926 resultados para Research support
El principal objetivo de la presente investigación fue el conocer el perfil de rendimiento técnico de los triatletas, desde un punto de vista biomecánica, en el segmento carrera a pie durante la competición en triatlón. Asimismo, como el genero y el nivel deportivo del triatleta podrían influir en su respuesta motriz durante la competicion. Para ello, se necesitaba desarrollar y validar una técnica experimental que fuera lo suficientemente precisa (validez interna), con una alta fiabilidad y con una gran validez externa (ecologica) debido al entorno de la competicion. La muestra la formaron un total de 64 deportistas: 32 triatletas participantes en la Copa del Mundo de Triatlon de Madrid-2008 (16 hombres y 16 mujeres) y 32 triatletas participantes en el Clasificatorio del Campeonato de Espana Elite (16 hombres y 16 mujeres). El análisis de la técnica de carrera de los deportistas se realizo mediante un sistema fotogramétrico en 2d que permitió calcular las coordenadas (x,y) de los centros articulares con un error de 1.66% en el eje x y de un 2.10% en el eje y. Las imágenes fueron obtenidas por una cámara que filmaba el movimiento en un plano antero-posterior del triatleta. Algoritmos basados en la DLT (Abdel-Aziz & Karara, 1971) permitieron conocer las coordenadas reales a partir de las coordenadas digitalizadas en el plano y posteriormente las distintas variables analizadas. El análisis biomecánica de la carrera se realizo en 4 ocasiones diferentes durante la competición, correspondiendo con cada una de las vueltas de 2,5 km, que el triatleta tenía que realizar. La velocidad de carrera resulto estar íntimamente ligada al nivel deportivo del triatleta. Del mismo modo, 3 de los 4 grupos analizados presentaron valores inferiores a 3 minutos 30 segundos por kilometro recorrido, poniendo de manifiesto el altísimo nivel de los sujetos analizados. Del mismo modo parece que las chicos consiguen una mayor velocidad gracias a una mayor longitud de ciclo en relación a las chicas, ya que estas muestran valores mayores en cuanto a frecuencia de zancada. La frecuencia de zancada presento los valores más altos en la primera vuelta en todos los deportistas analizados. Asimismo, los triatletas de nivel internacional y las chicas fueron los que mostraron los mayores valores. La longitud de zancada presento distintas tendencias en función del nivel y el género del deportista. Así pues, en los deportistas internacionales y en los chicos los mayores valores se encontraron en la primera vuelta mientras que la tendencia fue al descenso, siendo probablemente la fatiga acumulada la causante de dicha tendencia. En cambio, aquellos deportistas de nivel nacional y las chicas mostraron valores mayores en la segunda vuelta que en la primera, evidenciando que además de la fatiga, el ciclismo previo tiene una incidencia directa sobre su rendimiento. Los tiempos de vuelo permanecieron constantes durante toda la carrera, encontrando cierta evolución en los tiempos de apoyo, la cual provoca una modificación en los porcentajes relativos en los tiempos de vuelo. Los tiempos de apoyo más bajos se encontraron en la primera vuelta. Del mismo modo, los deportistas de nivel internacional y los chicos mostraron valores inferiores. También, estos grupos fueron más constantes en sus valores a lo largo de las vueltas. Por el contrario, se encontraron tendencias al aumento en los triatletas de nivel nacional y en las chicas, los cuales no fueron capaces de mantener el mismo rendimiento debido seguramente a su menor nivel deportivo. La oscilación vertical de la cadera se mostro constante en los triatletas de mayor nivel, encontrándose tendencias al aumento en los de menor nivel. Del mismo modo, los valores más altos correspondieron a las chicas y a los deportistas de nivel nacional. La distancia de la cadera al apoyo permaneció constante a lo largo de las vueltas en todos los grupos, obteniéndose valores mayores en los triatletas de nivel internacional y en los chicos. El ángulo de la rodilla apoyada en el momento del despegue no mostro una tendencia clara. Los deportistas de nivel internacional y los chicos presentaron los valores más bajos. El ángulo de la rodilla libre en el momento del despegue mostro una correlación muy alta con la velocidad de carrera. Del mismo modo, los ángulos más pequeños se encontraron en los triatletas internacionales y en los chicos, debido seguramente a los mayores valores de velocidad registrados por ambos grupos. Los ángulos de los tobillos no mostraron ninguna tendencia clara durante la competición analizada. Los cuatro grupos de población presentaron valores similares, por lo que parece que no representan una variable que pueda incidir sobre el rendimiento biomecánica del triatleta. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio de investigación avalan la utilización de la fotogrametría-video en 2d para el análisis de la técnica de carrera durante la competición en triatlón. Su aplicación en una competición de máximo nivel internacional ha posibilitado conocer el perfil técnico que presentan los triatletas a lo largo del segmento de carrera a pie. Del mismo modo, se ha podido demostrar como los estudios realizados en laboratorio no reflejan la realidad competitiva de un triatlón de máximo nivel. The aim of this research was to determine the running technique profile during a triathlon competition from a biomechanical perspective. Also, to analyze the triathlete gender’s and level of performance’s influence on this profile in competition. An accurate (internal validity) and reliable methodology with a high external validity (ecological) had to be developed to get those aims in competition. Sixty-four triathletes were analyzed. 