984 resultados para Rna Transcripts


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Reverse genetics has facilitated the use of non-segmented negative strand RNA viruses (NNSV) as vectors. Currently, heterologous gene expression necessitates insertion of extra-numeral transcription units (ENTUs), which may alter the NNSV polar transcription gradient and attenuate growth relative to wildtype (Wt). We hypothesized that rescuing recombinant Sendai Virus (rSeV) with a bicistronic gene might circumvent this attenuation but still allow heterologous open reading frame (ORF) expression. Therefore, we used a 9-nucleotide sequence previously described with internal ribosome entry site (IRES) activity, which, when constructed as several repeats, synergistically increased the level of expression of the second cistron [Chappell, S.A., Edelman, G.M., Mauro, V.P., 2000. A 9-nt segment of a cellular mRNA can function as an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) and when present in linked multiple copies greatly enhances IRES activity. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 1536-1541]. We inserted the Renilla luciferase (rLuc) ORF, preceded by 1, 3 or 7 IRES copies, downstream of the SeV N ORF in an infectious clone. Corresponding rSeVs were successfully rescued. Interestingly, bicistronic rSeVs grew as fast as or faster than Wt rSeV. Furthermore, SeV gene transcription downstream of the N/rLuc gene was either equivalent to, or slightly enhanced, compared to Wt rSeV. Importantly, all rSeV/rLuc viruses efficiently expressed rLuc. IRES repetition increased rLuc expression at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1, although without evidence of synergistic enhancement. In conclusion, our approach provides a novel way of insertion and expression of foreign genes in NNSVs. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The 5' cap structures of higher eukaryote mRNAs have ribose 2'-O-methylation. Likewise, many viruses that replicate in the cytoplasm of eukaryotes have evolved 2'-O-methyltransferases to autonomously modify their mRNAs. However, a defined biological role for 2'-O-methylation of mRNA remains elusive. Here we show that 2'-O-methylation of viral mRNA was critically involved in subverting the induction of type I interferon. We demonstrate that human and mouse coronavirus mutants lacking 2'-O-methyltransferase activity induced higher expression of type I interferon and were highly sensitive to type I interferon. Notably, the induction of type I interferon by viruses deficient in 2'-O-methyltransferase was dependent on the cytoplasmic RNA sensor Mda5. This link between Mda5-mediated sensing of viral RNA and 2'-O-methylation of mRNA suggests that RNA modifications such as 2'-O-methylation provide a molecular signature for the discrimination of self and non-self mRNA.


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RNA polymerase I (Pol I) produces large ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). In this study, we show that the Rpa49 and Rpa34 Pol I subunits, which do not have counterparts in Pol II and Pol III complexes, are functionally conserved using heterospecific complementation of the human and Schizosaccharomyces pombe orthologues in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Deletion of RPA49 leads to the disappearance of nucleolar structure, but nucleolar assembly can be restored by decreasing ribosomal gene copy number from 190 to 25. Statistical analysis of Miller spreads in the absence of Rpa49 demonstrates a fourfold decrease in Pol I loading rate per gene and decreased contact between adjacent Pol I complexes. Therefore, the Rpa34 and Rpa49 Pol I–specific subunits are essential for nucleolar assembly and for the high polymerase loading rate associated with frequent contact between adjacent enzymes. Together our data suggest that localized rRNA production results in spatially constrained rRNA production, which is instrumental for nucleolar assembly.


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DNA telomeric repeats in mammalian cells are transcribed to guanine-rich RNA sequences, which adopt parallel-stranded G-quadruplexes with a propeller-like fold. The successful crystallization and structure analysis of a bimolecular human telomeric RNA G-quadruplex, folded into the same crystalline environment as an equivalent DNA oligonucleotide sequence, is reported here. The structural basis of the increased stability of RNA telomeric quadruplexes over DNA ones and their preference for parallel topologies is described here. Our findings suggest that the 2'-OH hydroxyl groups in the RNA quadruplex play a significant role in redefining hydration structure in the grooves and the hydrogen bonding networks. The preference for specific nucleotides to populate the C3'-endo sugar pucker domain is accommodated by alterations in the phosphate backbone, which leads to greater stability through enhanced hydrogen bonding networks. Molecular dynamics simulations on the DNA and RNA quadruplexes are consistent with these findings. The computations, based on the native crystal structure, provide an explanation for RNA G-quadruplex ligand binding selectivity for a group of naphthalene diimide ligands as compared to the DNA G-quadruplex.


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Quadruplex RNAs are less well understood than their DNA counterparts, yet of potentially high biological relevance. The interactions of several quadruplex-binding ligands with telomeric RNA quadruplexes are reported and compared with their binding to the analogous DNA quadruplexes.


