972 resultados para Quasi-1D confinement


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A method of all-optical passive quasi-regeneration in transoceanic 40 Gbit/s return-to-zero transmission systems with strong dispersion management was described. The use of in-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLM) by the method was demonstrated. The quasi-regeneration of signals performed by NOLMs was found to improve the systems's performance.


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A quasi-biotic model of knowledge evolution has been applied to manufacturing technology capability development which includes product design and development and manufacturing process/workflow improvement. The concepts of “knowledge genes” and “knowledge body” are introduced to explain the evolution of technological capability. It is shown that knowledge development within the enterprise happens as a result of interactions between an enterprise’s internal knowledge and that acquired from external sources catalysed by: (a) internal mechanisms, recources and incentives, and (b) actions and policies of external agencies. A matrix specifying factors contributing to knowledge development and types of manufacturing capabilities (product design, equipment development or use, and workflow) is developed to explain technological knowledge development. The case studies of Tianjin Pipe Corporation (TPCO) and Tianjin Tianduan Press Co. are presented to illustrate the application of the matrix.


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In this paper, we consider analytical and numerical solutions to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the biharmonic partial differential equation on a disc of finite radius in the plane. The physical interpretation of these solutions is that of the harmonic oscillations of a thin, clamped plate. For the linear, fourth-order, biharmonic partial differential equation in the plane, it is well known that the solution method of separation in polar coordinates is not possible, in general. However, in this paper, for circular domains in the plane, it is shown that a method, here called quasi-separation of variables, does lead to solutions of the partial differential equation. These solutions are products of solutions of two ordinary linear differential equations: a fourth-order radial equation and a second-order angular differential equation. To be expected, without complete separation of the polar variables, there is some restriction on the range of these solutions in comparison with the corresponding separated solutions of the second-order harmonic differential equation in the plane. Notwithstanding these restrictions, the quasi-separation method leads to solutions of the Dirichlet boundary-value problem on a disc with centre at the origin, with boundary conditions determined by the solution and its inward drawn normal taking the value 0 on the edge of the disc. One significant feature for these biharmonic boundary-value problems, in general, follows from the form of the biharmonic differential expression when represented in polar coordinates. In this form, the differential expression has a singularity at the origin, in the radial variable. This singularity translates to a singularity at the origin of the fourth-order radial separated equation; this singularity necessitates the application of a third boundary condition in order to determine a self-adjoint solution to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem. The penultimate section of the paper reports on numerical solutions to the Dirichlet boundary-value problem; these results are also presented graphically. Two specific cases are studied in detail and numerical values of the eigenvalues are compared with the results obtained in earlier studies.


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A novel distributed amplification scheme for quasi-lossless transmission is presented. The system is studied numerically and shown to be able to strongly reduce signal power variations in comparison with currently employed schemes of similar complexity. As an example, variations of less than 3.1 dB for 100 km distance between pumps and below 0.42 dB for 60 km are obtained when using standard single-mode fibre as the transmission medium with an input signal average power of 0 dBm, and a total pump power of about 1.7 W. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


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We present the first experimental implementation of a recently designed quasi-lossless fiber span with strongly reduced signal power excursion. The resulting fiber waveguide medium can be advantageously used both in lightwave communications and in all-optical nonlinear data processing. © 2005 IEEE.


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Performance optimization of ultra-long Raman laser links is studied theoretically and experimentally. We demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the signal power excursion by adjusting FBG reflectivity without compromising pump efficiency. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate an OSNR improvement of 4.3 dB in our system after 4000 km transmission by switching from conventional erbium-doped fibre amplifiers to quasi-lossless transmission. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Performance optimisation of ultra-long Raman laser links is studied theoretically and experimentally. We observe that it is possible to reduce signal power excursion by adjusting FBG reflectivity without compromising pump efficiency.


