824 resultados para SNAKE SEMINATRIX-PYGAEA
Lys49 snake-venom phospholipase A2 (PLA2) homologues are highly myotoxic proteins which, although lacking catalytic activity, possess the ability to disrupt biological membranes, inducing significant muscle-tissue loss and permanent disability in severely envenomed patients. Since the structural basis for their toxic activity is still only partially understood, the structure of myotoxin II, a monomeric Lys49 PLA2 homologue from Atropoides nummifer, has been determined at 2.08 Å resolution and the anion-binding site has been characterized. © 2006 International Union of Crystallography. All rights reserved.
A new species of Haplometroides (Digenea, Plagiorchiidae) is described from a specimen of Phalotris nasutus (Gomes, 1915) (Serpentes, Colubridae). The host snake was obtained in the municipality of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Trematodes were recovered from esophagus, stomach, and small intestine of the host. The main characteristic of the new species is the vitellaria, which is intercecal, cecal, and extracecal in the preacetabular region. A key for identification of the species in Haplometroides is proposed. © American Society of Parasitologists 2007.
Background. An interaction between lectins from marine algae and PLA 2 from rattlesnake was suggested some years ago. We, herein, studied the effects elicited by a small isolectin (BTL-2), isolated from Bryothamnion triquetrum, on the pharmacological and biological activities of a PLA 2 isolated from rattlesnake venom (Crotalus durissus cascavella), to better understand the enzymatic and pharmacological mechanisms of the PLA 2 and its complex. Results. This PLA2 consisted of 122 amino acids (approximate molecular mass of 14 kDa), its pI was estimated to be 8.3, and its amino acid sequence shared a high degree of similarity with that of other neurotoxic and enzymatically-active PLA2s. BTL-2 had a molecular mass estimated in approximately 9 kDa and was characterized as a basic protein. In addition, BTL-2 did not exhibit any enzymatic activity. The PLA2 and BTL-2 formed a stable heterodimer with a molecular mass of approximately 24-26 kDa, estimated by molecular exclusion HPLC. In the presence of BTL-2, we observed a significant increase in PLA2 activity, 23% higher than that of PLA2 alone. BTL-2 demonstrated an inhibition of 98% in the growth of the Gram-positive bacterial strain, Clavibacter michiganensis michiganensis (Cmm), but only 9.8% inhibition of the Gram-negative bacterial strain, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv passiflorae (Xap). PLA2 decreased bacterial growth by 27.3% and 98.5% for Xap and Cmm, respectively, while incubating these two proteins with PLA2-BTL-2 inhibited their growths by 36.2% for Xap and 98.5% for Cmm. PLA2 significantly induced platelet aggregation in washed platelets, whereas BTL-2 did not induce significant platelet aggregation in any assay. However, BTL-2 significantly inhibited platelet aggregation induced by PLA2. In addition, PLA 2 exhibited strong oedematogenic activity, which was decreased in the presence of BTL-2. BTL-2 alone did not induce oedema and did not decrease or abolish the oedema induced by the 48/80 compound. Conclusion. The unexpected results observed for the PLA2-BTL-2 complex strongly suggest that the pharmacological activity of this PLA2 is not solely dependent on the presence of enzymatic activity, and that other pharmacological regions may also be involved. In addition, we describe for the first time an interaction between two different molecules, which form a stable complex with significant changes in their original biological action. This opens new possibilities for understanding the function and action of crude venom, an extremely complex mixture of different molecules. © 2008 Oliveira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
The reptile fauna in the municipality of São Paulo is well sampled due to intensive collection in the last 100 years. In the present work we provide a checklist of reptile species in São Paulo municipality based on preserved specimens in scientific collections. The reptile fauna was also characterized by three ecological parameters: habitat use, substrate use, and diet. We recorded a total of 97 reptile species (two turtles, one crocodilian, 19 lizards, seven amphisbaenians, and 68 snakes). Approximately 70% of the lizards and 40% of the snakes are typical of forest habitats of the Serra do Mar mountain range. Other squamates are typical of open formations that occur mainly on inland Cerrado habitats. All turtles and the crocodilian are associated to riparian habitats. Approximately 63% of the lizards are predominantly terrestrial, and the remaining species are arboreal. Most species of snakes are terrestrial (38%) or subterranean/criptozoic (25%) whereas a smaller proportion are arboreal (18%) or aquatic (9%). Lizards feed upon arthropods. Almost 50% of the snake species are specialized or feed mainly upon anuran amphibians. Other important items