995 resultados para Processamento de voz
Classificação de tábuas de madeira usando processamento de imagens digitais e aprendizado de máquina
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Modificações na composição química e no processamento termomecânico têm sido algumas das várias alternativas estudadas, para melhorar o desempenho de ligas de alumínio tradicionais. Neste trabalho foi modificada a composição de uma liga Al-Mn-Mg do tipo AA 3104, endurecível por deformação, adicionando-se diversos teores de zinco, transformando-a numa liga Al-Mn-Mg(Zn), endurecível por precipitação. O objetivo foi estudar e quantificar os efeitos do zinco sobre o processamento termomecânico e as propriedades mecânicas da liga modificada. Ligas com teores de zinco entre 0,03 a 1,52% foram fundidas e processadas obtendo-se um encruamento semelhante a condição H-19 industrial, denominada rota R. Ligas com teores de zinco entre 1,14 a 2,17% foram fundidas e processadas segundo três diferentes rotas: na rota S, o recozimento da rota R foi substituído por solubilização antes da laminação a frio; nas rotas E3H e E6H, as tiras laminadas a frio foram envelhecidas em dois estágios: 121°C por três horas para as duas rotas, mais três horas para a rota E3H e seis para a rota EH a 163°. A tensão de escoamento (SIGMA IND E) e a resistência à tração (SIGMA IND T) para a rota R aumentaram da ordem de 18% e 19% respectivamente, com o aumento do teor de zinco, enquanto o alongamento (E) permaneceu em torno de 4,5%. As propriedades mecânicas (SIGMA IND E SIGMA T E ) AUMENTARAM EM TORNO DE 25%, 31% E 27%, respectivamente, para a rota S. Considerando concentrações aproximadamente iguais de zinco, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas para (SIGMA E SIGMA T), entre as rotas R E S, no entanto, a rota S apresentou alongamento médio maior que a rota R da ordem 44%. Os menores valores de (SIGMA IND E SIGMA IND T) e os maiores valores de E foram obtidos para a rota E6H.
Neste trabalho se propôs a utilização do MP3 player portátil para gravação de sinal nãoáudio em sua memória, utilizando-se seu recurso para gravação de voz. Para avaliar a proposta, retirou-se o microfone de eletreto do MP3 player e em seu lugar injetou-se um sinal de FM, com portadora de áudio de 1200 Hz modulada pelo sinal de interesse. O sinal é gravado no aparelho em arquivo no formato WAV. Sua recuperação se fez usando um demodulador de FM a PLL cuja entrada é o sinal de FM captado nos terminais da bobina do fone de ouvido do MP3 player. Nos testes, usou-se sinal senoidal e sinal de eletrocardiograma. Embora a qualidade dos sinais de baixa freqüência precise ser melhorada, em geral os resultados apontam para a viabilidade da proposta. Fazem-se sugestões para melhorias e extensões do trabalho.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Response is one of the most promising objective tests in audiology and in revealing brain dysfunction and neuro-audiologic findings. The main advantages of its clinical use are precision and objectivity in evaluating children. This study aimed to analyze the auditory evoked middle latency response in two patients with auditory processing disorder and relate objective and behavioral measures. This case study was conducted in 2 patients (P1 = 12 years, female, P2 = 17 years old, male), both with the absence of sensory abnormalities, neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Both were submitted to anamnesis, inspection of the external ear canal, hearing test and evaluation of Auditory Evoked Middle latency Response. There was a significant association between behavioral test and objectives results. In the interview, there were complaints about the difficulty in listening in a noisy environment, sound localization, inattention, and phonological changes in writing and speaking, as confirmed by evaluation of auditory processing and Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Response. Changes were observed in the right decoding process hearing in both cases on the behavioral assessment of auditory processing; auditory evoked potential test middle latency shows that the right contralateral via response was deficient, confirming the difficulties of the patients in the assignment of meaning in acoustic information in a competitive sound condition at right, in both cases. In these cases it was shown the association between the results, but there is a need for further studies with larger sample population to confirm the data.
