995 resultados para Prescriptions, Drug


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Importance of the field: Conventional dosing methods are frequently unable to deliver the clinical requirement of the patient. The ability to control the delivery of drugs from implanted materials is difficult to achieve, but offers promise in diverse areas such as infection-resistant medical devices and 10 responsive implants for diabetics. Areas covered in this review: This review gives a broad overview of recent progress in the use of triggers that can be used to achieve modulation of drug release rates from implantable biomaterials. In particular, these can be classified as being responsive to one or more of the following stimuli: a 15 chemical species, light, heat, magnetism, ultrasound and mechanical force. What the reader will gain: An overview of the potential for triggered drug delivery to give methods for tailoring the dose, location and time of release of a wide range of drugs where traditional dosing methods are not suitable. Particular emphasis is given to recently reported systems, and important 20 historical reports are included. Take home message: The use of externally or internally applied triggers of drug delivery to biomaterials has significant potential for improved delivery modalities and infection resistance.


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There is a gulf between the enormous information content of the various genome projects and the understanding of the life of the parasite in the host. In vitro studies with adult Schistosoma mansoni using several substrates suggest that the excretory system contains both P-glycoproteins and multiresistance proteins. If both these families of protein were active in vivo, they could regulate parasite metabolism and be responsible for the excretion of drugs. During skin penetration, membrane-impermeant molecules of a wide range of molecular weights can be taken into the cercaria and schistosomulum through the nephridiopore, through the surface membrane or through both. We speculate that this uptake process might stimulate novel signalling pathways involved in growth and development.


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An analogue of the bisphosphonate drug Ibandronate was prepared and coupled via a cleavable ester function to a bromoacetyl linker with specific reactivity for thiol groups. This compound should find useful applications in therapeutic strategies aiming to deliver bisphosphonate drugs specifically to cancer cells making use of proteins as vectors. The specific delivery of bisphosphonates to cancer cells instead of bone, the usual site of accumulation of these cytotoxic drugs, could greatly widen their therapeutic applications.


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Background: Parasitic diseases including malaria, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis take a terrible toll of human life, health and productivity, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, and are also highly significant in animal health worldwide. Antiparasitic drugs are the mainstays of control of most of these diseases, but in many cases current therapies are inadequate and in some the situation is deteriorating because of drug resistance. Microtubules, as essential components of almost all eukaryotic cells, are proven drug targets in many helminth diseases and show promise as targets for the development of new antiprotozoal drugs. Objective: This article reviews the chemistry of the microtubule inhibitors in current use and under investigation as antiparasitic agents, their activities against the major parasites and their mechanisms of action. New directions in both inhibitor chemistry and biological evaluation are discussed. Conclusions: The most promising immediate avenues for discovery and design appear to lie in development of novel benzimidazoles for helminth parasites and compounds based on antimitotic herbicides for protozoal parasites. New understanding from functional genomics, structural biology and microtubular imaging will help accelerate the development of completely novel antiparasitic drugs targeting microtubules.


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A study has been carried out to investigate whether the action of triclabendazole (TCBZ) is altered in the presence of a metabolic inhibitor. The flavin monooxygenase system (FMO) was inhibited using methimazole (MTZ) to see whether a TCBZ-resistant isolate could be made more sensitive to TCBZ action. The Oberon TCBZ-resistant and Cullompton TCBZ-sensitive isolates Were used for these experiments. The FMO system was inhibited by a 2-h pre-incubation in methimazole (100 mu M). Flukes were then incubated for I further 22 h in NCTC medium containing either MTZ; MTZ+nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) (1 nm); MTZ+NADPH+TCBZ (15 mu g/ml); or MTZ+NADPH+triclabendazole sulphoxide (TCBZ.SO) (15 mu g/ml). Morphological changes resulting from drug treatment and following metabolic inhibition were assessed Using scanning electron microscopy'. After treatment with either TCBZ or TCBZ.SO alone, there was greater surface disruption to the triclabendazole-susceptible than -resistant isolate. However, co-incubation with MTZ and TCBZ/TCBZ.SO lead to more severe surface changes to the TCBZ-resistant isolate than with each drug oil its own; this was not seen for the TCBZ-susceptible Cullompton isolate. Results of this study support the concept of altered drug metabolism in TCBZ-Resistant flukes and this process may play a role in the development of drug resistance.


