867 resultados para Relationship quality


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This paper presents a novel adaptive control scheme. with improved convergence rate, for the equalization of harmonic disturbances such as engine noise. First, modifications for improving convergence speed of the standard filtered-X LMS control are described. Equalization capabilities are then implemented, allowing the independent tuning of harmonics. Eventually, by providing the desired order vs. engine speed profiles, the pursued sound quality attributes can be achieved. The proposed control scheme is first demonstrated with a simple secondary path model and, then, experimentally validated with the aid of a vehicle mockup which is excited with engine noise. The engine excitation is provided by a real-time sound quality equivalent engine simulator. Stationary and transient engine excitations are used to assess the control performance. The results reveal that the proposed controller is capable of large order-level reductions (up to 30 dB) for stationary excitation, which allows a comfortable margin for equalization. The same holds for slow run-ups ( > 15s) thanks to the improved convergence rate. This margin, however, gets narrower with shorter run-ups (<= 10s). (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Active control solutions appear to be a feasible approach to cope with the steadily increasing requirements for noise reduction in the transportation industry. Active controllers tend to be designed with a target on the sound pressure level reduction. However, the perceived control efficiency for the occupants can be more accurately assessed if psychoacoustic metrics can be taken into account. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate, numerically and experimentally, the effect of a feedback controller on the sound quality of a vehicle mockup excited with engine noise. The proposed simulation scheme is described and experimentally validated. The engine excitation is provided by a sound quality equivalent engine simulator, running on a real-time platform that delivers harmonic excitation in function of the driving condition. The controller performance is evaluated in terms of specific loudness and roughness. It is shown that the use of a quite simple control strategy, such as a velocity feedback, can result in satisfactory loudness reduction with slightly spread roughness, improving the overall perception of the engine sound. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Embedded sensitivity analysis has proven to be a useful tool in finding optimum positions of structure reinforcements. However, it was not clear how sensitivities obtained from the embedded sensitivity method were related to the normal mode, or operational mode, associated to the frequency of interest. In this work, this relationship is studied based on a finite element of a slender sheet metal piece, with preponderant bending modes. It is shown that higher sensitivities always occur at nodes or antinodes of the vibrating system. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4002127]


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Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)[06/52521-0]


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Le facteur empirique de correlation du torque K(T), qui represente la capacite de soulevement du torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux, est generalement utilise comme instrument de controle de la qualite sur le terrain pour ce type de fondations. Dans cet article, une relation theorique entre la capacite de soulevement et le torque d`installation de pieux helicoidaux places profondement dans du sable est presentee. Un programme experimental, qui comprend des essais centrifuge et de cisaillement direct a l`interface, a ete effectue dans le but de valider cette relation theorique. Les resultats experimentaux ont ete compares aux resultats predits par l`approche suggeree, et les resultats montrent une bonne concordance. Puisque le modele developpe depend de l`angle de friction residuel a l`interface delta(r) entre la surface de l`helice du pieu et le sable, les resultats de delta(r) obtenus a partir de differents echantillons de sable sont presentes afin d`etre utilises lors de l`application sur le terrain de la relation theorique proposee. De plus, les valeurs de K(T) obtenues dans ces travaux ont ete comparees a celles reportees dans la litterature; celles-ci ayant ete obtenues lors d`essais sur le terrain et en laboratoire sur des pieux helicoidaux dans le sable. Cette analyse a permis de demontrer que les valeurs mesurees de K(T) diminuent lorsque la dimension des pieux augmente, ainsi qu`avec une augmentation de l`angle de friction du sable, dans la plupart des cas. Ces derniers resultats ont aussi ete demontres avec le modele presente.


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The Pirapo river watershed (Parana State, Brazil) compounds a relatively industrialized and urbanized region, undergoing great pressure from the discharge of industrial, agricultural and domestic wastes. We evaluated the environmental quality of ten streams belonging to this watershed in April and June 2008 by performing acute and chronic toxicity tests with Daphnia similis and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii from water and sediment samples. We tested the hypothesis that the streams located in urban areas are more exposed to the influence of pollutants, than those outside the city limits. In addition, we obtained the measures of physical and chemical parameters, and identified the main polluted sources. Contrary to what was expected, the rural streams were more toxic than those located in urban area. These results demonstrate that the water bodies located in rural areas are being affected by the pollution of aquatic ecosystems as far as those found in urban areas, requiring the same attention of environmental managers in relation to its monitoring.


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Until now the martensitic stainless steel type AISI-420 is widely used in the manufacture of surgical implements. These implements present premature corrosion problems identified after cleaning, sterilization and cutting edge loss and/or rupture during the surgical processes.. This study evaluates the steel as to the chemical composition, hardness, microstructure and pitting corrosion resistance in a solution of enzyme detergent diluted in water by anodic cyclic polarization. This mixture is used in the cleaning of surgical implements that are submerged in this solution for 2 h before cleaning and sterilization. The results show steels with martensite microstructures in the ferrite phase, together with impurities. These presented low pitting potential values in compariston to steels with a fully martensitic microstructure.