consumed by snakes are mammals (24%), lizards (18%), subterranean vertebrates (10%), and invertebrates (earthworms, mollusks and arthropods; 15%). A total of 51 reptile species have not been recorded for the last six years. Probably many of these species are extinct in the region due the intense local urbanization and habitat loss. The survey of species collected in São Paulo municipality and received in the Instituto Butantan in recent years allowed the identification of 10 lizards at least 42 snake species already occurring in the region. The high species richness of the original fauna seems related to the geographic location of the municipality, in a contact zone between forested areas of the Atlantic Forest (ombrophilous forest) and open formations (savannas, high-altitude grassland). Thus, the original habitat composition probably allowed sympatry among different species pools typical of both open and forested formations. The extant snake fauna recorded in the last three years indicates a higher loss of the species in open formations when compared to the forested areas.
The present study reports new records of the Dipsadid snake Rhachidelus brazili Boulenger, 1908, from Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul states, Brazil. Our data extend the known geographical distribution ca. 713 km to the northwest and constitute the first record in the Upper Paraguay sub-basin. © 2011 Check List and Authors.
Catalytically inactive phospholipase A2 (PLA2) homologues play key roles in the pathogenesis induced by snake envenomation, causing extensive tissue damage via a mechanism still unknown. Although, the amino acid residues directly involved in catalysis are conserved, the substitution of Asp49 by Arg/Lys/Gln or Ser prevents the binding of the essential calcium ion and hence these proteins are incapable of hydrolyzing phospholipids. In this work, the crystal structure of a Lys49-PLA2 homologue from Bothrops brazili (MTX-II) was solved in two conformational states: (a) native, with Lys49 singly coordinated by the backbone oxygen atom of Val31 and (b) complexed with tetraethylene glycol (TTEG). Interestingly, the TTEG molecule was observed in two different coordination cages depending on the orientation of the nominal calcium-binding loop and of the residue Lys49. These structural observations indicate a direct role for the residue Lys49 in the functioning of a catalytically inactive PLA2 homologue suggesting a contribution of the active site-like region in the expression of pharmacological effects such as myotoxicity and edema formation. Despite the several crystal structures of Lys49-PLA2 homologues already determined, their biological assembly remains controversial with two possible conformations. The extended dimer with the hydrophobic channel exposed to the solvent and the compact dimer in which the active site-like region is occluded by the dimeric interface. In the MTX-II crystal packing analysis was found only the extended dimer as a possible stable quaternary arrangement. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Bites from snake (Bothrops genus) cause local tissue damage and systemic complications, which include alterations such as hemostatic system and acute renal failure (ARF). Recent studies suggest that ARF pathogenesis in snakebite envenomation is multifactorial and involves hemodynamic disturbances, immunologic reactions and direct nephrotoxicity. The aim of the work was to investigate the effects of the Bothrops leucurus venom (BlV) in the renal perfusion system and in cultured renal tubular cells of the type MDCK (Madin-Darby Canine kidney). BlV (10 μg/mL) reduced the perfusion pressure at 90 and 120 min. The renal vascular resistance (RVR) decreased at 120 min of perfusion. The effect on urinary flow (UF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) started 30 min after BlV infusion, was transient and returned to normal at 120 min of perfusion. It was also observed a decrease on percentual tubular transport of sodium (%TNa+) at 120 min and of chloride (%TCl-) at 60 and 90 min. The treatment with BlV caused decrease in cell viability to the lowest concentration tested with an IC50 of 1.25 μg/mL. Flow cytometry with annexin V and propidium iodide showed that cell death occurred predominantly by necrosis. However, a cell death process may involve apoptosis in lower concentrations. BlV treatment (1.25 μg/mL) led to significant depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane potential and, indeed, we found an increase in the expression of cell death genes in the lower concentrations tested. The venom also evoked an increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ in a concentration dependent manner, indicating that Ca2+ may participate in the venom of B. leucurus effect. The characterization of the effects in the isolated kidney and renal tubular cells gives strong evidences that the acute renal failure induced by this venom is a result of the direct nephrotoxicity which may involve the cell death mechanism. © 2012.
