980 resultados para Remote sensing techniques
Mapping aboveground carbon density in tropical forests can support CO2 emissionmonitoring and provide benefits for national resource management. Although LiDAR technology has been shown to be useful for assessing carbon density patterns, the accuracy and generality of calibrations of LiDAR-based aboveground carbon density (ACD) predictions with those obtained from field inventory techniques should be intensified in order to advance tropical forest carbon mapping. Here we present results from the application of a general ACD estimation model applied with small-footprint LiDAR data and field-based estimates of a 50-ha forest plot in Ecuador?s Yasuní National Park. Subplots used for calibration and validation of the general LiDAR equation were selected based on analysis of topographic position and spatial distribution of aboveground carbon stocks. The results showed that stratification of plot locations based on topography can improve the calibration and application of ACD estimation using airborne LiDAR (R2 = 0.94, RMSE = 5.81 Mg?C? ha?1, BIAS = 0.59). These results strongly suggest that a general LiDAR-based approach can be used for mapping aboveground carbon stocks in western lowland Amazonian forests.
Identificação de padrões de uso do solo urbano em São Paulo/SP utilizando parâmetros de variogramas.
As imagens de alta resolução espacial impulsionaram os estudos de Sensoriamento Remoto em ambientes urbanos, já que elas permitem uma melhor distinção dos elementos que compõem esse ambiente tão heterogêneo. Técnicas de Geoestatística são cada vez mais utilizadas em estudos de Sensoriamento Remoto e o variograma é uma importante ferramenta de análise geoestatística, pois permitem entender o comportamento espacial de uma variável regionalizada, neste caso, os níveis de cinza de uma imagem de satélite. O presente trabalho pretende avaliar a proposta metodológica que consiste em identificar padrões residenciais urbanos de três classes de uso e ocupação do solo por meio da análise dos valores apresentados pelos parâmetros, alcance, patamar e efeito pepita de um variograma. A hipótese é que os valores correspondentes a esses parâmetros representem o comportamento espectral padrão de cada classe e, portando, indicam que há um padrão na organização espacial de cada uma das classes. Para a presente pesquisa foram utilizadas imagem IKONOS 2002, e a classificação de uso e ocupação do solo da sub-bacia do córrego Bananal na bacia do Rio Cabuçu de Baixo em São Paulo SP. Amostras das imagens de cada classe foram extraídas e os valores de nível de cinza em cada pixel foram utilizados para calcular os variogramas. Após análise dos resultados obtidos, apenas o parâmetro alcance foi levado em consideração, pois é através desse parâmetro que se observa o grau de homogeneidade de cada amostra. Os valores de alcance obtidos nos cálculos dos variogramas identificaram com melhor precisão a classe Conjuntos Residenciais que é uma classe com padrões e características singulares, já a identificação das classes Ocupação Densa Regular e Ocupação Densa Irregular não obteve uma precisão boa, sendo que essas classes são similares em diversos aspectos.
Subsidence is a natural hazard that affects wide areas in the world causing important economic costs annually. This phenomenon has occurred in the metropolitan area of Murcia City (SE Spain) as a result of groundwater overexploitation. In this work aquifer system subsidence is investigated using an advanced differential SAR interferometry remote sensing technique (A-DInSAR) called Stable Point Network (SPN). The SPN derived displacement results, mainly the velocity displacement maps and the time series of the displacement, reveal that in the period 2004–2008 the rate of subsidence in Murcia metropolitan area doubled with respect to the previous period from 1995 to 2005. The acceleration of the deformation phenomenon is explained by the drought period started in 2006. The comparison of the temporal evolution of the displacements measured with the extensometers and the SPN technique shows an average absolute error of 3.9±3.8 mm. Finally, results from a finite element model developed to simulate the recorded time history subsidence from known water table height changes compares well with the SPN displacement time series estimations. This result demonstrates the potential of A-DInSAR techniques to validate subsidence prediction models as an alternative to using instrumental ground based techniques for validation.
