875 resultados para Segmentation Ability


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Der Tauchtourismus übernimmt innerhalb des gesamten internationalen Tourismus in Ägypten eine wichtige Rolle. Besonders in Krisenzeiten sind es die Taucher, die aufgrund der einzigartigen Tauchgebiete weiterhin in das Land kommen und somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Erhalt der Arbeitsplätze und der Infrastruktur beitragen. Doch der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen den Tauchbasen, das derzeit schlechte Image Ägyptens und die Attraktivität weltweiter Tauchdestinationen, zwingt die Betreiber von Tauchbasen dazu, sich einer wandelnden Gästestruktur und deren Reisegewohnheiten anzupassen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird am Beispiel der Tauchbasenbetreiber in Ägypten untersucht, wie kulturelles Handeln eine Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen zwischen einem Anbieter einer touristischen Dienstleistung und dem Kunden einnehmen kann. Als Ausgangspunkt dient dazu das Modell der „Transkulturalität als Praxis“ nach PÜTZ (2004), welches um den Aspekt der internationalen Kooperationsbeziehungen erweitert wird. Es besagt, dass im wirtschaftlichen Handeln zwischen den Akteuren das kulturelle Verständnis eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen einnimmt. Durch die Fähigkeit, einen kulturellen Blickwinkel in das alltägliche Handeln einzubeziehen, kann ein Unternehmer den Wettbewerbsvorsprung zu seinen Mitkonkurrenten ausbauen.rnrnIm Mittelpunkt des Forschungsinteresses stand dabei die Frage inwieweit die Basenbetreiber über die ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten kulturgebundenen Handelns Vertrauen zu den Tauchern generieren. Geschieht die Anwendung aus eigener Initiative heraus oder nur unter dem Konkurrenzdruck? Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen, dass das Arbeiten im Umfeld kultureller Unterschiede den Blick der Basenbetreiber für die Notwendigkeit einer starken Vertrauensbeziehung zum Kunden von Anfang an geprägt hat. Das Handeln aller Interviewteilnehmer orientiert sich zuerst unbewusst an zahlreichen branchenüblichen Handlungsweisen und Symbolen, stößt aber ab einem bestimmten Punkt an seine Grenzen. Aufgrund von bewusstem kulturellen Handeln ist jedoch die Möglichkeit gegeben, diese Grenzen zu überwinden und individuelle und situationsspezifische Arten der Kundengewinnung in das Handeln einzubeziehen.


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Human activities strongly influence environmental processes, and while human domination increases, biodiversity progressively declines in ecosystems worldwide. High genetic and phenotypic variability ensures functionality and stability of ecosystem processes through time and increases the resilience and the adaptive capacity of populations and communities, while a reduction in functional diversity leads to a decrease in the ability to respond in a changing environment. Pollution is becoming one of the major threats in aquatic ecosystem, and pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) in particular are a relatively new group of environmental contaminants suspected to have adverse effects on aquatic organisms. There is still a lake of knowledge on the responses of communities to complex chemical mixtures in the environment. We used an individual-trait-based approach to assess the response of a phytoplankton community in a scenario of combined pollution and environmental change (steady increasing in temperature). We manipulated individual-level trait diversity directly (by filtering out size classes) and indirectly (through exposure to PPCPs mixture), and studied how reduction in trait-diversity affected community structure, production of biomass and the ability of the community to track a changing environment. We found that exposure to PPCPs slows down the ability of the community to respond to an increasing temperature. Our study also highlights how physiological responses (induced by PPCPs exposure) are important for ecosystem processes: although from an ecological point of view experimental communities converged to a similar structure, they were functionally different.


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We propose a new and clinically oriented approach to perform atlas-based segmentation of brain tumor images. A mesh-free method is used to model tumor-induced soft tissue deformations in a healthy brain atlas image with subsequent registration of the modified atlas to a pathologic patient image. The atlas is seeded with a tumor position prior and tumor growth simulating the tumor mass effect is performed with the aim of improving the registration accuracy in case of patients with space-occupying lesions. We perform tests on 2D axial slices of five different patient data sets and show that the approach gives good results for the segmentation of white matter, grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid and the tumor.