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Here, for the first time, we experimentally demonstrate optical data transmission through such quasi-lossless fibre spans, which provide an entirely different nonlinear propagation regime to conventionally EDFA/Raman amplified systems. We demonstrate 42.6 Gb/s transmission over 2500 km of SMF-28 with an 82 km span length, and investigate the optimisation of the system in terms of launch power and nonlinear tolerance. Our results show the first ever data transmission experiment using an ultra-long Raman laser to provide quasi-lossless conditions in the transmission fibre. For a span length of 82 km we have shown 2500 km transmission over SMF-28 fibre at 42.6 Gb/s. Our quasi-lossless configuration had 6 dB lower optimum power and improved nonlinear tolerance compared with a conventional EDFA only system.


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We experimentally investigate a long-distance, high-bit-rate transmission system which combines optical-phase-conjugation with quasi-lossless amplification. Comparison with a conventional system configuration demonstrates the possibility of obtaining both dispersion compensation and improved nonlinear tolerance using proposed scheme.


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We present the first experimental implementation of a recently designed quasi-lossless fibre span with strongly reduced signal power excursion. The resulting fibre waveguide medium can be advantageously used both in lightwave communications and in all-optical nonlinear data processing.


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The project consists of an experimental and numerical modelling study of the applications of ultra-long Raman fibre laser (URFL) based amplification techniques for high-speed multi-wavelength optical communications systems. The research is focused in telecommunications C-band 40 Gb/s transmission data rates with direct and coherent detection. The optical transmission performance of URFL based systems in terms of optical noise, gain bandwidth and gain flatness for different system configurations is evaluated. Systems with different overall span lengths, transmission fibre types and data modulation formats are investigated. Performance is compared with conventional Erbium doped fibre amplifier based system to evaluate system configurations where URFL based amplification provide performance or commercial advantages.


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The reaction of btzmp (1,2-bis(tetrazol-1-yl)-2-methylpropane) with Fe(ClO4)2 generates a 1D polymeric species, [Fe(μ-btzmp)2(btzmp)2](ClO4)2, showing a steep spin transition (T½↑ = 136 K and T ½↓ = 133 K) with a 3 K thermal hysteresis. The crystal structure at 100 and 200 K reveals that, in contrast to other bistetrazole based spin-transition systems such as [Fe(endi)3](BF4)2 and [Fe(btzp)3](ClO4)2, the present compound has only two ligands bridging the metallic centres, while the other two coordination positions are occupied by two mono-coordinated (non-bridging) btzmp ligands. This peculiarity confers an unprecedented crystal packing in the series of 1D bistetrazole based polymers. The change in spin state is accompanied by an order/disorder transition of the ClO4- counterion. A careful examination of the structural changes occurring upon the spin transition indicates that this order/disorder is most likely affected by the modification of the [tetrazole-centroid]-ND-Fe angle (which is typical of bistetrazole spin-transition materials). Apart from X-ray analysis, also magnetic susceptibility, Mössbauer and UV-vis spectroscopies have been used to characterise the HS and the LS states of [Fe(µ-btzmp)2(btzmp)2](ClO4)2. © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The formation of single-soliton or bound-multisoliton states from a single linearly chirped Gaussian pulse in quasi-lossless and lossy fiber spans is examined. The conversion of an input-chirped pulse into soliton states is carried out by virtue of the so-called direct Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem, the solution of which allows one to single out the radiative (dispersive) and soliton constituents of the beam and determine the parameters of the emerging bound state(s). We describe here how the emerging pulse characteristics (the number of bound solitons, the relative soliton power) depend on the input pulse chirp and amplitude. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We propose a scheme for 211 optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in fiber and quasi-continuous filtering. Numerical simulations demonstrate the possibility of increasing the transmission reach from 3500 to more than 6000 km at 10 Gb/s using 100-km spans. Spectral broadening is shown to be small using this technique, indicating its suitability for wavelength-division-multiplexing regeneration.


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A quasi-distributed strain sensor with an average spatial resolution of 164 µm over a length of 25 mm and a strain sensitivity of 0.8 ± 0.01 pm/µe has been experimentally demonstrated. The sensor was formed by a chirped Moiré fiber Bragg grating written into the core of single-mode optical fiber with a 244-nm continuous-wave laser. © 2005 IEEE.