990 resultados para São Jose do Rio Preto (SP)
The expansion and growth of towns affect the hydrology of watersheds included in the urban environment, impacting mainly the slopes and river channels. This interference can be in soil waterproofing, the runoff of rainwater, the extinction of surface drainage, the dynamics of flooding processes, etc. For studies concerning the hydrological behavior of watersheds, Remote Sensing techniques have been used to support the acquisition and analysis of data and also to generate new information from the integration of these data. In this context, the study aimed to characterize scenarios and conduct comparative analysis of urban occupation of parts of watershed the Córrego da Servidão, in Rio Claro (SP) and analyze the degree of waterproofing on the ground. With the support of the soil categories of waterproofing listed in Soil Conservation Service (S.C.S / USDA) this analysis was conducted, considering the scenarios of 1958 and 2006, through processes of interpretative analysis of panchromatic and color images aerofotogramétricas. The analysis, data integration and mapping of the watershed area were conducted in an environment of a Geographic Information System (GIS). Maps were obtained to characterize land cover in the watershed, showing the evolution of urban occupation, as well as indicating the densely built and waterproofed
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a influência de um período de chuvas intensas sobre as assembléias zooplanctônicas e variáveis limnológicas dos reservatórios de Chavantes e Salto Grande. Em função das precipitações elevadas, o tempo de residência da água durante o período de verão 2009/2010 (período imediatamente anterior às coletas) foi o mais baixo da década (1999-2010), tanto para Chavantes como para Salto Grande. As variáveis analisadas foram: transparência, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade elétrica, turbidez, material em suspensão, clorofila a e nutrientes (nitrogênio total, fósforo total e silicato dissolvido). A turbidez foi a variável que mais se alterou, apresentando um aumento notável com o incremento das chuvas. A transparência e o material em suspensão também apresentaram grande alteração, sendo que a primeira variável diminuiu com a maior quantidade de chuvas e a segunda aumentou. Os valores de fósforo total e silicato dissolvido diminuíram com o aumento das chuvas, sendo que para o silicato a variação foi mais expressiva e para o fósforo o decréscimo foi mais acentuado em Chavantes do que em Salto Grande. Para as outras variáveis limnológicas, bem como para o zooplâncton, os dois reservatórios apresentaram comportamentos diferentes quanto às alterações pluviométricas. A temperatura variou mais em Chavantes. Condutividade elétrica e pH apresentaram relação com a temperatura e o oxigênio dissolvido não teve muita alteração com as mudanças pluviométricas. Os atributos analisados para o zooplâncton foram riqueza, composição, abundância (total, por táxon e das fases de desenvolvimento) e diversidade. Comparando os dois reservatórios estudados, foi observado que em Chavantes o aumento pluviométrico teve efeito muito ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a estrutura fitossociológica do estrato herbáceo, de diferentes manchas que definem o mosaico da vegetação de um trecho do Ribeirão Claro e seu afluente Jardim Bandeirantes, analisando a diversidade das comunidades no tempo e no espaço, a dominância e a distribuição das espécies, estabelecendo relações com variáveis ambientais edáficas (umidade, pH e teor de matéria orgânica) e microclimáticas (luminosidade, cobertura de dossel e declividade), a fim de estudar a estrutura, composição e os processos sucessionais desta fitocenose. Foram definidas 13 manchas de vegetação como foco de estudo, em cada uma foram dispostas 6 parcelas de 5x5m perfazendo uma extensão de 30 m perpendicularmente ao rio. No interior das parcelas foram levantadas todas as formas de vida vegetais abaixo de 1,5m de altura, aplicando-se um método de avaliação de cobertura (método do toque), onde a amostragem foi realizada em intervalos de 0,5m. Os indivíduos foram amostrados com indicação do seu hábito e classificação taxonômica. As quantificações foram realizadas tanto no período chuvoso quanto no período seco, com a finalidade de entender a dinâmica sazonal dessa comunidade. A comunidade estudada apresentou variação em sua composição e estrutura no que se refere às estações seca e chuvosa. Os parâmetros ambientais analisados mostraram uma heterogeneidade física nas fisionomias descritas, o que pode estar contribuindo para a diferenciação na distribuição das espécies amostradas em cada fisionomia. Com base no inventário realizado, envolvendo a vegetação marginal do trecho estudado do Ribeirão Claro e seu tributário Jardim Bandeirantes, em