919 resultados para Presence-absence Data


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PURPOSE: Currently, many pre-conditions are regarded as relative or absolute contraindications for lumbar total disc replacement (TDR). Radiculopathy is one among them. In Switzerland it is left to the surgeon's discretion when to operate if he adheres to a list of pre-defined indications. Contraindications, however, are less clearly specified. We hypothesized that, the extent of pre-operative radiculopathy results in different benefits for patients treated with mono-segmental lumbar TDR. We used patient perceived leg pain and its correlation with physician recorded radiculopathy for creating the patient groups to be compared. METHODS: The present study is based on the dataset of SWISSspine, a government mandated health technology assessment registry. Between March 2005 and April 2009, 577 patients underwent either mono- or bi-segmental lumbar TDR, which was documented in a prospective observational multicenter mode. A total of 416 cases with a mono-segmental procedure were included in the study. The data collection consisted of pre-operative and follow-up data (physician based) and clinical outcomes (NASS form, EQ-5D). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was conducted with patients' self-indicated leg pain and the surgeon-based diagnosis "radiculopathy", as marked on the case report forms. As a result, patients were divided into two groups according to the severity of leg pain. The two groups were compared with regard to the pre-operative patient characteristics and pre- and post-operative pain on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and quality of life using general linear modeling. RESULTS: The optimal ROC model revealed a leg pain threshold of 40 ≤ VAS > 40 for the absence or the presence of "radiculopathy". Demographics in the resulting two groups were well comparable. Applying this threshold, the mean pre-operative leg pain level was 16.5 points in group 1 and 68.1 points in group 2 (p < 0.001). Back pain levels differed less with 63.6 points in group 1 and 72.6 in group 2 (p < 0.001). Pre-operative quality of life showed considerable differences with an 0.44 EQ-5D score in group 1 and 0.29 in group 2 (p < 0.001, possible score range -0.6 to 1). At a mean follow-up time of 8 months, group 1 showed a mean leg pain improvement of 3.6 points and group 2 of 41.1 points (p < 0.001). Back pain relief was 35.6 and 39.1 points, respectively (p = 0.27). EQ-5D score improvement was 0.27 in group 1 and 0.41 in group 2 (p = 0.11). CONCLUSIONS: Patients labeled as having radiculopathy (group 2) do mostly have pre-operative leg pain levels ≥ 40. Applying this threshold, the patients with pre-operative leg pain do also have more severe back pain and a considerably lower quality of life. Their net benefit from the lumbar TDR is higher and they do have similar post-operative back and leg pain levels as well as the quality of life as patients without pre-operative leg pain. Although randomized controlled trials are required to confirm these findings, they put leg pain and radiculopathy into perspective as absolute contraindications for TDR.


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Summary Resolution of the inflammation is as important as its induction. In this thesis, we investigated the contributions of two prominent factors involved in inflammation, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) and neutrophils. We studied their role in the resolution óf the inflammatory lesion induced by the infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. In mice susceptible to infection with L. major, unhealing lesions are characterized by an elevated number and sustained presence of inflammatory neutrophils in the infected tissue, illustrating an acute inflammatory process. In contrast, mice from resistant strains, which resolve their lesions, can control the presence of neutrophils at the site of infection. Neutrophil persistence in the infected tissue may result from several events including an increased survival of neutrophils mediated by factors produced by the pathogen or the microenvironment. Following infection with L. major, the cellular composition of the inflammatory lesion differs significantly between susceptible and resistant mice and a higher proportion of macrophages is present in the lesions of resistant strains. In an attempt to clarify the factors involved in neutrophil persistence, we investigated the mechanisms modulating neutrophil cell death. We demonstrated that macrophages could induce neutrophil apoptosis in a process involving TNF. TNF is an essential cytokine with pro- and anti-inflammatory properties, which is expressed as a transmembrane protein that can be cleaved releasing the secreted form. Our data show the essential role of the transmembrane form of TNF (mTNF) in the induction of neutrophil apoptosis by macrophages, revealing macrophages and mTNF as important regulators of neutrophil apoptosis. TNF is critical in the resolution of the inflammatory lesion induced by L. major infection, and in L. major resistant strains its absence results in increased swelling of the lesions. We investigated the contribution of mTNF in the outcome of L. major infection. Our data demonstrate that following infection with L. major, mTNF is sufficient to support the resolution of the inflammatory lesion and optimal parasite killing. In addition, we show that the presence of mTNF is essential to induce neutrophil clearance in the infected tissue. While the persistence of neutrophils is deleterious for the host, we could demonstrate an early anti-inflammatory role of neutrophils. Altogether, this study demonstrates the importance of mTNF in the induction of neutrophil apoptosis, a process involved in the resolution of the inflammatory lesion induced by L. major infection. Résumé La résolution de l'inflammation est toute aussi importante que son initiation. Durant ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les contributions de deux facteurs importants impliqués dans l'inflammation, le TNF (Facteur Nécrosant des Tumeurs) et les neutrophiles, dans la résolution de la lésion inflammatoire induite par l'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major. Chez les souris sensibles à l'infection avec L. major, des lésions importantes qui ne guérissent pas se développent ; celles-ci sont caractérisées par un nombre élevé et une présence soutenue de neutrophiles dans les tissus infectés, ce qui illustre un processus inflammatoire aigu. Au contraire, les souris résistantes à l'infection qui guérissent leurs lésions, sont capables de contrôler la présence des neutrophiles au site d'infection. La persistance des neutrophiles dans la lésion inflammatoire peut être la conséquence de plusieurs événements, dont une augmentation de la survie des neutrophiles induite par des facteurs produits par le pathogène ou le micro-environnement. Suite à l'infection avec L. major, la composition cellulaire de la lésion inflammatoire est significativement différente entre les souris sensibles et résistantes à l'infection, et une plus grande proportion de macrophages est présente dans les lésions des souris résistantes. Dans l'objectif de clarifier les facteurs impliqués dans la persistance des neutrophiles dans les tissus infectés par L. major, nous avons étudié les mécanismes de régulation de la mort des neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que les macrophages pouvaient induire l'apoptose des neutrophiles dans un procédé impliquant le TNF. Le TNF est une cytokine aux propriétés pro- et anti-inflammatoires, exprimée sous une forme transmembranaire qui peut être clivée pour relâcher la forme sécrétée. Nos expériences illustrent le rôle essentiel de la forme transmembranaire du TNF (mTNF) dans l'induction de l'apoptose des neutrophiles par les macrophages. Lé TNF est une cytokine importante dans la résolution de la réaction inflammatoire induite par L. major, et chez les souris résistantes l'absence de TNF provoque des lésions inflammatoires plus importantes. Nous avons étudié la contribution du mTNF dans la résolution de l'infection avec L. major. Nos résultats démontrent que suite à une infection avec le parasite, la présence du mTNF est suffisante pour guérir la lésion inflammatoire et contrôler efficacement la réplication du parasite. De plus, le mTNF joue un rôle essentiel dans l'élimination des neutrophiles du tissu infecté. Alors que la persistance des neutrophiles est nocive pour l'hôte, nous avons montré que les neutrophiles avaient un rôle précoce anti-inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle l'importance du mTNF dans l'induction de l'apoptose des neutrophiles par les macrophages, un procédé impliqué dans la résolution de la lésion inflammatoire induite par l'infection avec L. major.