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Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure with many benefits; however, the procedure is not without risks and potential complications, of which leakage of the cement out of the vertebral body and into the surrounding tissues is one of the most serious. Cement can leak into the spinal canal, venous system, soft tissues, lungs and intradiscal space, causing serious neurological complications, tissue necrosis or pulmonary embolism. We present a method for automatic segmentation and tracking of bone cement during vertebroplasty procedures, as a first step towards developing a warning system to avoid cement leakage outside the vertebral body. We show that by using active contours based on level sets the shape of the injected cement can be accurately detected. The model has been improved for segmentation as proposed in our previous work by including a term that restricts the level set function to the vertebral body. The method has been applied to a set of real intra-operative X-ray images and the results show that the algorithm can successfully detect different shapes with blurred and not well-defined boundaries, where the classical active contours segmentation is not applicable. The method has been positively evaluated by physicians.


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The aim of this study involving 170 patients suffering from non-specific low back pain was to test the validity of the spinal function sort (SFS) in a European rehabilitation setting. The SFS, a picture-based questionnaire, assesses perceived functional ability of work tasks involving the spine. All measurements were taken by a blinded research assistant; work status was assessed with questionnaires. Our study demonstrated a high internal consistency shown by a Cronbach's alpha of 0.98, reasonable evidence for unidimensionality, spearman correlations of >0.6 with work activities, and discriminating power for work status at 3 and 12 months by ROC curve analysis (area under curve = 0.760 (95% CI 0.689-0.822), respectively, 0.801 (95% CI 0.731-0.859). The standardised response mean within the two treatment groups was 0.18 and -0.31. As a result, we conclude that the perceived functional ability for work tasks can be validly assessed with the SFS in a European rehabilitation setting in patients with non-specific low back pain, and is predictive for future work status.


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Daytime sleepiness is a complaint of about 5-10% in a normal population. The consequences, such as impaired performance and accidents at the workplace and while driving, have major impact on the affected and on society. According to Swiss federal statistics only 1-3% of all motor vehicle accidents are due to excessive daytime sleepiness, which is in great contrast to a figure of 10 to 20% of all accidents derived from scientific studies. Due to the inadequate statistical representation of the problem, insufficient countermeasures have been realized, and the state of drivers breaching traffic regulations is not adequately investigated in this respect. The most prevalent cause of microsleep induced accidents is certainly lack of sleep due to social or professional reasons. A treating physician must also consider sedating drugs and various diseases. The typical characteristics of accidents due to falling asleep at the wheel and the risk factors involved are well established, so that informing the general public, taking prophylactic countermeasures and a targeted investigation in this respect of drivers who have breached the law are all feasible. Since symptoms of sleepiness can be recognized well before any impairment of performance occurs, the most important countermeasure is information of the drivers on the risk factors and on efficient countermeasures against sleepiness at the wheel. Besides correct diagnosis and treatment, the primary goal of physicians treating patients with pathological daytime sleepiness is to inform them at an early stage about the risks of sleepiness and the large responsibility they bear while driving. This information should be written down in the patients' records. Professional drivers suffering from daytime sleepiness, drivers who have already had an accident due to microsleep and unreasonable drivers should be referred to a centre of sleep disorders for objective measurements of sleepiness.


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Delineating brain tumor boundaries from magnetic resonance images is an essential task for the analysis of brain cancer. We propose a fully automatic method for brain tissue segmentation, which combines Support Vector Machine classification using multispectral intensities and textures with subsequent hierarchical regularization based on Conditional Random Fields. The CRF regularization introduces spatial constraints to the powerful SVM classification, which assumes voxels to be independent from their neighbors. The approach first separates healthy and tumor tissue before both regions are subclassified into cerebrospinal fluid, white matter, gray matter and necrotic, active, edema region respectively in a novel hierarchical way. The hierarchical approach adds robustness and speed by allowing to apply different levels of regularization at different stages. The method is fast and tailored to standard clinical acquisition protocols. It was assessed on 10 multispectral patient datasets with results outperforming previous methods in terms of segmentation detail and computation times.


