935 resultados para Shared ServiceCenter
Since the middle of the first decade of this century, several authors have announced the dawn of a new Age, following the Information/ Knowledge Age (1970-2005?). We are certainly living in a Shift Age (Houle, 2007), but no standard designation has been broadly adopted so far, and others, such as Conceptual Age (Pink, 2005) or Social Age (Azua, 2009), are only some of the proposals to name current times. Due to the amount of information available nowadays, meaning making and understanding seem to be common features of this new age of change; change related to (i) how individuals and organizations engage with each other, to (ii) the way we deal with technology, to (iii) how we engage and communicate within communities to create meaning, i.e., also social networking-driven changes. The Web 2.0 and the social networks have strongly altered the way we learn, live, work and, of course, communicate. Within all the possible dimensions we could address this change, we chose to focus on language – a taken-for-granted communication tool, used, translated and recreated in personal and geographical variants, by the many users and authors of the social networks and other online communities and platforms. In this paper, we discuss how the Web 2.0, and specifically social networks, have contributed to changes in the communication process and, in bi- or multilingual environments, to the evolution and freeware use of the so called “international language”: English. Next, we discuss some of the impacts and challenges of this language diversity in international communication in the shift age of understanding and social networking, focusing on specialized networks. Then we point out some skills and strategies to avoid babelization and to build meaningful and effective content in mono or multilingual networks, through the use of common and shared concepts and designations in social network environments. For this purpose, we propose a social and collaborative approach to terminology management, as a shared, strategic and sense making tool for specialized communication in Web 2.0 environments.
Relatório de estágio
The last decade has witnessed a major shift towards the deployment of embedded applications on multi-core platforms. However, real-time applications have not been able to fully benefit from this transition, as the computational gains offered by multi-cores are often offset by performance degradation due to shared resources, such as main memory. To efficiently use multi-core platforms for real-time systems, it is hence essential to tightly bound the interference when accessing shared resources. Although there has been much recent work in this area, a remaining key problem is to address the diversity of memory arbiters in the analysis to make it applicable to a wide range of systems. This work handles diverse arbiters by proposing a general framework to compute the maximum interference caused by the shared memory bus and its impact on the execution time of the tasks running on the cores, considering different bus arbiters. Our novel approach clearly demarcates the arbiter-dependent and independent stages in the analysis of these upper bounds. The arbiter-dependent phase takes the arbiter and the task memory-traffic pattern as inputs and produces a model of the availability of the bus to a given task. Then, based on the availability of the bus, the arbiter-independent phase determines the worst-case request-release scenario that maximizes the interference experienced by the tasks due to the contention for the bus. We show that the framework addresses the diversity problem by applying it to a memory bus shared by a fixed-priority arbiter, a time-division multiplexing (TDM) arbiter, and an unspecified work-conserving arbiter using applications from the MediaBench test suite. We also experimentally evaluate the quality of the analysis by comparison with a state-of-the-art TDM analysis approach and consistently showing a considerable reduction in maximum interference.
Accepted in 13th IEEE Symposium on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia (ESTIMedia 2015), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Simpósio de Informática (INForum 2015), Covilhã, Portugal. Notes: Best paper award nominee.
27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2015), Lund, Sweden.