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One of the first useful products from the human genome will be a set of predicted genes. Besides its intrinsic scientific interest, the accuracy and completeness of this data set is of considerable importance for human health and medicine. Though progress has been made on computational gene identification in terms of both methods and accuracy evaluation measures, most of the sequence sets in which the programs are tested are short genomic sequences, and there is concern that these accuracy measures may not extrapolate well to larger, more challenging data sets. Given the absence of experimentally verified large genomic data sets, we constructed a semiartificial test set comprising a number of short single-gene genomic sequences with randomly generated intergenic regions. This test set, which should still present an easier problem than real human genomic sequence, mimics the approximately 200kb long BACs being sequenced. In our experiments with these longer genomic sequences, the accuracy of GENSCAN, one of the most accurate ab initio gene prediction programs, dropped significantly, although its sensitivity remained high. Conversely, the accuracy of similarity-based programs, such as GENEWISE, PROCRUSTES, and BLASTX was not affected significantly by the presence of random intergenic sequence, but depended on the strength of the similarity to the protein homolog. As expected, the accuracy dropped if the models were built using more distant homologs, and we were able to quantitatively estimate this decline. However, the specificities of these techniques are still rather good even when the similarity is weak, which is a desirable characteristic for driving expensive follow-up experiments. Our experiments suggest that though gene prediction will improve with every new protein that is discovered and through improvements in the current set of tools, we still have a long way to go before we can decipher the precise exonic structure of every gene in the human genome using purely computational methodology.


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To date, state-of-the-art seismic material parameter estimates from multi-component sea-bed seismic data are based on the assumption that the sea-bed consists of a fully elastic half-space. In reality, however, the shallow sea-bed generally consists of soft, unconsolidated sediments that are characterized by strong to very strong seismic attenuation. To explore the potential implications, we apply a state-of-the-art elastic decomposition algorithm to synthetic data for a range of canonical sea-bed models consisting of a viscoelastic half-space of varying attenuation. We find that in the presence of strong seismic attenuation, as quantified by Q-values of 10 or less, significant errors arise in the conventional elastic estimation of seismic properties. Tests on synthetic data indicate that these errors can be largely avoided by accounting for the inherent attenuation of the seafloor when estimating the seismic parameters. This can be achieved by replacing the real-valued expressions for the elastic moduli in the governing equations in the parameter estimation by their complex-valued viscoelastic equivalents. The practical application of our parameter procedure yields realistic estimates of the elastic seismic material properties of the shallow sea-bed, while the corresponding Q-estimates seem to be biased towards too low values, particularly for S-waves. Given that the estimation of inelastic material parameters is notoriously difficult, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the sea-bed, this is expected to be of interest and importance for civil and ocean engineering purposes.


