669 resultados para Resinas acrílicas : Desinfecção
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
The aim of this research consisted in the use of wastes from tropical wood (Cordia goeldiana) with low density and the polyurethane resin (mono and bicomponent) castor oil based in the manufacture of particleboards, generating subsidies as application in rural and civil construction, as well in the furniture industry. The particleboards were manufactured with 15% of polyurethane resin content (one part of pre-polymer and one part of polyol), compaction pressure of 4MPa, pressing temperature of 90 degrees C and press time of 7 minutes. The physical and mechanical properties investigated were density, moisture content, strength modulus in bending and internal bond, both obtained according to the recommendations of the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 14810:2002. The mean values obtained for these properties were systematically superior to the Brazilian standard requirement. This point showed that it is possible the use of Cordia goeldiana wastes in the particleboard production. We confirmed the hypothesis of a significant linear relation between density and the internal bond of the panels, allowing the estimation of the internal bond of particleboards.
Recent bonding systems have been advocated as multi-purpose bonding agents. The aim of this study was to determine if some of these bonding systems could be associated to composite resins from different manufacturers. This investigation was conducted to test lhe shear bond strength of three bonding systems: Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (3M Dental Products), Optibond Light Cure (Kerr) and Optibond Dual Cure (Kerr), when each of them was associated to lhe composite resins: Z1 00 (3M Dental Products), Prisma - APH (Dentsply) and Herculite XRV (Kerr). Seventy-two flat dentin bonding sites were prepared to 600 grit on human premolars mounted using acrilic resins. The teeth were assigned at random to 9 groups of 8 samples each. A split die with a 3mm diameter was placed over lhe surface of lhe dentin treated with one of lhe adhesive systems, and lhe selected composite resin was inserted and light cured. The split mold was removed and all samples were termocycled and stored in 37ºC water for 24 hours before testing. Shear bond strength was determined using an lnstron Universal testing machine. Some failures were examined under lhe S.E.M. Data was analysed by one-way analysis of variance, that demonstrated a significant difference (p<0,05) in the mean shear bond strength among Optibond Light Cure (15,446 MPa), Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (13,339 MPa) and Optibond Dual Cure (10,019 MPa). These values did not depend on the composite resin used. The association between bonding system/composite resin was statistycally significant (p<0,05) and the best results were obtained when the composite resins Z100 and Herculite were used with the adhesive system Optibond Light Cure, and when the composite resin APH was used with the adhesive system Scotchbond Multi-Purpose
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
An experimental study was undertaken in arder to find out lhe behavior of the required force to yield dislodgement of circumierential clasps of removable partial dentures ou two groups of samples. 1 with retentive terminais engaging and acting ou enamel 2 with retentive terminais engaging on enamel and acting on composite resm With this aim a device was designed based on a sewing machine (brand name Elgin) that could repeatedly simulate lhe introduction-removal movement of circunferencial clasps ou the samples. ln addiction the device had a platform to sustain the samples and permit measurements, a cycle counter and a dynamometer. The samples were constructed by inclusion in dental stone of extracted natural molar teeth whose retentive areas were ou natural enamel or composite resin addictions.The clasps were fabricated from wax ups of resin and wax and were cast with chromium cobalt alloy. The composite resin used was one of the last generation, monomodal type, photopolymerized and binded to the enamel by the acid etching technique. Tests were carried out in aqueous enviroment. Is was established a maximum of 5.000 cycles for each of the samples. Observatins were made from 100 to 100 cycles until 2.000 and from 200 to 200 cycles to 5.000. Results showed that variations in the amount of the required force for dislodgement of the clasps from the samples during the test periods had no significancy eather to those with retentive areas on the enamel or to those with retentive fabricated with addictions of composite resin