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Motivation: We study a stochastic method for approximating the set of local minima in partial RNA folding landscapes associated with a bounded-distance neighbourhood of folding conformations. The conformations are limited to RNA secondary structures without pseudoknots. The method aims at exploring partial energy landscapes pL induced by folding simulations and their underlying neighbourhood relations. It combines an approximation of the number of local optima devised by Garnier and Kallel (2002) with a run-time estimation for identifying sets of local optima established by Reeves and Eremeev (2004).

Results: The method is tested on nine sequences of length between 50 nt and 400 nt, which allows us to compare the results with data generated by RNAsubopt and subsequent barrier tree calculations. On the nine sequences, the method captures on average 92% of local minima with settings designed for a target of 95%. The run-time of the heuristic can be estimated by O(n2D?ln?), where n is the sequence length, ? is the number of local minima in the partial landscape pL under consideration and D is the maximum number of steepest descent steps in attraction basins associated with pL.


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The Escherichia coli transcriptional regulator MarA affects functions that include antibiotic resistance, persistence, and survival. MarA functions as an activator or repressor of transcription utilizing similar degenerate DNA sequences (marboxes) with three different binding site configurations with respect to the RNA polymerase-binding sites. We demonstrate that MarA down-regulates rob transcripts both in vivo and in vitro via a MarA-binding site within the rob promoter that is positioned between the -10 and -35 hexamers. As for the hdeA and purA promoters, which are repressed by MarA, the rob marbox is also in the "backward" orientation. Protein-DNA interactions show that SoxS and Rob, like MarA, bind the same marbox in the rob promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses with a MarA-specific antibody demonstrate that MarA and RNA polymerase form a ternary complex with the rob promoter DNA. Transcription experiments in vitro and potassium permanganate footprinting analysis show that MarA affects the RNA polymerase-mediated closed to open complex formation at the rob promoter.


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Strain promoted cycloaddition is presented as a tool for RNA conjugation on the solid phase; RNA-cyclooctyne conjugates are prepared by cycloaddition to both azide (strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition, SPAAC) and nitrile oxide dipoles (strain-promoted nitrile oxide-alkyne cycloaddition, SPNOAC). The conjugation is compatible with 2'-OMe blocks and with 2'-O-TBDMS protection on the ribose moieties of the sugar. Nitrile oxide dipoles are found to be more reactive click partners than azides. The conjugation proceeds within 10 min in aqueous solvents, at room temperature without any metal catalyst and tolerates dipoles of varying steric bulk and electronic demands, including pyrenyl, coumarin and dabcyl derivatives. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Background: Evidence suggests that in prokaryotes sequence-dependent transcriptional pauses a?ect the dynamics of transcription and translation, as well as of small genetic circuits. So far, a few pause-prone sequences have been identi?ed from in vitro measurements of transcription elongation kinetics.

Results: Using a stochastic model of gene expression at the nucleotide and codon levels with realistic parameter values, we investigate three di?erent but related questions and present statistical methods for their analysis. First, we show that information from in vivo RNA and protein temporal numbers is su?cient to discriminate between models with and without a pause site in their coding sequence. Second, we demonstrate that it is possible to separate a large variety of models from each other with pauses of various durations and locations in the template by means of a hierarchical clustering and a random forest classi?er. Third, we introduce an approximate likelihood function that allows to estimate the location of a pause site.

Conclusions: This method can aid in detecting unknown pause-prone sequences from temporal measurements of RNA and protein numbers at a genome-wide scale and thus elucidate possible roles that these sequences play in the dynamics of genetic networks and phenotype.


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Functional genomics have not been reported for Opisthorchis viverrini or the related fish-borne fluke, Clonorchis sinensis. Here we describe the introduction by square wave electroporation of Cy3-labeled small RNA into adult O. viverrini worms. Adult flukes were subjected to square wave electroporation employing a single pulse for 20 ms of 125V in the presence of 50 µg/ml of Cy3-siRNA. The parasites tolerated this manipulation and, at 24 and 48 h after electroporation, fluorescence from the Cy3-siRNA was evident throughout the parenchyma of the worms, with strong fluorescence evident in the guts and reproductive organs of the adult worms. Second, other worms were treated using the same electroporation settings with double stranded RNA targeting an endogenous papain-like cysteine protease, cathepsin B. This manipulation resulted in a significant reduction in specific mRNA levels encoding cathepsin B, and a significant reduction in cathepsin B activity against the diagnostic peptide, Z-Arg-Arg-AMC. This appears to be the first report of introduction of reporter genes into O. viverrini and the first report of experimental RNA interference (RNAi) in this fluke. The findings indicated the presence of an intact RNAi pathway in these parasites which, in turn, provides an opportunity to probe gene functions in this neglected tropical disease pathogen.