978 resultados para SINDROME DE DOWN


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Musical composition recorded and output as a download album. The album features 16 tracks:
1. Entangled
2. Ambient thing
3. Alight
4. Sometimes
5. Late at night
6. Don't look down
7. Treasure
8. Relent
9. Absconding
10. Silently
11. Easy now
12. Baltic winter
13. Honeymoon
14. Lament
15. Reef knot
16. Yeah


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Isotopic discrimination and turn-over are fundamental to the application of stable isotope ecology in animals. However, detailed information for specific tissues and species are widely lacking, notably for herbivorous species. We provide details on tissue-specific carbon and nitrogen discrimination and turn-over times from food to blood, feathers, claws, egg tissues and offspring down feathers in four species of herbivorous waterbirds. Source-to-tissue discrimination factors for carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N) showed little variation across species but varied between tissues. Apparent discrimination factors ranged between −0.5 to 2.5‰ for δ13C and 2.8 to 5.2‰ for δ15N, and were more similar between blood components than between keratinous tissues or egg tissue. Comparing these results with published data from other species we found no effect of foraging guild on discrimination factors for carbon but a significant foraging-guild effect for nitrogen discrimination factors.

Turn-over of δ13C in tissues was most rapid in blood plasma, with a half-life of 4.3 d, whereas δ13C in blood cells had a half-life of approximately 32 d. Turn-over times for albumen and yolk in laying females were similar to those of blood plasma, at 3.2 and 6.0 d respectively. Within yolk, we found decreasing half-life times of δ13C from inner yolk (13.3 d) to outer yolk (3.1 d), related to the temporal pattern of tissue formation.

We found similarities in tissue-specific turn-over times across all avian species studied to date. Yet, while generalities regarding discrimination factors and tissue turn-over times can be made, a large amount of variation remains unexplained.


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This commentary presents an Australian perspective on Balkin and Mello’s “Facilitating and Creating Synergies between Teaching and Research: The Role of the Academic Administrator.” It addresses one particularly important aspect of the separation of teaching and research in business schools; namely, the increasing dominance of discipline-based research output measures in overall business faculty performance, coupled with a reliance on journal rankings as de facto quality measures for research output. Some possible alternate approaches to research performance/impact measurement in our rapidly changing academic environment are also considered.


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HIV-1 infection impairs a number of macrophage effector functions, thereby contributing to development of opportunistic infections and the pathogenesis of AIDS. FcγR-mediated phagocytosis by human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) is inhibited by HIV-1 infection in vitro, and the underlying mechanism was investigated in this study. Inhibition of phagocytosis directly correlated with the multiplicity of HIV-1 infection. Expression of surface FcγRs was unaffected by HIV-1 infection, suggesting that inhibition of phagocytosis occurred during or after receptor binding. HIV-1 infection of MDM markedly inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of the cellular proteins, which occurs following engagement of FcγRs, suggesting a defect downstream of initial receptor activation. FcγR-mediated phagocytosis in HIV-infected MDM was associated with inhibition of phosphorylation of tyrosine kinases from two different families, Hck and Syk, defective formation of Syk complexes with other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, and inhibition of paxillin activation. Down-modulation of protein expression but not mRNA of the γ signaling subunit of FcγR (a docking site for Syk) was observed in HIV-infected MDM. Infection of MDM with a construct of HIV-1 in which nef was replaced with the gene for the γ signaling subunit augmented FcγR-mediated phagocytosis, suggesting that down-modulation of γ-chain protein expression in HIV-infected MDM caused the defective FcγR-mediated signaling and impairment of phagocytosis. This study is the first to demonstrate a specific alteration in phagocytosis signal transduction pathway, which provides a mechanism for the observed impaired FcγR-mediated phagocytosis in HIV-infected macrophages and contributes to the understanding of how HIV-1 impairs cell-mediated immunity leading to HIV-1 disease progression.


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This position paper reports on an Australian Learning Teaching Council (ALTC) funded project – “Enhancing and Assessing Group and Team Learning in Architecture and Related Design Contexts.” This is a two-year project, commencing in November 2011, which is investigating best practice in Australian higher education for the teaching of teamwork in the design disciplines, with a focus on Architecture. At the time of the conference presentation, data on current practices will be reported on that has been collected and analysed from four universities in Australia. The project aims to: highlight and develop innovative approaches to collaborative studio-based learning; structure team learning within curricula; develop graduate attributes for teamwork; and inform assessment of team design that supports team-working skills and increased learner confidence.


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Background/ Aim: Therapists use different types of tests, scales, and instruments to assess children's motor skills, including those classified as being top-down and bottom-up. The aim of the study was to investigate the ability of measures of children's motor skill performance from the perspectives of children and parents (a type of top-down assessment) to predict children's performance-based motor ability test results (a type of bottom-up assessment).
Methods: A convenience sample of 38 children and parents was recruited from Victoria, Australia. Motor skill performance was evaluated from a top-down perspective using the Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children – Second Edition (MABC-2) Checklist to measure children's and parents' perspectives respectively. Motor skill performance was also evaluated from a bottom-up approach using the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency – Second Edition (BOT-2). Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis to determine whether the PSDQ or MABC-2 Checklist was predictive of the children's BOT-2 performance results.
Results: Two predictive relationships were identified based on parents' perspectives, where the total score of the MABC-2 Checklist was found to be a significant predictor of the BOT-2 Manual Coordination motor composite score, accounting for 8.35% of its variance, and the BOT-2 Strength and Agility motor composite score, accounting for 11.6% of its variance. No predictive relationships were identified between the children's self-report PSDQ perspectives and the BOT-2 performance scores.
Conclusions: Therapists are encouraged to utilize a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches and purposefully to seek parents' and children's perspectives when evaluating children's motor skill performance.


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This chapter will provide an overview of Australian perspectives on the US alliance in light of ongoing and emerging challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. After a brief discussion of the motivations behind the signing of the ANZUS treaty, the first part of the chapter examines the historical context of the alliance, with a particular focus on the longstanding and ongoing tussle in Australia between independence in foreign policy making vis-à-vis broader structural constraints. While this debate has been a constant feature of the political scene in Australia, it has come into particular focus since the US withdrawal from Vietnam, which marked a turning point in Australian perspectives with regard to its own role in Asia. The collision of ideas surrounding Australian identity and Australian national interest has been reflected in policy approaches as successive governments have sought to strike a balance between the two exigencies and thus, most optimally ensure Australia’s strategic future. The chapter concludes by examining current perspectives through the lens of an ongoing debate taking place in Australian academic circles about what the rise of China means for Australia and its commitment to the US alliance, and considers options for caucus-style cooperation with fellow US allies beyond the hub-and-spokes model.


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Review of Blizzard , performed by  Nat Cursio Company, at the Substation