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The contamination of the umbilical region of newly hatched ostriches is one of the major problems in the bird production. This work aimed to evaluate the umbilical healing of ostriches (Struthio camelus) through the use of chlorhexidine as antiseptic associated to the total or partial umbilical cord cut off. It was used 168 newly hatched ostriches of which the umbilical cords were either sectioned totally or 0.5 cm above their insertion. The umbilical region antisepsis consisted of topical administration of an aqueous or alcoholic solution of chlorhexidine, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0% during three days. A group of non-treated animals was added also. The umbilical healing was evaluated in the ostriches at 14 and 28 days of age. Results showed that all the chlorhexidine solutions reduced the risk of omphalitis, being the alcoholic solution 2% the most efficient. Umbilical healing was faster in animals in which the umbilical cord was totally cut off. It can be concluded that the use of chlorhexidine as antiseptic for newly hatched ostriches is safe and favors the umbilical healing. Moreover, for a better effectiveness it is necessary to remove the umbilical cord in its insertion
Risk of mechanical injuries contraindicate brushing and elect chemical agents as appropriate for daily cleaning of dentures relined with resilient materials. It was evaluated the effect of denture cleansers on the wettability of denture relining material (Dentusoft, Dental Medrano). We used 20 discs of acrylic resin thermoactivated VipiCril ® with 30mm diameter and 4mm thick, covered by 2mm Dentusoft ®. Divided into 4grupos were stored in artificial saliva at 37 +1 º C for 30 days, immersed daily for 15minutes in distilled water (GI), Corega ® Tabs (GII), a solution of sodium bicarbonate (GIII) or solution of sodium hypochlorite (GIV) after which, on the soft liner were poured 2 ml of type IV gypsum (Durone IV, Dentsply). Reached the final setting of the gypsum specimens were sectioned vertically and medially, settled water with sandpaper No. 400 and mounted on suitable device for reading (in the right and left) of the contact angle Carl Zeiss microscope (precision, 001). The results were submitted to analysis, showed non-normal distribution, opting for non-parametric test. Kruskal Wallis test performed at 5% significance, there was statistical difference between the groups with lower average contact angle for GII. It was concluded that the chemical cleaning Corega Tabs ® allowed a better adaptation of relining the gypsum studied.
A case report of a patient who presents as chief complaint presence of stained restorations in the anterior teeth. After analysis and discussion of the clinical therapeutic approaches to be adopted, it was observed the presence of type class IV restorations on teeth 11 and 21, due to an oblique coronal fracture in the past. But the patient was not satisfied with the aesthetic result, then where was planned the realization of the removal of the restorations, for subsequently be used direct restorative materials for the correction of form, function and esthetics. The final result showed that the restorations were able to return the form, function and aesthetic dental, thereby evidencing the proven development of restorative dentistry in the solution of aesthetic problems.
The objective was to evaluate the effect of thermocycling on the color variation of three different composite resins . We studied was Resin Enamel on 3 levels : ( Esthetic X , Opallis and Venus ) ; Resin Dentin in three levels : ( Esthetic X , Opallis and Venus ) and Thermocycling on level 1 : ( 3,000 cycles ) ; variable was the change of color gauged by spectrophotometry . 60 specimens , subdivided into 6 groups were made : GI - Esthetic X Enamel ; GII - Esthetic X dentin ; GIII - Opallis Enamel ; GIV - Opallis dentin ; GV - Enamel and GVI Venus - Venus dentin . The specimens were prepared with a matrix to standardize samples . The inserts of incrementally resins and polymerized with a halogen light Ultralux unit ( Dabi Atlante , Brazil ) with a power of 450mW / cm ² . After fabrication , underwent color reading with a UV Visible Spectrophotometer reflection , UV -2450 ( Shimadzu , Kyoto , Japan ) , with the changes calculated by the system CIE L * a * b * . Then isolates were stored in artificial saliva at 35 ° C ± 2 ° C during 3 months containers being subjected to the effects of thermal cycling for 3000 cycles over the range of 5C to 55C . Again subjected to chromatic evaluation. For the analysis of the results of color change of the studied resins was applied ANOVA two factors at 5 % . The results showed a statistically equal resins enamel GI and GV ( p = 0.79 ) ; the same was not observed for GI and G III resins , where the color change was higher for resin G III ( p = 0.0000002 ) . The same was observed between G III and GV , where the resin enamel G III showed a statistically superior to the color change ( p = 0.0000005 ) Average . Resins to dentin was there a statistical equality between the materials studied . We conclude that the resins studied change in color and resin enamel G III was the most suffered major color changes after aging by thermocycling .
