965 resultados para Pseudocreadium Maturini Sp Nov.
A new genus and new species of Phlebotominae, Edentomyia piauiensis (Diptera, Psychodidae) from a cave in Piauí State, Brazil, are described. This new genus belongs to Phlebotomini, but its inclusion in any subdivision of this tribe depends on further study.
A new species of Xylocopa Latreille, 1802, and notes on Xylocopa transitoria Pérez and X. mordax Smith (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Xylocopa (Neoxylocopa) orthogonaspis sp. nov. (Brazil, Amazonas) is described. It is a remarkable species from the Amazonian Region easily recognized by the strong and sharp right angle between upper and posterior portions of the scutellum; the wings are slightly brown with a brassy hue and a little vinaceous apex. Some notes to separate Xylocopa (N.) orthogonaspis sp. nov. from X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901, and X. (N.) mordax Smith, 1874, are given. Xylocopa (N.) submordax Cockerell, 1935, on the other hand, is considered as a new synonym of X. (N.) transitoria Pérez, 1901.
Notes, descriptions, synonymies and reinstatement in Hesperandra Arigony, 1977 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Parandrinae). The genus Hesperandra Arigony, 1977, is divided in three subgenera: Hesperandra s. str., Zikandra subgen. nov. and Tavandra subgen. nov. Keys to the subgenera and species are added. H. glaberrima (Zikán, 1948) is revalidated and redescribed. H. humboldti sp. nov., from Colombia and Ecuador is described. New synonymies established: Hesperandra galapagoensis (Van Dyke, 1953) = H. brevicollis (Lameere, 1902); H. scrobriculata (Zikán, 1948) = Acutandra murrayi (Lameere, 1912). The lectotype of Parandra brevicollis Lameere, 1902 is designated.
New taxa of Apomecynini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). The following new taxa are described from Brazil: Ischioncha rondonia sp. nov., from Rondônia; Prosenella unicolor sp. nov., from Rio Grande do Sul; Catuaba gen. nov., type species, C. sanguinolenta sp. nov., from Mato Grosso do Sul.
Synopsis of the genus Phacellocerina Lane, 1964 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Anisocerini). The genus Phacellocerina Lane, 1964 and P. limosa (Bates, 1862) (type species) are redescribed; P. silvanae sp. nov. is described from Colombia (Santa Marta). A key to the species is added.
New records for Colombian Cerambycidae - Achrysonini: Achryson immaculipenne Gounelle, 1909, A. lineolatum Erichson, 1847, A. quadrimaculatum (Fabricius, 1792); Ectenessini: Ectenessa lurida Martins, 1973; Cerambycini: Jupoata rufipennnis (Gory, 1831), Poeciloxestia carlyslei Fragoso, 1978, P. paraensis Lane, 1965; Elaphidionini: Ambonus electus (Gahan & Arrow, 1903), Paramallocera cribripennis (Bates, 1885), Periboeum pubescens (Olivier, 1790), Stizocera plicicollis (Germar, 1824), S. poeyi (Guérin-Méneville, 1838), Pantonyssus glabricollis Fuchs, 1961; Piezocerini: Haruspex lineolatus Bates, 1870; Eligmodermini: Eligmoderma spinicolle Aurivillius, 1923, E. ziczac Nonfried, 1895. New species described: Pantonyssus suturale sp. nov. (Santander); Anelaphus colombianus sp. nov. (Santander); A. sparsus sp. nov. (Magdalena).
Alphomelon brasiliensis sp. nov. (from São Paulo) and A. rugosus sp. nov. (from Rio Grande do Sul) are described and a key to species is presented.
New taxa described: Piezocerini - Piezosecus gen. nov., type species, P. tymaiuba sp. nov. (Brazil, São Paulo); Ibidionini - Gnomibidion variabile sp. nov. (Brazil, Mato Grosso), and Palpibidion gen. nov., type species, P. minimum sp. nov. (Brazil, Rondônia).
Agalliana goianensis sp. nov., Agalliana alutacea sp. nov., Agalliana truncata sp. nov., all from Brazil, are described.
