yhteistyökumppani Insomnia verkkopeliyhdistyksen osallisuus. InsomniaGamen kummankaan vuoden toteutus ei sujunut odotetulla tavalla, mikä osaltaan vaikutti etenkin jälkimmäisen vuoden pelin suunnitteluun. Varsinainen suunnittelutyö kuitenkin eteni ensimmäisenä vuonna käytetyn mallin mukaisesti, mutta kuitenkin niin että alkuperäiset oletukset pelisuunnittelusta ja lopputuloksesta muuttuivat. Tämän vuoksi peliprojektia voi paikoitellen luonnehtia jopa kaoottiseksi, ja erityisesti toteutusvaiheessa jouduttiin luomaan nopealla aikataululla uusia toimintamalleja. Työ toimii mallina tuleville peliprojekteille, mutta erityisen tärkeää olisi luoda yhtenäinen kehitysalusta vastaavanlaisia projekteja varten.


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Some properties of generalized canonical systems - special dynamical systems described by a Hamiltonian function linear in the adjoint variables - are applied in determining the solution of the two-dimensional coast-arc problem in an inverse-square gravity field. A complete closed-form solution for Lagrangian multipliers - adjoint variables - is obtained by means of such properties for elliptic, circular, parabolic and hyperbolic motions. Classic orbital elements are taken as constants of integration of this solution in the case of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic motions. For circular motion, a set of nonsingular orbital elements is introduced as constants of integration in order to eliminate the singularity of the solution.


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Thermal louvers, using movable or rotating shutters over a radiating surface, have gained a wide acceptance as highly efficient devices for controlling the temperature of a spacecraft. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the performance of a rectangular thermal louver with movable blades. The radiative capacity of the louver, determined by its effective emittance, is calculated for different values of the blades opening angle. Experimental results obtained with a prototype of a spacecraft thermal louver show good agreement with the theoretical values.


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Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) designs utilize the available technology and communication architectures to meet the requirements of the upcoming applications. In MPSoC, the communication platform is both the key enabler, as well as the key differentiator for realizing efficient MPSoCs. It provides product differentiation to meet a diverse, multi-dimensional set of design constraints, including performance, power, energy, reconfigurability, scalability, cost, reliability and time-to-market. The communication resources of a single interconnection platform cannot be fully utilized by all kind of applications, such as the availability of higher communication bandwidth for computation but not data intensive applications is often unfeasible in the practical implementation. This thesis aims to perform the architecture-level design space exploration towards efficient and scalable resource utilization for MPSoC communication architecture. In order to meet the performance requirements within the design constraints, careful selection of MPSoC communication platform, resource aware partitioning and mapping of the application play important role. To enhance the utilization of communication resources, variety of techniques such as resource sharing, multicast to avoid re-transmission of identical data, and adaptive routing can be used. For implementation, these techniques should be customized according to the platform architecture. To address the resource utilization of MPSoC communication platforms, variety of architectures with different design parameters and performance levels, namely Segmented bus (SegBus), Network-on-Chip (NoC) and Three-Dimensional NoC (3D-NoC), are selected. Average packet latency and power consumption are the evaluation parameters for the proposed techniques. In conventional computing architectures, fault on a component makes the connected fault-free components inoperative. Resource sharing approach can utilize the fault-free components to retain the system performance by reducing the impact of faults. Design space exploration also guides to narrow down the selection of MPSoC architecture, which can meet the performance requirements with design constraints.


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The recent emergence of low-cost RGB-D sensors has brought new opportunities for robotics by providing affordable devices that can provide synchronized images with both color and depth information. In this thesis, recent work on pose estimation utilizing RGBD sensors is reviewed. Also, a pose recognition system for rigid objects using RGB-D data is implemented. The implementation uses half-edge primitives extracted from the RGB-D images for pose estimation. The system is based on the probabilistic object representation framework by Detry et al., which utilizes Nonparametric Belief Propagation for pose inference. Experiments are performed on household objects to evaluate the performance and robustness of the system.


