978 resultados para Solar storage
The Sun is a crucial benchmark for how we see the universe. Especially when it comes to the visible range of the spectrum, stars are commonly compared to the Sun, as it is the most thoroughly studied star. In this work I have focussed on two aspects of the Sun and how it is used in modern astronomy. Firstly, I try to answer the question on how similar to the Sun another star can be. Given the limits of observations, we call a solar twin a star that has the same observed parameters as the Sun within its errors. These stars can be used as stand-in suns when doing observations, as normal night-time telescopes are not built to be pointed at the Sun. There have been many searches for these twins and every one of them provided not only information on how close to the Sun another star can be, but also helped us to understand the Sun itself. In my work I have selected _ 300 stars that are both photometrically and spectroscopically close to the Sun and found 22 solar twins, of which 17 were previously unknown and can therefore help the emerging picture on solar twins. In my second research project I have used my full sample of 300 solar analogue stars to check the temperature and metallicity scale of stellar catalogue calibrations. My photometric sample was originally drawn from the Geneva-Copenhagen-Survey (Nordström et al. 2004; Holmberg et al. 2007, 2009) for which two alternative calibrations exist, i.e. GCS-III (Holmberg et al. 2009) and C11 (Casagrande et al. 2011). I used very high resolution spectra of solar analogues, and a new approach to test the two calibrations. I found a zero–point shift of order of +75 K and +0.10 dex in effective temperature and metallicity, respectively, in the GCS-III and therefore favour the C11 calibration, which found similar offsets. I then performed a spectroscopic analysis of the stars to derive effective temperatures and metallicities, and tested that they are well centred around the solar values.
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of different conditions of collection, transport and storage on the quality of blood samples from normal individuals in terms of the activity of the enzymes ß-glucuronidase, total hexosaminidase, hexosaminidase A, arylsulfatase A and ß-galactosidase. The enzyme activities were not affected by the different materials used for collection (plastic syringes or vacuum glass tubes). In the evaluation of different heparin concentrations (10% heparin, 5% heparin, and heparinized syringe) in the syringes, it was observed that higher doses resulted in an increase of at least 1-fold in the activities of ß-galactosidase, total hexosaminidase and hexosaminidase A in leukocytes, and ß-glucuronidase in plasma. When the effects of time and means of transportation were studied, samples that had been kept at room temperature showed higher deterioration with time (72 and 96 h) before processing, and in this case it was impossible to isolate leukocytes from most samples. Comparison of heparin and acid citrate-dextrose (ACD) as anticoagulants revealed that ß-glucuronidase and hexosaminidase activities in plasma reached levels near the lower normal limits when ACD was used. In conclusion, we observed that heparin should be used as the preferable anticoagulant when measuring these lysosomal enzyme activities, and we recommend that, when transport time is more than 24 h, samples should be shipped by air in a styrofoam box containing wet ice.
The presence of chitin in midgut structures of Callosobruchus maculatus larvae was shown by chemical and immunocytochemical methods. Detection by Western blotting of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seed vicilins (7S storage proteins) bound to these structures suggested that C. maculatus-susceptible vicilins presented less staining when compared to C. maculatus-resistant vicilins. Storage proteins present in the microvilli in the larval midgut of the bruchid were recognized by immunolabeling of vicilins in the appropriate sections with immunogold conjugates. These labeling sites coincided with the sites labeled by an anti-chitin antibody. These results, taken together with those previously published showing that the lower rates of hydrolysis of variant vicilins from C. maculatus-resistant seeds by the insect's midgut proteinases and those showing that vicilins bind to chitin matrices, may explain the detrimental effects of variant vicilins on the development of C. maculatus larvae.