Understanding the biological activity profile of the snake venom components is fundamental for improving the treatment of snakebite envenomings and may also contribute for the development of new potential therapeutic agents. In this work, we tested the effects of BthTX-I, a Lys49 PLA2 homologue from the Bothrops jararacussu snake venom. While this toxin induces conspicuous myonecrosis by a catalytically independent mechanism, a series of in vitro studies support the hypothesis that BthTX-I might also exert a neuromuscular blocking activity due to its ability to alter the integrity of muscle cell membranes. To gain insight into the mechanisms of this inhibitory neuromuscular effect, for the first time, the influence of BthTX-I on nerve-evoked ACh release was directly quantified by radiochemical and real-time video-microscopy methods. Our results show that the neuromuscular blockade produced by in vitro exposure to BthTX-I (1 μM) results from the summation of both pre- and postsynaptic effects. Modifications affecting the presynaptic apparatus were revealed by the significant reduction of nerve-evoked [3H]-ACh release; real-time measurements of transmitter exocytosis using the FM4-64 fluorescent dye fully supported radiochemical data. The postsynaptic effect of BthTX-I was characterized by typical histological alterations in the architecture of skeletal muscle fibers, increase in the outflow of the intracellular lactate dehydrogenase enzyme and progressive depolarization of the muscle resting membrane potential. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the neuromuscular blockade produced by BthTX-I results from transient depolarization of skeletal muscle fibers, consequent to its general membrane-destabilizing effect, and subsequent decrease of evoked ACh release from motor nerve terminals. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
The micro and macro structures of the caudal vertebrae and muscles of Dendrophidion dendrophis and Mastigodryas bifossatus were described using histological slides, dissections, radiographs, and clearing and double staining of intact, broken, and healed tails. To analyze the relationship among the frequencies of healed tails we established two populations of D. dendrophis and six groups of M. bifossatus. We found that fractures of the tail in the two species are intervertebral, and there are no morphological and/or structural mechanisms that facilitate the urotomy, which is classified as non-specialized pseudoautotomy. The caudal vertebrae of D. dendrophis and M. bifossatus show minor differences in the shape of the condyle, cotyle, and border of the neural spine, and in the size and orientation of the hemapophysis and pleurapophysis. The absence of bleeding at the moment of tail breakage may indicate the presence of sphincters in the veins and arteries of D. dendrophis. The distal part of the last vertebrae retained in healed tails of D. dendrophis and M. bifossatus participates in the healing processes as a possible source of calcium in the formation of a calcified cap. We found high frequency of tail breakage in both species, which occurs in almost the entire length of the tail, with no specific areas of concentration. There was no difference in the frequencies of healed tails among males and females of different populations of D. dendrophis and M. bifossatus. Juveniles have lower breakage frequencies than adults in both species, except for populations of M. bifossatus from the Cerrado and Pampa. © 2013 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
The mortality caused by snakebites is more damaging than many tropical diseases, such as dengue haemorrhagic fever, cholera, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis and Chagas disease. For this reason, snakebite envenoming adversely affects health services of tropical and subtropical countries and is recognized as a neglected disease by the World Health Organization. One of the main components of snake venoms is the Lys49-phospholipases A2, which is catalytically inactive but possesses other toxic and pharmacological activities. Preliminary studies with MjTX-I from Bothrops moojeni snake venom revealed intriguing new structural and functional characteristics compared to other bothropic Lys49-PLA2s. We present in this article a comprehensive study with MjTX-I using several techniques, including crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, analytical size-exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, myographic studies, bioinformatics and molecular phylogenetic analyses.Based in all these experiments we demonstrated that MjTX-I is probably a unique Lys49-PLA2, which may adopt different oligomeric forms depending on the physical-chemical environment. Furthermore, we showed that its myotoxic activity is dramatically low compared to other Lys49-PLA2s, probably due to the novel oligomeric conformations and important mutations in the C-terminal region of the protein. The phylogenetic analysis also showed that this toxin is clearly distinct from other bothropic Lys49-PLA2s, in conformity with the peculiar oligomeric characteristics of MjTX-I and possible emergence of new functionalities inresponse to environmental changes and adaptation to new preys. © 2013 Salvador et al.
