998 resultados para Skull base reconstruction


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Les escales de valoració al pacient politraumàtic són essencials per al seu maneig i pronòstic. Podem definir índexs de gravetat o probabilitat de supervivència. Segons quins paràmetres analitzi, podem parlar d’escales fisiològiques, anatòmiques, bioquímiques i els índexs de probabilitat de supervivència. El BISS és un model de probabilitat provat a Holanda que ha demostrat ser objectiu. El nostre treball consisteix en la validació del BISS als nostres pacients. Durant dos anys vàrem recollir 354 pacients podent incloure només 167 al nostre estudi. Els resultats van ser significatius amb l’estudi posterior, però degut a la gran pèrdua de pacients no podem afirmar la nostra hipòtesi.


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La notion que le début d'une schizophrénie puisse être marqué par une zone d'ombre aux caractéristiques vagues et aspécifiques n'est pas nouvelle dans l'histoire de la psychiatrie. Cependant, la question de son repérage et des traitements adaptés réapparaît dans les débats psychiatriques au cours de ces dernières années. Beaucoup d'efforts sont actuellement déployés pour repérer les phases prodromales à travers des outils très différents pour ce qui est de la conceptualisation dont ils sont issus (psychiatrique, psychologique ou phénoménologique). Il n'est néanmoins pas clair quelle proposition psychothérapeutique pourrait mieux profiter à ces patients, pour qui il est le plus souvent question d'un malaise aspécifique, du registre relationnel et existentiel, et pas encore d'une « maladie » stricto sensu. Dans cet article, à l'aide d'un suivi psychothérapeutique d'un jeune patient à risque de psychose, la question de la psychothérapie des prodromes est esquissée en essayant d'articuler la notion de symptômes de base, concept psychologique issu des travaux de Huber et Gross, avec une compréhension psychanalytique et d'inspiration phénoménologique. Les symptômes de base et leur transformation possible dans le processus psychothérapeutique sont décrits ainsi dans la perspective d'une théorie de la réparation de l'appareil à penser et de l'intersubjectivité de la dyade thérapeutique.


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PURPOSE: Virtual planning and guided surgery with or without prebent or milled plates are becoming more and more common for mandibular reconstruction with fibular free flaps (FFFs). Although this excellent surgical option is being used more widely, the question of the additional cost of planning and cutting-guide production has to be discussed. In capped payment systems such additional costs have to be offset by other savings if there are no special provisions for extra funding. Our study was designed to determine whether using virtual planning and guided surgery resulted in time saved during surgery and whether this time gain resulted in self-funding of such planning through the time saved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All consecutive cases of FFF surgery were evaluated during a 2-year period. Institutional data were used to determine the price of 1 minute of operative time. The time for fibula molding, plate adaptation, and insetting was recorded. RESULTS: During the defined period, we performed 20 mandibular reconstructions using FFFs, 9 with virtual planning and guided surgery and 11 freehand cases. One minute of operative time was calculated to cost US $47.50. Multiplying this number by the time saved, we found that the additional cost of virtual planning was reduced from US $5,098 to US $1,231.50 with a prebent plate and from US $6,980 to US $3,113.50 for a milled plate. CONCLUSIONS: Even in capped health care systems, virtual planning and guided surgery including prebent or milled plates are financially viable.


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Le présent article vise à sensibiliser les médecins à la sémiologie précoce des troubles schizophréniques. Nous évoquons quelques-uns des troubles de base décrits dans le manuel BSABS (Bonn scale for the assessment of basic symploms) et la manière de les investiguer. ll s'agit notamment de troubles perceptifs, moleurs et cénesthésiques. Les troubles de base donnent des clés pour comprendre les mécanismes étiopathogéniques de la schizophrénie et sont de précieux indicateurs diagnostiques, ainsi que des éléments importants dans la compréhension et le suivi à long terme des patients schizophrènes, notamment dans l'établissement d'une bonne alliance thérapeutique et dans la prévention des rechutes. Même si la fiabilité de leur appréciation n'est pas aussi grande que pour les symptômes psychotiques florides, leur validité clinique et leur valeur prédictive sont bonnes.


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BACKGROUND: The management of pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) can be challenging, and laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) with cartilage interposition grafting remains the mainstay of surgical treatment for pediatric LTS in most experienced centers. The purpose of this study was to report the results of this procedure in a center where primary cricotracheal resection is frequently performed. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed on 45 patients who underwent LTR in our hospital between October 1997 and July 2012. Demographic characteristics and information on the preoperative status, stenosis, and operation were collected. Primary outcomes were measured as overall (ODR) and operation-specific (OSDR) decannulation rates and secondary outcomes as morbidity, mortality, and postoperative functional results. RESULTS: ODR and OSDR were 86.7% (39/45) and 66.7% (30/45), respectively. Re-stenosis was observed in 11/45 (24%) patients, all of whom were endoscopically or surgically treated. Revision surgery was performed in 10 patients, 6 for re-stenosis and 2 for peristomial tracheomalacia. Two children died of mucous obstruction of tracheostomy tube at 3 and 6 months postoperatively (4.4%). Respiratory, voice, and swallowing functions were excellent or good in 86, 75, and 84% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: LTR for pediatric LTS has high decannulation rates with acceptable morbidity and mortality in selected patients. Most LTR procedures were double-stage for lower grade subglottic stenoses associated with glottic involvement that required stenting. Careful preoperative evaluation and adequate surgical indications are extremely important to achieve high decannulation rates.


