993 resultados para Re-sampling
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Bioanalytical data from a bioequivalence study were used to develop limited-sampling strategy (LSS) models for estimating the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC) and the peak plasma concentration (Cmax) of 4-methylaminoantipyrine (MAA), an active metabolite of dipyrone. Twelve healthy adult male volunteers received single 600 mg oral doses of dipyrone in two formulations at a 7-day interval in a randomized, crossover protocol. Plasma concentrations of MAA (N = 336), measured by HPLC, were used to develop LSS models. Linear regression analysis and a "jack-knife" validation procedure revealed that the AUC0-¥ and the Cmax of MAA can be accurately predicted (R²>0.95, bias <1.5%, precision between 3.1 and 8.3%) by LSS models based on two sampling times. Validation tests indicate that the most informative 2-point LSS models developed for one formulation provide good estimates (R²>0.85) of the AUC0-¥ or Cmax for the other formulation. LSS models based on three sampling points (1.5, 4 and 24 h), but using different coefficients for AUC0-¥ and Cmax, predicted the individual values of both parameters for the enrolled volunteers (R²>0.88, bias = -0.65 and -0.37%, precision = 4.3 and 7.4%) as well as for plasma concentration data sets generated by simulation (R²>0.88, bias = -1.9 and 8.5%, precision = 5.2 and 8.7%). Bioequivalence assessment of the dipyrone formulations based on the 90% confidence interval of log-transformed AUC0-¥ and Cmax provided similar results when either the best-estimated or the LSS-derived metrics were used.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Nowadays, the re-refining of the used lube oils has gained worldwide a lot of attention due to the necessity for added environmental protection and increasingly stringent environmental legislation. One of the parameters determining the quality of the produced base oils is the composition of feedstock. Estimation of the chemical composition of the used oil collected from several European locations showed that the hydrocarbon structure of the motor oil is changed insignificantly during its operation and the major part of the changes is accounted for with depleted oil additives. In the lube oil re-refining industry silicon, coming mainly from antifoaming agents, is recognized to be a contaminant generating undesired solid deposits in various locations in the re-refining units. In this thesis, a particular attention was paid to the mechanism of solid product formation during the alkali treatment process of silicon-containing used lube oils. The transformations of a model siloxane, tetramethyldisiloxane (TMDS), were studied in a batch reactor at industrially relevant alkali treatment conditions (low temperature, short reaction time) using different alkali agents. The reaction mechanism involving solid alkali metal silanolates was proposed. The experimental data obtained demonstrated that the solids were dominant products at low temperature and short reaction time. The liquid products in the low temperature reactions were represented mainly by linear siloxanes. The prolongation of reaction time resulted in reduction of solids, whereas both temperature and time increase led to dominance of cyclic products in the reaction mixture. Experiments with the varied reaction time demonstrated that the concentration of cyclic trimer being the dominant in the beginning of the reaction diminished with time, whereas the cyclic tetramer tended to increase. Experiments with lower sodium hydroxide concentration showed the same effect. In addition, a decrease of alkali agent concentration in the initial reaction mixture accelerated TMDS transformation reactions resulting in solely liquid cyclic siloxanes yields. Comparison of sodium and potassium hydroxides applied as an alkali agent demonstrated that potassium hydroxide was more efficient, since the activation energy in KOH presence was almost 2-fold lower than that for sodium hydroxide containing reaction mixture. Application of potassium hydroxide for TMDS transformation at 100° C with 3 hours reaction time resulted in 20 % decrease of solid yields compared to NaOH-containing mixture. Moreover, TMDS transformations in the presence of sodium silanolate applied as an alkali agent led to formation of only liquid products without formation of the undesired solids. On the basis of experimental data and the proposed reaction mechanism, a kinetic model was developed, which provided a satisfactory description of the experimental results. Suitability of the selected siloxane as a relevant model of industrial silicon-containing compounds was verified by investigation of the commercially available antifoam agent in base-catalyzed conditions.