32 (16 males, 16 females) took part in the Madrid 2008 Triathlon World Cup and 32 (16 males and 16 females) took part in the Spanish Triathlon National Championships. The biomechanical analyses were carried out by a photogrammetric system that allow to calculate the landmarks coordinates (x,y) with a 1.66% error in x axis, and a 2.10% error in y axis. The frames were obtained with a camera situated perpendicular to the triathletes’ trajectory, filming the saggittal plane. DLT based algorithms (Abdel-Aziz & Karara, 1971) were used to calculate the real coordinates from the digitalized ones and the final variables afterwards. The biomechanical analisys itself was performed in four different moments during the competition, according to each 2.5 km lap the triathletes had to do. Running speed was highly related to performance level. Also, 3 of the 4 analyzed groups showed speed values under the 3 minutes and 30 seconds per kilometer. It demonstrated the very high performance level of the analized triathletes. Furthermore, it seems that men get higher speeds because their longer stride length, while women shows higher stride frequency values. The highest stride frequency values were found in the first lap. Women and the international level triathletes showed the highest values. Stride length showed different tendencies according to the gender and level of performance. Men and international level triathletes showed the highest level in the first lap and a decreasing tendency after that. The accumulated fatigue was probably the reason of this tendency. On the other hand, higher values than in first lap were found in the second one in women and national level triathletes. It demonstrated the previous cycling can affect to those groups in terms of biomechanics. Flight times remained constant during the running part, while the contact times showed an increasing tendency that caused a variation in flight times percents. The lowest contact times were found in the first lap and in men and international triathletes’ values. Also, these two groups were more consistent during the whole running. On the other hand, increasing tendencies were found in women and national level triathletes, who were not able to maintain the same values probably due to their lower level of performance. Higher level triathletes showed more consistent hip vertical oscillation values than lower level triathletes, who presented increasing tendencies. The highest values were found in women and national level triathletes. The horizontal distance hip-toe cap remained constant among the laps in all the groups. Men and international level triathletes showed the highest values. The support knee angle at toe-off did not show a clear tendency. The lowest values were found in men and international level triathletes. A high correlation was found between the non-support knee angle and the running speed. Furthermore, men and international level triathletes showed the smallest values, due to the higher velocities reached by these two groups. Ankles angles did not show any tendency during the running part. Similar values were found in the four analyzed groups, so this variable does not seem to represent an important one within the triathlete’s performance. The results obtained in the present research support the use of the bidimensional photogrammetric video-system to analyze the running technique during a triathlon competition. Its application in international triathlon meetings has allowed determining the triathletes’ technique profile during the running part. Also, it has been demonstrated the laboratory-based studies does not reproduce a top-level competition.
O presente trabalho investiga a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo em 1998, de modo que tem como eixo de pesquisa e reflexões a política pública progressão continuada e seu processo de implantação e implementação. Houve o uso de duas linhas de pesquisa: pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa e análise do discurso oficial, não somente aquele que implanta o regime citado, mas também a gradação das leis e suas características. O suporte central de pesquisa apoia-se em duas consagradas obras: “A estrutura das revoluções científicas” e “A origem das espécies”, de Thomas Kuhn e Charles Darwin, respectivamente. As obras citadas farão jus ao título desse trabalho, a qual utiliza das discussões propostas por Kuhn sobre ‘crise’, tendo esta como uma das linhas mestras para analisar os períodos pré e pós implantação do regime combinado ao darwinismo, que aqui se denomina darwinismo pedagógico. Para estabelecer uma conexão entre o objeto central de pesquisa e as obras acima citadas, houve a necessidade de pesquisar e discutir temáticas diretamente relacionadas, como ‘um rio e seus afluentes’. Os ‘afluentes’ pesquisados e discutidos foram: pedagogia e ciência, regime de seriação, darwinismo, metáfora, políticas públicas, gradação das leis, identidade, resistência e desistência. Os ‘afluentes’ não ficaram restritos a pesquisa bibliográfica, houve a necessidade de também no discurso oficial realizar esta linha metodológica. A pesquisa revelou que a partir das contribuições de Kuhn, a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo apenas fez com que a educação no estado saísse de uma crise e entrasse em outra. Além disso, revelou também que o darwinismo pedagógico que imperava no regime de seriação, muda de face no regime de progressão continuada, porém continua ativo, agora afetando diretamente os docentes, que resistem ativamente ou em oposição, ou desistem, seja de forma anunciada ou velada.