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In the past decade aquifers have increasingly become palaeoclimatic archives in their own right alongside ice cores, sediments and other proxy records. The main tool for this task has been the noble gas palaeo-thermometer in combination with quantitative groundwater dating using radionuclides. Noblegas radionuclides play a unique role as tracers in environmental studies due to their chemical inertness and low concentration making them ideal tracers. The same properties on the other hand make them difficult to measure on natural concentration levels. Therefore for decades low level counting (LLC) was the only method for detecting radioisotopes of argon and krypton at an atmospheric level. In recent times and with the increase of interest and potential applications the analytical efforts with novel detection methods have been intensified. In the talk noble gas groundwater dating techniques over times scales from decades to millions of years are discussed in relation to noble gas palaeo records at different locations in Europe and elsewhere.


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RESUME : Bien que les propriétés physiques de la structure de l'ADN aient été intensivement étudiées pendant plus de 50 ans il y a encore beaucoup de questions importantes qui attendent des réponses. Par exemple, qu'arrive-t-il à la structure de la double hélice d'ADN nue (sans protéines liées) lorsqu'elle est fortement courbée, de la même manière que dans les nucléosomes? Cet ADN nu est-il facilement plié (il reste dans le régime élastique) ou réduit-il la contrainte de flexion en formant des sites hyperflexibles «kinks» (il sort du régime élastique en cassant l'empilement des paires de bases à certains endroits) ? La microscopie électronique peut fournir une réponse à cette question par visualisation directe des minicercles d'ADN de la longueur d'un tour de nucléosome (environ 90 paires de bases). Pour que la réponse soit scientifiquement valide, on doit observer les molécules d'ADN lorsqu'elles sont en suspension dans la solution d'intérêt et sans que des colorations, produits chimiques ou fixatifs n'aient été ajoutés, étant donné que ceux-ci peuvent changer les propriétés de l'ADN. La technique de la cryo-microscopie électronique (cryo-EM) développée par le groupe de Jacques Dubochet au début des années 80, permet la visualisation directe des molécules d'ADN suspendues dans des couche minces vitrifiées de solutions aqueuses. Toutefois, le faible contraste qui caractérise la cryo-EM combinée avec la très petite taille des minicercles d'ADN rendent nécessaire l'optimisation de plusieurs étapes, aussi bien dans la préparation des échantillons que dans le processus d'acquisition d'images afin d'obtenir deux clichés stéréo qui permettent la reconstruction 3-D des minicercles d'ADN. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, je décris l'optimisation de certains paramètres pour la cryoEM et des processus d'acquisition d'image utilisant comme objets de test des plasmides et d'autres molécules d'ADN. Dans la deuxième partie, je .décris comment j'ai construit les minicercles d'ADN de 94 bp et comment j'ai introduit des modifications structurelles comme des coupures ou des lacunes. Dans la troisième partie, je décris l'analyse des reconstructions des rninicercles d'ADN. Cette analyse, appuyée par des tests biochimiques, indique fortement que des molécules d'ADN sont capables de former de petites molécules circulaires de 94 bp sans dépasser les limites d'élasticité, indiquant que les minicercles adoptent une forme circulaire régulière où la flexion est redistribuée le long la molécule. ABSTRACT : Although physical properties of DNA structure have been intensively studied for over 50 years there are still many important questions that need to be answered. For example, what happens to protein-free double-stranded DNA when it is strongly bent, as in DNA forming nucleosomes? Is such protein-free DNA smoothly bent (i.e. it remains within elastic limits of DNA rigidity) or does it release its bending stress by forming sharp kinks (i.e. it exits the elastic regime and breaks the stacking between neighbouring base-pairs in localized regions)? Electron microscopy can provide an answer to this question by directly visualizing DNA minicircles that have the size of nucleosome gyres (ca 90 bp). For the answer to be scientifically valid, one needs to observe DNA molecules while they are still suspended in the solution of interest and no staining chemicals or fixatives have been added since these can change the properties of the DNA. CryoEM techniques developed by Jacques Dubochet's group beginning in the 1980's permit direct visualization of DNA molecules suspended in cryo-vitrified layers of aqueous solutions. However, a relatively weak contrast of cryo-EM preparations combined with the very small size of the DNA minicircles made it necessary to optimize many of the steps and parameters of the cryo-EM specimen preparation and image acquisition processes in order to obtain stereo-pairs of images that permit the 3-D reconstruction of the observed DNA minicircles. In the first part of my thesis I describe the optimization of the cryo-EM preparation and the image acquisition processes using plasmid size DNA molecules as a test object. In the second part, I describe how I formed the 94 by DNA minicircles and how I introduced structural modifications like nicks or gaps. In the third part, I describe the cryo-EM analysis of the constructed DNA minicircles. That analysis, supported by biochemical tests, strongly indicates that DNA minicircles as small as 94 by remain within the elastic limits of DNA structure, i.e. the minicircles adopt a regular circular shape where bending is redistributed along the molecules.


