999 resultados para Radio -- Catalonia


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Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFIO) has been explored for various process enhancements in clinical contexts, particularly hospitals, for asset tracking. The technology has been accepted in such environments, as it is inexpensive and, in principle, uncomplicated to integrate with other clinical support systems. It is perceived to offer many benefits to currently resource critical/strained clinical environments. This research investigation focuses on the exploitation of the potential of the technology, to enhance processes in clinical environments. In this paper, the researchers aimed to uncover if the technology, as presently deployed, has been able to achieve its potential and, in particular, if it has been fully integrated into processes in a way that maximises the benefits that were perceived. This research is part of a larger investigation that aims to develop a meta-model for integration of RFIO into processes in a form that will maximise benefits that may be achievable in clinical environments. As the first phase of the investigation, the key learning from a clinical context (hospital), which has deployed RFIO and attempted to integrate it into the processes, to enable better efficiencies, is presented in this paper. The case method has been used as a methodological framework. Two clinical contexts (hospitals) are involved in the larger project, which constitutes two phases. In Phase 1, semi structured interviews were conducted with a selected number of participants involved with the RFIO deployment project, before and after, in clinical context 1 (hereinafter named as CCl). The results were then synthesised drawing a set of key learning, from different viewpoints (implementers and users), as reported in this paper. These results outline a linear conduit for a new proposed implementation (CC2). On completion of the phase II, the researchers aim to construct a meta-model for maximising the potential of RFIO in clinical contexts. This paper is limited to the first phase that aims to draw key learning to inform the linear conduit.


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A case illustrates why politicians like talkback radio. By going on talkback they can appear to be available in an open and unstructured forum, reaching out over the heads of the media to constituents. But far from being open and unmediated, talkback is a highly controlled and contrived forum. Guests like John Howard have the last word, and talkback hosts, Jon Faine included, make sure that they get it. As quantity always seems to win out over quality in mainstream radio, and brevity over depth, the emphasis is on giving as many callers as possible the chance to ask a question. The result is a few rushed seconds of questioning from the caller and a couple of minutes of spin in return from the politician, with no chance for the caller to push the issue further.


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Radio Frequency Identification is a radical technology that is being experimented in hospitals commonly for tracking high value equipment, in order to maximize the efficiency of processes. RFID deployment and integration is mostly vendor and business driven, and hence its potential is not maximized. In this chapter, we propose a strategic framework to develop a process model, that will assist in maximizing the potential of RFID in hospitals.


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A radio labelling of a connected graph G is a mapping f : V (G) → {0, 1, 2, ...} such that | f (u) - f (v) | ≥ diam (G) - d (u, v) + 1 for each pair of distinct vertices u, v ∈ V (G), where diam (G) is the diameter of G and d (u, v) the distance between u and v. The span of f is defined as maxu, v V (G) | f (u) - f (v) |, and the radio number of G is the minimum span of a radio labelling of G. A complete m-ary tree (m ≥ 2) is a rooted tree such that each vertex of degree greater than one has exactly m children and all degree-one vertices are of equal distance (height) to the root. In this paper we determine the radio number of the complete m-ary tree for any m ≥ 2 with any height and construct explicitly an optimal radio labelling.


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Host says Catholic Brothers College in St Kilda lifted a classroom mobile phone ban which is an indication of technology being embraced in the classroom.Host also mentions iPads are being used in classrooms as well.. Dr Debra Bateman, Deakin University, says iPhones, Flip Cams, Zip Recorders and Web 2 [sic] technology are increasingly being used in schools. Bateman says the technologies give students more ways to display their knowledge, and find the knowledge they need. Bateman also mentions is involved in a project ot look at preparing teachers to go into schools with adequate knowledge of technologies. Bateman says smartphones give the opportunity to do creative work in the classrooms. Interviewees: Dr Debra Bateman, Deakin University


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A sound recording of a very old, large radio/record player with fabulous speakers and vintage sound.


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Alien Radio Waves SFX is a sound effect on a synthesizer that could be mistaken for alien radio waves.


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In this chapter the authors discuss the physical insight of the role of wireless communication in RFID systems. In this respect, this chapter gives a brief introduction on the wireless communication model followed by various communication schemes. The chapter also discusses various channel impairments and the statistical modeling of fading channels based on the environment in which the RFID tag and reader may be present. The chapter deals with the fact that the signal attenuations can be dealt with up to some level by using multiple antennas at the reader transmitter and receiver to improve the performance. Thus, this chapter discusses the use of transmit diversity at the reader transmitter to transmit multiple copies of the signal. Following the above, the use of receiver combining techniques are discussed, which shows how the multiple copies of the signal arriving at the reader receiver from the tag are combined to reduce the effects of fading. The chapter then discusses various modulation techniques required to modulate the signal before transmitting over the channel. It then presents a few channel estimation algorithms, according to which, by estimating the channel state information of the channel paths through which transmission takes place, performance of the wireless system can be further increased. Finally, the Antenna selection techniques are presented, which further helps in improving the system performance.


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One of the drawbacks of LEACH protocol is the uncontrolled selection of cluster heads which, in some rounds, leads to the concentration of them in a limited area due to the randomness of the selection procedure. LEACH-C is a variant of LEACH that uses a centralized clustering algorithm and forms good clusters through sink control. According to experimental results, the IEEE 802.15.4 packets are damaged by WLAN interferences in ISM band. It seems that, sensor nodes equipped with cognitive radio capabilities can overcome this problem. In cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSN), routing must be accompanied by channel allocation. This requires spectrum management which can be devolved to cluster heads. For this networks, new duty cycle mechanisms must be designed that jointly consider neighbor discovery, and spectrum sensing/allocation. Cluster-based network architecture is a good choice for effective dynamic spectrum management. In such architecture, cluster heads have a proper spatial distribution and are optimally located all over the network. In this paper, using the physical layer information and preserving the feature of random cluster head selection in LEACH, it has been tried to both move the position of cluster heads to appropriate locations and make their quantity optimal. The simulation results show that the transferal of cluster heads to appropriate locations increases the network lifetime significantly though this comes at the price of early instability appearance. By considering the energy level in cluster head election algorithm, one can overcome the network stability issues too. However, this will move the cluster heads away from their appropriate locations. © 2012 IEEE.


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Improvement of the binding of polypyrrole with PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) thin film using low pressure plasma was studied. The effects of various plasma gases i.e., Ar, O2 and Ar + O2 gases on surface roughness, surface chemistry and hydrophilicity were noted. The topographical change of the PVDF film was observed by means of scanning electron microscopy and chemical changes by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, with adhesion of polypyrrole (PPy) by abrasion tests and sheet resistance measurements. Results showed that the increase in roughness and surface functionalization by oxygen functional groups contributed to improved adhesion and Ar + O2 plasma gave better adhesion.