The interactions between the median raphe nucleus (MRN) serotonergic system and the septohippocampal muscarinic cholinergic system in the modulation of immediate working memory storage performance were investigated. Rats with sham or ibotenic acid lesions of the MRN were bilaterally implanted with cannulae in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and tested in a light/dark step-through inhibitory avoidance task in which response latency to enter the dark compartment immediately after the shock served as a measure of immediate working memory storage. MRN lesion per se did not alter response latency. Post-training intrahippocampal scopolamine infusion (2 and 4 µg/side) produced a more marked reduction in response latencies in the lesioned animals compared to the sham-lesioned rats. Results suggest that the immediate working memory storage performance is modulated by synergistic interactions between serotonergic projections of the MRN and the muscarinic cholinergic system of the hippocampus.
Thermal environmental stress can anticipate acute fatigue during exercise at a fixed intensity (%VO2max). Controversy exists about whether this anticipation is caused by the absolute internal temperature (Tint, ºC), by the heat storage rate (HSR, cal/min) or by both mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to study acute fatigue (total exercise time, TET) during thermal stress by determining Tint and HSR from abdominal temperature. Thermal environmental stress was controlled in an environmental chamber and determined as wet bulb globe temperature (ºC), with three environmental temperatures being studied: cold (18ºC), thermoneutral (23.1ºC) or hot (29.4ºC). Six untrained male Wistar rats weighing 260-360 g were used. The animals were submitted to exercise at the same time of day in the three environments and at two treadmill velocities (21 and 24 m/min) until exhaustion. After implantation of a temperature sensor and treadmill adaptation, the animals were submitted to a Latin square experimental design using a 2 x 3 factorial scheme (velocity and environment), with the level of significance set at P<0.05. The results showed that the higher the velocity and the ambient temperature, the lower was the TET, with these two factors being independent. This result indicated that fatigue was independently affected by both the increase in exercise intensity and the thermal environmental stress. Fatigue developed at different Tint and HSR showed the best inverse relationship with TET. We conclude that HSR was the main anticipating factor of fatigue.
Distributed storage systems are studied. The interest in such system has become relatively wide due to the increasing amount of information needed to be stored in data centers or different kinds of cloud systems. There are many kinds of solutions for storing the information into distributed devices regarding the needs of the system designer. This thesis studies the questions of designing such storage systems and also fundamental limits of such systems. Namely, the subjects of interest of this thesis include heterogeneous distributed storage systems, distributed storage systems with the exact repair property, and locally repairable codes. For distributed storage systems with either functional or exact repair, capacity results are proved. In the case of locally repairable codes, the minimum distance is studied. Constructions for exact-repairing codes between minimum bandwidth regeneration (MBR) and minimum storage regeneration (MSR) points are given. These codes exceed the time-sharing line of the extremal points in many cases. Other properties of exact-regenerating codes are also studied. For the heterogeneous setup, the main result is that the capacity of such systems is always smaller than or equal to the capacity of a homogeneous system with symmetric repair with average node size and average repair bandwidth. A randomized construction for a locally repairable code with good minimum distance is given. It is shown that a random linear code of certain natural type has a good minimum distance with high probability. Other properties of locally repairable codes are also studied.