Currently, due to the widespread use of computers and the internet, students are trading libraries for the World Wide Web and laboratories with simulation programs. In most courses, simulators are made available to students and can be used to proof theoretical results or to test a developing hardware/product. Although this is an interesting solution: low cost, easy and fast way to perform some courses work, it has indeed major disadvantages. As everything is currently being done with/in a computer, the students are loosing the “feel” of the real values of the magnitudes. For instance in engineering studies, and mainly in the first years, students need to learn electronics, algorithmic, mathematics and physics. All of these areas can use numerical analysis software, simulation software or spreadsheets and in the majority of the cases data used is either simulated or random numbers, but real data could be used instead. For example, if a course uses numerical analysis software and needs a dataset, the students can learn to manipulate arrays. Also, when using the spreadsheets to build graphics, instead of using a random table, students could use a real dataset based, for instance, in the room temperature and its variation across the day. In this work we present a framework which uses a simple interface allowing it to be used by different courses where the computers are the teaching/learning process in order to give a more realistic feeling to students by using real data. A framework is proposed based on a set of low cost sensors for different physical magnitudes, e.g. temperature, light, wind speed, which are connected to a central server, that the students have access with an Ethernet protocol or are connected directly to the student computer/laptop. These sensors use the communication ports available such as: serial ports, parallel ports, Ethernet or Universal Serial Bus (USB). Since a central server is used, the students are encouraged to use sensor values results in their different courses and consequently in different types of software such as: numerical analysis tools, spreadsheets or simply inside any programming language when a dataset is needed. In order to do this, small pieces of hardware were developed containing at least one sensor using different types of computer communication. As long as the sensors are attached in a server connected to the internet, these tools can also be shared between different schools. This allows sensors that aren't available in a determined school to be used by getting the values from other places that are sharing them. Another remark is that students in the more advanced years and (theoretically) more know how, can use the courses that have some affinities with electronic development to build new sensor pieces and expand the framework further. The final solution provided is very interesting, low cost, simple to develop, allowing flexibility of resources by using the same materials in several courses bringing real world data into the students computer works.
Ten isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were examined for differences in virulence in outbred mice intravenously inoculated with the fungus, associated with mycelial morphology, and genetic patterns measured by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Virulence was evaluated by viable yeast cell recovery from lungs and demonstration of histopathologic lesions in different organs. The results showed that the isolates presented four virulence degrees: high virulence, intermediate, low and non-virulence. RAPD clustered the isolates studied in two main groups with 56% of genetic similarity. Strains with low virulence, Pb265 or the non-virulent, Pb192, showed glabrous/cerebriform morphology and high genetic similarity (98.7%) when compared to the other isolates studied. The same was observed with Bt79 and Bt83 that shared 96% genetic similarity, cottony colonies and high virulence. The RAPD technique could only discriminate P. brasiliensis isolates according to glabrous/cerebriform or cottony colonies, and also high from low virulence strains. Isolates with intermediate virulence such as Pb18, Pb18B6, Bt32 and Bt56 showed variability in their similarity coefficient suggesting that RAPD was able to detect genetic variability in this fungal specie. Virulence profile of P. brasiliensis demonstrated that both mycelial morphologic extreme phenotypes may be associated with fungal virulence and their in vitro subculture time. Thus, RAPD technique analysis employed in association with virulence, morphologic and immunologic aspects might prove adequate to detect differences between P. brasiliensis isolates.
Web 2.0 software in general and wikis in particular have been receiving growing attention as they constitute new and powerful tools, capable of supporting information sharing, creation of knowledge and a wide range of collaborative processes and learning activities. This paper introduces briefly some of the new opportunities made possible by Web 2.0 or the social Internet, focusing on those offered by the use of wikis as learning spaces. A wiki allows documents to be created, edited and shared on a group basis; it has a very easy and efficient markup language, using a simple Web browser. One of the most important characteristics of wiki technology is the ease with which pages are created and edited. The facility for wiki content to be edited by its users means that its pages and structure form a dynamic entity, in permanent evolution, where users can insert new ideas, supplement previously existing information and correct errors and typos in a document at any time, up to the agreed final version. This paper explores wikis as a collaborative learning and knowledge-building space and its potential for supporting Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoPs). In the academic years (2007/8 and 2008/9), students of the Business Intelligence module at the Master's programme of studies on Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence at Instituto Superior de Estatistica e Gestao de Informacao of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, have been actively involved in the creation of BIWiki - a wiki for Business Intelligence in the Portuguese language. Based on usage patterns and feedback from students participating in this experience, some conclusions are drawn regarding the potential of this technology to support the emergence of VCoPs; some provisional suggestions will be made regarding the use of wikis to support information sharing, knowledge creation and transfer and collaborative learning in Higher Education.
Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses (HBV and HCV) infection are common in HIV-infected individuals as a result of shared risk factors for acquisition. A serological study for HBV and HCV was performed in 251 HIV-positive individuals from Medellín, Colombia. A qualitative RT-PCR for HCV was done in 90 patients with CD4+ T-cell count < 150 per mm³. Serological markers for HBV infection were present in 97 (38.6%) patients. Thirty six of them (37.1%) had isolated anti-HBc. A multivariate analysis indicated that the following risk factors were significantly associated with the presence of these markers: age (OR = 1.05, 95% CI: 1.01-1.08), pediculosis pubis (OR = 1.83, 95% CI: 1.01-3.33), men who have sex with men and women (OR = 3.23, 95% CI: 1.46-7.13) and men who have sex only with men (OR = 3.73, 95% CI: 1.58-8.78). The same analysis restricted to women showed syphilis as the only significant risk factor. Thus, HBV infection was considerably associated with high risk sexual behavior. HCV was present in only two (0.8%) of HIV patients. Both of them were positive by RT-PCR and anti-HCV. This low frequency of HIV/HCV coinfection was probably due to the uncommon intravenous drug abuse in this population. The frequent finding of isolated anti-HBc warrants molecular approaches to rule out the presence of cryptic HBV infection.
The presence of common antigens between Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles albimanus was demonstrated. Different groups of rabbits were immunized with: crude extract from female An. albimanus (EAaF), red blood cells infected with Plasmodium falciparum (EPfs), and the SPf66 synthetic malaria vaccine. The rabbit's polyclonal antibodies were evaluated by ELISA, Multiple Antigen Blot Assay (MABA), and immunoblotting. All extracts were immunogenic in rabbits according to these three techniques, when they were evaluated against the homologous antigens. Ten molecules were identified in female mosquitoes and also in P. falciparum antigens by the autologous sera. The electrophoretic pattern by SDS-PAGE was different for the three antigens evaluated. Cross-reactions between An. albimanus and P. falciparum were found by ELISA, MABA, and immunoblotting. Anti-P. falciparum and anti-SPf66 antibodies recognized ten and five components in the EAaF crude extract, respectively. Likewise, immune sera against female An. albimanus identified four molecules in the P. falciparum extract antigen. As far as we know, this is the first work that demonstrates shared antigens between anophelines and malaria parasites. This finding could be useful for diagnosis, vaccines, and the study of physiology of the immune response to malaria.
A evolução tecnológica das últimas décadas na área das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) contribuiu para a proliferação de fontes de informação e de sistemas de partilha de recursos. As diversas redes sociais são um exemplo paradigmático de sistemas de partilha tanto de informação como de recursos (e.g. audiovisuais). Essa abundância crescente de recursos e fontes aumenta a importância de sistemas capazes de recomendar em tempo útil recursos personalizados, tendo por base o perfil e o contexto do utilizador. O objetivo deste projeto é partilhar e recomendar locais, artigos e vídeos em função do contexto do utilizador assim como proporcionar uma experiência mais rica de reprodução dos vídeos partilhados, simulando as condições de gravação dos vídeos. Este sistema teve como inspiração dois projetos anteriormente desenvolvidos de partilha e recomendação de locais, artigos e vídeos turísticos em função da localização do utilizador. O sistema desenvolvido consiste numa aplicação distribuída composta por um módulo cliente Android, que inclui a interface com o utilizador e o consumo direto de serviços externos de suporte, e um módulo servidor que controla o acesso à base de dados central e inclui o serviço de recomendação baseado no contexto do utilizador. A comunicação entre os módulos cliente e servidor utiliza um protocolo do nível de aplicação dedicado. As recomendações geradas pelo sistema têm por base o perfil de utilizador, informação contextual (posição do utilizador, data e hora atual e velocidade atual do utilizador) e podem ser geradas a pedido do utilizador ou automaticamente, caso sejam encontrados pontos de interesse de grande relevância para o utilizador. Os pontos de interesse recomendados são apresentados com recurso ao Google Maps, incluindo o período de funcionamento, artigos complementares e a reprodução imersiva dos vídeos relacionados. Essa imersão tem em consideração as condições meteorológicas, temporais e espaciais aquando da gravação do vídeo.