En este trabajo se presentan los sistemas radar satélite y terrestres, así como los métodos de análisis de imágenes radar clásicos y avanzados para la investigación de los movimientos del terreno, haciendo énfasis en la subsidencia y los movimientos de ladera. Para ello en primer lugar se describen los distintos sensores radar disponibles así como las principales características de las imágenes radar generadas. A continuación se detallan los aspectos fundamentales de la interferometría diferencial, de los distintos métodos de interferometría diferencial avanzada y del radar terrestre. Finalmente se presentan los resultados obtenidos en distintas zonas de estudio: la subsidencia por explotación del acuífero en el área metropolitana de Murcia, la subsidencia minera y los movimientos de ladera de la Sierra de Cartagena, los movimientos de ladera de la cuenca del río Gállego y el deslizamiento del Portalet.
In this paper, we present a simple algorithm for assessing the validity of the RVoG model for PolInSAR-based inversion techniques. This approach makes use of two important features characterizing a homogeneous random volume over a ground surface, i.e., the independence on polarization states of wave propagation through the volume and the structure of the polarimetric interferometric coherency matrix. These two features have led to two different methods proposed in the literature for retrieving the topographic phase within natural covers, i.e., the well-known line fitting procedure and the observation of the (1, 2) element of the polarimetric interferometric coherency matrix. We show that differences between outputs from both approaches can be interpreted in terms of the PolInSAR modeling based on the Freeman-Durden concept, and this leads to the definition of a RVoG/non-RVoG test. The algorithm is tested with both indoor and airborne data over agricultural and tropical forest areas.
In this paper, a novel approach for exploiting multitemporal remote sensing data focused on real-time monitoring of agricultural crops is presented. The methodology is defined in a dynamical system context using state-space techniques, which enables the possibility of merging past temporal information with an update for each new acquisition. The dynamic system context allows us to exploit classical tools in this domain to perform the estimation of relevant variables. A general methodology is proposed, and a particular instance is defined in this study based on polarimetric radar data to track the phenological stages of a set of crops. A model generation from empirical data through principal component analysis is presented, and an extended Kalman filter is adapted to perform phenological stage estimation. Results employing quad-pol Radarsat-2 data over three different cereals are analyzed. The potential of this methodology to retrieve vegetation variables in real time is shown.
The Santas Justa and Rufina Gothic church (fourteenth century) has suffered several physical, mechanical, chemical, and biochemical types of pathologies along its history: rock alveolization, efflorescence, biological activity, and capillary ascent of groundwater. However, during the last two decades, a new phenomenon has seriously affected the church: ground subsidence caused by aquifer overexploitation. Subsidence is a process that affects the whole Vega Baja of the Segura River basin and consists of gradual sinking in the ground surface caused by soil consolidation due to a pore pressure decrease. This phenomenon has been studied by differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry techniques, which illustrate settlements up to 100 mm for the 1993–2009 period for the whole Orihuela city. Although no differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry information is available for the church due to the loss of interferometric coherence, the spatial analysis of nearby deformation combined with fieldwork has advanced the current understanding on the mechanisms that affect the Santas Justa and Rufina church. These results show the potential interest and the limitations of using this remote sensing technique as a complementary tool for the forensic analysis of building structures.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1796 map of New Hampshire drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1796 map of Vermont drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1797 map of Massachusetts drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1797 map of Rhode Island drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1796 map of Connecticut drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1799 map of New York drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.
This layer is a digitized geo-referenced raster image of a 1797 map of Pennsylvania drawn by D.F. Sotzmann. These Sotzmann maps (10 maps of New England and Mid-Atlantic states) typically portray both natural and manmade features. They are highly detailed with symbols for churches, roads, court houses, distilleries, iron works, mills, academies, county lines, town lines, and more. Relief is usually indicated by hachures and country boundaries have also been drawn. Place names are shown in both German and English and each map usually includes an index to land grants. Prime meridians used for this series are Greenwich and Washington, D.C.