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Of the large clinical trials evaluating screening mammography efficacy, none included women ages 75 and older. Recommendations on an upper age limit at which to discontinue screening are based on indirect evidence and are not consistent. Screening mammography is evaluated using observational data from the SEER-Medicare linked database. Measuring the benefit of screening mammography is difficult due to the impact of lead-time bias, length bias and over-detection. The underlying conceptual model divides the disease into two stages: pre-clinical (T0) and symptomatic (T1) breast cancer. Treating the time in these phases as a pair of dependent bivariate observations, (t0,t1), estimates are derived to describe the distribution of this random vector. To quantify the effect of screening mammography, statistical inference is made about the mammography parameters that correspond to the marginal distribution of the symptomatic phase duration (T1). This shows the hazard ratio of death from breast cancer comparing women with screen-detected tumors to those detected at their symptom onset is 0.36 (0.30, 0.42), indicating a benefit among the screen-detected cases. ^
Switzerland held federal elections on 18 October, with the conservative Swiss People’s Party winning the largest share of the votes. Daniel Bochsler, Marlène Gerber and David Zumbach write that while the increase in vote share for the Swiss People’s Party was relatively limited, the party managed to significantly increase the number of seats it holds in Switzerland’s lower house of parliament, the National Council. Nevertheless, the party is unlikely to make substantial gains in the country’s upper house, the Senate, as it traditionally struggles under the two-round electoral system used in Senate elections.
Characteristics of the impacts su!ered by the fruit on a transfer point of an experimental fruit packing line were analysed. The transfer is made up by two transporting belts at di!erent heights forming an angle of 903. These transfer points are very common in fruit packing lines, in which fruits receive two impacts: the "rst onto the belt base and the second into the lateral plate. Diferent tests were carried out to study the e!ect of transfer height, velocity, belt structure and padding on the acceleration values recorded by an instrumental sphere (IS 100). Results showed that transfer height and belt structure a!ect mainly impact values on the belt base, and padding a!ects mainly impact values registered for lateral contact. The elect of belt velocity in both impacts is less important when compared to the rest of the variables. Additionally, two powered transfer decelerators were tested at the same point with the aim of decreasing impacts su!ered by the fruit. Comparing impacts registered using these decelerators to those analysed in the first part of the study without decelerators, a high reduction of the impact values was observed.