996 resultados para Sondas de DNA de HPV


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In Mexico, Triatoma longipennis (Usinger), Triatoma picturata (Usinger), and Triatoma pallidipennis (Stal), primary Chagas disease vector species of the phyllosoma complex, were analyzed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Sixteen decametric primers resolved individual profiles not identical, but partially discriminative between species. Analysis based on pairwise presence/absence comparisons between the three species was performed using three primers and two outgroup species Triatoma infestans (Klug) and Triatoma barberi (Usinger). Fifty-three bands in total were scored, although only two bands were constant among the three phyllosoma complex species. Two other bands were constant only for T. longipennis and T. picturata together, and not present in T. pallidipennis. Neighbor Joining tree and the multiple correspondence analysis discriminated T. pallidipennis clearly from the other two species, although there was overlap between T. longipennis and T. picturata. The results indicate a close relationship between the studied species and support the hypothesis of their recent evolution. The suitability of RAPD to discern populations within the species is discussed.


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This leaflet provides more detailed information in a question and answer format about the HPV vaccine offered to girls in Year 9 which can help protect against cervical cancer.


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During a paleoparasitological survey of several animal mummies (Cavia aperea f. porcellus and Canis familiaris) from Chiribaya Baja, an archaeological site in Southern Peru, an unexpected find was made. In the well preserved fur, large numbers of mummified fleas (Pulex simulans/irritans)that parasitized the animals during life were encountered. Due to the relative recent event of the host mummification and the outstanding preservation of the fleas, an attempt for the retrieval of DNA was made. A DNA extraction and sequencing protocol for archaeological ectoparasitic remains has been established, taking additional studies for tissue and protein preservation into account. Tissue preservation was assessed with transmission electron microscopy and the protein preservation was tested through the racemisation ratios of aspartic acid. Regions of the 28S rDNA gene were successfully amplified and sequenced. Further research perspectives are outlined.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was applied to DNAs extracted from Trichuris trichiura eggs recovered from human fecal samples. Four out of 6 primers tested displayed 18 distinct and well defined polymorphic patterns, ranging from 650 to 3200 base pairs. These results, upon retrieval and DNA sequencing of some of these bands from agarose gels, might help in establishing T. trichiura specific genetic markers, not available yet, and an important step to design primers to be used in molecular diagnosis approaches.


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The aim of this work was to determine approaches that would improve the quality of ancient DNA (aDNA) present in coprolites to enhance the possibility of success in retrieving specific sequence targets. We worked with coprolites from South American archaeological sites in Brazil and Chile dating up to 7,000 years ago. Using established protocols for aDNA extraction we obtained samples showing high degradation as usually happens with this kind of material. The reconstructive polymerization pretreatment was essential to overcome the DNA degradation and the serial dilutions helped with to prevent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. Moreover, the random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR has been shown to be a reliable technique for further experiments to recover specific aDNA sequences.


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A molecular paleoparasitological diagnostic approach was developed for Enterobius vermicularis. Ancient DNA was extracted from 27 coprolites from archaeological sites in Chile and USA. Enzymatic amplification of human mtDNA sequences confirmed the human origin. We designed primers specific to the E. vermicularis 5S ribosomal RNA spacer region and they allowed reproducible polymerase chain reaction identification of ancient material. We suggested that the paleoparasitological microscopic identification could accompany molecular diagnosis, which also opens the possibility of sequence analysis to understand parasite-host evolution.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to streptomycin (SM), isoniazid (INH), and/or rifampin (RIF) as determined by the conventional Löwenstein-Jensen proportion method (LJPM) were compared with the E test, a minimum inhibitory concentration susceptibility method. Discrepant isolates were further evaluated by BACTEC and by DNA sequence analyses for mutations in genes most often associated with resistance to these drugs (rpsL, katG, inhA, and rpoB). Preliminary discordant E test results were seen in 75% of isolates resistant to SM and in 11% to INH. Discordance improved for these two drugs (63%) for SM and none for INH when isolates were re-tested but worsened for RIF (30%). Despite good agreement between phenotypic results and sequencing analyses, wild type profiles were detected on resistant strains mainly for SM and INH. It should be aware that susceptible isolates according to molecular methods might contain other mechanisms of resistance. Although reproducibility of the LJPM susceptibility method has been established, variable E test results for some M. tuberculosis isolates poses questions regarding its reproducibility particularly the impact of E test performance which may vary among laboratories despite adherence to recommended protocols. Further studies must be done to enlarge the evaluated samples and looked possible mutations outside of the hot spot sequenced gene among discrepant strains.


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The patterns of genetic variation of samples of Candida spp. isolated from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were examined. Thirty-seven strains were isolated from different anatomical sites obtained from different infection episodes of 11 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These samples were subjected to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 9 different primers. Reproducible and complex DNA banding patterns were obtained. The experiments indicated evidence of dynamic process of yeast colonization in HIV-infected patients, and also that certain primers are efficient in the identification of species of the Candida genus. Thus, we conclude that RAPD analysis may be useful in providing genotypic characters for Candida species typing in epidemiological investigations, and also for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi.