Atmospheric Discharges are responsible for several lost in the electrical system therefore it´s done studies to find ways to reduce the problem caused by discharges. This branch of engineering is necessary the gathering, stock and analysis of large quantity of data to validate or refuse the many studies produced about it The CENDAT proposed a project to collect data on induced voltages in distribution lines and current waveform of the lightning, but a difficulty that arose was the accumulation of data due to lack of manpower available to catalog all the data collected. Thinking in this difficulty, the engineer Acacio Silva Neto CENDAT´s researcher with trainees began to develop a program to solve this problem. This work keeps the development of this program in order to solve the problem of accumulation of data
The goal of this work is to report some problems that occur in the in the production of aluminum billets (series 6XXX) produced by the hot top process in the Alcoa aluminum Inc. The aluminum fabrication process is described from its first stage, since the mining until the reduction, smelting and treatment of the metal. One of the plant’s final product, are billets for clients that produce profiles by extrusion. The product’s final quality highly depends on the whole production process. Therefore it’s necessary to use good practices in the treatment of the metal, follow up its fabrication and control its thermal treatment, in order to meet the required standards to satisfy the clients. The billet’s production method and its variables will be detailed through temperature and casting speed, cone of water flow, cooling rate, duration of thermal treatment, degassing and metal “in line “filtering, in other words when it’s still found in its liquid state. The non-conformities of the process were studied by metallographic analysis, both macrostutural and microstructural that will be described and discussed in this work
The fishery products are sources of protein of high biological value and an important component in a balanced diet. However, they are highly subject to deterioration, which represents a serious risk to public health. Thus, rigorous methods are needed for quality assurance of fish in all stages of the production chain. Traditionally, the Brazilian population does not have the habit of eating fish, although the country presents a great potential for aquaculture, which is underexploited. The consumption of fish is limited by socio-economic factors. Currently, the search for food security is a global trend. Thus, it is necessary to change the profile of the consumer, by offering a competitive and safe food. In this paper, we address issues related to quality, hygiene and health of fish
The implementation of an Export and Processing Zone (ZEPs) brings several benefits to the local, state and federal economy, but often, only socioeconomic factors are considered, apart from several other factors that should be analyzed, such as the environment. In this context of industrialization and the struggle for sustainable development, this work propose to incorporate the environmental variable in the decision process for establishing industrial areas, in particular, the ZPE in the city of Fernandópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, by examining several physical and environmental factors such as slope intervals, geological features, pedological factors and land use. Developed using a multicriteria analysis, a model has been elaborated, where these factors have received a proportional value according with their importance, supported by a GIS tool (Geographical Information System) and remote sensing products, such as images from CBERS satellite and SRTM radar, showing the suited areas for industrial activities, considering environmental conditions. This model may assist to take better decision about the ZPE implementation area and to reduce the negative environmental impacts that would result of poorly planned locations
Computed Radiography (CR) is a term used to describe the system that electronically records a radiographic image. CR systems use receivers or IP (imaging plate) to capture the analog signals and then allow the readers to do the image processing and converted into digital information. With the increasing expansion of the CR for medical diagnostics it is necessary that these systems receive the same type of monitoring related to Quality Control and Acceptance to the conventional processing systems. The current legislation fails to specify the parameters and procedures to be tested, allowing that somehow, some equipment is not fully able to use in clinical routine. In this project we used the standard AAPM Report Number 93, which is already fully established outside the country and displays all test parameters in CR. From there were chosen three types of tests that were performed in a satisfactory sampling of IP´s. With this procedure it was possible to establish which of those IP's should be out of use, which reveals the important purpose of the study, demonstrating the need for Quality Control Testing and Acceptance in Computerized Radiography as soon as possible are included in the legislation regulator in the country
In recent years a great worldwide interest has arisen for the development of new technologies that enable the use of products with less environmental impact. The replacement of synthetic fiber plants is a possibility very important because this fiber is renewable, biodegradable and few cost and cause less environmental impact. Given the above, this work proposes to develop polymeric composites of epoxy resin and study the behavior of these materials. Both, the epoxy resin used as matrix in the manufacture of sapegrass fiber composite, as tree composites formed by: epoxy/unidirectional sapegrass long fiber, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber, by volume, and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber, by volume, were characterized by bending, and the composites produced with short fibers random were inspected by Optical Microscopy and Acoustics Inspection (C-Scan). For the analysis of the sapegrass fiber morphology, composites 75% epoxy/25% short fiber (sheet chopped) and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber images were obtained by optical microscope and the adhesion between polymer/fiber was visualized. As results, the flexural strength of composites epoxy/unidirectional long fibers, 75% epoxy/25% short fiber and 80% epoxy/20% short fiber were 70.36 MPa, 21.26 MPa, 25.07 MPa, respectively. Being that composite showed that the best results was made up of long fibers, because it had a value of higher flexural strength than other composites analyzed
This study aimed to investigate the childhood from the entrance of the child in the primary education, with specific objective of analysis the discussions about the appropriateness of content and pedagogical practices to the specific characteristics of students. The research context is the period of expansion for nine years that Brazilian primary education is experiencing which allows the entrance of six years old children. For this achievement we choose theoretical and empirical research, in a primary 2nd grade classroom of a public school, with a methodological approach that enabled the understanding of characteristics which belongs the researched reality through observation that could verify this mentioned reality as well as interviews that could reflect the children conception. Among the main results we can highlight: 1) There is a rupture between kindergarten and primary teaching, the kids have noticed and reported the structural and environment differences, they feel lack of proper spaces for play and of resources like: playground, sandbox and toys in general. 2) The childhood of researched kids appears as a life period different from the adult life, playing appears as a characteristic of that moment. 3) The importance of ponder the pedagogical practices aimed at this ages, so that we can consider the play as an ally in this process, allowing that the kids have more possibilities in the learning process
This project is comprised by an interactive mobile robotics’ environment, focused in human-robot interaction. The system was developed to work in a smartphone, with Android operating system, embedded in a small size mobile robot. Information provided by the smartphone’s camera and microp hone, as well as by proximity sensors embedded in the robot, is used as inputs of a control architecture, implemented in software. It is a behavior-based and receptive to human commands control architecture, to assist the robot’s navigation. The robot is controlled by its own behaviors or by commands em it ted by humans