630 resultados para Psychological functioning
L’Inserimento Eterofamigliare Supportato di Adulti (IESA) sofferenti di disturbi psichici consiste nell’accogliere persone in cura presso i servizi psichiatrici territoriali, nel proprio domicilio, integrandole nelle proprie relazioni famigliari. Obiettivo è migliorare la qualità di vita dell’utente e favorirne l’integrazione nella comunità. Obiettivo. Valutare gli esiti dello IESA, con un disegno di ricerca longitudinale, considerando: psicopatologia, benessere psicologico, funzionamento sociale e familiare. Metodologia. 40 soggetti: 20 pazienti e 20 ospitanti. La valutazione clinica è stata effettuata all’inizio della convivenza e al follow-up di 1, 3, 6 e 12 mesi. Strumenti utilizzati: BPRS, VGF, PWB, SQ, FAD. Analisi statistica: Modello Lineare Generale (GLM) con l’Analisi della Varianza per prove ripetute e calcolo dell’effect-size. Risultati. 15 pazienti maschi e 5 femmine, 17 italiani. 11 soddisfano i criteri diagnostici (DSM-IV-TR) per schizofrenia e disturbi psicotici, 5 per i disturbi dell’umore e 4 per i disturbi di personalità. Dopo l’inserimento 3 sono stati i ricoveri e 4 le visite psichiatriche urgenti. 8 pazienti modificano/diminuiscono la terapia e 3 la sospendono. Aumenta il benessere psicologico (PWB); diminuiscono i sintomi psicopatologici (BPRS ed SQ) e migliora il funzionamento globale (VFG). Il gruppo dei famigliari composto da 11 uomini e 9 donne, 19 di nazionalità italiana; con età media di 55 anni. 8 sono coniugati, 6 celibi/nubili, 4 divorziati e 2 vedovi. 9 hanno figli, 11 lavorano e 8 sono pensionati. Nei famigliari aumenta il benessere psicologico (PWB), migliora il funzionamento famigliare (FAD) e la valutazione del funzionamento globale (VGF) rimane costante nel tempo. Discussioni e conclusioni. Il progetto IESA sembra migliorare la psicopatologia, con una diminuzione dei comportamenti maladattativi e un aumento delle capacità relazionali dell’ospite favorendone l’integrazione. Inoltre, lo IESA sembra diminuire i costi della cronicità psichiatrica: diminuzione degli accessi al Pronto Soccorso, delle visite psichiatriche urgenti e delle giornate di ricovero.
This research based on 3 indipendent studies, sought to explore the nature of the relationship between overweight/obesity, eating behaviors and psychological distress; the construct of Mindful eating trough the validation of the Italian adaptation of the Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ); the role of mindfulnessand mindful eating as respectively potential mediator and moderator between overeating behavior (binge eating and emotional overeating) and negative outcomes (psychological distress, body dissatisfaction). All the samples were divided in normal weight, overweight and obese according to BMI categories. STUDY1: In a sample of 691 subjects (69.6% female, mean aged 39.26 years) was found that BMI was not associated with psychological distress, whereas binge eating increases the psychopathological level. BMI and male gender represent negative predictors of psychological distress, but certain types of overeating (i.e., NES/grazing, overeating during or out of meals, and guilt/restraint) result as positive predictors.. STUDY 2 : A sample of 1067 subjects (61.4% female, mean aged 34 years) was analized. The Italian MEQ resulted in a 26-item 4-factor model measuring Disinhibition, Awareness, Distraction, and Emotional response. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were acceptable MEQ correlated positively with mindfulness (FMI) and it was associated with sociodemographic variables, BMI, meditation. type of exercise and diet. STUDY 3, based on a sample of 502 subjects (68.8% female, mean aged 39.42 years) showed that MEQ and FMI negatively correlated with BES, EOQ, SCL-90-R, and BIAQ. Obese people showed lower level of mindful eating and higher levels of binge eating, emotional overeating, and body dissatisfaction, compared to the other groups Mindfulness resulted to partially mediates the relationship between a) binge eating and psychological distress, b) emotional overeating and psychological distress, c) binge eating and mental well-being, d) emotional overeating and menal well-being. Mindful eating was a moderator only in the relationship between emotional overeating and body dissatisfaction.