duas estações distintas, os dados mostraram maiores variações da cobertura herbácea nas fitocenoses em estágios sucessionais mais avançados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This work discusses the analysis of microartifacts as a means to study the process of sculpturing of slopes actants of slopes actants of sculpturing in the archaeological site Lagoa do Camargo. Microartifacts have specific characteristics of transportation and deposition, that helps identifying shaping and sculpturing processes of slopes. The methogology used for analysis of microartifacts is based in Dunnel and Stein's theory (1989) that defines microartifacts as artifacts with reduced size - between 2mm and 0,25mm. According to the authors, an artifact is any object that presents attributes consequent of human activity, in other words, artificial. Also is used the protocol of Vance (1989), that proposed the analysis only the fraction between 0,5mm and 0,250 mm. For disclosure and preservation of archaeological patrimony in the city of Rio Claro, is intended development activities with schools of municipal education system, abour the subject Patrimonial Education, with the methodology adopted by the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Patrimony (IPHAN). Demonstrate and emphasize the importance of cultural patrimony within the local community provides the (re) cognition of these areas as conservation areas, which can be incorporated by this population as areas of collective interest
A vegetação ribeirinha é conhecida como o conjunto de formações que se encontram associadas aos corpos d’água, ocorrendo ao longo dos cursos d’água e no entorno de nascentes, formando um mosaico vegetacional. É de vital importância na proteção de mananciais, controlando a chegada de nutrientes, sedimentos e a erosão de ribanceiras, atua na estabilidade térmica e abastece o lençol freático a partir da contenção de águas pluviais, além de exercer um papel fundamental como corredores ecológicos de fluxo gênico animal e vegetal. No Brasil, há legislação que protege tais áreas, entretanto, estas vem sofrendo sistemática degradação por desmatamento, despejo de esgotos domésticos e industriais, canalização e desvio de cursos d’água. O estudo presente teve como objetivo caracterizar a florística e a estrutura fitossociológica de três fragmentos do ambiente ribeirinho localizados na Fazenda Água Branca, em Ajapi, Rio Claro - SP. Através de parcelas de 10x10m, foram amostrados todos os indivíduos com PAP ≥ 10cm. Foram estabelecidas 16 parcelas na vegetação ribeirinha com influência fluvial sazonal ao longo do Ribeirão Claro, tratadas no trabalho como floresta ciliar. Foram estabelecidas 14 parcelas distribuídas em dois fragmentos de vegetação ribeirinha com influência fluvial permanente, tratadas ao longo do trabalho como floresta paludosa. Na mata ciliar, foram amostrados 316 indivíduos, pertencentes a 32 famílias, distribuídos em 74 espécies. As espécies mais importantes foram: Syzygium cuminii, Esenbeckia febrifuga e Croton urucurana. As famílias com maior riqueza foram: Myrtaceae, Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae e Meliaceae. O índice de diversidade (H’) encontrado foi 3,62; valor esperado para Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais. Na mata paludosa, foram amostrados 469 indivíduos, pertencentes a 34 famílias, distribuídos em 60 espécies... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
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The question of the solid waste is without a doubt one of the biggest problems faced for the world-wide population in the present time, resulting in the call “collapse of the garbage”. In this direction that appears the composting, in the scope of the treatment of organic waste origin, that in Brazil, approximately correspond 50% of the generated volume. However, the rare plants of selection and composting (UTC) existing at least do not obtain auto-to support themselves, increasing to each day the number of deactivations, almost always related the financial questions. In this direction, the present research brings the analysis of the economic viability of the implantation of a UTC for the city of Rio Claro-SP, relating it with the thick organic composition sales, for the cultures of vegetables cultivated in a ray of 30 km of the study area. For in such a way, they had been carried through, calculations concerning the regional demand for organic composition, and the verification of the implantation costs and operation of the plant. The reached results had been the flow of box for the first year of functioning of the UTC, as well as the break-even point between the gotten expenditures and prescriptions. From this relation investment profitability, it was verified that the UTC is presented impracticable under the economic point of view.