Cloud Agile Manufacturing is a new paradigm proposed in this article. The main objective of Cloud Agile Manufacturing is to offer industrial production systems as a service. Thus users can access any functionality available in the cloud of manufacturing (process design, production, management, business integration, factories virtualization, etc.) without knowledge — or at least without having to be experts — in managing the required resources. The proposal takes advantage of many of the benefits that can offer technologies and models like: Business Process Management (BPM), Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Ontologies. To develop the proposal has been taken as a starting point the Semantic Industrial Machinery as a Service (SIMaaS) proposed in previous work. This proposal facilitates the effective integration of industrial machinery in a computing environment, offering it as a network service. The work also includes an analysis of the benefits and disadvantages of the proposal.
Scanning tunneling microscopy permits us to image the Kondo resonance of a single magnetic atom adsorbed on a metallic surface. When the magnetic impurity is placed at the focus of an elliptical quantum corral, a Kondo resonance has been recently observed both on top of the impurity and on top of the focus where no magnetic impurity is present. This projection of the Kondo resonance to a remote point on the surface is referred to as quantum mirage. We present a quantum mechanical theory for the quantum mirage inside an ideal quantum corral and predict that the mirage will occur in corrals with shapes other than elliptical.
"September 1993."
Item 507-G-2
Mode of access: Internet.
Imprint varies: Washington, D.C., summer 1979-; Baltimore, Md.,
"NSF 61-27."
Shipping list no.: 98-0292-P.
Includes index.
Includes index.
"NSF 94-2 (replaces 92-89)."
Background There is evidence for an adaptive role of the omega -3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during stress. Mechanisms of action may involve regulation of stress mediators, such as the catecholamines and proinflammatory cytokines. Prevention of stress-induced aggression and hostility were demonstrated in a series of clinical trials. This study investigates whether perceived stress is ameliorated by DHA in stressed university staff. Methods Subjects that scored ≥ 17 on the Perceived Stress Scale were randomised into a 6-week pilot intervention study. The diet reactive group was supplemented with 6 g of fish oil containing 1.5 g per day DHA, while the placebo group was supplemented with 6 g a day of olive oil. The groups were compared with each other and a wider cross sectional study population that did not receive either active or placebo intervention. Results There was a significant reduction in perceived stress in both the fish oil and the placebo group from baseline. There was also a significant between-group difference between the fish oil group and the no-treatment controls in the rate of stress reduction (p < 0.05). However, there was not a significant between-group difference between the fish oil and the placebo group, nor the placebo group and the control group. These results are discussed in the context of several methodological limitations. The significant stress reductions in both the fish oil and the placebo group are considered in view of statistical regression, an effect likely to have been exaggerated by the time course of the study, a large placebo effect and the possibility of an active effect from the placebo. Conclusion There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the fish oil group compared with no-treatment controls. This effect was not demonstrated in the placebo group. As a pilot study, it was not sufficiently powered to find the difference between the fish oil group and the placebo group significant. Further work needs to be undertaken to conclusively demonstrate these data trends. However, the findings from this research support the literature in finding a protective or 'adaptogenic' role for omega-3 fatty acids in stress.
Full text: Several Lancet publications have questioned the value of glycaemic control in diabetic patients. For example, in their Comment (Sept 29, p 1103),1 John Cleland and Stephen Atkin state that “Improved glycaemic control is not a surrogate for effective care of patients who have diabetes”, and Victor Montori and colleagues (p 1104)2 claim that “HbA1c loses its validity as a surrogate marker when patients have a constellation of metabolic abnormalities”. We are concerned that the reaction against “glucocentricity” in the field of diabetes has gone too far. Even the UK's National Prescribing Centre website, carrying the National Health Service logo, includes comments that undermine the value of glycaemic control. For example, referring to the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), this site states that “Compared with ‘conventional control’ there was no benefit from tight control of blood glucose with sulphonylureas or insulin with regard to total mortality, diabetes-related death, macrovascular outcomes or microvascular outcomes, including all the most serious ones such as blindness or kidney failure”.3 It is well established that better glycaemic control reduces long-term microvascular complications in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.4 In type 2 diabetes, the UKPDS reported that a composite microvascular endpoint (retinopathy requiring photocoagulation, vitreous haemorrhage, and fatal or non-fatal renal failure) was reduced by 25% in patients randomised to intensive glucose control (p=0·0099).4 To imply that these are not patient-relevant outcomes is to distort the evidence. Many studies have also found that improved glycaemic control reduces macrovascular complications.5 Do not be misled: glycaemic control remains a crucial component in the care of people with diabetes. The authors have received research support and undertaken ad hoc consultancies and speaker engagements for several pharmaceutical companies.