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Abstract Invasive species represent with fragmentation of habitat the most serious threats to biodiversity in the world. Galápagos Archipelago, as most oceanic islands, suffers a high rate of introduced animals and plants that affect equilibrium and biodiversity of this unique biota. Ants rank among the most devastating invaders. Their social organization confer them a high ability to adapt and to spread in new environments forming rapidly populous communities. We studied the ant community of Floreana Island composed mainly of introduced species (at least 1 S). Introduction events occurred successively during last century. The last record is Monomorium destructor arrived in the eighties. Our aim is to investigate the modalities of interaction and coexistence of these introduced species. We highlighted the competition hierarchy of the coexisting species using attractive food baits. Two species behave as competitively dominant by monopolizing an important part of resources. They are M. destructor restricted to a small area and the fire ant Solenopsis geminata widely distributed on the island. Then we evaluated the relative importance of abiotic factors and interspecific competition in structuring the community. Ecological data were collected and presence and abundance of species were estimated using different methods in a wide range of habitats. Several species showed preferences either for arid or for humid areas. The little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata, awell-known devastating species when introduced, was exclusively found in moist habitat in and around the agricultural area situated in the upper and central part of thé island. It coexists with other species in several parts but in a restricted perimeter it excludes all other ants and worker's density on the ground is nearly 70 times higher than ant's density in similar habitats occupied by several species. But most opportunist tramp species establish everywhere without particular ecological requirement. Analyses of species co-occurrences at various levels didn't reveal any marked effect of competition in structuring ant's assemblages. We supposed that the lack ofcompetition-derived structure has to be attributed to the dynamic of the system. Indeed, across the successive census of 1996, 2003, 2004 and 2005, species distributions and abundances appeared to be highly variables. In particular harsh conditions occurring in dry season in certain parts seem to be limiting to S. geminatai. We suggest that huge variations in the local distribution of the dominant S. geminata disrupt the community organization. Finally we conducted artificial ant confrontations to evaluate to what extend an aggressive behavior at the worker level maybe linked to the ecological success of a species on the island. S. geminata was rather indifferent when confronted to a submissive species on food sources, suggesting that its competitive dominance is largely due to a numerical superiority. On the other hand M. destructor exhibits a strong agonistic behavior in similar confrontations. As soon as the presence of a competitor is detected, most workers were observed to abandon foraging and to take part in physical aggressions. Since it is still restricted nearby its introduction spot two decades after its arrival, we suggest that the energetic cost of such an aggressive behavior prevent it to spread on that island already highly colonized. Dominant invasive species such as the fire ants S. geminata and W. auropunctata have negative impacts on Galápagos fauna, disturbing the hatching of land tortoises and birds. But very little is known about the impact of other exotic ants. Indeed, impact on arthropods and generally on ground-dwelling organisms is very diffcult to evaluate. As a consequence of the dynamic character of Floreana I. ant community it is difficult to build models or to málce predictions on evolution of introduced ant fauna. But Camponotus macilentus, an abundant endemic species seems today to be little affected by introduced ant species thanks to its strong interference competition ability and its preference for arid and harsh environments. Résumé Les espèces envahissantes représentent, avec la fragmentation du paysage, la plus grande menace pour la biodiversité. L'archipel des Galápagos, comme la plupart des îles du Pacifique, compte un grand nombre d'espèces introduites qui menacent la biodiversité de ce milieu unique.. Les fourmis sont parmi les envahisseurs les plus dévastateurs. Leur organisation sociale leur permet de s'adapter et de se propager pour devenir rapidement abondantes. Nous avons étudié la communauté de fourmis sur l'île de Floreana principalement composée d'espèces introduites (au moins 15). Les introductions se sont succédées au cours du siècle précédent. La dernière espèce recensée est Monomorium destructor introduite dans les années 80. Notre objectif est de mettre à jour les modalités des interactions et de la coexistence de ces espèces introduites. Nous avons mis en évidence la hiérarchie de compétition des différentes espèces à l'aide d'appâts de nourriture. Deux espèces se comportent de façon dominante en monopolisant une part importante des ressources. Ce sont M. destructor, restreintes à un petit périmètre, et la fourmi de feu Solenopsis geminata, largement distribuée sur l'île. Nous avons évalué l'importance relative des facteurs abiotiques et de la compétition interspécifique dans la structuration des peuplements. Des données écologiques ont été collectées et la présence et l'abondance des espèces ont été estimées à l'aide de trois méthodes au sein d'une grande diversité d'habitats. Plusieurs espèces .montrent des préférences soit pour les milieux humides, soit pour les milieux arides. La petite fourmi de feu Wasmannia auropunctata, une espèce connue pour être dévastatrice dans ses sites d'introduction, est présente exclusivement dans les habitats humides dans et à proximité de la zone agricole située dans la partie centrale de l'île. Elle coexiste en plusieurs points avec d'autres espèces mais au sein d'un périmètre restreint elle exclut toute autre fourmi et atteint des densités record au sol presque 70 fois supérieures aux densités de fourmis observées sur les sites voisins occupés par plusieurs espèces. Mais la plupart des espèces vagabondes opportunistes s'établissent partout sans exigences écologiques particulières. Des analyses de cooccurrence d'espèces à plusieurs niveaux n'ont pas révélé de rôle marqué de la compétition dans la structuration des communautés. Nous supposons que l'absence d'une telle structure doit être attribuée à la dynamique du système. En effet, au cours des différents recensements de 1996-1997, 2003, 2004 et 2005, la distribution et l'abondance des espèces était très variable. En particulier, les conditions rudes qui règnent dans la zone aride durant la saison sèche semblent affecter particulièrement S. geminata. Nous suggérons que de fortes variations dans la distribution de l'espèce dominante perturbent l'orgaiùsation des communautés. Finalement nous avons effectué des confrontations artificielles pour évaluer dans quelle mesure un comportement agressif au niveau de l'ouvrière peut être lié au succès écologique d'une espèce sur l'île. S. geminata montre très peu de réaction face à une espèce subordonnée sur une même source de nourriture, ce qui laisse supposer que sa dominance est largement due à sa supériorité numérique. Par contre, dans des conditions similaires, M. destructor est fortement agressive. En présence d'un compétiteur, la plupart des ouvrières renoncent très vite à leur activité de fourragement pour agresser les individus de l'autre espèce. Puisque deux décennies après son introduction elle est toujours confinée à son point d'arrivée, nous supposons que le coût en énergie et en ouvrières de ce comportement très agressif est un obstacle à son expansion sur cette île déjà fortement colonisée. Les espèces envahissantes dominantes comme les fourmis de feu S. geminata et W. auropunctata sont connues pour leur impact négatif sur la faune des Galápagos, entre autre sur les jeunes des tortues terrestres et des oiseaux. Mais nous savons très peu de choses sur l'impact des autres espèces de fourmis introduites. En effet, l'impact sur les arthropodes, et plus généralement sur la faune du sol, est très difficile à évaluer. En raison du caractère dynamique de la communauté de fourmi de Floreana, il est difficile de construire des modèles et de faire des prédictions sur l'évolution des peuplements de fourmis introduites. Mais Camponotus macilentus, une espèce endémique abondante, semble aujourd'hui peu affectée par les espèces introduites grâce à ses capacités de compétition par interférence et sa préférence pour les milieux arides. Resumen Las, especies invasoras representan, junto con la fragmentación del paisaje, la mayor amenaza para la biodiversidad. El archipiélago de Galápagos, como la mayoría de las islas del Pacífico, cuenta con un gran número de especies introducidas que amenazan la biodiversidad de este lugar único. Las hormigas son uno de los invasores más devastadores. Su organización social les permite adaptarse y propagarse para ser rápidamente abundante. Estudiamos la comunidad de hormigas de la isla Floreana principalmente compuesta de especies introducidas (al menos 15). Las introducciones se sucedieron durante el siglo anterior. La última especie contabilizada es Monomorium destructor introducida en los años 80. Nuestro objetivo es poner al día las modalidades de las interacciones y de la coexistencia de estas especies introducidas. Pusimos de relieve la jerarquía de competencia de las distintas especies con ayuda de cebos de comida. Dos especies se implican de manera dominante monopolizando una parte importante de los recursos. Son M. destructor, limitado a un pequeño perímetro, y la hormiga de fuego Solenopsis geminata; ampliamente distribuida por la isla. Evaluamos la importancia relativa de los factores abióticos y de la competencia interespecífica en la estructuración de la communidad. Se recogieron algunos datos ecológicos y se consideraron la presencia y la abundancia de las especies con ayuda de tres métodos en una gran diversidad de hábitats. Varias especies muestran preferencias o por los medios húmedos, o por los medios áridos. La pequeña hormiga de fuego Wasmannia auropunctata, una especie conocida por ser devastadora en sus lugares de introducción, está presente exclusivamente en los hábitats húmedos y cerca de la zona agrícola situada en la parte central de la isla. Coexiste en varios puntos con otras especies pero en un perímetro limitado excluye a cualquier otra hormiga y alcanza densidades en el suelo casi 70 veces superiores a las densidades de hormigas observadas en los lugares vecinos ocupados por varias especies. Pero la mayoría de las especies vagabundas oportunistas se establecen por todas partes sin exigencias ecológicas particulares. Análisis de cooccurrencía de las especies a varios niveles no revelaron una grande importancía de la competencia en la estructuración de las comunidades. Suponemos que la ausencia de tal estructura Bebé ser por la dinámica del sistema. Efectivamente, durante los distintos censos de 1996-1997, 2003,.2004 y 2005, la distribución ? la abundancia de las especies eran muy variables. En particular, las condiciones drásticas que reinan en la zona árida durante la temporada seca parecen afectar especialmente a S. geminata. Sugerimos que fuertes variaciones en la distribución de la especie dominante perturben la organización de las comunidades. Finalmente efectuamos confrontaciones artificiales para evaluar hastá que punto un comportamiento agresivo a nivel de la obrera puede explicar el éxito ecológico de una especie en la isla. S. geminata muestra muy poca reacción ante una especie subordinada mientras comparten la misma comida, lo que deja suponer que su dominancia se debe a su superioridad numérica. Por el contrario, en condiciones similares, M. destructor es muy agresivo. En presencia de otra especie, la mayóría de las obreras renuncian muy rápidamente a alimentarse para atacar a los individuos de la otra especie. Puesto que dos décadas después de su introducción todavía se confina en su punto de llegada, suponemos que el coste en energía y en obreras de este comportamiento muy agresivo es un obstáculo a su extensión en esta isla ya muy colonizada. Las especiés invasoras dominantes como las hormigas de fuego S. geminata y W. auropunctata son conocidas por su impacto negativo en la fauna de Galápagos, entre otras cosas sobre los juveniles de las tortugas terrestres y pájaros. Pero sabemos muy poco sobre el impacto de las otras especies de hormigas introducidas. Efectivamente es muy difïcil de evaluar el impacto en los artrópodos, y más generalmente en la fauna del suelo. Debido al carácter dinámico de la comunidad de hormiga de Floreana, es diEcil construir modelos y hacer predicciones sobre la evolución de las poblaciones de hormigas introducidas. Pero Camponotus macilentus, una especie endémica abundante, parece poco afectadá hoy por las especies introducidas gracias a sus capacidades de competencia por interferencia y su preferencia por los medios áridos.