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Sloyd as an activity concretizes man’s ability to, with the help of mind and body, reshape materials into objects and change her conditions for survival. The sloyd actor outside school works when the spirit moves her, while the pupil in school is expected to sloyd regardless of motivation. Subject teachers become experts on sloyd in educational settings, while the qualification requirements may set the class teachers’ voluntariness within parenthesis. All class teachers qualify to teach all core subjects of the national curriculum in Finland from preschool to grade six. The aim of the current thesis is to deepen the knowledge on how the science of sloyd education can support class teacher students’ future teaching in sloyd. In the empirical part of the study, Swedish-speaking Finnish class teacher students’ views on technical sloyd as one of their future subjects for teaching are examined. The class teacher’s qualifying skills in teaching technical sloyd are expected to take shape during only a few ECTS study points. The teacher students’ experience of the subject from the pupil’s perspective is supposed to move into a budding teacher subject. In a research-based teacher education, self-reflection and reflection as a dialogue are extended aided by research results. Intuitive thinking interplays with rational thinking during this time. The teacher student’s approach to make use of the autonomous free space in teaching is, in the current thesis, as considerations where the individual weighs the pros and cons in relation to various phenomena in sloyd and the school overall. The basis for an individual autonomy is shaped and is expected to interplay on the common arena of autonomy. In the exercise of their profession, the class teacher teaching sloyd is expected to oscillate between the sloyd educational practice and theory. The first step in this movement within the teacher education is the coverage of a selection of theories during the studies. The empirical part of the study is carried out at two separate occasions with directed open-ended interviews with fifteen class teacher students in the beginning and end of their first year of study. The data was analysed with a hermeneutic approach and a qualitatively oriented approach to content analysis. The results are mirrored against theory within the science of sloyd education. The results show that class teacher students have a versatile view of educational sloyd. The overall results overthrow parts of the researcher’s pre-understanding. The viewpoint of the students seems to broaden from a merely manual activity to seeing sloyd as an educational activity. In order for the results to gain significance in the teacher education of the future, a line of reasoning is conducted in order to recommend an extended dialogue and thirteen possible themes for enriching discussions are put forth as a result of the present study. The extended dialogue focuses on that teacher education should make conscious ventures to create opportunities for the students to take part in effective discussions on the subject of sloyd, complementing the existing dialogue between the teacher educator and the students. This thesis lends support to reflections on the following aspects of educational sloyd in these dialogues: the reasons for why the sloyd subject exists, the ambitions of the subject, the content and organization of the subject for students as well as for the teacher educators.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää kanavistojen ja kattilan eristyksien mallintamista 3D-laitossuunitteluohjelmassa sekä siitä saatavia materiaalilistoja. Kanavistojen eristeitä kuvastavaa geometriaa muokattiin vastaamaan eristyksen todellista tilanvarausta. Kattilan eristyksen mallintaminen on aikaisemmin jouduttu tekemään manuaalisesti, työssä kehitettiin työkalu, jonka avulla eristysten materiaalitiedot ja oikeat tilanvaraukset saadaan lisättyä 3D-malliin. Kaikkia eristyksen mallintamista ei kuitenkaan pystytä mielekkäästi toteuttamaan automaattisesti työkalujen avulla, näitä kohteita ovat tukikehikkorakenteet kuten kattilan vinttikehikko. Lisäksi täytyi selvittää, mitä tietoja eristyksien materiaalimäärälistoille vaaditaan, ja kuinka nämä tiedot saataisiin listoihin mukaan. Jotta kaikki eristettävät kohteet saadaan tuotettaviin materiaalilistoihin, on ohjelmaan lisättävä käytettäväksi uusia komponentteja. Näitä ovat uudet kanavistojen osat sekä muun muassa venturit ja huoltoluukut kanavistoille. Kattilaan asennettavat laitteet kuten näkölasit ja polttimet vaativat tukirakenteen, joka samalla toimii kotelona putkistojen taivutuksille. Näitä kohteita on aikaisemmin tuotu vanhoista projekteista tai ne on tehty suunnittelijan toimesta uusiksi. Työssä esitettiin uusi tapa mallintaa kattilan pinnat, jolloin niihin voidaan liittää koteloita erillisestä komponenttikirjastosta. Kanavistojen eristyksien materiaalimäärälistojen tuottaminen suoraan ohjelmasta auto-matisoitiin. Kattilan ja siihen liittyvien eristyskehysrakenteiden listojen tuotanto kuitenkin vaatii yhteisten toimintamallien kehittämistä. Tämän työn uudet menetelmät mahdollistavat yhä uusien työkalujen kehittämisen, esimerkiksi automaattisen eristysten teknisten piirustusten kuvatuotannon tulevaisuudessa.