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The first and second internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of the ribosomal DNA of Biomphalaria tenagophila complex (B. tenagophila, B. occidentalis, and B. t. guaibensis) were sequenced and compared. The alignment lengths of these regions were about 655 bp and 481 bp, respectively. Phylogenetic relationships among the Biomphalaria species were inferred by Maximum Parsimony and Neighbor-joining methods. The phylogenetic trees produced, in most of the cases, were in accordance with morphological systematics and other molecular data previously obtained by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. The present results provide support for the proposal that B. tenagophila represents a complex comprising B. tenagophila, B. occidentalis and B. t. guaibensis.


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Despite toxoplasmosis being a common infection among human and other warm-blooded animals worldwide, there are no findings about Toxoplasma gondii evolutionary forms in ancient populations. The molecular techniques used for amplification of genetic material have allowed recovery of ancient DNA (aDNA) from parasites contained in mummified tissues. The application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to paleoparasitological toxoplasmosis research becomes a promising option, since it might allow diagnosis, acquisition of paleoepidemiological data, access to toxoplasmosis information related origin, evolution, and distribution among the ancient populations.Furthermore, it makes possible the analysis of parasite aDNA aiming at phylogenetic studies. To standardize and evaluate PCR applicability to toxoplasmosis paleodiagnostic, an experimental mummification protocol was tested using desiccated tissues from mice infected with the ME49 strain cysts, the chronic infection group (CIG), or infected with tachyzoites (RH strain), the acute infection group (AIG). Tissues were subjected to DNA extraction followed by PCR amplification of T. gondii B1 gene. PCR recovered T. gondii DNA in thigh muscle, encephalon, heart, and lung samples. AIG presented PCR positivity in encephalon, lungs, hearts, and livers. Based on this results, we propose this molecular approach for toxoplasmosis research in past populations.


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The concept of ideal geometric configurations was recently applied to the classification and characterization of various knots. Different knots in their ideal form (i.e., the one requiring the shortest length of a constant-diameter tube to form a given knot) were shown to have an overall compactness proportional to the time-averaged compactness of thermally agitated knotted polymers forming corresponding knots. This was useful for predicting the relative speed of electrophoretic migration of different DNA knots. Here we characterize the ideal geometric configurations of catenanes (called links by mathematicians), i.e., closed curves in space that are topologically linked to each other. We demonstrate that the ideal configurations of different catenanes show interrelations very similar to those observed in the ideal configurations of knots. By analyzing literature data on electrophoretic separations of the torus-type of DNA catenanes with increasing complexity, we observed that their electrophoretic migration is roughly proportional to the overall compactness of ideal representations of the corresponding catenanes. This correlation does not apply, however, to electrophoretic migration of certain replication intermediates, believed up to now to represent the simplest torus-type catenanes. We propose, therefore, that freshly replicated circular DNA molecules, in addition to forming regular catenanes, may also form hemicatenanes.


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Freshwater snails belonging to the genus Biomphalaria act as intermediate hosts for the parasite trematode Schistosoma mansoni in Africa and in the neotropical region. Identification of such molluscs is carried out based on morphological characters and the presence of cercariae is verified through squeezing snails between two glass slides or by exposing them to artificial light. However, sometimes, the material collected includes molluscs with decomposed bodies or, yet, only empty shells, which precludes their identification and S. mansoni detection. Due to these difficulties, we have developed a methodology in which DNA may be extracted from traces of organic material from inside shells in order to identify molluscs through polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism and to detect S. mansoni into these snails, by using low stringency polymerase chain reaction. Species-specific profiles obtained from B. glabrata, B. straminea, and B. tenagophila snails and their shells, maintained in laboratory for ten years, showed the same profiles. S. mansoni profiles showed to be present in shell specimens as far as the eighth week after being removed from aquarium.


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DNA samples from blood and nasal swabs of 125 healthy household contacts was submitted to amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a Mycobacterium leprae-specific sequence as a target for the detection of subclinical infection with M. leprae.All samples were submitted to hybridization analysis in order to exclude any false positive or negative results. Two positive samples were confirmed from blood out of 119 (1.7%) and two positive samples from nasal secretion out of 120 (1.7%). The analysis of the families with positive individuals showed that 2.5% (n = 3) of the contacts were relatives of multibacilary patients while 0.8% of the cases (n = 1) had a paucibacilary as an index case. All positive contacts were followed up and after one year none of them presented clinical signs of the disease. In spite of the PCR sensitivity to detect the presence of the M. leprae in a subclinical stage, this molecular approach did not seem to be a valuable tool to screen household contacts, since we determined a spurious association of the PCR positivity and further development of leprosy.