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Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) encodes a superantigen (SAg) that promotes stable infection and virus transmission. Upon subcutaneous MMTV injection, infected B cells present SAg to SAg-reactive T cells leading to a strong local immune response in the draining lymph node (LN) that peaks after 6 d. We have used the reverse transcriptase inhibitor 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) to dissect in more detail the mechanism of SAg-dependent enhancement of MMTV infection in this system. Our data show that no detectable B or T cell response to SAg occurs in AZT pretreated mice. However, if AZT treatment is delayed 1-2 d after MMTV injection, a normal SAg-dependent local immune response is observed on day 6. Quantitation of viral DNA in draining LN of these infected mice indicates that a 4,000-fold increase in the absolute numbers of infected cells occurs between days 2 and 6 despite the presence of AZT. Furthermore MMTV DNA was found preferentially in surface IgG+ B cells of infected mice and was not detectable in SAg-reactive T cells. Collectively our data suggest that MMTV infection occurs preferentially in B cells without SAg involvement and is completed 1-2 d after virus challenge. Subsequent amplification of MMTV infection between days 2 and 6 requires SAg expression and occurs in the absence of any further requirement for reverse transcription. We therefore conclude that clonal expansion of infected B cells via cognate interaction with SAg-reactive T cells is the predominant mechanism for increasing the level of MMTV infection. Since infected B cells display a memory (surface IgG+) phenotype, both clonal expansion and possibly longevity of the virus carrier cells may contribute to stable MMTV infection.


