942 resultados para SIT-TO-STAND
In recent years the interest in naturally occurring compounds has been increasing worldwide. Indeed, many of the bioactive compounds currently used as medicines have been synthesized based on the structure of natural compounds [1]. In order to obtain bioactive fractions and subsequently isolated compounds derived from natural matrices, several procedures have been carried out. One of these is to separate and assess the concentration of the active compound(s) present in the samples, a step in which the chromatographic techniques stand out [2]. In the present work the mushroom Sui/Ius granulatus (L.) Roussel was chemically characterized by chromatographic techniques coupled to different detectors, in order to evaluate the presence of nutritional and/or bioactive molecules. Some hydrophilic compounds, namely free sugars, were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI), and organic and phenolic acids were assessed by HPLC coupled to a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA). Regarding lipophilic compounds, fatty acids weredetermined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and tocopherols by HPLC-fluorescence detection. Mannitol and trehalose were the main free sugars detected. Different organic acids were also identified (i.e. oxalic, quinic and fumaric acids), as well as phenolic acids (i.e. gallic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and the related compound cinnamic acid. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids were the prevailing fatty acids and a-, ~- and ~-tocopherol were the isoforms of vitamin E detected in the samples. Since this species proved to be a source of biologically active compounds, the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties were evaluated. The antioxidant activity was measured through the reducing power, free radical's scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition of its methanolic extract, and the antimicrobial activity was also tested in Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and iri different fungi. S. granulatus presented antioxidant properties in all the performed assays, and proved to inhibit the growth of different bacterial and fungal strains. This study is a first step for classifying S. granulatus as a functional food, highlighting the potential of mushrooms as a source of nutraceutical and biologically active compounds.
Työni kohteena on ollut historiankirjoittaja John Andrewsin (n.1736–1809) grand tour -opas Letters to a Young Gentleman, on His Setting out for France (1784). Tutkielmassa olen tarkastellut sitä, millaiseen suhteeseen historia ja matkakirjoittaminen ovat teoksen Pariisi-osuuksissa asettuneet. Ilmiötä olen lähestynyt hyödyntämällä niin kutsuttua reframingin käsitettä, jolla historiantutkimuksessa on jäsennetty ajatusten kehystymistä eri konteksteissa – siis niille annettujen merkitysten muuttumista. Tämä käsite on mahdollistanut sellaisen tarkastelun, jossa huomio on kohdistunut historian oppaassa saamiin käyttöihin sekä sen merkitysten muotoutumiseen. Andrewsin oppaasta voi erottaa kaksi pistettä, joissa historia ja matkakirjoittaminen ovat kietoutuneet toisiinsa. Pisteistä ensimmäinen on kytkeytynyt nähtävyyksien kohtaamiseen, kun taas niistä jälkimmäinen on liittynyt Pariisin kulttuurisen aseman määrittelemiseen. Andrewsille historia onkin näyttäytynyt eräänlaisena välineenä, joka on paitsi ohjannut myös perustellut nähtävyyksien tarkastelemista. Samalla historia on jäsentänyt kaupungin suhdetta Ranskaan, Eurooppaan ja kristikuntaan – sekä muihin kansoihin ja eri kirkkokuntiin. Nämä pisteet eivät kuitenkaan ole jääneet irrallisiksi, sillä molemmissa yhteyksissä uskonnolliset erot ovat saaneet merkittävän sijan. Yhtäältä historia on tukenut näihin eroihin perustuneita vertailuasetelmia; toisaalta erot ovat muokanneet Andrewsin suhdetta nähtävyyksiin sekä niiden historiallisuuteen. Reframingin käsitteeseen perustuva erittely on osoittanut sen, että Andrewsin oppaassa historia ei ole ollut vain matkakirjoittamisen aihepiiri. Tekstissä historia onkin saanut myös toisenlaisia käyttöjä, minkä voi liittää matkakirjallisuuden konventioihin sekä aikakauden grand tour -keskusteluihin. Kyse on siitä, että Andrewsin matkakirjoittamista ovat ohjanneet lajityypin genrepiirteet sekä teoksen oletettu yleisö – siis grand tourille aikovat nuorukaiset. Nämä keskustelut ja konventiot ovat tarjonneet Andrewsille eräänlaisen kehyksen, joka on säädellyt hänen tekemiään valintoja. Samalla se on jäsentänyt historian oppaassa saamia merkityksiä.
