982 resultados para Solid Waste Management
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Due to vigorous globalisation and product proliferation in recent years, more waste has been produced by the soaring manufacturing activities. This has contributed to the significant need for an efficient waste management system to ensure, with all efforts, the waste is properly treated for recycling or disposed. This paper presents a Decision Support System (DSS) framework, based on Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), for the collection management of industrial waste (of all kinds) and discusses the potential employment of Radio-Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) to improve several critical procedures involved in managing waste collection. This paper also demonstrates a widely distributed and semi-structured network of waste producing enterprises (e.g. manufacturers) and waste processing enterprises (i.e. waste recycling/treatment stations) improving their operations planning by means of using the proposed DSS. The potential RFID applications to update and validate information in a continuous manner to bring value-added benefits to the waste collection business are also presented. © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Waste from a deer-processing facility is required by law to be disposed of in any permitted municipal solid waste (Class 3) landfill or a permitted construction and demolition debris (Class 2) landfill that has specific approval to accept animal carcasses. Disposal of deer-processing waste on the property of the processing facility or at any other unpermitted site IS NOT ALLOWED. Waste from commercial deer processing facilities must be disposed of per the requirements of the S.C. Solid Waste Policy and Management Act of 1991.
Waste prevention (WP) is a strategy which helps societies and individuals to strive for sufficiency in resource consumption within planetary boundaries alongside sustainable and equitable well-being and to decouple the concepts of well-being and life satisfaction from materialism. Within this dissertation, some instruments to promote WP are analysed, by adopting two perspectives: firstly, the one of policymakers, at different governance levels, and secondly, the one of business in the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sector. At a national level, the role of WP programmes and market-based instruments (extended producer responsibility, pay-as-you-throw schemes, deposit-refund systems, environmental taxes) in boosting prevention of municipal solid waste is investigated. Then, focusing on the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), the performances of the waste management system are assessed over a long period, including some years before and after an institutional reform of the waste management governance regime. The impact of a centralisation (at a regional level) of both planning and economic regulation of the waste services on waste generation and WP is analysed. Finally, to support the regional decision-makers in the prioritisation of publicly funded projects for WP, a framework for the sustainability assessment, the evaluation of success, and the prioritisation of WP measures was applied to some projects implemented by Municipalities in the Region. Trying to close the research gap between engineering and business, WP strategies are discussed as drivers for business model (BM) innovation in EEE sector. Firstly, an innovative approach to a digital tracking solution for professional EEE management is analysed. New BMs which facilitate repair, reuse, remanufacturing, and recycling are created and discussed. Secondly, the impact of BMs based on servitisation and on producer ownership on the extension of equipment lifetime is analysed, by performing a review of real cases of organizations in the EEE sector applying result- and use-oriented BMs.
Nowadays the composting process has shown itself to be an alternative in the treatment of municipal solid wastes by composting plants. However, although more than 50% of the waste generated by the Brazilian population is composed of matter susceptible to organic composting, this process is, still today, insufficiently developed in Brazil, due to low compost quality and lack of investments in the sector. The objective of this work was to use physical analyses to evaluate the quality of the compost produced at 14 operative composting plants in the Sao Paulo State in Brazil. For this purpose, size distribution and total inert content tests were done. The results were analyzed by grouping the plants according to their productive processes: plants with a rotating drum, plants with shredders or mills, and plants without treatment after the sorting conveyor belt. Compost quality was analyzed considering the limits imposed by the Brazilian Legislation and the European standards for inert contents. The size distribution tests showed the influence of the machinery after the sorting conveyer on the granule sizes as well as the inert content, which contributes to the presence of materials that reduce the quality of the final product
