1000 resultados para Rural electrification
Audit report on the Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities program for the City of Lone Rock, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2014
El tema central d’aquest Treball Final de Grau és l’autonomia dels alumnes d’educació infantil a l’escola rural. Aquest projecte està organitzat a partir de dos grans blocs. En el primer bloc hi trobem el marc teòric, on es desglossen totes els aspectes importants i característics de l’escola rural i les seves estratègies didàctiques, a banda de definir i recercar en el concepte d’autonomia. En el segon bloc hi trobem la part pràctica i el treball de camp. Aquest apartat es desenvolupa al voltant de l’estratègia didàctica de les conferències a l’escola La Popa de Castellcir que s’analitzen i s’avaluen per tal de conèixer com aquesta estratègia potencia l’autonomia i la inclusió dels infants a l’etapa d’educació infantil.
L’estudi que es presenta a continuació pretén indagar en una part concreta i en auge constant del món educatiu: l’atenció a la diversitat mitjançant l’estructura cooperativa d’aprenentatge. L’estudi ha estat realitzat a partir d’un estudi de cas, l’objectiu del qual és analitzar, comprendre i plantejar pràctiques educatives dirigides a promoure la inclusió satisfactòria de tot l’alumnat; siguin quines siguin les seves característiques individuals vers l’aprenentatge. Els resultats observats mostren l'existència d'un fort vincle entre la millora de la cohesió del grup i la capacitat de rebre i donar ajudes per part de l'alumnat.
This brief discusses several important factors that should be considered when comparing health insurance plans in the health insurance marketplaces across geographic areas.
Information about roadway departures, rural intersections, and rural speed management countermeasures relevant to Iowa was summarized on webpages (www.ctre.iastate.edu/research-synthesis/) to allow agencies to more effectively target specific types of crashes in Iowa. More information about each of the countermeasures described in this tech transfer summary, as well as speed impacts, reported crash modification factors, costs, usage within Iowa, and Iowa-specific guidance, is available on the Synthesis of Safety-Related Research web pages at www.ctre.iastate.edu/research-synthesis/. The project provides Iowa agencies with a resource (both web pages and relevant publications) to address rural safety. The team is coordinating with the Iowa Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), the Iowa Highway Research Board, the Iowa Association of Counties, and other groups to explore additional ways to distribute the information to local and county agencies.
Single-vehicle run-off-road crashes are the most common crash type on rural two-lane Iowa roads. Rumble strips have been proven effective in mitigating these crashes, but these strips are commonly installed in paved shoulders adjacent to higher-volume roads owned by the State of Iowa. Lower-volume paved rural roads owned by local agencies do not commonly feature paved shoulders but frequently experience run-off-road crashes. This project involved installing “rumble stripes,” which are a combination of conventional rumble strips with a painted edge line placed on the surface of the milled area, along the edge of the travel lanes but at a narrow width to avoid possible intrusion into the normal vehicle travel paths. Candidate locations were selected from a list of paved local rural roads that were most recently listed in the top 5% of roads for run-off-road crashes in Iowa. Horizontal curves were the most favored locations for rumble stripe installation because they commonly experience roadway departure crashes. The research described in this report was part of a project funded by the Federal Highway Administration, Iowa Highway Research Board, and Iowa Department of Transportation to evaluate the effectiveness of edge line rumble strips in Iowa. The project evaluated the effectiveness of “rumble stripes” in reducing run-off-road crashes and in improving the longevity and wet weather visibility of edge line markings. This project consists of two phases. The first phase was to select pilot study locations, select a set of test sites, install rumble stripes, summarize lessons learned during installation, and provide a preliminary assessment of the rumble stripes’ performance. This information is summarized in this report. The purpose of the second phase is to provide a more long-term assessment of the performance of the pavement markings, conduct preliminary crash assessments, and evaluate lane keeping. This will result in a forthcoming second report.
This document puts into question the conventional way of delineating tourism destinations. It intends to show a model of spatial analysis, to find new interpretations of the reality, more balanced and more optimized, in comparison with other territorial views most of them based on administrative boundaries. This paper portrays a methodological exercise that aims to structure tourism geographies into new tourism areas on the basis of visitor’s consumption patterns, which would be better fitted to the needs of tourist demand
Audit report on the Xenia Rural Water District for the year ended December 31, 2014
This project consists of a study of the settlement of population during the Late Republican period in the Camp de Tarragona, an extensive agricultural plain in the shape of a crescent moon opening out towards the sea which constitutes the area of land in closest proximity to the capital, Tarraco. It does not therefore include the entirety of the ager Tarraconensis, which covered a considerably larger area. After reviewing the preceding Iberian presence in the area, the study focuses on the archaeological evidence corroborating the settlement of population referred to above and its evolution during the course of the two centuries prior to the rule of Augustus. Attention is also given to certain speciic themes, such as the centuriation of certain sectors, the presence of military checkpoints, the production of ceramics during the Republican period (at Fontscaldes and Valls) and the appearance of the irst Roman villas (El Moro and El Mas d’en Gras).
The methodology of the ager Tarraconensis project also included geophysical surveys aiming to distinguish different categories of rural settlements. Two geophysical techniques (resistivity and magnetometry) were combined to reveal traces of unearth structures from a selection of sites identified from the field survey. Results of geophysical surveys of these seven sites as well as conclusions obtained from this approach are discussed here.
Agafant com a premissa l’elevat grau de poblament disseminat de la plana de Vic i la forta interrelació entre els diferents assentaments, el present treball caracteritza l’actual model urbà dispers de la conurbació vigatana (Osona). L’estudi elabora dos mapes, mitjan segle xx i actual (2009), a través d’un Sistema d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), i interpreta els resultats partint del concepte de ciutat difusa
El género ocupa un destacado lugar en geografía rural y el lugar importa en relación al género. Este artículo pretende ser una reflexión documentada sobre la importancia de la perspectiva de género en geografía rural y aportar algunas ideas sobre cuál puede ser su contribución en los estudios rurales en el futuro a la luz de los desafíos que plantea el medio rural actual