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Global illumination algorithms are at the center of realistic image synthesis and account for non-trivial light transport and occlusion within scenes, such as indirect illumination, ambient occlusion, and environment lighting. Their computationally most difficult part is determining light source visibility at each visible scene point. Height fields, on the other hand, constitute an important special case of geometry and are mainly used to describe certain types of objects such as terrains and to map detailed geometry onto object surfaces. The geometry of an entire scene can also be approximated by treating the distance values of its camera projection as a screen-space height field. In order to shadow height fields from environment lights a horizon map is usually used to occlude incident light. We reduce the per-receiver time complexity of generating the horizon map on N N height fields from O(N) of the previous work to O(1) by using an algorithm that incrementally traverses the height field and reuses the information already gathered along the path of traversal. We also propose an accurate method to integrate the incident light within the limits given by the horizon map. Indirect illumination in height fields requires information about which other points are visible to each height field point. We present an algorithm to determine this intervisibility in a time complexity that matches the space complexity of the produced visibility information, which is in contrast to previous methods which scale in the height field size. As a result the amount of computation is reduced by two orders of magnitude in common use cases. Screen-space ambient obscurance methods approximate ambient obscurance from the depth bu er geometry and have been widely adopted by contemporary real-time applications. They work by sampling the screen-space geometry around each receiver point but have been previously limited to near- field effects because sampling a large radius quickly exceeds the render time budget. We present an algorithm that reduces the quadratic per-pixel complexity of previous methods to a linear complexity by line sweeping over the depth bu er and maintaining an internal representation of the processed geometry from which occluders can be efficiently queried. Another algorithm is presented to determine ambient obscurance from the entire depth bu er at each screen pixel. The algorithm scans the depth bu er in a quick pre-pass and locates important features in it, which are then used to evaluate the ambient obscurance integral accurately. We also propose an evaluation of the integral such that results within a few percent of the ray traced screen-space reference are obtained at real-time render times.


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This thesis presents a framework for segmentation of clustered overlapping convex objects. The proposed approach is based on a three-step framework in which the tasks of seed point extraction, contour evidence extraction, and contour estimation are addressed. The state-of-art techniques for each step were studied and evaluated using synthetic and real microscopic image data. According to obtained evaluation results, a method combining the best performers in each step was presented. In the proposed method, Fast Radial Symmetry transform, edge-to-marker association algorithm and ellipse fitting are employed for seed point extraction, contour evidence extraction and contour estimation respectively. Using synthetic and real image data, the proposed method was evaluated and compared with two competing methods and the results showed a promising improvement over the competing methods, with high segmentation and size distribution estimation accuracy.


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Biofuels for transport are a renewable source of energy that were once heralded as a solution to multiple problems associated with poor urban air quality, the overproduction of agricultural commodities, the energy security of the European Union (EU) and climate change. It was only after the Union had implemented an incentivizing framework of legal and political instruments for the production, trade and consumption of biofuels that the problems of weakening food security, environmental degradation and increasing greenhouse gases through land-use changes began to unfold. In other words, the difference between political aims for why biofuels are promoted and their consequences has grown – which is also recognized by the EU policy-makers. Therefore, the global networks of producing, trading and consuming biofuels may face a complete restructure if the European Commission accomplishes its pursuit to sideline crop-based biofuels after 2020. My aim with this dissertation is not only to trace the manifold evolutions of the instruments used by the Union to govern biofuels but also to reveal how this evolution has influenced the dynamics of biofuel development. Therefore, I study the ways the EU’s legal and political instruments of steering biofuels are coconstitutive with the globalized spaces of biofuel development. My analytical strategy can be outlined through three concepts. I use the term ‘assemblage’ to approach the operations of the loose entity of actors and non-human elements that are the constituents of multi-scalar and -sectorial biofuel development. ‘Topology’ refers to the spatiality of this European biofuel assemblage and its parts whose evolving relations are treated as the active constituents of space, instead of simply being located in space. I apply the concept of ‘nomosphere’ to characterize the framework of policies, laws and other instruments that the EU applies and construes while attempting to govern biofuels. Even though both the materials and methods vary in the independent articles, these three concepts characterize my analytical strategy that allows me to study law, policy and space associated with each other. The results of my examinations underscore the importance of the instruments of governance of the EU constituting and stabilizing the spaces of producing and, on the other hand, how topological ruptures in biofuel development have enforced the need to reform policies. This analysis maps the vast scope of actors that are influenced by the mechanism of EU biofuel governance and, what is more, shows how they are actively engaging in the Union’s institutional policy formulation. By examining the consequences of fast biofuel development that are spatially dislocated from the established spaces of producing, trading and consuming biofuels such as indirect land use changes, I unfold the processes not tackled by the instruments of the EU. Indeed, it is these spatially dislocated processes that have pushed the Commission construing a new type of governing biofuels: transferring the instruments of climate change mitigation to land-use policies. Although efficient in mitigating these dislocated consequences, these instruments have also created peculiar ontological scaffolding for governing biofuels. According to this mode of governance, the spatiality of biofuel development appears to be already determined and the agency that could dampen the negative consequences originating from land-use practices is treated as irrelevant.


