971 resultados para Prussia (Kingdom). Armee. Grosser generalstab.
Dame Eileen Younghusband died in a car accident on a lecture tour in the in the USA at a point when preparations had commenced for her 80th Birthday celebrations. Her working life had spanned a significant era in the history of the development of social work and education for the profession in the UK and more widely; and she herself had made a major contribution to these developments. She differs from earlier pioneering figures presented in these historical portraits in representing ‘the next generation’ of significant women in the history of social work. Nevertheless, she was a pioneer in the sense of initiating radical changes as described later in this portrait.
Excavated by French Egyptologist P. Montet in the 1920s, Royal Tomb II at Byblos (Bronze Age Gubla) yielded a significant number of Egyptian objects of the Middle Kingdom. Among these finds is a stone vessel with lid that carries the cartouche of a king named Amenemhat, often believed to be Amenemhat IV of the late Middle Kingdom. Hitherto unnoticed by the scholarly community, however, are two Egyptian measure capacity signs on the stone vessel itself. Since measure capacity signs on stone vessels dating to the Middle Kingdom are only rarely attested even in Egypt, the signs on the stone vessel from Royal Tomb II at Byblos therefore contribute considerably to our understanding of the use and application of such signs. The article deals with the examination of these signs and tries to correlate them with the actual capacity of the vessel.
aus dem Engl. der Miß Yonge übers. von Louise Marezoll
Grosser Krieg – Globaler Krieg – Totaler Krieg: Der Blick hinter die Kulissen des Ersten Weltkrieges
Modern policy-making is increasingly influenced by different types of uncertainty. Political actors are supposed to behave differently under the context of uncertainty then in “usual” decision-making processes. Actors exchange information in order to convince other actors and decision-makers, to coordinate their lobbying activities and form coalitions, and to get information and learn on the substantive issue. The literature suggests that preference similarity, social trust, perceived power and functional interdependence are particularly important drivers of information exchange. We assume that social trust as well as being connected to scientific actors is more important under uncertainty than in a setting with less uncertainty. To investigate information exchange under uncertainty analyze the case of unconventional shale gas development in the UK from 2008 till 2014. Our study will rely on statistical analyses of survey data on a diverse set of actors dealing with shale gas development and regulation in the UK.
Recent research on the transformation of West European party systems emphasises that cultural issues such as immigration have gained in importance besides the traditional socio-economic cleavage. While this literature shows that parties address not only cultural but also economic is-sues, it has paid less attention on whether parties combine cultural and economic issues. In this paper we focus on immigrants’ social rights by analysing if and how mainstream parties combine immigration and redistributive issues. Drawing on Faist (1995), we distinguish three different perspectives how political actors, here mainstream parties, might react to the welfare chauvinist claims that aim to restrict immigrants’ social rights. Our analysis relies on party manifestos in Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom between 1999 and 2011. The results of the anal-ysis indicate that variation is found among party families, in particular among the left. Even though the purpose of the paper is not to ‘prove’ that the populist challenge explains how the mainstream left-wing parties behave, the results allow nonetheless for interpreting mainstream parties’ strategic combination of welfare and immigration issues as a response to anti-immigration and anti-integration issues raised by populist challengers.
by T.K. Cheyne
Boberach: Nur Norddeutschland kann vereinigt werden. Süddeutscher Radikalismus oder Ultramontanismus darf über die Provisorische Zentralgewalt keinen Einfluß auf das preußische Heer gewinnen. Die deutsche Reichsarmee muß von Preußen bestimmt sein
Boberach: Die Wahlmänner werden über drei Reden unterrichtet, die ihr Abgeordneter in der Nationalversammlung nicht halten konnte: Über die der Kommission zur Untersuchung der Zustände des Großherzogtums Posen zu erteilenden Befugnisse. - Über die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe. - Über den Antrag des Abgeordneten Stein auf Erlaß eines Armeebefehls gegen die reaktionären Bestrebungen in der Armee
Boberach: Daß der Oberkommandierende in den Marken den Bürgerkrieg erklärt hat, muß im konstitutionellen Staat als Hochverrat verfolgt werden. Die Nationalversammlung wird zur Karikatur des Vereinigten Landtags, wenn sie ihre Souveränität nicht behaupten kann
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Sieg preußischer und Bundestruppen am 5. Juni 1848 unter General von Wrangel über dänische Truppen bei Düppel (Dybbøl). Preußische Verluste: 77 Tote und Vermißte, 144 Verwundete.