It is recognized that sedentary behavior (SB) has deleterious effects on numerous health outcomes and it appears that physiological mechanisms underlying these harms are distinct from the ones explaining moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) benefits. Sedentary behavior represents a large portion of human’s life and is increasing with technological development. A new current of opinion supports the idea that the manner SB is accumulated plays an important role. This dissertation presents six research studies conducted under the scope of SB. In the methodological area, the first study highlighted the magnitude of potential errors in estimating SB and its patterns from common alternative methods (accelerometer and heart rate monitor) compared to ActivPAL. This study presented the accelerometer as a valid method at a group level. Two studies (2 and 5) were performed in older adults (the most sedentary group in the population) to test the associations for SB patterns with abdominal obesity using accelerometry. The findings showed positive graded associations for prolonged sedentary bouts with abdominal obesity and showed that those who interrupted SB more frequently were less likely to present abdominal obesity. Therefore, public health recommendations regarding breaking up SB more often are expected to be relevant. The associations between sedentary patterns and abdominal obesity were independent of MVPA in older adults. However, the low MVPA in this group makes it unclear whether this independent relationship still exists if highly active persons are analysed. Study 3 inovates by examining the association of SB with body fatness in highly trained athletes and found SB to predict total fat mass and trunk fat mass, independently of age and weekly training time. Study 4 also brings novelty to this research field by quantifying the metabolic and energetic cost of the transition from sitting to standing and then sitting back down (a break), informing about the modest energetic costs (0.32 kcal·min−1). Finally, from a successful multicomponent pilot intervention to reduce and break up SB (study 6), an important behavioral resistance to make more sit/stand transitions despite successfully reducing sitting time (~ 1.85 hours·day-1) was found, which may be relevant to inform future behavioral modification programs. The present work provides observational and experimental evidence on the relation for SB patterns with body composition outcomes and energy regulation that may be relevant for public health interventions.
Broad nosed caiman are ectotherm sauropsids that naturally experience long fasting intervals. We have studied the postprandial responses by measuring oxygen consumption using respirometry, the size changes of the duodenum, the distal small intestine, and the liver, using repeated non-invasive ultrasonography, and by investigating structural changes on the level of tissues and cells by using light- and electron microscopy. The caimans showed the same rapid and reversible changes of organ size and identical histological features, down to the ultrastructure level, as previously described for other ectothermic sauropsids. We found a configuration change of the mucosa epithelium from pseudostratified during fasting to single layered during digestion, in association with hypertrophy of enterocytes by loading them with lipid droplets. Similar patterns were also found for the hepatocytes of the liver. By placing the results of our study in comparative relationship and by utilizing the phylogenetic bracket of crocodiles, birds and squamates, we suggest that the observed features are plesiomorphic characters of sauropsids. By extending the comparison to anurans, we suggest that morphological and physiological adjustments to feeding and fasting described here may have been a character of early tetrapods. In conclusion, we suggest that the ability to tolerate long fasting intervals and then swallow a single large meal as described for many sit-an-wait foraging sauropsids is a functional feature that was already present in ancestral tetrapods.
The goal of the thesis "Conversion of a Micro, Glow-Ignition, Two-Stroke Engine from Nitromethane-Methanol Blend Fuel to Military Jet Propellant (JP-8)" was to demonstrate the ability to operate a small engine on JP-8 and was completed in two phases. The first phase included choosing, developing a test stand for, and baseline testing a nitromethane-methanol-fueled engine. The chosen engine was an 11.5 cc, glow-ignition, two-stroke engine designed for remote-controlled helicopters. A micro engine test stand was developed to load and motor the engine. Instrumentation specific to the low flow rates and high speeds of the micro engine was developed and used to document engine behavior. The second phase included converting the engine to operate on JP-8, completing JP-8-fueled steady-state testing, and comparing the performance of the JP-8-fueled engine to the nitromethane-methanol-fueled engine. The conversion was accomplished through a novel crankcase heating method; by heating the crankcase for an extended period of time, a flammable fuel-air mixture was generated in the crankcase scavenged engine, which greatly improved starting times. To aid in starting and steady-state operation, yttrium-zirconia impregnated resin (i.e. ceramic coating) was applied to the combustion surfaces. This also improved the starting times of the JP-8-fueled engine and ultimately allowed for a 34-second starting time. Finally, the steady-state data from both the nitromethane-methanol and JP-8-fueled micro engine were compared. The JP-8-fueled engine showed signs of increased engine friction while having higher indicated fuel conversion efficiency and a higher overall system efficiency. The minimal ability of JP-8 to cool the engine via evaporative effects, however, created the necessity of increased cooling air flow. The conclusion reached was that JP-8-fueled micro engines could be viable in application, but not without additional research being conducted on combustion phenomenon and cooling requirements.