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This doctoral dissertation presents studies of the formation and evolution of galaxies, through observations and simulations of galactic halos. The halo is the component of galaxies which hosts some of the oldest objects we know of in the cosmos; it is where clues to the history of galaxies are found, for example, by how the chemical structure is related to the dynamics of objects in the halo. The dynamical and chemical structure of halos, both in the Milky Way’s own halo, and in two elliptical galaxies, is the underlying theme in the research. I focus on the density falloff and chemistry of the two external halos, and on the dynamics, density falloff, and chemistry of the Milky Way halo. I first study galactic halos via computer simulations, to test the long- term stability of an anomalous feature recently found in kinematics of the Milky Way’s metal-poor stellar halo. I find that the feature is transient, making its origin unclear. I use a second set of simulations to test if an initially strong relation between the dynamics and chemistry of halo glob-ular clusters in a Milky Way-type galaxy is affected by a merging satellite galaxy, and find that the relation remains strong despite a merger in which the satellite is a third of the mass of the host galaxy. From simulations, I move to observing halos in nearby galaxies, a challenging procedure as most of the light from galaxies comes from the disk and bulge components as opposed to the halo. I use Hubble Space Tele scope observations of the halo of the galaxy M87 and, comparing to similar observations of NGC 5128, find that the chemical structure of the inner halo is similar for both of these giant elliptical galaxies. I use Very Large Telescope observations of the outer halo of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A) and, because of the difficultly in resolving dim extragalac- tic stellar halo populations, I introduce a new technique to subtract the contaminating background galaxies. A transition from a metal-rich stellar halo to a metal-poor has previously been discovered in two different types of galaxies, the disk galaxy M31 and the classic elliptical NGC 3379. Unexpectedly, I discover in this third type of galaxy, the merger remnant NGC 5128, that the density of metal-rich and metal-poor halo stars falls at the same rate within the galactocentric radii of 8 − 65 kpc, the limit of our observations. This thesis presents new results which open opportunities for future investigations.


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This thesis is concerned with the state and parameter estimation in state space models. The estimation of states and parameters is an important task when mathematical modeling is applied to many different application areas such as the global positioning systems, target tracking, navigation, brain imaging, spread of infectious diseases, biological processes, telecommunications, audio signal processing, stochastic optimal control, machine learning, and physical systems. In Bayesian settings, the estimation of states or parameters amounts to computation of the posterior probability density function. Except for a very restricted number of models, it is impossible to compute this density function in a closed form. Hence, we need approximation methods. A state estimation problem involves estimating the states (latent variables) that are not directly observed in the output of the system. In this thesis, we use the Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter, Gauss–Hermite filters, and particle filters to estimate the states based on available measurements. Among these filters, particle filters are numerical methods for approximating the filtering distributions of non-linear non-Gaussian state space models via Monte Carlo. The performance of a particle filter heavily depends on the chosen importance distribution. For instance, inappropriate choice of the importance distribution can lead to the failure of convergence of the particle filter algorithm. In this thesis, we analyze the theoretical Lᵖ particle filter convergence with general importance distributions, where p ≥2 is an integer. A parameter estimation problem is considered with inferring the model parameters from measurements. For high-dimensional complex models, estimation of parameters can be done by Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. In its operation, the MCMC method requires the unnormalized posterior distribution of the parameters and a proposal distribution. In this thesis, we show how the posterior density function of the parameters of a state space model can be computed by filtering based methods, where the states are integrated out. This type of computation is then applied to estimate parameters of stochastic differential equations. Furthermore, we compute the partial derivatives of the log-posterior density function and use the hybrid Monte Carlo and scaled conjugate gradient methods to infer the parameters of stochastic differential equations. The computational efficiency of MCMC methods is highly depend on the chosen proposal distribution. A commonly used proposal distribution is Gaussian. In this kind of proposal, the covariance matrix must be well tuned. To tune it, adaptive MCMC methods can be used. In this thesis, we propose a new way of updating the covariance matrix using the variational Bayesian adaptive Kalman filter algorithm.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the levels of amino acids in maternal plasma, placental intervillous space and fetal umbilical vein in order to identify the similarities and differences in amino acid levels in these compartments of 15 term newborns from normal pregnancies and deliveries. All amino acids, except tryptophan, were present in at least 186% higher concentrations in the intervillous space than in maternal venous blood, with the difference being statistically significant. This result contradicted the initial hypothesis of the study that the plasma amino acid levels in the placental intervillous space should be similar to those of maternal plasma. When the maternal venous compartment was compared with the umbilical vein, we observed values 103% higher on the fetal side which is compatible with currently accepted mechanisms of active amino acid transport. Amino acid levels of the placental intervillous space were similar to the values of the umbilical vein except for proline, glycine and aspartic acid, whose levels were significantly higher than fetal umbilical vein levels (average 107% higher). The elevated levels of the intervillous space are compatible with syncytiotrophoblast activity, which maintain high concentrations of free amino acids inside syncytiotrophoblast cells, permitting asymmetric efflux or active transport from the trophoblast cells to the blood in the intervillous space. The plasma amino acid levels in the umbilical vein of term newborns probably may be used as a standard of local normality for clinical studies of amino acid profiles.