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Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and is associated with a poor outcome. We were interested in gaining further insight into the potential of targeting the human kinome as a novel approach to sensitize medulloblastoma to chemotherapeutic agents. A library of small interfering RNA (siRNA) was used to downregulate the known human protein and lipid kinases in medulloblastoma cell lines. The analysis of cell proliferation, in the presence or absence of a low dose of cisplatin after siRNA transfection, identified new protein and lipid kinases involved in medulloblastoma chemoresistance. PLK1 (polo-like kinase 1) was identified as a kinase involved in proliferation in medulloblastoma cell lines. Moreover, a set of 6 genes comprising ATR, LYK5, MPP2, PIK3CG, PIK4CA, and WNK4 were identified as contributing to both cell proliferation and resistance to cisplatin treatment in medulloblastoma cells. An analysis of the expression of the 6 target genes in primary medulloblastoma tumor samples and cell lines revealed overexpression of LYK5 and PIK3CG. The results of the siRNA screen were validated by target inhibition with specific pharmacological inhibitors. A pharmacological inhibitor of p110γ (encoded by PIK3CG) impaired cell proliferation in medulloblastoma cell lines and sensitized the cells to cisplatin treatment. Together, our data show that the p110γ phosphoinositide 3-kinase isoform is a novel target for combinatorial therapies in medulloblastoma.


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Background: Varciella Zoster Virus (VZV) can lead to serious complications in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) recipients. Central nervous system (CNS) VZV can be one of the most devastating infections in transplant recipients, yet little is known about this rare disease. Objectives: To describe CNS VZV in the post-transplant period and to define potential risk factors in the HCT population. Methods: We reviewed the course of all patients who received a first HCT at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (FHCRC) in Seattle, WA from 1/1996 through 12/2007. Data were collected retrospectively using the Long-Term Follow-Up database, which includes on-site examinations, outside records, laboratory tests, and yearly questionnaires. Patients were classified as CNS VZV if they had laboratory confirmation of VZV in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or had zoster with associated clinical and laboratory findings consistent with CNS disease. Results: A total of six patients developed VZV CNS disease during the evaluation period (table 1). Diagnosis was confirmed in 3/6 by detection of VZV in CSF by PCR. All other patients had a clinical diagnosis based on the presence of CNS symptoms, zoster, lymphocytic pleiocytosis, and response to IV acyclovir. Patients who developed CNS disease had a mean age of 42 years (range 34-51) at time of transplant. CNS disease developed at a mean of 9 months posttransplantation (range 0.5-24 months), and severity varied, ranging from meningitis (3/6) to encephalitis/myelitis (3/6). All had active graft-versus host disease (GHVD) and all were being treated with immunosuppressive therapy at time of diagnosis. Fever and headache were the most common symptoms, but patients who developed focal CNS findings or seizures (3/6) had a more complicated clinical course. While most patients presented with classic VZV/zoster skin lesions, 2/6 patients had no dermatologic findings associated with their presentation. Four (66%) of patients who developed VZV CNS disease died, two related to VZV complications despite aggressive antiviral therapy. Conclusions: In this cohort of HCT patients, VZV CNS disease was a rare complication. Mortality due to CNS VZV is high, particularly in patients who develop focal neurologic findings or seizures. Even in the absence of skin lesions, VZV CNS disease should be considered in patients who develop fevers and neurologic symptoms.


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During a blood meal, Lutzomyia intermedia sand flies transmit Leishmania braziliensis, a parasite causing tegumentary leishmaniasis. In experimental leishmaniasis, pre-exposure to saliva of most blood-feeding sand flies results in parasite establishment in absence of any skin damages in mice challenged with dermotropic Leishmania species together with saliva. In contrast, pre-immunization with Lu. intermedia salivary gland sonicate (SGS) results in enhanced skin inflammatory exacerbation upon co-inoculation of Lu. intermedia SGS and L. braziliensis. These data highlight potential unique features of both L. braziliensis and Lu. intermedia. In this study, we investigated the genes modulated by Lu. intermedia SGS immunization to understand their potential impact on the subsequent cutaneous immune response following inoculation of both SGS and L. braziliensis. The cellular recruitment and global gene expression profile was analyzed in mice repeatedly inoculated or not with Lu. intermedia. Microarray gene analysis revealed the upregulation of a distinct set of IFN-inducible genes, an immune signature not seen to the same extent in control animals. Of note this INF-inducible gene set was not induced in SGS pre-immunized mice subsequently co-inoculated with SGS and L. braziliensis. These data suggest the parasite prevented the upregulation of this Lu. intermedia saliva-related immune signature. The presence of these IFN-inducible genes was further analyzed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) sampled from uninfected human individuals living in a L. braziliensis-endemic region of Brazil thus regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites. PBMCs were cultured in presence or absence of Lu. intermedia SGS. Using qRT-PCR we established that the IFN-inducible genes induced in the skin of SGS pre-immunized mice, were also upregulated by SGS in PBMCs from human individuals regularly exposed to Lu. intermedia bites, but not in PBMCs of control subjects. These data demonstrate that repeated exposure to Lu. intermedia SGS induces the expression of potentially host-protective IFN-inducible genes.