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En la presente memoria se detalla con precisión las diversas fases del trabajo para construir una aplicación web en el servidor http://revolutionresearch.uab.es que permite enriquecer los clusters de la microarray del usuario con información biomédica de una base de datos remota. Los clusters de origen estadístico (o no) de la microarray del usuario se enriquecen a partir de cruzar sus genes marcadores con la base de datos de genes marcadores de microarrays (base de datos remota) con clusters basados en información biomédica. La base de datos de genes marcadores de microarrays ha sido obtenida a partir de la base de datos de GEO Profiles del NCBI.


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This draft Action Plan: Briefly outlines eleven broad sets of actions to identify and address the information that is required to meet the statutory Equality duties of DHSS&PS and the HPSS; andSummarises the action points in tabular form, with a note of the roles and detailed tasks, target dates and key groups and individuals involved in undertaking the actions. åÊ


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The widespread use of digital imaging devices for surveillance (CCTV) and entertainment (e.g., mobile phones, compact cameras) has increased the number of images recorded and opportunities to consider the images as traces or documentation of criminal activity. The forensic science literature focuses almost exclusively on technical issues and evidence assessment [1]. Earlier steps in the investigation phase have been neglected and must be considered. This article is the first comprehensive description of a methodology to event reconstruction using images. This formal methodology was conceptualised from practical experiences and applied to different contexts and case studies to test and refine it. Based on this practical analysis, we propose a systematic approach that includes a preliminary analysis followed by four main steps. These steps form a sequence for which the results from each step rely on the previous step. However, the methodology is not linear, but it is a cyclic, iterative progression for obtaining knowledge about an event. The preliminary analysis is a pre-evaluation phase, wherein potential relevance of images is assessed. In the first step, images are detected and collected as pertinent trace material; the second step involves organising and assessing their quality and informative potential. The third step includes reconstruction using clues about space, time and actions. Finally, in the fourth step, the images are evaluated and selected as evidence. These steps are described and illustrated using practical examples. The paper outlines how images elicit information about persons, objects, space, time and actions throughout the investigation process to reconstruct an event step by step. We emphasise the hypothetico-deductive reasoning framework, which demonstrates the contribution of images to generating, refining or eliminating propositions or hypotheses. This methodology provides a sound basis for extending image use as evidence and, more generally, as clues in investigation and crime reconstruction processes.


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This paper characterizes and evaluates the potential of three commercial CT iterative reconstruction methods (ASIR?, VEO? and iDose(4 ()?())) for dose reduction and image quality improvement. We measured CT number accuracy, standard deviation (SD), noise power spectrum (NPS) and modulation transfer function (MTF) metrics on Catphan phantom images while five human observers performed four-alternative forced-choice (4AFC) experiments to assess the detectability of low- and high-contrast objects embedded in two pediatric phantoms. Results show that 40% and 100% ASIR as well as iDose(4) levels 3 and 6 do not affect CT number and strongly decrease image noise with relative SD constant in a large range of dose. However, while ASIR produces a shift of the NPS curve apex, less change is observed with iDose(4) with respect to FBP methods. With second-generation iterative reconstruction VEO, physical metrics are even further improved: SD decreased to 70.4% at 0.5 mGy and spatial resolution improved to 37% (MTF(50%)). 4AFC experiments show that few improvements in detection task performance are obtained with ASIR and iDose(4), whereas VEO makes excellent detections possible even at an ultra-low-dose (0.3 mGy), leading to a potential dose reduction of a factor 3 to 7 (67%-86%). In spite of its longer reconstruction time and the fact that clinical studies are still required to complete these results, VEO clearly confirms the tremendous potential of iterative reconstructions for dose reduction in CT and appears to be an important tool for patient follow-up, especially for pediatric patients where cumulative lifetime dose still remains high.


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Posterior chest wall defects are frequently encountered after excision of tumors as a result of trauma or in the setting of wound dehiscence after spine surgery. Various pedicled fasciocutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps have been described for the coverage of these wounds. The advent of perforator flaps has allowed the preservation of muscle function but their bulk is limited. Musculocutaneous flaps remain widely employed. The trapezius and the latissimus dorsi (LD) flaps have been used extensively for upper and middle posterior chest wounds, respectively. Their bulk allows for obliteration of the dead space in deep wounds. The average width of the LD skin paddle is limited to 10-12 cm if closure of the donor site is expected without skin grafting. In 2001 a modification of the skin paddle design was introduced in order to allow large flaps to be raised without requiring grafts or flaps for donor site closure. This V-Y pattern allows coverage of large anterior chest defects after mastectomy. We have modified this flap to allow its use for posterior chest wall defects. We describe the flap design, its indications, and its limitations with three clinical cases. Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .