882 resultados para Project 2002-005-C : Decision Support Tools for Concrete Infrastructure Rehabilitation


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Agro-areas of Arroyos Menores (La Colacha) west and south of Rand south of R?o Cuarto (Prov. of Cordoba, Argentina) basins are very fertile but have high soil loses. Extreme rain events, inundations and other severe erosions forming gullies demand urgently actions in this area to avoid soil degradation and erosion supporting good levels of agro production. The authors first improved hydrologic data on La Colacha, evaluated the systems of soil uses and actions that could be recommended considering the relevant aspects of the study area and applied decision support systems (DSS) with mathematic tools for planning of defences and uses of soils in these areas. These were conducted here using multi-criteria models, in multi-criteria decision making (MCDM); first of discrete MCDM to chose among global types of use of soils, and then of continuous MCDM to evaluate and optimize combined actions, including repartition of soil use and the necessary levels of works for soil conservation and for hydraulic management to conserve against erosion these basins. Relatively global solutions for La Colacha area have been defined and were optimised by Linear Programming in Goal Programming forms that are presented as Weighted or Lexicographic Goal Programming and as Compromise Programming. The decision methods used are described, indicating algorithms used, and examples for some representative scenarios on La Colacha area are given.


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Knowledge resource reuse has become a popular approach within the ontology engineering field, mainly because it can speed up the ontology development process, saving time and money and promoting the application of good practices. The NeOn Methodology provides guidelines for reuse. These guidelines include the selection of the most appropriate knowledge resources for reuse in ontology development. This is a complex decision-making problem where different conflicting objectives, like the reuse cost, understandability, integration workload and reliability, have to be taken into account simultaneously. GMAA is a PC-based decision support system based on an additive multi-attribute utility model that is intended to allay the operational difficulties involved in the Decision Analysis methodology. The paper illustrates how it can be applied to select multimedia ontologies for reuse to develop a new ontology in the multimedia domain. It also demonstrates that the sensitivity analyses provided by GMAA are useful tools for making a final recommendation.


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In the mid-long-term after a nuclear accident, the contamination of drinking water sources, fish and other aquatic foodstuffs, irrigation supplies and people?s exposure during recreational activities may create considerable public concern, even though dose assessment may in certain situations indicate lesser importance than for other sources, as clearly experienced in the aftermath of past accidents. In such circumstances there are a number of available countermeasure options, ranging from specific chemical treatment of lakes to bans on fish ingestion or on the use of water for crop irrigation. The potential actions can be broadly grouped into four main categories, chemical, biological, physical and social. In some cases a combination of actions may be the optimal strategy and a decision support system (DSS) like MOIRA-PLUS can be of great help to optimise a decision. A further option is of course not to take any remedial actions, although this may also have significant socio-economic repercussions which should be adequately evaluated. MOIRA-PLUS is designed to allow for a reliable assessment of the long-term evolution of the radiological situation and of feasible alternative rehabilitation strategies, including an objective evaluation of their social, economic and ecological impacts in a rational and comprehensive manner. MOIRA-PLUS also features a decision analysis methodology, making use of multi-attribute analysis, which can take into account the preferences and needs of different types of stakeholders. The main functions and elements of the system are described summarily. Also the conclusions from end-user?s experiences with the system are discussed, including exercises involving the organizations responsible for emergency management and the affected services, as well as different local and regional stakeholders. MOIRAPLUS has proven to be a mature system, user friendly and relatively easy to set up. It can help to better decisionmaking by enabling a realistic evaluation of the complete impacts of possible recovery strategies. Also, the interaction with stakeholders has allowed identifying improvements of the system that have been recently implemented.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo fundamental el perfeccionamiento y puesta en explotación de un sistema de ayuda a la decisión que evalúa el desarrollo del lenguaje en niños de 0 a 6 años de edad. Este sistema está formado fundamentalmente por una aplicación diseñada y construida mediante una arquitectura de componentes de software modular y reutilizable. La aplicación será usada por los pediatras para realizar evaluaciones del desarrollo del lenguaje infantil y además por los neuropediatras, logopedas y miembros de equipos de Atención Temprana para consultar las evaluaciones y validar las decisiones propuestas por el sistema. El sistema es accesible vía web y almacena toda la información que maneja en una base de datos. Asimismo, el sistema se apoya en un modelo conceptual u ontología desarrollado previamente para inferir las decisiones adecuadas para las evaluaciones del lenguaje. El sistema incorpora las funciones de gestión de los usuarios del mismo. ABSTRACT This Grade End Project has as fundamental objective the improvement and deployment of a decision support system for evaluating children language development from 0 to 6 years of age. This system is mainly formed by an application designed and built using a modular and reusable software component architecture. The application will be used by pediatricians for evaluating children´s speech development and also by neuro-pediatricians, speech therapists and early childhood intervention team members, for consulting previous evaluations and for validating system´s proposed decision. The system is web based and stores its information in a database. Likewise, the system is supported by a conceptual model or ontology previously developed to infer the appropriate decision for language evaluation. The system also includes user management functions.


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La diabetes mellitus es el conjunto de alteraciones provocadas por un defecto en la cantidad de insulina secretada o por un aprovechamiento deficiente de la misma. Es causa directa de complicaciones a corto, medio y largo plazo que disminuyen la calidad y las expectativas de vida de las personas con diabetes. La diabetes mellitus es en la actualidad uno de los problemas más importantes de salud. Ha triplicado su prevalencia en los últimos 20 anos y para el año 2025 se espera que existan casi 300 millones de personas con diabetes. Este aumento de la prevalencia junto con la morbi-mortalidad asociada a sus complicaciones micro y macro-vasculares convierten la diabetes en una carga para los sistemas sanitarios, sus recursos económicos y sus profesionales, haciendo de la enfermedad un problema individual y de salud pública de enormes proporciones. De momento no existe cura a esta enfermedad, de modo que el objetivo terapéutico del tratamiento de la diabetes se centra en la normalización de la glucemia intentando minimizar los eventos de hiper e hipoglucemia y evitando la aparición o al menos retrasando la evolución de las complicaciones vasculares, que constituyen la principal causa de morbi-mortalidad de las personas con diabetes. Un adecuado control diabetológico implica un tratamiento individualizado que considere multitud de factores para cada paciente (edad, actividad física, hábitos alimentarios, presencia de complicaciones asociadas o no a la diabetes, factores culturales, etc.). Sin embargo, a corto plazo, las dos variables más influyentes que el paciente ha de manejar para intervenir sobre su nivel glucémico son la insulina administrada y la dieta. Ambas presentan un retardo entre el momento de su aplicación y el comienzo de su acción, asociado a la absorción de los mismos. Por este motivo la capacidad de predecir la evolución del perfil glucémico en un futuro cercano, ayudara al paciente a tomar las decisiones adecuadas para mantener un buen control de su enfermedad y evitar situaciones de riesgo. Este es el objetivo de la predicción en diabetes: adelantar la evolución del perfil glucémico en un futuro cercano para ayudar al paciente a adaptar su estilo de vida y sus acciones correctoras, con el propósito de que sus niveles de glucemia se aproximen a los de una persona sana, evitando así los síntomas y complicaciones de un mal control. La aparición reciente de los sistemas de monitorización continua de glucosa ha proporcionado nuevas alternativas. La disponibilidad de un registro exhaustivo de las variaciones del perfil glucémico, con un periodo de muestreo de entre uno y cinco minutos, ha favorecido el planteamiento de nuevos modelos que tratan de predecir la glucemia utilizando tan solo las medidas anteriores de glucemia o al menos reduciendo significativamente la información de entrada a los algoritmos. El hecho de requerir menor intervención por parte del paciente, abre nuevas posibilidades de aplicación de los predictores de glucemia, haciéndose viable su uso en tiempo real, como sistemas de ayuda a la decisión, como detectores de situaciones de riesgo o integrados en algoritmos automáticos de control. En esta tesis doctoral se proponen diferentes algoritmos de predicción de glucemia para pacientes con diabetes, basados en la información registrada por un sistema de monitorización continua de glucosa así como incorporando la información de la insulina administrada y la ingesta de carbohidratos. Los algoritmos propuestos han sido evaluados en simulación y utilizando datos de pacientes registrados en diferentes estudios clínicos. Para ello se ha desarrollado una amplia metodología, que trata de caracterizar las prestaciones de los modelos de predicción desde todos los puntos de vista: precisión, retardo, ruido y capacidad de detección de situaciones de riesgo. Se han desarrollado las herramientas de simulación necesarias y se han analizado y preparado las bases de datos de pacientes. También se ha probado uno de los algoritmos propuestos para comprobar la validez de la predicción en tiempo real en un escenario clínico. Se han desarrollado las herramientas que han permitido llevar a cabo el protocolo experimental definido, en el que el paciente consulta la predicción bajo demanda y tiene el control sobre las variables metabólicas. Este experimento ha permitido valorar el impacto sobre el control glucémico del uso de la predicción de glucosa. ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is the set of alterations caused by a defect in the amount of secreted insulin or a suboptimal use of insulin. It causes complications in the short, medium and long term that affect the quality of life and reduce the life expectancy of people with diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is currently one of the most important health problems. Prevalence has tripled in the past 20 years and estimations point out that it will affect almost 300 million people by 2025. Due to this increased prevalence, as well as to morbidity and mortality associated with micro- and macrovascular complications, diabetes has become a burden on health systems, their financial resources and their professionals, thus making the disease a major individual and a public health problem. There is currently no cure for this disease, so that the therapeutic goal of diabetes treatment focuses on normalizing blood glucose events. The aim is to minimize hyper- and hypoglycemia and to avoid, or at least to delay, the appearance and development of vascular complications, which are the main cause of morbidity and mortality among people with diabetes. A suitable, individualized and controlled treatment for diabetes involves many factors that need to be considered for each patient: age, physical activity, eating habits, presence of complications related or unrelated to diabetes, cultural factors, etc. However, in the short term, the two most influential variables that the patient has available in order to manage his/her glycemic levels are administered insulin doses and diet. Both suffer from a delay between their time of application and the onset of the action associated with their absorption. Therefore, the ability to predict the evolution of the glycemic profile in the near future could help the patient to make appropriate decisions on how to maintain good control of his/her disease and to avoid risky situations. Hence, the main goal of glucose prediction in diabetes consists of advancing the evolution of glycemic profiles in the near future. This would assist the patient in adapting his/her lifestyle and in taking corrective actions in a way that blood glucose levels approach those of a healthy person, consequently avoiding the symptoms and complications of a poor glucose control. The recent emergence of continuous glucose monitoring systems has provided new alternatives in this field. The availability of continuous records of changes in glycemic profiles (with a sampling period of one or five minutes) has enabled the design of new models which seek to predict blood glucose by using automatically read glucose measurements only (or at least, reducing significantly the data input manually to the algorithms). By requiring less intervention by the patient, new possibilities are open for the application of glucose predictors, making its use feasible in real-time applications, such as: decision support systems, hypo- and hyperglycemia detectors, integration into automated control algorithms, etc. In this thesis, different glucose prediction algorithms are proposed for patients with diabetes. These are based on information recorded by a continuous glucose monitoring system and incorporate information of the administered insulin and carbohydrate intakes. The proposed algorithms have been evaluated in-silico and using patients’ data recorded in different clinical trials. A complete methodology has been developed to characterize the performance of predictive models from all points of view: accuracy, delay, noise and ability to detect hypo- and hyperglycemia. In addition, simulation tools and patient databases have been deployed. One of the proposed algorithms has additionally been evaluated in terms of real-time prediction performance in a clinical scenario in which the patient checked his/her glucose predictions on demand and he/she had control on his/her metabolic variables. This has allowed assessing the impact of using glucose prediction on glycemic control. The tools to carry out the defined experimental protocols were also developed in this thesis.


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Automatic blood glucose classification may help specialists to provide a better interpretation of blood glucose data, downloaded directly from patients glucose meter and will contribute in the development of decision support systems for gestational diabetes. This paper presents an automatic blood glucose classifier for gestational diabetes that compares 6 different feature selection methods for two machine learning algorithms: neural networks and decision trees. Three searching algorithms, Greedy, Best First and Genetic, were combined with two different evaluators, CSF and Wrapper, for the feature selection. The study has been made with 6080 blood glucose measurements from 25 patients. Decision trees with a feature set selected with the Wrapper evaluator and the Best first search algorithm obtained the best accuracy: 95.92%.


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Knowledge resource reuse has become a popular approach within the ontology engineering field, mainly because it can speed up the ontology development process, saving time and money and promoting the application of good practices. The NeOn Methodology provides guidelines for reuse. These guidelines include the selection of the most appropriate knowledge resources for reuse in ontology development. This is a complex decision-making problem where different conflicting objectives, like the reuse cost, understandability, integration workload and reliability, have to be taken into account simultaneously. GMAA is a PC-based decision support system based on an additive multi-attribute utility model that is intended to allay the operational difficulties involved in the Decision Analysis methodology. The paper illustrates how it can be applied to select multimedia ontologies for reuse to develop a new ontology in the multimedia domain. It also demonstrates that the sensitivity analyses provided by GMAA are useful tools for making a final recommendation.


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The implementation of Internet technologies has led to e-Manufacturing technologies becoming more widely used and to the development of tools for compiling, transforming and synchronising manufacturing data through the Web. In this context, a potential area for development is the extension of virtual manufacturing to performance measurement (PM) processes, a critical area for decision making and implementing improvement actions in manufacturing. This paper proposes a PM information framework to integrate decision support systems in e-Manufacturing. Specifically, the proposed framework offers a homogeneous PM information exchange model that can be applied through decision support in e-Manufacturing environment. Its application improves the necessary interoperability in decision-making data processing tasks. It comprises three sub-systems: a data model, a PM information platform and PM-Web services architecture. A practical example of data exchange for measurement processes in the area of equipment maintenance is shown to demonstrate the utility of the model.


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This paper presents the knowledge model of a distributed decision support system, that has been designed for the management of a national network in Ukraine. It shows how advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques (multiagent systems and knowledge modelling) have been applied to solve this real-world decision support problem: on the one hand its distributed nature, implied by different loci of decision-making at the network nodes, suggested to apply a multiagent solution; on the other, due to the complexity of problem-solving for local network administration, it was useful to apply knowledge modelling techniques, in order to structure the different knowledge types and reasoning processes involved. The paper sets out from a description of our particular management problem. Subsequently, our agent model is described, pointing out the local problem-solving and coordination knowledge models. Finally, the dynamics of the approach is illustrated by an example.


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Este proyecto se basa en el sistema JRodos de ayuda a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real en caso de emergencias nucleares y radiológicas. Tras una breve descripción del mismo, se presentan los modelos de cálculo que utiliza el sistema y la organización modular en la que se estructura el programa. Concretamente este documento se centra en un módulo desarrollado recientemente denominado ICRP y caracterizado por tener en cuenta todas las vías de exposición a la contaminación radiológica, incluida la vía de la ingestión que no se había tenido en cuenta en los módulos previos. Este modelo nuevo utiliza resultados obtenidos a partir de la cadena de escala local LSMC como datos de entrada, por lo que se lleva a cabo una descripción detalla del funcionamiento y de la ejecución tanto del módulo ICRP como de la cadena previa LSMC. Finalmente, se ejecuta un ejercicio ICRP usando los datos meteorológicos y de término fuentes reales que se utilizaron en el simulacro CURIEX 2013 realizado en el mes de noviembre de 2013 en la Central Nuclear de Almaraz. Se presenta paso a paso la ejecución de este ejercicio y posteriormente se analizan y explican los resultados obtenidos acompañados de elementos visuales proporcionados por el programa. This project is based on the real time online decision support system for nuclear emergency management called JRodos. After a brief description of it, the calculation models used by the system and its modular organization are presented. In particular, this paper focuses on a newly developed module named ICRP. This module is characterized by the consideration of the fact that all terrestrial exposure pathways, including ingestion, which has not been considered in previous modules. This new model uses the results obtained in a previous local scale model chain called LSMC as input. In this document a detailed description of the operation and implementation of both the ICRP module and its previous LSMC chain is presented. To conclude, an ICRP exercise is performed with real meteorological and source term data used in the simulation exercise CURIEX 2013 carried out in the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant in November 2013. A stepwise realization of this exercise is presented and subsequently the results are deeply explained and analyzed supplemented with illustrations provided by the program.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado, es el primer paso para abordar la construcción de una plataforma de conocimiento evolutivo para dos sistemas que facilitan la detección precoz de trastornos del lenguaje en niños de 0 a 6 años. Concretamente, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el diseño, desarrollo y puesta en explotación de un sistema de recogida de propuestas de mejora sobre la base de conocimiento de los sistemas de ayuda a la toma de decisiones Gades y Pegaso. Este sistema está formado fundamentalmente por una aplicación diseñada y construida mediante una arquitectura de componentes de software modular y reutilizable. La aplicación será usada por los usuarios de las plataformas Pegaso y Gades para realizar las propuestas de cambio sobre la base de conocimiento de dichos sistemas. El sistema es accesible vía web y almacena toda la información que maneja en una base de datos. Asimismo, expone un estudio de aplicaciones orientadas al trabajo colaborativo (CSCW) y a la toma de decisiones colaborativa, como paso previo al desarrollo de una funcionalidad futura del propio sistema. ABSTRACT. This Final Degree Project, is the first step to address the construction of a platform for two evolutionary knowledge systems that facilitate early detection of language disorders in children aged 0-6 years. Specifically, the main objective of this project is the design, development and start-up of a system that collect improvement proposals about the knowledge of decision support systems Gades and Pegaso. This system consists mainly of an application designed and built by a modular component architecture and reusable software. The application will be used by users of the Pegaso and Gades platforms for change proposals on the basis of knowledge of such systems. The system is accessible via web and stores all the information managed in a database. It also presents a study of collaborative work oriented applications (CSCW) and collaborative decision making, prior to the development of a future system functionality.


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Antecedentes: Esta investigación se enmarca principalmente en la replicación y secundariamente en la síntesis de experimentos en Ingeniería de Software (IS). Para poder replicar, es necesario disponer de todos los detalles del experimento original. Sin embargo, la descripción de los experimentos es habitualmente incompleta debido a la existencia de conocimiento tácito y a la existencia de otros problemas tales como: La carencia de un formato estándar de reporte, la inexistencia de herramientas que den soporte a la generación de reportes experimentales, etc. Esto provoca que no se pueda reproducir fielmente el experimento original. Esta problemática limita considerablemente la capacidad de los experimentadores para llevar a cabo replicaciones y por ende síntesis de experimentos. Objetivo: La investigación tiene como objetivo formalizar el proceso experimental en IS, de modo que facilite la comunicación de información entre experimentadores. Contexto: El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral ha sido desarrollado en el seno del Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería del Software Empírica (GrISE) perteneciente a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIINF) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), como parte del proyecto TIN2011-23216 denominado “Tecnologías para la Replicación y Síntesis de Experimentos en Ingeniería de Software”, el cual es financiado por el Gobierno de España. El grupo GrISE cumple a la perfección con los requisitos necesarios (familia de experimentos establecida, con al menos tres líneas experimentales y una amplia experiencia en replicaciones (16 replicaciones hasta 2011 en la línea de técnicas de pruebas de software)) y ofrece las condiciones para que la investigación se lleve a cabo de la mejor manera, como por ejemplo, el acceso total a su información. Método de Investigación: Para cumplir este objetivo se opta por Action Research (AR) como el método de investigación más adecuado a las características de la investigación, para obtener resultados a través de aproximaciones sucesivas que abordan los problemas concretos de comunicación entre experimentadores. Resultados: Se formalizó el modelo conceptual del ciclo experimental desde la perspectiva de los 3 roles principales que representan los experimentadores en el proceso experimental, siendo estos: Gestor de la Investigación (GI), Gestor del Experimento (GE) y Experimentador Senior (ES). Por otra parte, se formalizó el modelo del ciclo experimental, a través de: Un workflow del ciclo y un diagrama de procesos. Paralelamente a la formalización del proceso experimental en IS, se desarrolló ISRE (de las siglas en inglés Infrastructure for Sharing and Replicating Experiments), una prueba de concepto de entorno de soporte a la experimentación en IS. Finalmente, se plantearon guías para el desarrollo de entornos de soporte a la experimentación en IS, en base al estudio de las características principales y comunes de los modelos de las herramientas de soporte a la experimentación en distintas disciplinas experimentales. Conclusiones: La principal contribución de la investigación esta representada por la formalización del proceso experimental en IS. Los modelos que representan la formalización del ciclo experimental, así como la herramienta ISRE, construida a modo de evaluación de los modelos, fueron encontrados satisfactorios por los experimentadores del GrISE. Para consolidar la validez de la formalización, consideramos que este estudio debería ser replicado en otros grupos de investigación representativos en la comunidad de la IS experimental. Futuras Líneas de Investigación: El cumplimiento de los objetivos, de la mano con los hallazgos alcanzados, han dado paso a nuevas líneas de investigación, las cuales son las siguientes: (1) Considerar la construcción de un mecanismo para facilitar el proceso de hacer explícito el conocimiento tácito de los experimentadores por si mismos de forma colaborativa y basados en el debate y el consenso , (2) Continuar la investigación empírica en el mismo grupo de investigación hasta cubrir completamente el ciclo experimental (por ejemplo: experimentos nuevos, síntesis de resultados, etc.), (3) Replicar el proceso de investigación en otros grupos de investigación en ISE, y (4) Renovar la tecnología de la prueba de concepto, tal que responda a las restricciones y necesidades de un entorno real de investigación. ABSTRACT Background: This research addresses first and foremost the replication and also the synthesis of software engineering (SE) experiments. Replication is impossible without access to all the details of the original experiment. But the description of experiments is usually incomplete because knowledge is tacit, there is no standard reporting format or there are hardly any tools to support the generation of experimental reports, etc. This means that the original experiment cannot be reproduced exactly. These issues place considerable constraints on experimenters’ options for carrying out replications and ultimately synthesizing experiments. Aim: The aim of the research is to formalize the SE experimental process in order to facilitate information communication among experimenters. Context: This PhD research was developed within the empirical software engineering research group (GrISE) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)’s School of Computer Engineering (ETSIINF) as part of project TIN2011-23216 entitled “Technologies for Software Engineering Experiment Replication and Synthesis”, which was funded by the Spanish Government. The GrISE research group fulfils all the requirements (established family of experiments with at least three experimental lines and lengthy replication experience (16 replications prior to 2011 in the software testing techniques line)) and provides favourable conditions for the research to be conducted in the best possible way, like, for example, full access to information. Research Method: We opted for action research (AR) as the research method best suited to the characteristics of the investigation. Results were generated successive rounds of AR addressing specific communication problems among experimenters. Results: The conceptual model of the experimental cycle was formalized from the viewpoint of three key roles representing experimenters in the experimental process. They were: research manager, experiment manager and senior experimenter. The model of the experimental cycle was formalized by means of a workflow and a process diagram. In tandem with the formalization of the SE experimental process, infrastructure for sharing and replicating experiments (ISRE) was developed. ISRE is a proof of concept of a SE experimentation support environment. Finally, guidelines for developing SE experimentation support environments were designed based on the study of the key features that the models of experimentation support tools for different experimental disciplines had in common. Conclusions: The key contribution of this research is the formalization of the SE experimental process. GrISE experimenters were satisfied with both the models representing the formalization of the experimental cycle and the ISRE tool built in order to evaluate the models. In order to further validate the formalization, this study should be replicated at other research groups representative of the experimental SE community. Future Research Lines: The achievement of the aims and the resulting findings have led to new research lines, which are as follows: (1) assess the feasibility of building a mechanism to help experimenters collaboratively specify tacit knowledge based on debate and consensus, (2) continue empirical research at the same research group in order to cover the remainder of the experimental cycle (for example, new experiments, results synthesis, etc.), (3) replicate the research process at other ESE research groups, and (4) update the tools of the proof of concept in order to meet the constraints and needs of a real research environment.


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Reducing the gap between water-limited potential yield and actual yield in oil palm production systems through intensification is seen as an important option for sustainably increasing palm oil production. Simulation models can play an important role in quantifying water-limited potential yield, and therefore the scope for intensification, but no oil palm model exists that is both simple enough and at the same time incorporates sufficient plant physiological knowledge to be generally applicable across sites with different growing conditions. The objectives of this study therefore were to develop a model (PALMSIM) that simulates, on a monthly time step, the potential growth of oil palm as determined by solar radiation and to evaluate model performance against measured oil palm yields under optimal water and nutrient management for a range of sites across Indonesia and Malaysia. The maximum observed yield in the field matches the corresponding simulated yield for dry bunch weight with a RMSE of 1.7 Mg ha?1 year?1 against an observed yield of 18.8 Mg ha?1. Sensitivity analysis showed that PALMSIM is robust: simulated changes in yield caused by modifying the parameters by 10% are comparable to other tree crop model evaluations. While we acknowledge that, depending on the soils and climatic environment, yields may be often water limited, we suggest a relatively simple physiological approach to simulate potential yield, which can be usefully applied to high rainfall environments and is considered as a first step in developing an oil palm model that also simulates water-limited potential yield. To illustrate the application possibil- ities of the model, PALMSIM was used to create a potential yield map for Indonesia and Malaysia by sim- ulating the growth and yield at a resolution of 0.1?. This map of potential yield is considered as a first step towards a decision support tool that can identify potentially productive, but at the moment degraded sites in Indonesia and Malaysia. ?


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habilidades de comprensión y resolución de problemas. Tanto es así que se puede afirmar con rotundidad que no existe el método perfecto para cada una de las etapas de desarrollo y tampoco existe el modelo de ciclo de vida perfecto: cada nuevo problema que se plantea es diferente a los anteriores en algún aspecto y esto hace que técnicas que funcionaron en proyectos anteriores fracasen en los proyectos nuevos. Por ello actualmente se realiza un planteamiento integrador que pretende utilizar en cada caso las técnicas, métodos y herramientas más acordes con las características del problema planteado al ingeniero. Bajo este punto de vista se plantean nuevos problemas. En primer lugar está la selección de enfoques de desarrollo. Si no existe el mejor enfoque, ¿cómo se hace para elegir el más adecuado de entre el conjunto de los existentes? Un segundo problema estriba en la relación entre las etapas de análisis y diseño. En este sentido existen dos grandes riesgos. Por un lado, se puede hacer un análisis del problema demasiado superficial, con lo que se produce una excesiva distancia entre el análisis y el diseño que muchas veces imposibilita el paso de uno a otro. Por otro lado, se puede optar por un análisis en términos del diseño que provoca que no cumpla su objetivo de centrarse en el problema, sino que se convierte en una primera versión de la solución, lo que se conoce como diseño preliminar. Como consecuencia de lo anterior surge el dilema del análisis, que puede plantearse como sigue: para cada problema planteado hay que elegir las técnicas más adecuadas, lo que requiere que se conozcan las características del problema. Para ello, a su vez, se debe analizar el problema, eligiendo una técnica antes de conocerlo. Si la técnica utiliza términos de diseño entonces se ha precondicionado el paradigma de solución y es posible que no sea el más adecuado para resolver el problema. En último lugar están las barreras pragmáticas que frenan la expansión del uso de métodos con base formal, dificultando su aplicación en la práctica cotidiana. Teniendo en cuenta todos los problemas planteados, se requieren métodos de análisis del problema que cumplan una serie de objetivos, el primero de los cuales es la necesidad de una base formal, con el fin de evitar la ambigüedad y permitir verificar la corrección de los modelos generados. Un segundo objetivo es la independencia de diseño: se deben utilizar términos que no tengan reflejo directo en el diseño, para que permitan centrarse en las características del problema. Además los métodos deben permitir analizar problemas de cualquier tipo: algorítmicos, de soporte a la decisión o basados en el conocimiento, entre otros. En siguiente lugar están los objetivos relacionados con aspectos pragmáticos. Por un lado deben incorporar una notación textual formal pero no matemática, de forma que se facilite su validación y comprensión por personas sin conocimientos matemáticos profundos pero al mismo tiempo sea lo suficientemente rigurosa para facilitar su verificación. Por otro lado, se requiere una notación gráfica complementaria para representar los modelos, de forma que puedan ser comprendidos y validados cómodamente por parte de los clientes y usuarios. Esta tesis doctoral presenta SETCM, un método de análisis que cumple estos objetivos. Para ello se han definido todos los elementos que forman los modelos de análisis usando una terminología independiente de paradigmas de diseño y se han formalizado dichas definiciones usando los elementos fundamentales de la teoría de conjuntos: elementos, conjuntos y relaciones entre conjuntos. Por otro lado se ha definido un lenguaje formal para representar los elementos de los modelos de análisis – evitando en lo posible el uso de notaciones matemáticas – complementado con una notación gráfica que permite representar de forma visual las partes más relevantes de los modelos. El método propuesto ha sido sometido a una intensa fase de experimentación, durante la que fue aplicado a 13 casos de estudio, todos ellos proyectos reales que han concluido en productos transferidos a entidades públicas o privadas. Durante la experimentación se ha evaluado la adecuación de SETCM para el análisis de problemas de distinto tamaño y en sistemas cuyo diseño final usaba paradigmas diferentes e incluso paradigmas mixtos. También se ha evaluado su uso por analistas con distinto nivel de experiencia – noveles, intermedios o expertos – analizando en todos los casos la curva de aprendizaje, con el fin de averiguar si es fácil de aprender su uso, independientemente de si se conoce o no alguna otra técnica de análisis. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la capacidad de ampliación de modelos generados con SETCM, para comprobar si permite abordar proyectos realizados en varias fases, en los que el análisis de una fase consista en ampliar el análisis de la fase anterior. En resumidas cuentas, se ha tratado de evaluar la capacidad de integración de SETCM en una organización como la técnica de análisis preferida para el desarrollo de software. Los resultados obtenidos tras esta experimentación han sido muy positivos, habiéndose alcanzado un alto grado de cumplimiento de todos los objetivos planteados al definir el método.---ABSTRACT---Software development is an inherently complex activity, which requires specific abilities of problem comprehension and solving. It is so difficult that it can even be said that there is no perfect method for each of the development stages and that there is no perfect life cycle model: each new problem is different to the precedent ones in some respect and the techniques that worked in other problems can fail in the new ones. Given that situation, the current trend is to integrate different methods, tools and techniques, using the best suited for each situation. This trend, however, raises some new problems. The first one is the selection of development approaches. If there is no a manifestly single best approach, how does one go about choosing an approach from the array of available options? The second problem has to do with the relationship between the analysis and design phases. This relation can lead to two major risks. On one hand, the analysis could be too shallow and far away from the design, making it very difficult to perform the transition between them. On the other hand, the analysis could be expressed using design terminology, thus becoming more a kind of preliminary design than a model of the problem to be solved. In third place there is the analysis dilemma, which can be expressed as follows. The developer has to choose the most adequate techniques for each problem, and to make this decision it is necessary to know the most relevant properties of the problem. This implies that the developer has to analyse the problem, choosing an analysis method before really knowing the problem. If the chosen technique uses design terminology then the solution paradigm has been preconditioned and it is possible that, once the problem is well known, that paradigm wouldn’t be the chosen one. The last problem consists of some pragmatic barriers that limit the applicability of formal based methods, making it difficult to use them in current practice. In order to solve these problems there is a need for analysis methods that fulfil several goals. The first one is the need of a formal base, which prevents ambiguity and allows the verification of the analysis models. The second goal is design-independence: the analysis should use a terminology different from the design, to facilitate a real comprehension of the problem under study. In third place the analysis method should allow the developer to study different kinds of problems: algorithmic, decision-support, knowledge based, etc. Next there are two goals related to pragmatic aspects. Firstly, the methods should have a non mathematical but formal textual notation. This notation will allow people without deep mathematical knowledge to understand and validate the resulting models, without losing the needed rigour for verification. Secondly, the methods should have a complementary graphical notation to make more natural the understanding and validation of the relevant parts of the analysis. This Thesis proposes such a method, called SETCM. The elements conforming the analysis models have been defined using a terminology that is independent from design paradigms. Those terms have been then formalised using the main concepts of the set theory: elements, sets and correspondences between sets. In addition, a formal language has been created, which avoids the use of mathematical notations. Finally, a graphical notation has been defined, which can visually represent the most relevant elements of the models. The proposed method has been thoroughly tested during the experimentation phase. It has been used to perform the analysis of 13 actual projects, all of them resulting in transferred products. This experimentation allowed evaluating the adequacy of SETCM for the analysis of problems of varying size, whose final design used different paradigms and even mixed ones. The use of the method by people with different levels of expertise was also evaluated, along with the corresponding learning curve, in order to assess if the method is easy to learn, independently of previous knowledge on other analysis techniques. In addition, the expandability of the analysis models was evaluated, assessing if the technique was adequate for projects organised in incremental steps, in which the analysis of one step grows from the precedent models. The final goal was to assess if SETCM can be used inside an organisation as the preferred analysis method for software development. The obtained results have been very positive, as SETCM has obtained a high degree of fulfilment of the goals stated for the method.


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Nowadays, organizations have plenty of data stored in DB databases, which contain invaluable information. Decision Support Systems DSS provide the support needed to manage this information and planning médium and long-term ?the modus operandi? of these organizations. Despite the growing importance of these systems, most proposals do not include its total evelopment, mostly limiting itself on the development of isolated parts, which often have serious integration problems. Hence, methodologies that include models and processes that consider every factor are necessary. This paper will try to fill this void as it proposes an approach for developing spatial DSS driven by the development of their associated Data Warehouse DW, without forgetting its other components. To the end of framing the proposal different Engineering Software focus (The Software Engineering Process and Model Driven Architecture) are used, and coupling with the DB development methodology, (and both of them adapted to DW peculiarities). Finally, an example illustrates the proposal.