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Venom of the Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) has proven to be an unlikely source of lead compounds (exendins) for the development of new injectable peptide therapeutics for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. However, no systematic searches for new classes of bioactive peptides in lizard venom have appeared until recently. Here we describe the discovery of a new class of peptides – the helokinestatins – from H. suspectum venom, their structural characterisation and that of their biosynthetic precursors from cloned cDNA. In addition, we have subjected members of the family to preliminary pharmacological characterisation. Helokinestatins 1–6 are a family of proline-rich peptides containing 10–15 amino acid residues terminating in a common -Pro-Arg.OH motif. They are encoded in tandem within two virtually identical biosynthetic precursors of 177 and 178 amino acid residues, differing by only a single Pro residue. Each precursor also encodes a single copy of a C-type natriuretic peptide located at the C-terminus. Synthetic replicates of all helokinestatins were shown to be devoid of any direct action on the smooth muscle of rat tail artery but were found to be potent inhibitors of bradykinin-induced relaxation in this preparation in a manner that is suggestive of a non-competitive mechanism. Helokinestatin-3 (VPPPPLQMPLIPR) and helokinestatin-5 (VPPPLQMPLIPR) were found to be most potent in this respect causing almost complete inhibition of bradykinin-induced relaxation. Helokinestatins and BPPs may have a shared evolutionary history but the former do not inhibit ACE. The bradykinin inhibitory potential of helokinestatins may be exploited in the local control of chronic inflammation.


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Polyol sugars, displaying a plurality Of hydroxyl groups, were shown to modulate tetra hydroxyborate (borate) cross-linking in lidocaine hydrochloride containing poly(vinyl alcohol) scini-solid hydrogels. Without polyol, demixing of borate cross-linked PVA hydrogels into two distinct phases was noticeable upon lidocaine hydrochloride addition, preventing further use as a topical System. D-Mannitol incorporation was found to be particularly suitable in cicumventing network constriction induced by ionic and pH effects upon adding the hydrochloride salt of lidocaine. A test formulation (4% w/v lidocaine HCl, 2% W/V D-mannitol, 10% w/v PVA and 2.5%, w/v THB) was shown to constitute an effective delivery system, which was characterised by an initial burst release and a drug release mechanism dependent on temperature, changing from a diffusion-controlled system to one with the properties of a reservoir system. The novel flow properties and innocuous adhesion of PVA-tetrahydroxyborate hydrogels Support their application for drug delivery to exposed epithelial surfaces, Such as lacerated wounds. Furthermore, addition of a polyol, such as mannitol, allows incorporation of soluble salt forms of active therapeutic agents by modulation of cross-linking density. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the solubility of mefenamic acid (MA), a highly cohesive, poorly water-soluble drug in a copolymer of polyoxyethylene–polyoxypropylene (Lutrol F681), and to understand the effect drug polymer solubility has on in vitro dissolution of MA. Solid dispersions (SD) of MA were prepared by a hot melt method, using Lutrol F681 as a thermoplastic polymeric platform. High-speed differential scanning calorimetry (Hyper-DSC), Raman spectroscopy, powder X-ray diffractometry (PXRD) and hot-stage/?uorescence microscopy were used to assess the solubility of the drug in molten and solid polymer. Drug dissolution studies were subsequently conducted on single-phase solid solutions and biphasic SD using phosphate buffer pH 6.8 as dissolution media. Solubility investigations using Hyper-DSC, Raman spectroscopy and hot-stage microscopy suggested MA was soluble in molten Lutrol F681 up to a concentration of 35% (w/w). Conversely, the solubility in the solidstate matrix was limited to<15% (w/w); determined by Raman spectroscopy, PXRD and ?uorescence microscopy. As expected the dissolution properties of MA were signi?cantly in?uenced by the solubility of the drug in the polymer matrix. At a concentration of 10% (w/w) MA (a single phase solid solution) dissolution of MA in phosphate buffer 6.8 was rapid, whereas at a concentration of 50% (w/w) MA (biphasic SD) dissolution was signi?cantly slower. This study has clearly demonstrated the complexity of drug– polymer binary blends and in particular de?ning the solubility of a drug within a polymeric platform. Moreover, this investigation has demonstrated the signi?cant effect drug solubility within a polymeric matrix has upon the in vitro dissolution properties of solid polymer/drug binary blends.


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Many promising therapeutic agents are limited by their inability to reach the systemic circulation, due to the excellent barrier properties of biological membranes, such as the stratum corneum (SC) of the skin or the sclera/cornea of the eye and others. The outermost layer of the skin, the SC, is the principal barrier to topically-applied medications. The intact SC thus provides the main barrier to exogenous substances, including drugs. Only drugs with very specific physicochemical properties (molecular weight <500 Da, adequate lipophilicity, and low melting point) can be successfully administered transdermally. Transdermal delivery of hydrophilic drugs and macromolecular agents of interest, including peptides, DNA, and small interfering RNA is problematic. Therefore, facilitation of drug penetration through the SC may involve by-pass or reversible disruption of SC molecular architecture. Microneedles (MNs), when used to puncture skin, will by-pass the SC and create transient aqueous transport pathways of micron dimensions and enhance the transdermal permeability. These micropores are orders of magnitude larger than molecular dimensions, and, therefore, should readily permit the transport of hydrophilic macromolecules. Various strategies have been employed by many research groups and pharmaceutical companies worldwide, for the fabrication of MNs. This review details various types of MNs, fabrication methods and, importantly, investigations of clinical safety of MN.


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OBJECTOVE - To examine mortality rates and causes of death among subjects diagnosed with type I diabetes aged