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ABSTRACT (FRENCH)Ce travail de thèse basé sur le système visuel chez les sujets sains et chez les patients schizophrènes, s'articule autour de trois articles scientifiques publiés ou en cours de publication. Ces articles traitent des sujets suivants : le premier article présente une nouvelle méthode de traitement des composantes physiques des stimuli (luminance et fréquence spatiale). Le second article montre, à l'aide d'analyses de données EEG, un déficit de la voie magnocellulaire dans le traitement visuel des illusions chez les patients schizophrènes. Ceci est démontré par l'absence de modulation de la composante PI chez les patients schizophrènes contrairement aux sujets sains. Cette absence est induite par des stimuli de type illusion Kanizsa de différentes excentricités. Finalement, le troisième article, également à l'aide de méthodes de neuroimagerie électrique (EEG), montre que le traitement des contours illusoires se trouve dans le complexe latéro-occipital (LOC), à l'aide d'illusion « misaligned gratings ». De plus il révèle que les activités démontrées précédemment dans les aires visuelles primaires sont dues à des inférences « top- down ».Afin de permettre la compréhension de ces trois articles, l'introduction de ce manuscrit présente les concepts essentiels. De plus des méthodes d'analyses de temps-fréquence sont présentées. L'introduction est divisée en quatre parties : la première présente le système visuel depuis les cellules retino-corticales aux deux voix du traitement de l'information en passant par les régions composant le système visuel. La deuxième partie présente la schizophrénie par son diagnostic, ces déficits de bas niveau de traitement des stimuli visuel et ces déficits cognitifs. La troisième partie présente le traitement des contours illusoires et les trois modèles utilisés dans le dernier article. Finalement, les méthodes de traitement des données EEG seront explicitées, y compris les méthodes de temps-fréquences.Les résultats des trois articles sont présentés dans le chapitre éponyme (du même nom). De plus ce chapitre comprendra les résultats obtenus à l'aide des méthodes de temps-fréquenceFinalement, la discussion sera orientée selon trois axes : les méthodes de temps-fréquence ainsi qu'une proposition de traitement de ces données par une méthode statistique indépendante de la référence. La discussion du premier article en montrera la qualité du traitement de ces stimuli. La discussion des deux articles neurophysiologiques, proposera de nouvelles d'expériences afin d'affiner les résultats actuels sur les déficits des schizophrènes. Ceci pourrait permettre d'établir un marqueur biologique fiable de la schizophrénie.ABSTRACT (ENGLISH)This thesis focuses on the visual system in healthy subjects and schizophrenic patients. To address this research, advanced methods of analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) data were used and developed. This manuscript is comprised of three scientific articles. The first article showed a novel method to control the physical features of visual stimuli (luminance and spatial frequencies). The second article showed, using electrical neuroimaging of EEG, a deficit in spatial processing associated with the dorsal pathway in chronic schizophrenic patients. This deficit was elicited by an absent modulation of the PI component in terms of response strength and topography as well as source estimations. This deficit was orthogonal to the preserved ability to process Kanizsa-type illusory contours. Finally, the third article resolved ongoing debates concerning the neural mechanism mediating illusory contour sensitivity by using electrical neuroimaging to show that the first differentiation of illusory contour presence vs. absence is localized within the lateral occipital complex. This effect was subsequent to modulations due to the orientation of misaligned grating stimuli. Collectively, these results support a model where effects in V1/V2 are mediated by "top-down" modulation from the LOC.To understand these three articles, the Introduction of this thesis presents the major concepts used in these articles. Additionally, a section is devoted to time-frequency analysis methods not presented in the articles themselves. The introduction is divided in four parts. The first part presents three aspects of the visual system: cellular, regional, and its functional interactions. The second part presents an overview of schizophrenia and its sensoiy-cognitive deficits. The third part presents an overview of illusory contour processing and the three models examined in the third article. Finally, advanced analysis methods for EEG are presented, including time- frequency methodology.The Introduction is followed by a synopsis of the main results in the articles as well as those obtained from the time-frequency analyses.Finally, the Discussion chapter is divided along three axes. The first axis discusses the time frequency analysis and proposes a novel statistical approach that is independent of the reference. The second axis contextualizes the first article and discusses the quality of the stimulus control and direction for further improvements. Finally, both neurophysiologic articles are contextualized by proposing future experiments and hypotheses that may serve to improve our understanding of schizophrenia on the one hand and visual functions more generally.