Phenomenology is a critical component of autobiographical memory retrieval. Some memories are vivid and rich in sensory details whereas others are faded; some memories are experienced as emotionally intense whereas others are not. Sutin and Robins (2007) identified 10 dimensions in which a memory may vary—i.e., Vividness, Coherence, Accessibility, Sensory Details, Emotional Intensity, Visual Perspective, Time Perspective, Sharing, Distancing, and Valence—and developed a comprehensive psychometrically sound measure of memory phenomenology, the Memory Experiences Questionnaire (MEQ). Phenomenology has been linked to underlining stable dispositions—i.e. personality, as well as to a variety of positive/negative psychological outcomes—well-being and life satisfaction, depression and anxiety, among others. Using the MEQ, a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study were conducted on a large sample of American and Italian adults. In both studies, participants retrieved two ‘key’ personal memories, a Turning Point and a Childhood Memory, and rated the affect and phenomenology of each memory. Participants also completed self-reported measures of personality (i.e. Neuroticism and Conscientiousness), and measures of depression, well-being and life satisfaction. The present research showed that phenomenological ratings tend (a) to cross-sectionally increase across adulthood (Study 1), and (b) to be moderately stable over time, regardless the contents of the memories (Study 2). Interrelations among memory phenomenology, personality and psychological outcome variables were also examined (Study 1 and Study 2). In particular, autobiographical memory phenomenology was proposed as a dynamic expression of personality functioning that partially explains adaptive/maladaptive psychological outcomes. In fact, the findings partially supported the hypothesized mediating effect of phenomenology on the personality association with psychological outcomes. Implications of the findings are discussed proposing future lines of research. In particular, the need for more longitudinal studies is highlighted, along with the combined application of both self-report questionnaires and narrative measures.
The general aim of this dissertation was to uncover the association between psychosocial factors and rehabilitation outcome after stroke. METHOD. A sample of patients with stroke (n=40) and their caregivers (n=36) were assessed at admission to and six months after discharge from rehabilitation hospital, using the following instruments: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, structured interview based on Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research, Symptom Questionnaire, Psychosocial Index, Psychological Well-Being Scales, and Family Assessment Device. 40 subjects from the general population underwent the same psychological assessment. In addition, patients' functional status was measured using the Functional Independence Measure. RESULTS. Stroke survivors reported lower education and higher alcohol consumption than controls. No significant differences emerged between the two groups in the prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses or psychosomatic syndromes, however patients reported significantly higher levels of anxiety, depression, somatic symptoms, and lower autonomy than controls. Caregivers reported significantly higher scores in anxiety, depression, and somatic symptoms compared to normative data, while no impairments emerged in psychological well-being and family functioning. At six-month follow-up, in patients a significant decrease in smoking habit and an increase in DSM diagnoses were reported. Both stroke survivors and caregivers showed significant reductions in anxiety, with patients displaying also a decrease in somatic symptoms, an increase in stress and a deterioration in quality of life. Significant deteriorations in several aspects of family functioning was perceived only by patients. An association between patients' functional recovery in the cognitive domain and family behavior control emerged. For caregivers, family functioning significantly predicted hostility and somatic symptoms were associated with family affective involvement. CONCLUSIONS. These data highlight the utility in the Italian setting of the adoption of a psychosocial assessment and a family-systems approach in stroke rehabilitation, in order to development interventions properly targeted to the characteristics of patients and their family members.
Psychological distress, particularly anxiety and depression, has been associated with a prothrombotic state. However, the relationship between psychosocial factors and endogenous anticoagulants protein S (PS) and protein C (PC) has not previously been investigated. We explored the association between psychological distress, PS, and PC in patients with an objectively diagnosed venous thromboembolic event (VTE).
The objective of this study was to explore whether it is possible to describe based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) relevant aspects of functioning and disability affected in multiple sclerosis (MS) as well as environmental factors relevant to persons with MS. The specific aim was to identify most relevant 'Body functions', 'Body structures', 'Activities and participation', as well as 'Environmental factors' in patients with MS using the ICF. Additionally, different MS forms were compared with respect to the identified problems. A multi-centre study was conducted in an empirical cross-sectional design. Data from 205 individuals with MS were collected in rehabilitation centres: disease related data, socio-demographic data, single interviews based on the Extended ICF Checklist and a patient questionnaire including ratings on general health and functioning status, Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) and Comorbidity Questionnaire (SCQ). The 129 ICF categories identified represent a comprehensive classification of functioning in MS from the clinical perspective. Differences between MS forms were observed for several ICF categories, EDSS, general health and functioning status, but not for BDI and SCQ. The study showed that it is possible to describe based on the ICF the spectrum in functioning and disability affected in MS as well as environmental factors relevant to persons with MS.