Renewable or sustainable energy (SE) sources have attracted the attention of many countries because the power generated is environmentally friendly, and the sources are not subject to the instability of price and availability. This dissertation presents new trends in the DC-AC converters (inverters) used in renewable energy sources, particularly for photovoltaic (PV) energy systems. A review of the existing technologies is performed for both single-phase and three-phase systems, and the pros and cons of the best candidates are investigated. In many modern energy conversion systems, a DC voltage, which is provided from a SE source or energy storage device, must be boosted and converted to an AC voltage with a fixed amplitude and frequency. A novel switching pattern based on the concept of the conventional space-vector pulse-width-modulated (SVPWM) technique is developed for single-stage, boost-inverters using the topology of current source inverters (CSI). The six main switching states, and two zeros, with three switches conducting at any given instant in conventional SVPWM techniques are modified herein into three charging states and six discharging states with only two switches conducting at any given instant. The charging states are necessary in order to boost the DC input voltage. It is demonstrated that the CSI topology in conjunction with the developed switching pattern is capable of providing the required residential AC voltage from a low DC voltage of one PV panel at its rated power for both linear and nonlinear loads. In a micro-grid, the active and reactive power control and consequently voltage regulation is one of the main requirements. Therefore, the capability of the single-stage boost-inverter in controlling the active power and providing the reactive power is investigated. It is demonstrated that the injected active and reactive power can be independently controlled through two modulation indices introduced in the proposed switching algorithm. The system is capable of injecting a desirable level of reactive power, while the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) dictates the desirable active power. The developed switching pattern is experimentally verified through a laboratory scaled three-phase 200W boost-inverter for both grid-connected and stand-alone cases and the results are presented.
Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-09-27 19:34:16.86
Introducción: Los Desórdenes Musculo-Esqueléticos (DME) tienen origen multifactorial. En Colombia corresponden al principal grupo diagnóstico en procesos relacionados con la determinación de origen y pérdida de capacidad laboral. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre síntomas musculo-esqueléticos y factores relacionados con la carga física en trabajadores de una empresa dedicada a la venta y distribución de medicamentos y equipos médicos, Bogotá (Colombia), en el año 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 235 trabajadores. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y las relacionadas con los síntomas musculoesqueléticos y carga física. Se utilizó en cuestionario ERGOPAR. Para el análisis se utilizó la Prueba Exacta de Fisher, el Odds Ratio (OR) con el Intervalo de Confianza (IC) del 95%. Se realizó el análisis Multivariado con Regresión Logística Binaria. Resultados: La prevalencia de síntomas relacionados con DME fue de 79,2%, siendo más prevalente en cuello, hombros y columna dorsal (48,1%), seguido por columna lumbar (35,3%). Se encontró una asociación entre síntomas en cuello, hombros y/o columna dorsal con el sexo femenino (p=0,005, OR=2,33, 95%IC: 1,2-4,2); adoptar postura bípeda menos de 30 minutos (p=0,004, OR=3,34, 95%IC: 1,4-7,6); adoptar postura cabeza/cuello inclinado hacia delante entre 30 minutos y 2 horas (p=0,007, OR=3,25, 95%IC :1,3-7,7) y en columna lumbar con adoptar postura espalda/tronco hacia delante entre 30 minutos y 2 horas (p=0,001, OR=4,27, 95%IC: 1,7-10,3); y la antigüedad en el cargo entre 1 y 5 años (p=0,009, OR=3,47, 95%IC: 1,3-8,8). Conclusión: Las posturas bípedas con y sin desplazamiento, inclinaciones de tronco y cabeza, transporte manual de cargas, sexo femenino, antigüedad en el cargo y edad están asociadas conjuntamente al riesgo para presentar DME.