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This paper presents a proposal for a Quality Management System for a generic GNSS Surveying Company as an alternative for management and service quality improvements. As a result of the increased demand for GNSS measurements, a large number of new or restructured companies were established to operate in that market. Considering that GNSS surveying is a new process, some changes must be performed in order to accommodate the old surveying techniques and the old fashioned management to the new reality. This requires a new management model that must be based on a well-described procedure sequence aiming at the Total Management Quality for the company. The proposed Quality Management System was based on the requirements of the Quality System ISO 9000:2000, applied to the whole company, focusing on the productive process of GNSS surveying work.


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The analysis of heteroplasmy (presence of more than one type of mitochondrial DNA in an individual) is used as a tool in human identification studies, anthropology, and most currently in studies that relate heteroplasmy with longevity. The frequency of heteroplasmy and its correlation with age has been analyzed using different tissues such as blood, muscle, heart, bone and brain and in different regions of mitochondrial DNA, but this analysis had never been performed using hair samples. In this study, samples of hair were sequenced in order to ascertain whether the presence or not of heteroplasmy varied according to age, sex and origin of haplogroup individuals. The samples were grouped by age (3 groups), gender (male and female) and haplogroup of origin (European, African and Native American), and analyzed using the chi-square statistical test (chi(2)). Based in statistical results obtained, we conclude that there is no relationship between heteroplasmy and sex, age and haplogroup origin using hair samples.


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This paper discusses the need to simultaneously monitor voltage unbalance and harmonic distortions in addition to root-mean-square voltage values. An alternative way to obtain the parameters related to voltage unbalance at fundamental frequency as well as voltage harmonic distortions is here proposed, which is based on the representation of instantaneous values at the axes and at the instantaneous Euclidean norm. A new power-quality (PQ) index is then proposed to combine the effects of voltage unbalance and harmonic distortions. This new index is easily implemented into existing electronic power meters. This PQ index is determined from the analysis of temperature rise in induction motor windings, which were tested for long periods of time. This paper also shows that these voltage disturbances, which are harmful to the lifetime expectancy of motors, can be measured by alternative ways in relation to conventional methods. Although this paper deals with induction motors only, the results show the relevance for further studies on other pieces of equipment.


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This work presents a case study on technology assessment for power quality improvement devices. A system compatibility test protocol for power quality mitigation devices was developed in order to evaluate the functionality of three-phase voltage restoration devices. In order to validate this test protocol, the micro-DVR, a reduced power development platform for DVR (dynamic voltage restorer) devices, was tested and the results are discussed based on voltage disturbances standards. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we experimentally showed that the spontaneous segregation of MgO as surface excess in MgO doped SnO(2) nanoparticles plays an important role in the system`s energetics and stability. Using Xray fluorescence in specially treated samples, we quantitatively determined the fraction of MgO forming surface excess when doping SnO(2) with several different concentrations and established a relationship between this amount and the surface energy of the nanoparticles using the Gibbs approach. We concluded that the amount of Mg ions on the surface was directly related to the nanoparticles total free energy, in a sense that the dopant will always spontaneously distribute itself to minimize it if enough diffusion is provided. Because we were dealing with nanosized particles, the effect of MgO on the surface was particularly important and has a direct effect on the equilibrium particle size (nanoparticle stability), such that the lower the surface energy is, the smaller the particle sizes are, evidencing and quantifying the thermodynamic basis of using additives to control SnO(2) nanoparticles stability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Controlling the surface properties of nanoparticles using ionic dopants prone to be surface segregated has emerged as an interesting tool for obtaining highly selective and sensitive sensors. In this work, the surface segregation of Cd cations on SnO2 nanopowders prepared by the Pechini`s method was studied by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and specific surface area analysis. We observed that the surface chemistry modifications caused by the surface segregation of Cd and the large specific surface area were closely responsible for a rapid and regular electrical response of 5 mol% Cd-doped SnO2 films to 100 ppm propane and NO, diluted in dry air at relatively low temperature (100 degrees C). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this research was to examine how various factors in Icelandic cod fishing can influence the quality of the raw material, using traceability systems to link these factors, and how transfer that knowledge and techniques to the Brazilian seafood industry. Data were collected in 2007 and analysed, to find a functional relationship between various quality factors. The analysis, showed, that there is a correlation between the number of parasites in the fillets and location of the fishing ground. It also showed that fishing ground and volume in haul can influence gaping, and that fillet yield differs between fishing grounds. These conclusions could only be drawn because of the ability to trace the fish from catch and all the way through processing. Recommendations drawn from this research to the Brazilian Competent Authority are to revise the countries fisheries legislation in order to enable the implementation of a traceability system that could be used as a tool to improve the quality of the raw material. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work was evaluate the effect of citric acid at 1% and 2% in the maintenance of the quality of minimally processed `Regis` peaches, during 9 days storage under refrigeration (5+/-1 degrees C, 85-87% RU) and passive modified atmospheres. The following analyses were realized: color, firmness, texture, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, CO(2) and O(2). Increasing in a value and decreasing in b and L values on minimally processed peaches were observed, independent of the citric acid treatment, indicating a browning on the product mainly on the 9(th) day of storage. Overall, the levels of titratable acidity and pH changed at the storage period and at the concentrations studied, unlike the content of soluble solids that remained unchanged. The texture, CO(2) and O(2) changed only for the storage period unlike texture that was higher with the treatment of citric acid 2%. It can be concluded that neither tested concentration of citric acid was effective in preventing enzymatic browning of minimally processed peaches stored the 5+/-1 degrees C and 85-87% RU and passive modified atmosphere.