We examined the effects of meal size on the postprandial metabolic response of the lancehead Bothrops alternatus (Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1894), fed mice equaling to 5, 10, 20, and 40% of the snake's body mass. The maximum O2 consumption rates measured during digestion increased with meal size, reaching levels up to 2.8-7.8-fold higher than the metabolic rate measured during fasting. Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) duration also increased with meal size, lasting from 54 to 212 hours to complete. Under our experimental conditions, 30°C, the majority of our snakes failed to completely digest prey with a relative size of 40%. The SDA coefficient ranged from 17 to 27% of the energy content of the meal and was not affected by meal size. © 2013 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia All rights reserved.
Costus stenophyllus or bamboo costus, despite its high ornamental potential, is still little known in the cut flower and ornamental plant market. The bamboo costus is a spiral ginger admired for its beautiful stems that are lined with brown colored alternating bands. This costus has rather straight and upright stems. Conical red inflorescences, which resemble the head of a snake, emerge from the base of the plants. The flowers are light yellow and emerge between the red scales on the rather long-lasting, attractive inflorescences. This study was carried out to evaluate the possibility of using these species as a garden plant, cut flower and cut stem. Thus, the characterization was made based on 28 characters of the plant, the leaves, the flower stem, the flowers, as well as season blooming characteristics and flower postharvest longevity.
Lys49-phospholipases A2 (Lys49-PLA2s) are proteins found in bothropic snake venoms (Viperidae family) and belong to a class of proteins which presents a phospholipase A2 scaffold but are catalytically inactive. These proteins (also known as PLA2s-like toxins) exert a pronounced local myotoxic effect and are not neutralized by antivenom, being their study relevant in terms of medical and scientific interest. Despite of the several studies reported in the literature for this class of proteins only a partial consensus has been achieved concerning their functional-structural relationships. In this work, we present a comprehensive structural and functional study with the MjTX-II, a dimeric Lys49-PLA2 from Bothrops moojeni venom which includes: (i) high-resolution crystal structure; (ii) dynamic light scattering and bioinformatics studies in order to confirm its biological assembly; (iii) myographic and electrophysiological studies and, (iv) comparative studies with other Lys49-PLA2s. These comparative analyses let us to get important insights into the role of Lys122 amino acid, previously indicated as responsible for Lys49-PLA2s catalytic inactivity and added important elements to establish the correct biological assembly for this class of proteins. Furthermore, we show two unique sequential features of MjTX-II (an amino acid insertion and a mutation) in comparison to all bothropic Lys49-PLA2s that lead to a distinct way of ligand binding at the toxin's hydrophobic channel and also, allowed the presence of an additional ligand molecule in this region. These facts suggest a possible particular mode of binding for long-chain ligands that interacts with MjTX-II hydrophobic channel, a feature that may directly affect the design of structure-based ligands for Lys49-PLA2s. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)