964 resultados para Shell Oil Company


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This study was designed to evaluate the travel characteristics of avid marine anglers off Louisiana in the Central Gulf of Mexico. It focuses on the complex marine travel patterns involving the extensive assemblage of oil and gas structures. In an intercept approach, marine recreationalf isherman were asked to identify near and offshore travel patterns on the day of the interview. Information was also solicited regarding how respondents selected and located fishing destinations as well as what method of fishing was undertaken that day. Petroleum platforms were a principal fishing destination, and platform anglers traveled an average distance of 75.5 km (40.7 n.mi.) to and from offshore fishing locations. In fishing an average of 6.5 platforms per trip, these anglers traveled about 21.3 km (11.5 n.mi.) between the first and last platform visited. Mean total distances for platform anglers were 96 km (51.8 n.mi). Travel distances for bay, nearshore, and bluewater anglers were also obtained.


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O presente estudo traz para discussão as ações educativas destinadas aos trabalhadores, no âmbito do licenciamento ambiental das atividades de perfuração e exploração de petróleo e gás offshore - à luz dos referenciais teórico metodológicos de uma Educação Ambiental (EA) crítica. Muito embora as pesquisas em EA no Brasil tenham alcançado um elevado grau de maturidade, produzindo reflexões profícuas e embasando a elaboração tanto de diretrizes quanto instruções normativas; ainda hoje, importantes eixos de atuação e públicos de interesse específicos - a exemplo de trabalhadores alocados em unidades de perfuração, produção e embarcações de apoio - carecem de uma reflexão aprofundada que questione tanto o substrato epistemológico empregado quanto o tipo de práxis educativa que vem sendo construída. Neste sentido o estudo analisa o Projeto de Educação Ambiental dos Trabalhadores (PEAT) elaborado por duas grandes empresas de consultoria, sediadas no Rio de Janeiro, com o objetivo de avaliar em que medida seus projetos pedagógicos incorporam os princípios da EA instituídos pela Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental. Ademais são observados os pontos críticos (contradições) para a operacionalização do Projeto e o embate entre discursos antagônicos, que buscam a hegemonia material e simbólica do campo da EA, tomando por base a análise de discurso a partir de entrevistas realizadas com os principais atores envolvidos na elaboração do PEAT: empreendedor-consultoria-órgão ambiental. Como resultado observamos: (i) uma deficiência (por parte das consultorias) em incorporar os fundamentos teóricos da EA ao PEAT submetido para aprovação do órgão ambiental licenciador; (ii) uma inadequação das concepções metodológicas do PEAT, com consequentes advertências por parte do órgão ambiental e (iii) o engendramento de uma situação de incoerência na qual o órgão ambiental licenciador aprova um documento escrito (PEAT submetido) e desaprova as práticas educativas por este desencadeadas.


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Many studies have been made of the effects of oil on marine invertebrates, plants (marine algae and phytoplankton), and vertebrates such as seabirds and marine mammals. An excellent review of these findings, which includes some references to fish and pathological effects of aromatic hydrocarbons, has been published by the Royal Society, London (Clark, 1982). That review dealt with the environmental effects of such major oil spills or releases such as those by the tankers Torry Canyon (119,000 t) on the south coast of England, Metula (50-56,000 t) in the Straits of Magellan, Argo Merchant (26,000 t) off Cape Cod, and the super tanker Amoco Cadiz (223,000 t) on the coast of northern Brittany. Those spills were studied to determine their effect on living resources. In contrast there are few references on the impact of oil spills on pelagic fishery resources.


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This is the report from the Derwent and West Cumbria Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 8th October 1979. The report contains sections on the minutes of the last meeting along with the minutes of the meeting of the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee held on 12th July 1979, information on the British Nuclear Fuel Limited abstraction from Wastwater, the application to abstract water from the River Ehen by Dumfriesshire Limestone Company, and oil pollution of the Rivers Keekle and Ehen. Also included is the report by the area fisheries officer which looks at river conditions and fishing of salmon, sea trout, non migratory trout and coarse fishing, migratory fish movement, pollution incidents and fish mortalities. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.