In health related research it is common to have multiple outcomes of interest in a single study. These outcomes are often analysed separately, ignoring the correlation between them. One would expect that a multivariate approach would be a more efficient alternative to individual analyses of each outcome. Surprisingly, this is not always the case. In this article we discuss different settings of linear models and compare the multivariate and univariate approaches. We show that for linear regression models, the estimates of the regression parameters associated with covariates that are shared across the outcomes are the same for the multivariate and univariate models while for outcome-specific covariates the multivariate model performs better in terms of efficiency.
Este relatório de estágio integra-se na unidade curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, inserida no segundo ano do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste sentido, tem como propósito dar a conhecer o percurso realizado pela mestranda nos dois contextos educativos onde desenvolveu a sua Prática Educativa Supervisionada. Sendo a Prática o momento em que teoria e práxis se articulam, evidencia, num primeiro momento, o enquadramento académico e profissional que deve nortear a ação do professor. Inicia-se, assim, pelos pressupostos legais que fundamentam a formação de professores e a Prática Educativa Supervisionada, seguindo-se algumas considerações sobre a dimensão profissional e pressupostos teóricos e práticos que devem orientar o professor na sua ação, destacando-se, neste sentido, a reflexão e a investigação nos diferentes momentos da ação docente. Descreve, num segundo momento, o contexto educativo onde a mestranda se integrou, seguindo-se uma análise reflexiva e devidamente fundamentada das experiências educativas vivenciadas em par pedagógico, nos dois contextos, nomeadamente, a Escola Eb1/Ji dos Miosótis e a Escola Eb2/3 Pêro Vaz de Caminha. Todo este trabalho de cooperação se realizou em par pedagógico, possibilitando a construção de conhecimentos e de vivências partilhadas que foram, sem dúvida, enriquecedoras. Este relatório de estágio pretende evidenciar o crescimento da mestranda a nível pessoal e profissional e apresenta-se como o culminar de uma etapa marcante na sua vida, a formação inicial de professores. Fica, desta forma, a certeza de que o verdadeiro caminho se inicia agora, um caminho esse que será certamente repleto de novos desafios e aprendizagens.
RESUMO A prática profissional docente é uma atividade complexa que pressupõe a capacidade de mobilização de pressupostos teóricos e legais, de saberes científicos, pedagógicos e didáticos, fruto de uma formação adequada à construção de cidadãos capazes de intervir ativamente na sociedade. Surgindo como requisito fundamental para o término do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico e sendo parte integrante da Unidade Curricular de Integração Curricular: Prática Educativa e Relatório de Estágio, o presente documento pretende espelhar o percurso formativo da mestranda, revelando os pressupostos teóricos que orientaram a sua prática, assim como a descrição e reflexão sobre o trabalho realizado ao longo deste ano. Todo este trabalho decorreu em par pedagógico, possibilitando a construção partilhada de conhecimentos e uma visão mais próxima da realidade. O processo de formação sustentou-se não só na colaboração, mas também numa metodologia de investigação-ação, procurando agir de acordo com o importante ciclo inerente à profissão docente, ou seja, o ciclo de observação, planificação, reflexão e avaliação. Todo este processo de formação, incluindo a redação do presente relatório, contribui para o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional da mestranda, estimulando a descoberta da identidade profissional docente. Este documento marca, então, o fim desta formação inicial, estando longe de ser o fim das aprendizagens e desafios que o futuro como docente reserva, sendo, por isso, o início de uma nova etapa e de novos caminhos a percorrer.