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AbstractFor a wide range of environmental, hydrological, and engineering applications there is a fast growing need for high-resolution imaging. In this context, waveform tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method able to provide images of pertinent electrical properties in near-surface environments with unprecedented spatial resolution. In contrast, conventional ray-based tomographic methods, which consider only a very limited part of the recorded signal (first-arrival traveltimes and maximum first-cycle amplitudes), suffer from inherent limitations in resolution and may prove to be inadequate in complex environments. For a typical crosshole georadar survey the potential improvement in resolution when using waveform-based approaches instead of ray-based approaches is in the range of one order-of- magnitude. Moreover, the spatial resolution of waveform-based inversions is comparable to that of common logging methods. While in exploration seismology waveform tomographic imaging has become well established over the past two decades, it is comparably still underdeveloped in the georadar domain despite corresponding needs. Recently, different groups have presented finite-difference time-domain waveform inversion schemes for crosshole georadar data, which are adaptations and extensions of Tarantola's seminal nonlinear generalized least-squares approach developed for the seismic case. First applications of these new crosshole georadar waveform inversion schemes on synthetic and field data have shown promising results. However, there is little known about the limits and performance of such schemes in complex environments. To this end, the general motivation of my thesis is the evaluation of the robustness and limitations of waveform inversion algorithms for crosshole georadar data in order to apply such schemes to a wide range of real world problems.One crucial issue to making applicable and effective any waveform scheme to real-world crosshole georadar problems is the accurate estimation of the source wavelet, which is unknown in reality. Waveform inversion schemes for crosshole georadar data require forward simulations of the wavefield in order to iteratively solve the inverse problem. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the source wavelet is critically important for successful application of such schemes. Relatively small differences in the estimated source wavelet shape can lead to large differences in the resulting tomograms. In the first part of my thesis, I explore the viability and robustness of a relatively simple iterative deconvolution technique that incorporates the estimation of the source wavelet into the waveform inversion procedure rather than adding additional model parameters into the inversion problem. Extensive tests indicate that this source wavelet estimation technique is simple yet effective, and is able to provide remarkably accurate and robust estimates of the source wavelet in the presence of strong heterogeneity in both the dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity as well as significant ambient noise in the recorded data. Furthermore, our tests also indicate that the approach is insensitive to the phase characteristics of the starting wavelet, which is not the case when directly incorporating the wavelet estimation into the inverse problem.Another critical issue with crosshole georadar waveform inversion schemes which clearly needs to be investigated is the consequence of the common assumption of frequency- independent electromagnetic constitutive parameters. This is crucial since in reality, these parameters are known to be frequency-dependent and complex and thus recorded georadar data may show significant dispersive behaviour. In particular, in the presence of water, there is a wide body of evidence showing that the dielectric permittivity can be significantly frequency dependent over the GPR frequency range, due to a variety of relaxation processes. The second part of my thesis is therefore dedicated to the evaluation of the reconstruction limits of a non-dispersive crosshole georadar waveform inversion scheme in the presence of varying degrees of dielectric dispersion. I show that the inversion algorithm, combined with the iterative deconvolution-based source wavelet estimation procedure that is partially able to account for the frequency-dependent effects through an "effective" wavelet, performs remarkably well in weakly to moderately dispersive environments and has the ability to provide adequate tomographic reconstructions.


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Glioblastoma (GBM) is a morphologically heterogeneous tumor type with a median survival of only 15 months in clinical trial populations. However, survival varies greatly among patients. As part of a central pathology review, we addressed the question if patients with GBM displaying distinct morphologic features respond differently to combined chemo-radiotherapy with temozolomide. Morphologic features were systematically recorded for 360 cases with particular focus on the presence of an oligodendroglioma-like component and respective correlations with outcome and relevant molecular markers. GBM with an oligodendroglioma-like component (GBM-O) represented 15% of all confirmed GBM (52/339) and was not associated with a more favorable outcome. GBM-O encompassed a pathogenetically heterogeneous group, significantly enriched for IDH1 mutations (19 vs. 3%, p = 0.003) and EGFR amplifications (71 vs. 48%, p = 0.04) compared with other GBM, while co-deletion of 1p/19q was found in only one case and the MGMT methylation frequency was alike (47 vs. 46%). Expression profiles classified most of the GBM-O into two subtypes, 36% (5/14 evaluable) as proneural and 43% as classical GBM. The detection of pseudo-palisading necrosis (PPN) was associated with benefit from chemotherapy (p = 0.0002), while no such effect was present in the absence of PPN (p = 0.86). In the adjusted interaction model including clinical prognostic factors and MGMT status, PPN was borderline nonsignificant (p = 0.063). Taken together, recognition of an oligodendroglioma-like component in an otherwise classic GBM identifies a pathogenetically mixed group without prognostic significance. However, the presence of PPN may indicate biological features of clinical relevance for further improvement of therapy.


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The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in stem-cell maintenance, progenitor cell expansion, and lineage decisions. Transcriptional responses induced by Wnt depend on the association of either beta-catenin or gamma-catenin with lymphoid enhancer factor/T cell factor transcription factors. Here we show that hematopoiesis, including thymopoiesis, is normal in the combined absence of beta- and gamma-catenin. Double-deficient hematopoietic stem cells maintain long-term repopulation capacity and multilineage differentiation potential. Unexpectedly, 2 independent ex vivo reporter gene assays show that Wnt signal transmission is maintained in double-deficient hematopoietic stem cells, thymocytes, or peripheral T cells. In contrast, Wnt signaling is strongly reduced in thymocytes lacking TCF-1 or in nonhematopoietic cells devoid of beta-catenin. These data provide the first evidence that hematopoietic cells can transduce canonical Wnt signals in the combined absence of beta- and gamma-catenin