This work focuses on the analysis of extreme precipitation episode in the city of Rio Claro, held on 24 and 25 February 2010, which caused severe impacts to society, and a victim of drowning due to flooding due to flood in urban stream. Although the temporal concentration of summer rainfall is characteristic of tropical climatic regimes, each year there are issues of social and environmental impacts deflagrated by precipitation events in the city. These findings reinforce the importance of analyzing atmospheric conditions correlated to change in space usage
Leaking of hydrocarbon in fuel underground storage tanks constitute object of concern for urban environmental management, because therefore they provoke damages to the physical, biological and socioeconomic environment. Though laws that regulate this essential activity exist, aiming at to prevent contamination with hydrocarbon, we observe that this still happens. This fact evidences that the selection of places for installation of gas stations has not considered the characteristics of the natural environment, implying in more critical consequences associated to the leaking. The objective of this work is to elaborate a chart applied to the gas stations in Rio Claro/SP. The determination of the Index of Environmental Sensitivity for elaboration of such chart was carried through breaking the selection of factors of Environmental Sensitivity of physical, biological and socioeconomic environment. The balance of these factors was given by means of Ad hoc consultation. The crossing of the information was carried through using the method of overlapping of overlays. The result is a chart that shows us areas with classes of high, middle and low Environmental Sensitivity. One gives credit that this type of material can be used as criterion in the selection of adjusted areas for installations of new gas stations and management of the already installed gas stations. The diagnosis of the current situation of the gas stations in the area and recommendations had also been elaborated.
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Economic activities, whether large or small, can cause a range of environmental changes, not always reversible, harming society and its quality of life. Many potentially polluting activities have already been installed in various Brazilian cities, just as at the industrial district of Rio Claro / SP, which allow the synthesis of the many environmental impacts. In this sense, this report aims to make an environmental assessment in the influence area of the industrial district of Rio Claro / SP, located in the urban area of the city. As a result, the existence of prior related studies was observed, especially the diagnosis and study of the many implications that arises from activities impacting, and further, there was a demarcation of the influence area of the district and its derivatives impacts in the influence area, the steps of prediction and mitigation measures and if these activities meet the minimum technical requirements in planning and environmental applicable legislation.
This research reffers to a study of case about Jardim Cherveson district, in which was mensured the quality of life of the resident population. The term quality of life has a dificult definition, because include a lot of variables objectives and subjectives, however, we can say that good quality of life depends on health condition of the individual. To assess the quality of life of the residents on district were verified the diseases of higher occurrence, identifing if the same were caused by the condition of local urban infrastructure and still the treatment of the Unidade Básica de Saúde in the study area
This paper analyzes the accessibility of the elderly population in relation to urban transportation in the city of Rio Claro - SP. After a study of the physiology, infrastructure, history and legislation of the city, there were collected and analyzed data obtained through semi-structured interviews with the elderly population that makes use of public transport with the aim of identifying the user's profile as well as their impressions and criticism of the service. The Department of Transport and Urban Mobility of Rio Claro provided general information related to public transport in the city. After all the survey, it can be seen that, although a significant portion of the elderly population make use of public transport, there are problems related to the structure of the city, which hinders the movement of buses, and the accessibility of the elderly, caused by physical characteristics of the vehicles, attitude of the motorists and aspects of public administration of the town. These data support the conclusion that there is often a disregard for the rights of the elderly and that it not only should as it can be corrected