Solceller baserade på organiska halvledare erbjuder en möjlighet till storskalig och billig solenergiproduktion. Organiska halvledare har den fördelen att de är lösningsprocesserbara vilket gör att solceller och andra elektroniska komponenter baserade på dessa halvledare kan tillverkas vid låga temperaturer och med liten energiförbrukning. Nackdelen med dessa material är deras strukturella och energetiska oordning som leder till lägre effektivitet. För att organiska solceller ska kunna kommersialiseras krävs grundläggande insikter i de olika processer som begränsar effektiviteten. En stor del av forskningen om dessa processer har varit fokuserad kring egenskaperna av solcellens olika komponenter (de aktiva materialen) som sådana, medan gränsytorna mellan olika material har fått mindre uppmärksamhet. Gränsytor mellan olika material har distinkt olika egenskaper jämfört med ett rent material, och gränsytors olika egenskaper kan ha en väldigt stor inverkan på hur solcellerna fungerar. Syftet med denna avhandling är att klargöra några olika gränsyterelaterade effekter i organiska dioder och solceller. De gränsytor som behandlas är gränsytan mellan kontakten och det aktiva lagret (metall-organisk) och gränsytan mellan donor och acceptor (organisk-organisk). Resultaten visar att metall-organiska gränsytor måste designas noggrant för att begränsa förlust av effektivitet. En icke-idealisk kontakt leder till starkt reducerad effektivitet på grund av att elektronerna extraheras ineffektivt. Även till synes idealiska kontakter kan orsaka förluster genom spontan laddningsöverföring från metallen till det organiska lagret som effektivt sett minskar på den spänning som cellen kan alstra. Den organisk-organiska gränsytan påverkar hur mycket ström cellen kan alstra och beroende på gränsytans beskaffenhet kan de negativa rekombinationsprocesserna i materialet kontrolleras. ------------------------------------------------- Orgaanisille puolijohteille perustuvat aurinkokennot mahdollistavat suurimuotoisen ja edullisen aurinkoenergiatuotannon. Orgaanisten puolijohteiden etu on että ne voidaan liuottaa, jolloin aurinkokennot ja muut näille johteille perustuvat elektroniset komponentit voidaan valmistaa alhaisessa lämpötilassa kuluttaen vähän energiaa. Materiaalien huonona puolena on kuitenkin niiden rakenteellinen ja energeettinen epäjärjestys, jonka seurauksena niiden tehokkuus on huonompi. Orgaanisten aurinkokennojen kaupallistaminen edellyttää perustavanlaatuista ymmärystä tehokkuutta rajoittavista prosesseista. Aurinkokennotutkimus on pääosin keskittynyt aurinkokennon eri komponenttien (aktiivisten materiaalien) ominaisuuksiin, kun taas eri materiaalien rajapinnat ovat jääneet vähemmälle huomiolle. Eri materiaalien välisillä rajapinnoilla on huomattavan erilaisia ominaisuuksia verrattuna puhtaisiin materiaaleihin. Rajapintojen ominaisuudet voivat kuitenkin vaikuttaa merkittävästi aurinkokennojen toimintaan. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selventää joitain rajapintoihin liittyviä toimintoja orgaanisissa diodeissa ja aurinkokennoissa. Käsiteltävät rajapinnat ovat rajapinta kontaktin ja aktiivisen kerroksen välillä (metallis-orgaaninen) ja rajapinta donorin ja akseptorin välillä (orgaanis-orgaaninen). Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että metallis-orgaaniset rajapinnat tulee suunnitella huolellisesti, jotta tehokkuuden alenemista voidaan rajoittaa. Mikäli kontakti ei ole ideaalisti suunniteltu, vähenee tehokkuus huomattavasti, mikä johtuu elektronien tehottomasta ekstrahoinnista. Jopa ideaalisilta vaikuttavat kontaktit voivat johtaa tehokkuuden alenemiseen, mikäli varaus siirtyy spontaanisti metallista orgaaniseen kerrokseen, sillä tämä alentaa jännitettä jonka kenno voi tuottaa. Kennon orgaanis-orgaaninen rajapinta vaikuttaa siihen, kuinka paljon virtaa kenno pystyy tuottamaan. Rajapinnan ominaisuuksista riippuen materiaalin rekombinaatio on hallittavissa.