The characteristics of municipal solid waste (MSW) play a key role in many aspects of waste disposal facilities and landfills. Because most of a landfill is made up of MSW, the overall stability of the landfill slopes are governed by the strength parameters and physical properties of the MSW. These parameters are also important in interactions involving the waste body and the landfill structures: cover liner, leachate and gas collection systems. On the other hand, the composition of the waste, which affects the geotechnical behavior of the MSW, is dependent on a variety of factors such as climate, disposal technology, the culture and habits of the local community. It is therefore essential that the design and stability evaluations of landfills in each region be performed based on the local conditions and the geotechnical characteristic of the MSW. The Bandeirantes Landfill, BL, in Sao Paulo and the Metropolitan Center Landfill, MCL, in Salvador, are among the biggest landfills in Brazil. These two disposal facilities have been used for the development of research involving waste mechanics in recent years. Considerable work has been made in the laboratory and in the field to evaluate parameters such as water and organic contents, composition, permeability, and shear strength. This paper shows and analyzes the results of tests performed on these two landfills. The authors believe that these results could be a good reference for certain aspects and geotechnical properties of MSW materials in countries with similar conditions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with the use of simplified methods to predict methane generation in tropical landfills. Methane recovery data obtained on site as part of a research program being carried Out at the Metropolitan Landfill, Salvador, Brazil, is analyzed and used to obtain field methane generation over time. Laboratory data from MSW samples of different ages are presented and discussed: and simplified procedures to estimate the methane generation potential, L(o), and the constant related to the biodegradation rate, k are applied. The first order decay method is used to fit field and laboratory results. It is demonstrated that despite the assumptions and the simplicity of the adopted laboratory procedures, the values L(o) and k obtained are very close to those measured in the field, thus making this kind of analysis very attractive for first approach purposes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study presents a methodology for the characterization of construction and demolition (C&D) waste recycled aggregates based on a combination of analytical techniques (X-ray fluorescence (XRF), soluble ions, semi-quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TCA-DTG) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) selective dissolution). These combined analytical techniques allow for the estimation of the amount of cement paste, its most important hydrated and carbonated phases, as well as the amount of clay and micas. Details of the methodology are presented here and the results of three representative C&D samples taken from the Sao Paulo region in Brazil are discussed. Chemical compositions of mixed C&D aggregate samples have mostly been influenced by particle size rather than the visual classification of C&D into red or grey and geographical origin. The amount of measured soluble salts in C&D aggregates (0.15-25.4 mm) is lower than the usual limits for mortar and concrete production. The content of porous cement paste in the C&D aggregates is around 19.3% (w/w). However, this content is significantly lower than the 43% detected for the C&D powders (< 0.15 min). The clay content of the powders was also high, potentially resulting from soil intermixed with the C&D waste, as well as poorly burnt red ceramic. Since only about 50% of the measured CaO is combined with CO(2), the powders have potential use as raw materials for the cement industry. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
RESUMO: O trabalho que se apresenta no âmbito desta dissertação, é direcionado para a problemática da Água, do Saneamento Básico e dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos «RSU» em São Tomé e Príncipe. Num contexto de desenvolvimento e indo ao encontro dos anseios da Organização das Nações Unidas «ONU» e da sua perspetiva de alcançar os Objetivos do Milénio nesta área tão importante. Elegeu-se como primordial objetivo, conhecer as indicações técnico políticas instituídas em São Tomé e Príncipe, para a gestão dos problemas acima enumerados. Entender esses problemas, identificar as dificuldades sentidas pelo governo e pela generalidade dos seus habitantes no acesso à água, ao saneamento básico, à recolha e tratamento de RSU. Outra vertente será direcionada para apontar caminhos nestas áreas, onde a capacidade institucional tarda em dar resposta às necessidades básicas destes setores, inviabilizando um desenvolvimento sustentado destes ramos. Esta dissertação, assenta ainda no reconhecimento e na importância estratégica em se valorizar e consolidar redes técnico-científicas no âmbito da Linha de Investigação em Estudos Africanos e Pós-Coloniais, inserida na Unidade de Estudos e Investigação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade «UEICTS» da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias «ULHT».ABSTRACT: The work presented in this dissertation, is directed to the problem of Water Sanitation and Solid Waste «RSU» in Sao Tome and Principe. In a context of development, fulfillment of the wishes of the United Nations «UN» and its prospect of achieving the Millennium Goals in this important area. The prime objective, is, to know the indications and technical policies in place in Sao Tome and Principe for the management of the problems listed above. Understanding these problems, identifying the difficulties faced by government and by most of its residents in relation, to access to water, sanitation, collection and treatment of Solid Waste. Another aspect, is directed, to point, to ways, in these subjects where institutional capacity is slow to respond to basic needs of these sectors, preventing a sustained development of these industries. This dissertation focus on the recognition and strategic importance in considering and consolidate technical and scientific networks in the line of Research in African and Lusophone, inserted at the Unit for Studies and Research in Science, Technology and Society «UEICTS» Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology «ULHT».