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Résumé tout public : Le développement du diabète de type II et de l'obésité est causé par l'interaction entre des gènes de susceptibilité et des facteurs environnementaux, en particulier une alimentation riche en calories et une activité physique insuffisante. Afín d'évaluer le rôle de l'alimentation en absence d'hétérogénéité génétique, nous avons nourri une lignée de souris génétiquement pure avec un régime extrêmement gras. Ce régime a conduit à l'établissement de différents phénotypes parmi ces souris, soit : un diabète et une obésité (ObD), un diabète mais pas d'obésité (LD) ou ni un diabète, ni une obésité (LnD). Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que ces adaptations différentes au stress nutritionnel induit par le régime gras étaient dues à l'établissement de programmes génétiques différents dans les principaux organes impliqués dans le maintien de l'équilibre énergétique. Afin d'évaluer cette hypothèse, nous avons développé une puce à ADN contenant approximativement 700 gènes du métabolisme. Cette puce à ADN, en rendant possible la mesure simultanée de l'expression de nombreux gènes, nous a permis d'établir les profils d'expression des gènes caractéristiques de chaque groupe de souris nourries avec le régime gras, dans le foie et le muscle squelettique. Les données que nous avons obtenues à partir de ces profils d'expression ont montré que des changements d'expression marqués se produisaient dans le foie et le muscle entre les différents groupes de souris nourries avec le régime gras. Dans l'ensemble, ces changements suggèrent que l'établissement du diabète de type II et de l'obésité induits par un régime gras est associé à une synthèse accrue de lipides par le foie et à un flux augmenté de lipides du foie jusqu'à la périphérie (muscles squelettiques). Dans un deuxième temps, ces profils d'expression des gènes ont été utilisés pour sélectionner un sous-ensemble de gènes suffisamment discriminants pour pouvoir distinguer entre les différents phénotypes. Ce sous-ensemble de gènes nous a permis de construire un classificateur phénotypique capable de prédire avec une précision relativement élevée le phénotype des souris. Dans le futur, de tels « prédicteurs » basés sur l'expression des gènes pourraient servir d'outils pour le diagnostic de pathologies liées au métabolisme. Summary: Aetiology of obesity and type II diabetes is multifactorial, involving both genetic and environmental factors, such as calory-rich diets or lack of exercice. Genetically homogenous C57BL/6J mice fed a high fat diet (HFD) up to nine months develop differential adaptation, becoming either obese and diabetic (ObD) or remaining lean in the presence (LD) or absence (LnD) of diabetes development. Each phenotype is associated with diverse metabolic alterations, which may result from diverse molecular adaptations of key organs involved in the control of energy homeostasis. In this study, we evaluated if specific patterns of gene expression could be associated with each different phenotype of HFD mice in the liver and the skeletal muscles. To perform this, we constructed a metabolic cDNA microarray containing approximately 700 cDNA representing genes involved in the main metabolic pathways of energy homeostasis. Our data indicate that the development of diet-induced obesity and type II diabetes is linked to some defects in lipid metabolism, involving a preserved hepatic lipogenesis and increased levels of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In skeletal muscles, an increase in fatty acids uptake, as suggested by the increased expression of lipoprotein lipase, would contribute to the increased level of insulin resistance observed in the ObD mice. Conversely, both groups of lean mice showed a reduced expression in lipogenic genes, particularly stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (Scd-1), a gene linked to sensitivity to diet-induced obesity. Secondly, we identified a subset of genes from expression profiles that classified with relative accuracy the different groups of mice. Such classifiers may be used in the future as diagnostic tools of each metabolic state in each tissue. Résumé Développement d'une puce à ADN métabolique et application à l'étude d'un modèle murin d'obésité et de diabète de type II L'étiologie de l'obésité et du diabète de type II est multifactorielle, impliquant à la fois des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux, tels que des régimes riches en calories ou un manque d'exercice physique. Des souris génétiquement homogènes C57BL/6J nourries avec un régime extrêmement gras (HFD) pendant 9 mois développent une adaptation métabolique différentielle, soit en devenant obèses et diabétiques (ObD), soit en restant minces en présence (LD) ou en absence (LnD) d'un diabète. Chaque phénotype est associé à diverses altérations métaboliques, qui pourraient résulter de diverses adaptations moléculaires des organes impliqués dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie énergétique. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué si des profils d'expression des gènes dans le foie et le muscle squelettique pouvaient être associés à chacun des phénotypes de souris HFD. Dans ce but, nous avons développé une puce à ADN métabolique contenant approximativement 700 ADNc représentant des gènes impliqués dans les différentes voies métaboliques de l'homéostasie énergétique. Nos données indiquent que le développement de l'obésité et du diabète de type II induit par un régime gras est associé à certains défauts du métabolisme lipidique, impliquant une lipogenèse hépatique préservée et des niveaux de lipoprotéines de très faible densité (VLDL) augmentés. Au niveau du muscle squelettique, une augmentation du captage des acides gras, suggéré par l'expression augmentée de la lipoprotéine lipase, contribuerait à expliquer la résistance à l'insuline plus marquée observée chez les souris ObD. Au contraire, les souris minces ont montré une réduction marquée de l'expression des gènes lipogéniques, en particulier de la stéaroyl-CoA désaturase 1 (scd-1), un gène associé à la sensibilité au développement de l'obésité par un régime gras. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons identifié un sous-ensemble de gènes à partir des profils d'expression, qui permettent de classifier avec une précision relativement élevée les différents groupes de souris. De tels classificateurs pourraient être utilisés dans le futur comme outils pour le diagnostic de l'état métabolique d'un tissu donné.


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BACKGROUND: The vast majority of the 1.1 million Alu elements are retrotranspositionally inactive, where only a few loci referred to as 'source elements' can generate new Alu insertions. The first step in identifying the active Alu sources is to determine the loci transcribed by RNA polymerase III (pol III). Previous genome-wide analyses from normal and transformed cell lines identified multiple Alu loci occupied by pol III factors, making them candidate source elements. FINDINGS: Analysis of the data from these genome-wide studies determined that the majority of pol III-bound Alus belonged to the older subfamilies Alu S and Alu J, which varied between cell lines from 62.5% to 98.7% of the identified loci. The pol III-bound Alus were further scored for estimated retrotransposition potential (ERP) based on the absence or presence of selected sequence features associated with Alu retrotransposition capability. Our analyses indicate that most of the pol III-bound Alu loci candidates identified lack the sequence characteristics important for retrotransposition. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that Alu expression likely varies by cell type, growth conditions and transformation state. This variation could extend to where the same cell lines in different laboratories present different Alu expression patterns. The vast majority of Alu loci potentially transcribed by RNA pol III lack important sequence features for retrotransposition and the majority of potentially active Alu loci in the genome (scored high ERP) belong to young Alu subfamilies. Our observations suggest that in an in vivo scenario, the contribution of Alu activity on somatic genetic damage may significantly vary between individuals and tissues.