995 resultados para Sijthoff, Albertus Willem, 1829-1913.
El trabajo aborda, a través de la obra de José María Bengoa Lecanda (1913-2010), la condición de intolerable social que alcanzó, a lo largo del siglo XX, el problema del hambre y la desnutrición. Así mismo, intenta mostrar la oportunidad que comportaba dicho reto, si como parecía razonable, se trataba de corregir los factores condicionantes que estaban detrás del hambre y la desnutrición, en particular la pobreza y la falta de equidad.
Se analizan algunos de los elementos conceptuales con los que abordó el profesor José María Bengoa Lecanda (1913-2010) la complejidad de factores que están asociados al hambre. Se estudian sus reflexiones sobre la interrelación entre desnutrición, enfermedad y pobreza, así como sus propuestas para romper dicho círculo. Desde los presupuestos de la medicina social, el doctor Bengoa articuló un discurso donde las desigualdades sociales aparecen como uno de los determinantes clave que explican las diferencias socio-sanitarias entre regiones, poblaciones e individuos. El cambio social, con la educación como principal argumento, y la mejora de las condiciones de vida de la población, eran reivindicadas por el doctor Bengoa como las estrategias más adecuadas para abordar la malnutrición en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones.
This study has a double objective: to provide foreign colleagues with an insight into the controversy surrounding the international competitiveness of pig iron produced in Bilbao and also to present previously unpublished documentation regarding the European iron industry, which I have retrieved from the historical archive of Credit Lyonnais of Paris. This information includes the costs of Biscayan, French, British, German and Belgium pig iron broken down into five components (iron ore, coke, flux, labour and other costs), which is useful in determining the reasons why the pig iron from Bilbao became less competitive. The article is made up of three parts. Firstly, I will synthesise the controversy surrounding the competitiveness of the Basque iron and steel industry. Then I will present the itemised costs which provide information to illustrate how Biscayan pig iron was not competitive because it was produced with English coal which was more expensive than that consumed by the European factories located "on top of" or near coal seams. The article will finish with a section that, by way of conclusion, explains the comparative advantage and disadvantage of Bilbao, applying the first model of Alfred Weber's Theory of Industrial Location to three technological advances, occurring between the 1860s and 1913 (malleable iron, Bessemer steel and Thomas steel).
v. 2
Draft of a letter regarding Croswell's study of the New Testament.
Draft of a letter regarding Croswell's claims for compensation from Harvard.
This paper notebook contains handwritten copies of twenty-two letters and petitions written by Croswell between June 9, 1829 and July 11, 1833, to various recipients that primarily describe his employment with Harvard College and need for financial assistance.
Paper notebook containing copies of letters sent by Croswell to the Harvard Corporation in relation to his work on the Harvard Library Catalogue.
Fragment of notes referencing the Harvard President's third plan for the library catalogue.
Fragment of a draft of a petition.
One draft of a letter.
One draft of a letter.
This volume, containing chronologically arranged papers mounted and bound around 1840, provides comprehensive documentation of the College commons around the turn of the 19th century. In particular, the volume documents the role the Steward played in overseeing the Commons. The records chiefly consist of the quarter reports of the Committee assigned to review the Steward’s accounts. Other documents include lists of utensils, bills for dinners for the Corporation, Overseers, and Commencement, regulations, lists of abatements for students’ quarterly bills, and information on kitchen staff.