Unanthribus gen. nov. is proposed to include Unanthribus maximus sp. nov. (type species) described from Brazil (Pará), and U. grandis (Jordan, 1911) comb. nov., which is redescribed. The species are illustrated and keyed.
The genus Physopleurus Lacordaire, 1869 = Basitoxus (Parabasitoxus) Fragoso & Monné, 1995 syn. nov. is revised and redefined based on new characters. The following species are treated (in sequence that appear in the presented key): Physopleurus exiguus sp. nov. (Bolivia and Brazil), P. crassidens (Bates, 1869), P. longiscapus Lameere, 1912, P. rugosus (Gahan, 1894), P. tritomicros Lameere, 1912, P. seripierriae sp. nov. (Brazil, Mato Grosso), P. dohrnii Lacordaire, 1869, P. villardi (Lameere, 1902) = Aplagiognathus guatemalensis Casey, 1912 syn. nov., P. amazonicus (Fragoso & Monné, 1995) comb. nov., and. P. maillei (Audinet-Serville, 1832) comb. nov. The latter two species formerly in Basitoxus (Parabasitoxus) Fragoso & Monné, 1995. Illustrations of Basitoxus megacephalus (Germar, 1824) are included to allow comparisons with Physopleurus species. Key to species of Physopleurus is added.
Seven genera are treated: Acaulona Wulp, 1888 = Forcipophasia Townsend, 1935 syn. nov., Euacaulona Townsend, 1908, Itaxanthomelana Townsend, 1927, Melanorophasia Townsend, 1934, Urucurymyia Townsend, 1934, Xanthomelanopsis Townsend, 1917, and Mahauiella gen. nov. Two new species are described: Mahauiella nayrae sp. nov. (Brasil, Santa Catarina) and Mahauiella sforcini sp. nov. (Brasil, Santa Catarina). New synonyms proposed: Acaulona costata Wulp, 1888 = Forcipophasia fusca Townsend, 1935 syn. nov. = Acaulona brasiliana Townsend, 1937 syn. nov.
Based on the photographs (color slides) taken from the type specimens of Adetus species, the following synonyms are established: Adetus subcostatus Aurivillius, 1900 = A. auratoides Breuning, 1943 syn. nov.; A. leucostigma Bates, 1880 = A. venezuelensis Breuning, 1942 syn. nov.; A. pulchellus (Thomson, 1868) = A. laterialbus Breuning, 1942 syn. nov.; A. irregularis (Breuning,1939) = A. gracilis Breuning, 1940 syn. nov.; A. flavescens Melzer, 1934 = A. strandi Breuning, 1940 syn. nov. = A. mediofasciculatus Breuning, 1943 syn. nov.; A. modestus Melzer, 1934 = Atimuropsis densepunctata Breuning, 1939 syn. nov. New species described: Adetus multifasciatus sp. nov. (Brazil, São Paulo); A. lineatus sp. nov. (Brazil, Distrito Federal); A. linsleyi sp. nov. (Ecuador, Los Ríos); A. pacaruaia sp. nov. (Peru, Huanuco), and A. pinima sp. nov. (Peru, Junin). Adetus marmoratus Breuning, 1942 is redescribed.
The following new species are described in the subgenus Bisaltes (Bisaltes): B. (B.) picticornis sp. nov. from Bolivia; B.(B.) taua sp. nov. from Brazil (Paraná and Santa Catarina) and B. (B.) unicolor sp. nov. from Ecuador. Bisaltes (B.) pictus Breuning, 1940 is transferred to the subgenus Craspedocerus. In Ptericoptus, P. hybridus hybridus Breuning, 1939 is considered a synonym of P. acuminatus (Fabricius, 1801); P. dorsalis Audinet-Serville, 1835 previously in the synonymy of P. acuminatus is revalidated and Saperda vitta Newman, 1838 is considered its synonym; P. corumbaensis sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul).
Chrysoperla genanigra sp. nov., is described from Pau Branco, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. A key to the Brazilian species of Chrysoperla is added.