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RESUME La télomérase est une enzyme dite "d'immortalité" qui permet aux cellules de maintenir la longueur de leurs télomères, ce qui confère une capacité de réplication illimitée aux cellules reproductrices et cancéreuses. A l'inverse, les cellules somatiques normales, qui n'expriment pas la télomérase, ont une capacité de réplication limitée. La sous-unité catalytique de la télomérase, hTERT, est définie comme le facteur limitant l'activité télomérasique. Entre activateurs et répresseurs, le rôle de la méthylation de l'ADN et de l'acétylation des histones, de nombreux modèles ont été suggérés. La découverte de l'implication de CTCF dans la régulation transcriptionnelle de hTERT explique en partie le mécanisme de répression de la télomérase dans la plupart des cellules somatiques et sa réactivation dans les cellules tumorales. Dans les cellules télomérase-positives, l'activité inhibitrice de CTCF est bloquée par un mécanisme dépendent ou non de la méthylation. Dans la plupart des carcinomes, une hyperméthylation de la région 5' de hTERT bloque l'effet inhibiteur de CTCF, alors qu'une petite région hypométhylée permet un faible niveau de transcription du gène. Nous avons démontré que la protéine MBD2 se lie spécifiquement sur la région 5' méthylée de hTERT dans différentes lignées cellulaires et qu'elle est impliquée dans la répression partielle de la transcription de hTERT dans les cellules tumorales méthylées. Par contre, nous avons montré que dans les lymphocytes B normaux et néoplasiques, la régulation de hTERT est indépendante de la méthylation. Dans ces cellules, le facteur PAX5 se lie sur la région 5' de hTERT en aval du site d'initiation de la traduction (ATG). L'expression exogène de PAX5 dans les cellules télomérase-négatives active la transcription de hTERT, alors que la répression de PAX5 dans les cellules lymphomateuses inhibe la transcription du gène. PAX5 est donc directement impliqué dans l'activation de l'expression de hTERT dans les lymphocytes B exprimant la télomérase. Ces résultats révèlent des différences entre les niveaux de méthylation de hTERT dans les cellules de carcinomes et les lymphocytes B exprimant la télomérase. La méthylation de hTERT en tant que biomarqueur de cancer a été évaluée, puis appliquée à la détection de métastases. Nous avons ainsi montré que la méthylation de hTERT est positivement corrélée au diagnostic cytologique dans les liquides céphalorachidiens. Nos résultats conduisent à un modèle de régulation de hTERT, qui aide à comprendre comment la transcription de ce gène est régulée par CTCF, avec un mécanisme lié ou non à la méthylation du gène hTERT. La méthylation de hTERT s'est aussi révélée être un nouveau et prometteur biomarqueur de cancer. SUMMARY Human telomerase is an "immortalizing" enzyme that enables cells to maintain telomere length, allowing unlimited replicative capacity to reproductive and cancer cells. Conversely, normal somatic cells that do not express telomerase have a finite replicative capacity. The catalytic subunit of telomerase, hTERT, is defined as the limiting factor for telomerase activity. Between activators and repressors, and the role of DNA methylation and histone acetylation, an abundance of hTERT regulatory models have been suggested. The discovery of the implication of CTCF in the transcriptional regulation of hTERT in part explained the mechanism of silencing of telomerase in most somatic cells and its reactivation in neoplastic cells. In telomerase-positive cells, the inhibitory activity of CTCF is blocked by methylation-dependent and -independent mechanisms. In most carcinoma cells, hypermethylation of the hTERT 5' region has been shown to block the inhibitory effect of CTCF, while a short hypomethylated region allows a low transcription level of the gene. We have demonstrated that MBD2 protein specifically binds the methylated 5' region of hTERT in different cell lines and is therefore involved in the partial repression of hTERT transcription in methylated tumor cells. In contrast, we have shown that in normal and neoplastic B cells, hTERT regulation is methylation-independent. The PAX5 factor has been shown to bind to the hTERT 5'region downstream of the ATG translational start site. Ectopic expression of PAX5 in telomerase-negative cells or repression of PAX5 expression in B lymphoma cells respectively activated and repressed hTERT transcription. Thus, PAX5 is strongly implicated in hTERT expression activation in telomerase-positive B cells. These results reveal differences between the hTERT methylation patterns in telomerase-positive carcinoma cells and telomerase-positive normal B cells. The potential of hTERT methylation as a cancer biomarker was evaluated and applied to the detection of metastasis. We have shown that hTERT methylation correlates with the cytological diagnosis in cerebrospinal fluids. Our results suggest a model of hTERT gene regulation, which helps us to better understand how hTERT transcription is regulated by CTCF in methylation-dependant and independent mechanisms. Our data also indicate that hTERT methylation is a promising new cancer biomarker.