993 resultados para Portugal. Rey (1581-1595 : Juan II)
Esta obra es una edición de cuestionarios de repaso y de autoevaluación para su utilización en la asignatura de Laboreo II y Explosivos, impartida en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas de Madrid.
Análisis del proceso de formación de precios en el mercado residencial de Lisboa desde el punto de vista de la eliminación de los aspectos subjetivos de la apreciación por el tasador de las características de los inmuebles
Software testing is a key aspect of software reliability and quality assurance in a context where software development constantly has to overcome mammoth challenges in a continuously changing environment. One of the characteristics of software testing is that it has a large intellectual capital component and can thus benefit from the use of the experience gained from past projects. Software testing can, then, potentially benefit from solutions provided by the knowledge management discipline. There are in fact a number of proposals concerning effective knowledge management related to several software engineering processes. Objective: We defend the use of a lesson learned system for software testing. The reason is that such a system is an effective knowledge management resource enabling testers and managers to take advantage of the experience locked away in the brains of the testers. To do this, the experience has to be gathered, disseminated and reused. Method: After analyzing the proposals for managing software testing experience, significant weaknesses have been detected in the current systems of this type. The architectural model proposed here for lesson learned systems is designed to try to avoid these weaknesses. This model (i) defines the structure of the software testing lessons learned; (ii) sets up procedures for lesson learned management; and (iii) supports the design of software tools to manage the lessons learned. Results: A different approach, based on the management of the lessons learned that software testing engineers gather from everyday experience, with two basic goals: usefulness and applicability. Conclusion: The architectural model proposed here lays the groundwork to overcome the obstacles to sharing and reusing experience gained in the software testing and test management. As such, it provides guidance for developing software testing lesson learned systems.
Este texto apunta algunos aspectos de la labor crítica desarrollada por Juan Daniel Fullaondo como director de Nueva Forma entre 1966 y 1975. En unos años de crisis disciplinar, esta publicación emprendió una revisión del legado arquitectónico español. Ante un panorama editorial aséptico, los textos críticos de Fullaondo aspiraron a mediar en el decurso histórico con el firme convencimiento de que la crítica, como tal, cumple con una función tan real como el de las propias obras construidas. ABSTRACT: This paper studies some aspects of the critical work that Juan Daniel Fullaondo developed at the Spanish magazine Nueva Forma (New Form), which directed from 1966 to 1975. In these critical years, this monthly publication, which was specialized in architecture and art, undertook a revision of the Spanish Architectural legacy. Despite the aseptic editorial panorama, Fullaondo’s texts firmly aspired to mediate in the collective cultural knowledge. His defense on criticism as a specialized discipline made him vindicate that it could have a role in History as real as masterly projects.
Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Abril 1994 18-6
The end-notched flexure (ENF) test calculates the value of mode II fracture energy in adhesive bonding between the substrates of same nature. Traditional methods of calculating fracture energy in the ENF test are not suitable in cases where the thickness of the adhesive is non-negligible compared with adherent thicknesses. To address this issue, a specific methodology for calculating mode II fracture energy has been proposed in this paper. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, the fracture energy was calculated by the ENF test for adhesive bonds between aluminium and a composite material, which considered two different types of adhesive (epoxy and polyurethane) and various surface treatments. The proposed calculation model provides higher values of fracture energy than those obtained from the simplified models that consider the adhesive thickness to be zero, supporting the conclusion that the calculation of mode II fracture energy for adhesives with non-negligible thickness relative to their adherents should be based on mathematical models, such as the method proposed in this paper, that incorporate the influence of this thickness.
Uno de los aspectos que hace más interesante la teoría de juegos, al margen de los resutlados, en algunos casos sorprendentes, es precisamente la posiblidad de intervenir en ámbiros de las ciencias sociales donde un cierto componenete de aleatoriedad es inherente a los mismos, y en los cuales las varibales que intervienen tienen relación con el comportamiento humano, tanto individual como de grupo. De este modo, el desarrollo d ela teoría de juegos llevó al planteamiento de diversos dilemas, generalmente centrados entre la tensión entre conflicto, riesgo o cooperación, que por su aplicación a situaciones muy diversas constituyen una parte significativa de dicha teoría. Entre las más conocidas están: el, ya tratado, dilema del prisionero, el juego del gallina o su versión en términos de la evolución de las especies, conocida com el dilema de halcones y palomas. Dilemas que muestran de alguna manera, la dificultad y al mismo tiempo la posiblidad de estudiar, y en algunos casos determinar, las consecuencias del comportamiento humano, espeicalmente cuando estas consecuencias dependen de la combinación de las estrategias utilizadas por los distintos implicados.
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón
The objective of this study was to assess the potential of visible and near infrared spectroscopy (VIS+NIRS) combined with multivariate analysis for identifying the geographical origin of cork. The study was carried out on cork planks and natural cork stoppers from the most representative cork-producing areas in the world. Two training sets of international and national cork planks were studied. The first set comprised a total of 479 samples from Morocco, Portugal, and Spain, while the second set comprised a total of 179 samples from the Spanish regions of Andalusia, Catalonia, and Extremadura. A training set of 90 cork stoppers from Andalusia and Catalonia was also studied. Original spectroscopic data were obtained for the transverse sections of the cork planks and for the body and top of the cork stoppers by means of a 6500 Foss-NIRSystems SY II spectrophotometer using a fiber optic probe. Remote reflectance was employed in the wavelength range of 400 to 2500 nm. After analyzing the spectroscopic data, discriminant models were obtained by means of partial least square (PLS) with 70% of the samples. The best models were then validated using 30% of the remaining samples. At least 98% of the international cork plank samples and 95% of the national samples were correctly classified in the calibration and validation stage. The best model for the cork stoppers was obtained for the top of the stoppers, with at least 90% of the samples being correctly classified. The results demonstrate the potential of VIS + NIRS technology as a rapid and accurate method for predicting the geographical origin of cork plank and stoppers
II. Urtearen domeca guztiñetaraco berbaldiac
In tunnel construction, as in every engineering work, it is usual the decision making, with incomplete data. Nevertheless, consciously or not, the builder weighs the risks (even if this is done subjectively) so that he can offer a cost. The objective of this paper is to recall the existence of a methodology to treat the uncertainties in the data so that it is possible to see their effect on the output of the computational model used and then to estimate the failure probability or the safety margin of a structure. In this scheme it is possible to include the subjective knowledge on the statistical properties of the random variables and, using a numerical model consistent with the degree of complexity appropiate to the problem at hand, to make rationally based decisions. As will be shown with the method it is possible to quantify the relative importance of the random variables and, in addition, it can be used, under certain conditions, to solve the inverse problem. It is then a method very well suited both to the project and to the control phases of tunnel construction.
The one-dimensional self-similar motion of an initially cold, half-space plasma of electron density n,produced by the (anomalous) absorption of a laser pulse of irradiation
: e = nc/n0 assumed small, Z, (ion charge number), and a parameter a