This thesis presents an analysis of recently enacted Russian renewable energy policy based on capacity mechanism. Considering its novelty and poor coverage by academic literature, the aim of the thesis is to analyze capacity mechanism influence on investors’ decision-making process. The current research introduces a number of approaches to investment analysis. Firstly, classical financial model was built with Microsoft Excel® and crisp efficiency indicators such as net present value were determined. Secondly, sensitivity analysis was performed to understand different factors influence on project profitability. Thirdly, Datar-Mathews method was applied that by means of Monte Carlo simulation realized with Matlab Simulink®, disclosed all possible outcomes of investment project and enabled real option thinking. Fourthly, previous analysis was duplicated by fuzzy pay-off method with Microsoft Excel®. Finally, decision-making process under capacity mechanism was illustrated with decision tree. Capacity remuneration paid within 15 years is calculated individually for each RE project as variable annuity that guarantees a particular return on investment adjusted on changes in national interest rates. Analysis results indicate that capacity mechanism creates a real option to invest in renewable energy project by ensuring project profitability regardless of market conditions if project-internal factors are managed properly. The latter includes keeping capital expenditures within set limits, production performance higher than 75% of target indicators, and fulfilling localization requirement, implying producing equipment and services within the country. Occurrence of real option shapes decision-making process in the following way. Initially, investor should define appropriate location for a planned power plant where high production performance can be achieved, and lock in this location in case of competition. After, investor should wait until capital cost limit and localization requirement can be met, after that decision to invest can be made without any risk to project profitability. With respect to technology kind, investment into solar PV power plant is more attractive than into wind or small hydro power, since it has higher weighted net present value and lower standard deviation. However, it does not change decision-making strategy that remains the same for each technology type. Fuzzy pay-method proved its ability to disclose the same patterns of information as Monte Carlo simulation. Being effective in investment analysis under uncertainty and easy in use, it can be recommended as sufficient analytical tool to investors and researchers. Apart from described results, this thesis contributes to the academic literature by detailed description of capacity price calculation for renewable energy that was not available in English before. With respect to methodology novelty, such advanced approaches as Datar-Mathews method and fuzzy pay-off method are applied on the top of investment profitability model that incorporates capacity remuneration calculation as well. Comparison of effects of two different RE supporting schemes, namely Russian capacity mechanism and feed-in premium, contributes to policy comparative studies and exhibits useful inferences for researchers and policymakers. Limitations of this research are simplification of assumptions to country-average level that restricts our ability to analyze renewable energy investment region wise and existing limitation of the studying policy to the wholesale power market that leaves retail markets and remote areas without our attention, taking away medium and small investment into renewable energy from the research focus. Elimination of these limitations would allow creating the full picture of Russian renewable energy investment profile.
An electric system based on renewable energy faces challenges concerning the storage and utilization of energy due to the intermittent and seasonal nature of renewable energy sources. Wind and solar photovoltaic power productions are variable and difficult to predict, and thus electricity storage will be needed in the case of basic power production. Hydrogen’s energetic potential lies in its ability and versatility to store chemical energy, to serve as an energy carrier and as feedstock for various industries. Hydrogen is also used e.g. in the production of biofuels. The amount of energy produced during hydrogen combustion is higher than any other fuel’s on a mass basis with a higher-heating-value of 39.4 kWh/kg. However, even though hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, on Earth most hydrogen exists in molecular forms such as water. Therefore, hydrogen must be produced and there are various methods to do so. Today, the majority hydrogen comes from fossil fuels, mainly from steam methane reforming, and only about 4 % of global hydrogen comes from water electrolysis. Combination of electrolytic production of hydrogen from water and supply of renewable energy is attracting more interest due to the sustainability and the increased flexibility of the resulting energy system. The preferred option for intermittent hydrogen storage is pressurization in tanks since at ambient conditions the volumetric energy density of hydrogen is low, and pressurized tanks are efficient and affordable when the cycling rate is high. Pressurized hydrogen enables energy storage in larger capacities compared to battery technologies and additionally the energy can be stored for longer periods of time, on a time scale of months. In this thesis, the thermodynamics and electrochemistry associated with water electrolysis are described. The main water electrolysis technologies are presented with state-of-the-art specifications. Finally, a Power-to-Hydrogen infrastructure design for Lappeenranta University of Technology is presented. Laboratory setup for water electrolysis is specified and factors affecting its commissioning in Finland are presented.