Queste ricerche si propongono di indagare gli apporti patrimoniali alla morte del marito in favore della moglie superstite, concentrandosi sulla normazione di età tardoantica e giustinianea. Vengono presi in considerazione i principali istituti giuridici che realizzavano, al momento della scomparsa dell’uomo, una cessione patrimoniale a favore della sua vedova: la successione intestata e testata della moglie superstite, la restituzione della dote e il suo lucro sulla donazione nuziale, nonché la c.d. quarta della vedova povera. Di essi si indagano i profili dei relativi regimi giuridici interessanti per il tema di indagine, soffermandosi sulla portata e le ragioni delle riforme che li hanno riguardati, le loro specifiche funzioni nel sistema di sostentamento patrimoniale della coniuge superstite, la loro interazione e integrazione reciproca, il loro ricorso nella prassi. Si giunge alla conclusione che il sistema di tutela della coniuge superstite ebbe poco a che vedere con la successione intestata. Profondamente differente il discorso per quanto attiene alla successione testata e la dote. Più circoscritti di quanto comunemente si pensi, invece, sono i termini in cui è possibile parlare di una funzione di appannaggio vedovile della donazione nuziale. Ecco dunque che, se le garanzie patrimoniali della moglie superstite si sostanziano nel testamento del marito, nella dote, nella donazione nuziale e – nel diritto ultimo e nei soli casi di estremo bisogno – nella quarta uxoria, è chiaro come la questione sia stata demandata, in gran parte, all’autoregolamentazione dei privati. Il legislatore ha saputo predisporre gli strumenti giuridici necessari, assestare gli squilibri dovuti a mutamenti economici e sociali, intervenire laddove ce ne fosse stato bisogno, ma senza invadere un campo così privato e intimo come quello delle relazioni patrimoniali tra coniugi. D’altro canto, il suo intervento non è richiesto «si sanctitas inter eos sit digna foedere coniugali».
Aedes albopictus is a vector able to transmit several arboviruses. Due to its high impact on human health, it is important to develop an efficient control strategy for this pest. Nowadays, control based on chemical insecticides is limited by the number of available active principles and the occurrence of resistance. A valuable alternative to the conventional control strategies is the sterile insect technique (SIT) which relies on releasing sterile males of the target insect. Mating between wild females and sterile males results in no viable offspring. A crucial aspect of SIT is the production of a large number of sterile males with a low presence of females that can bite and transmit viruses. The present thesis aimed to find, implement and study the most reliable mechanical sex sorter and protocol to implement male productivity and reduce female contamination. In addition, I evaluated different variables and sorting protocols to enable female recovery for breeding purposes. Furthermore, I studied the creation of a hyper-protandric strain potentially able to produce only males. I also assessed the integration of artificial intelligence with an optical unit to identify sexes at the adult stage. All these applications helped to realise a mass production model in Italy with a potential weekly production of 1 million males. Moreover, I studied and applied for aerial sterile male release in an urban environment. This technology could allow the release of males in a wide area, overcoming environmental and urban obstacles. However, the development and application of drone technologies in a metropolitan area close to airports, such as in Bologna area, must fit specific requirements. Lastly, at Réunion Island, during a Short Term Scientific Mission France (AIM-COST Action), Indian Ocean, I studied the Boosted SIT application. Coating sterile males with Pyriproxyfen may help spread the insecticide into the larval breeding sites.
The project answers to the following central research question: ‘How would a moral duty of patients to transfer (health) data for the benefit of health care improvement, research, and public health in the eHealth sector sit within the existing confidentiality, privacy, and data protection legislations?’. The improvement of healthcare services, research, and public health relies on patient data, which is why one might raise the question concerning a potential moral responsibility of patients to transfer data concerning health. Such a responsibility logically would have subsequent consequences for care providers concerning the further transferring of health data with other healthcare providers or researchers and other organisations (who also possibly transfer the data further with others and other organisations). Otherwise, the purpose of the patients’ moral duty, i.e. to improve the care system and research, would be undermined. Albeit the arguments that may exist in favour of a moral responsibility of patients to share health-related data, there are also some moral hurdles that come with such a moral responsibility. Furthermore, the existing European and national confidentiality, privacy and data protection legislations appear to hamper such a possible moral duty, and they may need to be reconsidered to unlock the full use of data for healthcare and research.