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We present an automatic method to segment brain tissues from volumetric MRI brain tumor images. The method is based on non-rigid registration of an average atlas in combination with a biomechanically justified tumor growth model to simulate soft-tissue deformations caused by the tumor mass-effect. The tumor growth model, which is formulated as a mesh-free Markov Random Field energy minimization problem, ensures correspondence between the atlas and the patient image, prior to the registration step. The method is non-parametric, simple and fast compared to other approaches while maintaining similar accuracy. It has been evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively with promising results on eight datasets comprising simulated images and real patient data.


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The original 'Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Questionnaire' (original-ÖMPQ) has been shown to have limitations in practicality, factor structure, face and content validity. This study addressed these concerns by modifying its content producing the 'Örebro Musculoskeletal Screening Questionnaire' (ÖMSQ). The ÖMSQ and original-ÖMPQ were tested concurrently in acute/subacute low back pain working populations (pilot n = 44, main n = 106). The ÖMSQ showed improved face and content validity, which broadened potential application, and improved practicality with two-thirds less missing responses. High reliability (0.975, p < 0.05, ICC: 2.1), criterion validity (Spearman's r = 0.97) and internal consistency (α = 0.84) were achieved, as were predictive ability cut-off scores from ROC curves (112-120 ÖMSQ-points), statistically different ÖMSQ scores (p < 0.001) for each outcome trait, and a strong correlation with recovery time (Spearman's, r = 0.71). The six-component factor structure reflected the constructs originally proposed. The ÖMSQ can be substituted for the original-ÖMPQ in this population. Further research will assess its applicability in broader populations.


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The Gaussian-2, Gaussian-3, Complete Basis Set-QB3, and Complete Basis Set-APNO methods have been used to calculate geometries of neutral clusters of water, (H2O)n, where n = 2–6. The structures are in excellent agreement with those determined from experiment and those predicted from previous high-level calculations. These methods also provide excellent thermochemical predictions for water clusters, and thus can be used with confidence in evaluating the structures and thermochemistry of water clusters.


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The PM3 semiempirical quantum-mechanical method was found to systematically describe intermolecular hydrogen bonding in small polar molecules. PM3 shows charge transfer from the donor to acceptor molecules on the order of 0.02-0.06 units of charge when strong hydrogen bonds are formed. The PM3 method is predictive; calculated hydrogen bond energies with an absolute magnitude greater than 2 kcal mol-' suggest that the global minimum is a hydrogen bonded complex; absolute energies less than 2 kcal mol-' imply that other van der Waals complexes are more stable. The geometries of the PM3 hydrogen bonded complexes agree with high-resolution spectroscopic observations, gas electron diffraction data, and high-level ab initio calculations. The main limitations in the PM3 method are the underestimation of hydrogen bond lengths by 0.1-0.2 for some systems and the underestimation of reliable experimental hydrogen bond energies by approximately 1-2 kcal mol-l. The PM3 method predicts that ammonia is a good hydrogen bond acceptor and a poor hydrogen donor when interacting with neutral molecules. Electronegativity differences between F, N, and 0 predict that donor strength follows the order F > 0 > N and acceptor strength follows the order N > 0 > F. In the calculations presented in this article, the PM3 method mirrors these electronegativity differences, predicting the F-H- - -N bond to be the strongest and the N-H- - -F bond the weakest. It appears that the PM3 Hamiltonian is able to model hydrogen bonding because of the reduction of two-center repulsive forces brought about by the parameterization of the Gaussian core-core interactions. The ability of the PM3 method to model intermolecular hydrogen bonding means reasonably accurate quantum-mechanical calculations can be applied to small biologic systems.


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The Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress score was designed to predict postoperative morbidity and mortality in general surgery. Our study aims to evaluate its use and accuracy in estimating postoperative outcome after elective pancreatic surgery.