Tulevaisuudessa tuuli- ja aurinkovoiman osuus sähköntuotannosta tulee kasvamaan. Näiden uusiutuvien energiamuotojen tuotanto kuitenkin vaihtelee sääolosuhteiden mukaan. Tästä johtuen tarvitaan lisää säätövoimaa, jotta voidaan vastata sähkönkulutukseen tuuli- ja aurinkosähkön tuotannon laskiessa. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan mahdollisuutta toteuttaa sähkönkulutuksen ja tuotannon tasapainottaminen Suomessa sähkön varastoinnin avulla sekä ydinvoiman soveltuvuutta säätövoimaksi ja ydinsähkön varastoinnin kannattavuutta. Työssä vertaillaan mahdollisuuksia sähkön varastointiteknologioiksi, joista valitaan potentiaalisimmat vaihtoehdot kustannus- ja soveltuvuustarkasteluun. Varastointikapasiteetin tarvetta tarkastellaan Suomen nykyisen sähkönkulutuksen ja -tuotannon mukaan sekä tilanteessa, jossa tuuli- ja aurinkovoiman osuus on molemmilla 15 % kokonaistuotantokapasiteetista. Vanhempien sekä nykyaikaisten ydinvoimaloiden soveltuvuutta säätövoimaksi tarkastellaan laitosten säädettävyyden perusteella. Ydinvoimalaa on kuitenkin kannattavinta käyttää mahdollisimman suurella käyttökertoimella, joten tarkastelussa on myös mahdollisuus varastoida sähköä tilanteissa, joissa tuotantoa jouduttaisiin rajoittamaan. Varastointiteknologioiden ja eri skenaarioissa vaadittujen varastointikapasiteettien perusteella voidaan todeta, ettei sähkönkulutuksen ja -tuotannon tasapainottaminen sähkön varastoinnilla ole kannattavaa nykyisillä varastointikustannuksilla ja sähkön hinnoilla. Ydinvoiman voidaan todeta soveltuvan hyvin säätövoimaksi ominaisuuksien puolesta, mutta taloudellisesti se ei ole paras vaihtoehto. Ydinvoimalla tuotetun sähkön varastointi ei ole tällä hetkellä Suomessa kannattavaa matalien sähkön hintojen ja korkeiden varastointikustannusten vuoksi. Sähkön varastoinnista on mahdollista tulla kannattavaa 2020-luvulla. Tämä edellyttää Yhdysvaltojen energiaministeriön asettaman strategian toteutumista, jonka tavoitteena on varastoimalla tuotetun sähkön kustannusten saaminen alle 75 €/MWh.
First-principles study on electronic and structural properties of Cu(In/Ga)Se alloys for solar cells
Thin-film photovoltaic solar cells based on the Cu(In1−xGax)Se2 (CIGS) alloys have attracted more and more attention due to their large optical absorption coefficient, long term stability, low cost, and high efficiency. Modern theoretical studies of this material with first-principles calculations can provide accurate description of the electronic structure and yield results in close agreement with experimental values, but takes a large amount of calculation time. In this work, we use first-principles calculations based on the computationally affordable meta- generalized gradient approximation of the density-functional theory to investigate electronic and structural properties of the CIGS alloys. We report on the simulation of the lattice parameters and band gaps, as a function of chemical composition. The obtained results were found to be in a good agreement with the available experimental data.
This work focuses on the 159.5 kW solar photovoltaic power plant project installed at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2013 as an example of what a solar plant project could be in Finland. The project consists of a two row carport and a flat roof installation on the roof of the university laboratories. The purpose of this project is not only its obvious energy savings potential but also to serve as research and teaching laboratory tool. By 2013, there were not many large scale solar power plants in Finland. For this reason, the installation and data experience from the solar power plant at LUT has brought valuable information for similar projects in northern countries. This work includes a first part for the design and acquisition of the project to continue explaining about the components and their installation. At the end, energy produced by this solar power plant is studied and calculated to find out some relevant economical results. For this, the radiation arriving to southern Finland, the losses of the system in cold weather and the impact of snow among other aspects are taken into account.
In this thesis the basic structure and operational principals of single- and multi-junction solar cells are considered and discussed. Main properties and characteristics of solar cells are briefly described. Modified equipment for measuring the quantum efficiency for multi-junction solar cell is presented. Results of experimental research single- and multi-junction solar cells are described.