Pollution of water bodies is one of the most common environmental problems today. Organic pollutants are one of the main drawbacks in this natural resource, among which the following stand out long-lived dyes, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. This research aims at obtaining nanocomposites based on polycaprolactone-chitosan (PCL-CS) electrospun nanofibers (NFs) containing TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) for the adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants, using Rhodamine B as a model. The fabricated hybrid materials were characterized by FT-IR, TGA, DSC, SEM, TEM, tensile properties, and the contact angle of water drops. The photoactivity of the NFs was investigated using a batch-type system by following UV-Vis absorbance and fluorescence of rhodamine B (RhB). For this purpose, TiO2NPs were successfully ex-situ incorporated into the polymer matrix promoting good mechanical properties and higher hydrophilicity of the material. The results showed that CS in the NFs increased the absorption and degradation of RhB by the TiO2NPs. CS attracted the pollutant molecules to the active sites vicinity of TiO2NPs, favoring initial adsorption and degradation. In other words, a bait-hook-and-destroy effect was evidenced. It also was demonstrated that the sensitization of TiO2 by organic dyes (e.g., perylene derivative) considerably improves the photocatalytic activity under visible radiation, allowing the use of low amounts of TiO2. (≈0.05 g/1 g of fiber). Hence, the current study is expected to contribute with an environmentally friendly green alternative solution.
Button battery ingestion is a frequent pediatric complaint. The serious complications resulting from accidental ingestion have increased significantly over the last two decades due to easy access to gadgets and electronic toys. Over recent years, the increasing use of lithium batteries of diameter 20 mm has brought new challenges, because these are more detrimental to the mucosa, compared with other types, with high morbidity and mortality. The clinical complaints, which are often nonspecific, may lead to delayed diagnosis, thereby increasing the risk of severe complications. A five-year-old boy who had been complaining of abdominal pain for ten days, was brought to the emergency service with a clinical condition of hematemesis that started two hours earlier. On admission, he presented pallor, tachycardia and hypotension. A plain abdominal x-ray produced an image suggestive of a button battery. Digestive endoscopy showed a deep ulcerated lesion in the esophagus without active bleeding. After this procedure, the patient presented profuse hematemesis and severe hypotension, followed by cardiorespiratory arrest, which was reversed. He then underwent emergency exploratory laparotomy and presented a new episode of cardiorespiratory arrest, which he did not survive. The battery was removed through rectal exploration. This case describes a fatal evolution of button battery ingestion with late diagnosis and severe associated injury of the digestive mucosa. A high level of clinical suspicion is essential for preventing this evolution. Preventive strategies are required, as well as health education, with warnings to parents, caregivers and healthcare professionals.
The aim of the study was to develop a culturally adapted translation of the 12-item smell identification test from Sniffin' Sticks (SS-12) for the Estonian population in order to help diagnose Parkinson's disease (PD). A standard translation of the SS-12 was created and 150 healthy Estonians were questioned about the smells used as response options in the test. Unfamiliar smells were replaced by culturally familiar options. The adapted SS-12 was applied to 70 controls in all age groups, and thereafter to 50 PD patients and 50 age- and sex-matched controls. 14 response options from 48 used in the SS-12 were replaced with familiar smells in an adapted version, in which the mean rate of correct response was 87% (range 73-99) compared to 83% with the literal translation (range 50-98). In PD patients, the average adapted SS-12 score (5.4/12) was significantly lower than in controls (average score 8.9/12), p < 0.0001. A multiple linear regression using the score in the SS-12 as the outcome measure showed that diagnosis and age independently influenced the result of the SS-12. A logistic regression using the SS-12 and age as covariates showed that the SS-12 (but not age) correctly classified 79.0% of subjects into the PD and control category, using a cut-off of <7 gave a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 86% for the diagnosis of PD. The developed SS-12 cultural adaption is appropriate for testing olfaction in Estonia for the purpose of PD diagnosis.
The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in Brazilian non-small cell lung cancer patients and to correlate these mutations with response to benefit of platinum-based chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Our cohort consisted of prospective patients with NSCLCs who received chemotherapy (platinum derivates plus paclitaxel) at the [UNICAMP], Brazil. EGFR exons 18-21 were analyzed in tumor-derived DNA. Fifty patients were included in the study (25 with adenocarcinoma). EGFR mutations were identified in 6/50 (12 %) NSCLCs and in 6/25 (24 %) adenocarcinomas; representing the frequency of EGFR mutations in a mostly self-reported White (82.0 %) southeastern Brazilian population of NSCLCs. Patients with NSCLCs harboring EGFR exon 19 deletions or the exon 21 L858R mutation were found to have a higher chance of response to platinum-paclitaxel (OR 9.67 [95 % CI 1.03-90.41], p = 0.047). We report the frequency of EGFR activating mutations in a typical southeastern Brazilian population with NSCLC, which are similar to that of other countries with Western European ethnicity. EGFR mutations seem to be predictive of a response to platinum-paclitaxel, and additional studies are needed to confirm or refute this relationship.