O presente documento enquadra-se no âmbito do trabalho final do mestrado (TFM) do curso de Engenharia Civil, na área de especialização de Hidráulica, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, sob a forma de um projeto na fase de estudo prévio com o título ―Gestão Sustentável da Água no empreendimento turístico Parque de Campismo da Ilha do Pessegueiro situado em Porto Covo - Região de Turismo do Alentejo‖. Este trabalho é constituído essencialmente por 5 partes. Sendo a primeira uma breve introdução às questões a abordar, a segunda corresponde à discrição teórica do uso eficiente da água baseando-se no PNEUA (Programa nacional para o uso eficiente da água). Já a terceira parte é relativa ao atual sistema de utilização da água no Parque de campismo da ilha do pessegueiro (PCIP), sendo a quarta o estudo do desenvolvimento do projecto para a gestão eficiente da água no empreendimento e a quinta parte o estudo de viabilidade económica e financeira a implementar no projecto. Para além da implementação de medidas de poupança são também objetivos principais deste trabalho a reutilização da água através da recolha, o tratamento e armazenamento das águas residuais e aproveitamento das águas pluviais para posterior abastecimento do sistema de utilização em descargas sanitárias, lavagem de pavimentos e regas de espaços verdes. São, portanto, três os subsistemas de gestão eficiente da água que se pretende implementar. Dá-se importância ao estudo de viabilidade económica do projeto, cujo período de retorno do capital investido em capitais próprios e alheios é de seis anos. Este projeto pretende dar apoio técnico ao uso eficiente da água no PCIP, de forma a conseguir por um lado obter vantagens económicas e por outro proteger o ambiente. As vantagens económicas são interessantes para orientar os recursos financeiros para outros investimentos e as questões ambientais são a base de uma campanha, já em curso, para obtenção de certificação energética, em conjunto com outras práticas já em curso, nomeadamente a recolha seletiva de resíduos sólidos para recircular e aproveitamento de energia solar.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança, 18 de Fevereiro de 2011, Universidade dos Açores.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the seroprevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis and to describe risk behaviors associated to their transmission among recyclable waste collectors. METHODS: A seroepidemiological survey was carried out in the city of Santos, Southeastern Brazil, in 2005. A total of 315 individuals were enrolled in the survey, of which 253 subjects underwent serological testing HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis. Statistical analysis consisted of univariate and bivariate analyses (cross-tabulation and odds ratio) and multivariate analysis (by logistic regression), relating HIV infection with established risk behaviors and seropositivity. RESULTS: Overall seroprevalences were: HIV, 8.9%; hepatitis B, 34.4%; hepatitis C, 12.4%; and syphilis, 18.4%. Subjects were characterized by a predominance of males with low educational and economic levels, subjected to parenteral and sexual exposures to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Multivariate analysis results indicated that risk factors for both sexually and parenterally related exposure were significantly associated with HIV in this community. CONCLUSIONS: Seroprevalences found in the study were approximately 10 to 12 times higher than the national average. These communities are socially marginalized and generally not recognized by national programs as potentially endangered populations.
Actualmente, a sociedade depara-se com um enorme desafio: a gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. A sua produção tem vindo a aumentar devido à intensificação das actividades humanas nas últimas décadas. A criação de um sistema de gestão dos resíduos é fundamental para definir prioridades nas acções e metas para que haja uma prevenção na produção de resíduos. Os resíduos sólidos urbanos quando dispostos de forma inadequada podem provocar graves impactos ambientais, tendo sido neste trabalho demonstrado que através de uma gestão eficiente destes é possível aproveitar o potencial energético do biogás e consequentemente diminuir o consumo de combustíveis fósseis reduzindo o impacto ambiental. Os aterros sanitários devem funcionar como a ultima etapa do sistema de tratamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos e são uma alternativa a ter em conta se forem tomadas todas as medidas necessárias. Estima-se que os aterros sejam responsáveis pela produção de 6-20% do metano existente e que contribuam com 3-4% da produção anual de gases efeito de estufa provenientes de actividades antropogénicas1. É, portanto, fundamental proceder a uma impermeabilização do solo e à criação de condições para recolha do biogás produzido durante a decomposição dos resíduos. Foi estimada a produção de biogás, de acordo com o modelo “LandGEM”, no entanto comparando esta produção com a produção medida pelo explorador, constatou-se uma diferença significativa que pode ser justificada pelo: modo de funcionamento do aterro (longos períodos de paragem); desvio dos resíduos rapidamente biodegradáveis para valorização; a existência de uma percentagem superior ao normal de oxigénio no biogás; a utilização de escórias e cinzas, e a correspondente redução da humidade devido ao compactamento exercido sobre os resíduos durante a sua deposição. Visto tratar-se de um estudo de viabilidade económica da valorização do biogás, foram propostos três cenários para a valorização do biogás. O 1º cenário contempla a instalação de um sistema gerador de energia para comercialização junto da Rede Eléctrica Nacional. O 2º Cenário contempla a instalação de um sistema alternativo de alimentação à caldeira da central de valorização energética de forma a substituir o combustível utilizado actualmente. E o 3º Cenário vem de encontro com os resultados observados actualmente onde se verifica uma reduzida produção/recolha de biogás no aterro. Assim é proposto um sistema gerador de energia que garanta o auto-consumo da exploração do aterro (26 MWh/ano). Qualquer um dos cenários apresenta uma VAL negativa o que leva a concluir que não são viáveis. No entanto, através da análise de sensibilidade, verificamos que estes são claramente afectados por factores como o benefício e o investimento anual, concluindo-se que com alterações nos factores de cálculo, como por exemplo, um aumento no consumo de combustível auxiliar da caldeira (2º cenário), ou com um aumento da factura eléctrica (3º cenário), ou com o aumento do tempo de retorno do investimento inicial(1º cenário), os projectos podem-se tornar viáveis. Por fim importa referir que independentemente da valorização é fundamental continuar a eliminar a máxima quantidade de metano produzida para tentar diminuir o impacto que este tem sobre o ambiente.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 18 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.