Mutations in the dystrophin gene have long been recognised as a cause of mental retardation. However, for reasons that are unclear, some boys with dystrophin mutations do not show general cognitive deficits. To investigate the relationship between dystrophin mutations and cognition, the general intellectual abilities of a group of 25 boys with genetically confirmed Duchenne muscular dystrophy were evaluated. Furthermore, a subgroup underwent additional detailed neuropsychological assessment. The results showed a mean full scale intelligence quotient (IQ) of 88 (standard deviation 24). Patients performed very poorly on various neuropsychological tests, including arithmetics, digit span tests and verbal fluency. No simple relationship between dystrophin mutations and cognitive functioning could be detected. However, our analysis revealed that patients who lack the dystrophin isoform Dp140 have significantly greater cognitive problems.
Purpose To evaluate the degree of psychological distress in adult childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland and to characterize survivors with significant distress. Methods Childhood cancer survivors who were age younger than 16 years when diagnosed between 1976 and 2003, had survived more than 5 years, and were currently age 20 years or older received a postal questionnaire. Psychological distress was assessed using the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Raw scores were transformed into T scores according to the German norm sample, and the proportion of participants being at increased risk for psychological distress was calculated (case rule: T ≥ 63). t tests and univariable and multivariable logistic regressions were used for statistical analyses. Results One thousand seventy-six survivors (63.% of eligible survivors, 71.9% of contacted survivors) returned the questionnaire, 987 with complete data on BSI. Comparison with the norm populations showed lower T scores (T < 50) in the Global Severity Index (GSI; T = 46.2), somatization (T = 47.6), obsessive-compulsive tendencies (T = 46.9), and anxiety (T = 48.4). However, more childhood cancer survivors (especially women) had increased distress for GSI (14.4%), interpersonal sensitivity (16.5%), depression (13.4%), aggression (16.9%), and psychotic tendencies (15.6%) than the expected 10% from the norm population. Caseness was associated with female sex, being a single child, older age at study, and self-reported late effects, especially psychological problems. Conclusion Results show that childhood cancer survivors, on average, have less psychological distress than a norm population but that the proportion of survivors at risk for high psychological distress is disproportionally large. Monitoring psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors may be desirable during routine follow-up, and psychological support should be offered as needed.
We conducted a qualitative, multicenter study using a focus group design to explore the lived experiences of persons with any kind of primary sleep disorder with regard to functioning and contextual factors using six open-ended questions related to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) components. We classified the results using the ICF as a frame of reference. We identified the meaningful concepts within the transcribed data and then linked them to ICF categories according to established linking rules. The six focus groups with 27 participants yielded a total of 6986 relevant concepts, which were linked to a total of 168 different second-level ICF categories. From the patient perspective, the ICF components: (1) Body Functions; (2) Activities & Participation; and (3) Environmental Factors were equally represented; while (4) Body Structures appeared poignantly less frequently. Out of the total number of concepts, 1843 concepts (26%) were assigned to the ICF component Personal Factors, which is not yet classified but could indicate important aspects of resource management and strategy development of those who have a sleep disorder. Therefore, treatment of patients with sleep disorders must not be limited to anatomical and (patho-)physiological changes, but should also consider a more comprehensive view that includes patient's demands, strategies and resources in daily life and the contextual circumstances surrounding the individual.
Objective Impaired function of the central gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system, which provides the brain’s major inhibitory pathways, is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders. The effect of acute psychological stress on the human GABA-ergic system is still unknown, however. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acute stress on prefrontal GABA levels. Method A recently developed noninvasive magnetic resonance spectroscopy method was used to measure changes in the GABA concentration of the prefrontal cortex in 10 healthy human subjects during a threat-of-shock condition and during a safe condition (two sessions on different days). The main outcome measure was the mean GABA concentration within a 3×3×2-cm3 voxel selected from the medial prefrontal cortex. Results Prefrontal GABA decreased by approximately 18% in the threat-of-shock condition relative to the safe condition. This reduction was specific to GABA, since the concentrations of N-acetyl-aspartate, choline-containing compounds, and glutamate/glutamine levels obtained in the same spectra did not change significantly. Conclusions This result appeared compatible with evidence from preclinical studies in rodents, which showed rapid presynaptic down-regulation of GABA-ergic neurotransmission in response to acute psychological stress. The molecular mechanism and functional significance of this reduced inhibitory effect of acute psychological stress in relation to impaired GABA-ergic function in anxiety disorders merit further investigation.