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä asiat tutkimuksen toimeksiantavan yrityksen, John Deere Forestry Oy:n metsäkoneiden panssareiden ja luukkujen kanssa työskentelevä henkilöstö kokee oleellisimmiksi pohjan suojien asennettavuuden, käytettävyyden, kestävyyden ja laadun kehittämisessä. Tutkimuksella haluttiin myös selvittää, mitä hyödynnettävää tietoa yrityksen sisältä jo löytyy, mitä hiljaista tietoa henkilöstöllä on ja miten tätä kaikkea voidaan hyödyntää jatkossa suunnittelun tukena. Pääasiallisina tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin strukturoitua kyselytutkimusta, toimeksiantavan yrityksen sekä kilpailijoiden rakenneratkaisujen tarkastelua sekä lujuuslaskentaa. Kyselytutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin loppukesästä 2014. Otanta koostui 149:stä eri toimipaikkojen työntekijästä. Aineisto käsiteltiin pääasiassa kvantitatiivisesti käyttämällä ristiintaulukointia. Kyselytutkimuksen tulosten perusteella syvennyttiin tarkastelemaan pohjan suojausta myös koneteknillisellä lähestymistavalla. Tarkastelun kohteeksi valitulle panssarille tehtiin lujuuslaskentoja kyselyn vastausten varmentamiseksi ja ongelmien tarkentamiseksi, parannusehdotuksien tueksi. Aihetta tarkasteltiin asennusergonomian, työturvallisuuden ja vaurioitumismekanismien valossa. Tulosten analysoinnin yhteydessä esitettiin ratkaisuehdotuksia yleisimpiin ongelmiin laadun kehittämiseksi. Keskeisimmät ratkaisuehdotukset liittyvät panssareiden rakenteellisen stabiiliuden parantamiseen. Käytännön toimenpide-esityksinä esimerkiksi jäykisteet, tuennat, materiaalivalinnat, uudelleenmuotoilu, apuasennustyökalut, turvavarustelut ja avautumissuunnat olisivat huomion arvoisia asioita. Tutkimuksessa kerätty tieto kootaan sovellettavaksi käytäntöön laadun kehittämiseksi tekemällä toimeksiantavalle yritykselle metsäkoneiden panssareiden ja pohjan luukkujen suunnitteluohje. Tällä pyritään jatkossa parantamaan kilpailukykyä.
[N. 1:875000].
Perustuu Joseph Nicolas Delislen laatimaan ja Johann Elias Grimmelin kaivertamaan vastaavaan karttaan vuodelta 1741.
The effects of L-histidine (LH) on anxiety and memory retrieval were investigated in adult male Swiss Albino mice (weight 30-35 g) using the elevated plus-maze. The test was performed on two consecutive days: trial 1 (T1) and trial 2 (T2). In T1, mice received an intraperitoneal injection of saline (SAL) or LH before the test and were then injected again and retested 24 h later. LH had no effect on anxiety at the dose of 200 mg/kg since there was no difference between the SAL-SAL and LH-LH groups at T1 regarding open-arm entries (OAE) and open-arm time (OAT) (mean ± SEM; OAE: 4.0 ± 0.71, 4.80 ± 1.05; OAT: 40.55 ± 9.90, 51.55 ± 12.10, respectively; P > 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test), or at the dose of 500 mg/kg (OAE: 5.27 ± 0.73, 4.87 ± 0.66; OAT: 63.93 ± 11.72, 63.58 ± 10.22; P > 0.05, Fisher LSD test). At T2, LH-LH animals did not reduce open-arm activity (OAE and OAT) at the dose of 200 mg/kg (T1: 4.87 ± 0.66, T2: 5.47 ± 1.05; T1: 63.58 ± 10.22; T2: 49.01 ± 8.43 for OAE and OAT, respectively; P > 0.05, Wilcoxon test) or at the dose of 500 mg/kg (T1: 4.80 ± 1.60, T2: 4.70 ± 1.04; T1: 51.55 ± 12.10, T2: 43.88 ± 10.64 for OAE and OAT, respectively; P > 0.05, Fisher LSD test), showing an inability to evoke memory 24 h later. These data suggest that LH does not act on anxiety but does induce a state-dependent memory retrieval deficit in mice.
Invokaatio: Cum Deo.
Dedikaatio: Augustinus Ehrensvärd.
The present study investigated the effect of thioperamide (THIO), an H3 histaminergic receptor antagonist, microinjected into the cerebellar vermis on emotional memory consolidation in male Swiss albino mice re-exposed to the elevated plus-maze (EPM). We implanted a guide cannula into the cerebellar vermis using stereotactic surgery. On the third day after surgery, we performed behavioral tests for two consecutive days. On the first day (exposure), the mice (n=10/group) were exposed to the EPM and received THIO (0.06, 0.3, or 1.5 ng/0.1 µL) immediately after the end of the session. Twenty-four hours later, the mice were re-exposed to the EPM under the same experimental conditions, but without drug injection. A reduction in the exploration of the open arms upon re-exposure to the EPM (percentage of number of entries and time spent in open arms) compared with the initial exposure was used as an indicator of learning and memory. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Duncan post hoc test was used to analyze the data. Upon re-exposure, exploratory activity in the open arms was reduced in the control group, and with the two highest THIO doses: 0.3 and 1.5 ng/0.1 µL. No reduction was seen with the lowest THIO dose (0.06 ng/0.1 µL), indicating inhibition of the consolidation of emotional memory. None of the doses interfered with the animals' locomotor activity. We conclude that THIO at the lowest dose (0.06 ng/0.1 µL) microinjected into the cerebellum impaired emotional memory consolidation in mice.
Invokaatio: Adjuvante Deo!