Os diastemas contribuem para a quebra de harmonia dos dentes, comprometendo a beleza do sorriso; os incisivos superiores são os dentes que mais se destacam no sorriso, sendo muito importante a simetria e harmonia entre eles. Para o fechamento dos diastemas, durante muito tempo, as alternativas clínicas foram o emprego da Ortodontia e das próteses fixas. Atualmente, com a evolução dos sistemas adesivos e das resinas compostas, é possível reproduzir as características dos dentes com uma técnica simples, previsível, sem desgaste da estrutura dentária, reversível, com menor custo, proporcionando um resultado satisfatório e imediato. O propósito do presente artigo é apresentar três casos clínicos de fechamento de diastemas generalizados associados ou não a outras alterações que comprometem o sorriso do paciente.
Introdução: a irrigação é um procedimento importante durante o tratamento do canal radicular, auxiliando na limpeza de áreas do sistema de canais radiculares que não são alcançadas diretamente por instrumentos. Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a biocompatibilidade e a capacidade de desinfecção de nanopartículas de prata em dispersão, em comparação ao hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5%. Métodos: trinta ratos receberam, individualmente, quatro tubos de dentina infectados e não infectados, irrigados com dispersão de nanopartículas de prata 47ppm e 23ppm, hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e solução salina. Dezesseis ratos receberam um tubo de dentina infectada e um tubo de dentina não infectada como grupo controle. Após 7 e 30 dias, os animais foram sacrificados, os tubos e o tecido circundante foram removidos e preparados para análise em microscopia de luz. Avaliações qualitativas e quantitativas das reações foram realizadas. Resultados: todas as soluções em tubos não infectados causaram reações leves em 30 dias. Todas as soluções em tubos infectados causaram reações graves em 7 dias e leves em 30 dias. As respostas foram semelhantes às do grupo controle não infectado, mas melhores do que o grupo controle infectado. Conclusões: foi possível concluir que nanopartículas de prata em dispersão são biocompatíveis e podem atuar na desinfecção de tubos contaminados, especialmente em concentrações de 23ppm.
O tratamento endodôntico é de fundamental importância para abolir a infecção nos dentes com necrose pulpar. O sucesso desse tratamento depende: da eliminação eficiente da infecção no sistema de canais radiculares (SCR) e do correto selamento pela obturação dos canais radiculares. Devido à complexidade anatômica do SCR, certas áreas podem ser inacessíveis ao preparo biomecânico (PBM), portanto, o emprego de uma medicação intracanal potencializa a redução dos microrganismos (MO) e seus produtos tóxicos no SCR. Mesmo com o avanço técnico e científico da Endodontia, há MO que ainda sobrevivem ao PBM, sendo os principais responsáveis pela manutenção infecção endodôntica. Assim, novos tratamentos devem ser pesquisados. Com o advento dos aparelhos de laser e LED, surgiram alternativas de tratamentos na área da saúde, como a terapia fotodinâmica (TFD), que é um conjunto de procedimentos físicos, químicos e biológicos, que ocorrem após a administração de um agente fotossensibilizador (FS) ativado por meio de uma luz visível de comprimento de onda específico (laser ou LED) para destruir a célula-alvo, ou auxiliar no combate das infecções. Na Endodontia, foram demonstrados em estudos in vitro e in vivo que o emprego da TFD atua como um coadjuvante e potencializa a desinfecção do SCR, além de ser de fácil aplicação e não promover resistência microbiana. O objetivo da presente revisão é apresentar o estado atual da terapia fotodinâmica em Endodontia.
A healthy and attractive smile is very valued in today s society. Yet this requires better aesthetic and cosmetic solutions from dental surgeons.The present paper presents a case report of diastema closure using an association of tooth movement induced by orthodontic elastics,dental cosmetics and resin-bonded prosthesis. The female patient L.B.A.J., aged 19 years, visited the Integrated Clinic of Araçatuba DentalSchool UNESP mainly complaining of missing teeth and poor esthetics. After anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination revealedhypodontia of the maxillary right and left first premolars, abnormal maxillary right lateral incisor shape and diastema between the maxillaryright lateral incisor and canine and between the maxillary left lateral incisor and canine. Planning was done which included indication ofdiastema closure with composite resin restoration and metal-free resin-bonded prosthesis, with a structure made of Vectris (Ivoclar VivadentInc., Amherst, NT, USA). The option for dental cosmetics associated with resin-bonded prosthesis after movement with orthodontic elasticsresulted in an excellent aesthetic outcome of low cost and short treatment duration.Indexing terms: composite resins; diastema; fixed resin bonded partial denture.