970 resultados para Portal-vein
Se comentan las características del portal interactivo www.cprtoledo.com. Se pretende crear un foro de debate sobre educación, mejorar la comunicación entre el centro de profesores y el profesorado de su zona de influencia, favorecer el trabajo en equipo, permitir el acceso a múltiples páginas de interés educativo y motivar a los alumnos hacia la investigación y el trabajo en grupo.
Conferència emmarcada dins el IV Workshop BiblioUdG on es presenta el nou portal llibres electrònics de Documenta Universitària
GEOCAMP(http://einstein.uab.es/_c_gr_geocamp/geocamp) és una proposta d'innovació educativa desenvolupada per un equip de professors universitaris vinculats a tres universitats catalanes (UdG, UAB i UPC). GEOCAMP és un portal d'Internet que engloba material docent desenvolupat específicament per optimitzar el procés d'aprenentatge en les activitats de camp de Geologia. El GEOCAMP ha estat emprat abastament per estudiants de les universitats en les quals l'equip d'autors imparteix docència. La seva potencialitat i lliure disposició ha permès que el seu ús es generalitzi a d'altres centres i nivells educatius tant a la resta de l'estat com a l'estranger
Resum de la Jornada 'Biblioteques patrimonials : conservant el futur, construïnt el passat' organitzat per l' Ateneu Barcelonès a l'octubre de 2010. S'incideix en el tractament de les col·leccions especials i els arxius personals i es presenta el nou portal de Fons Especials de la Biblioteca de la UdG
La infraestructura europea ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System), tiene como misión proveer de mediciones de gases de efecto invernadero a largo plazo, lo que ha de permitir estudiar el estado actual y comportamiento futuro del ciclo global del carbono. En este contexto, geomati.co ha desarrollado un portal de búsqueda y descarga de datos que integra las mediciones realizadas en los ámbitos terrestre, marítimo y atmosférico, disciplinas que hasta ahora habían gestionado los datos de forma separada. El portal permite hacer búsquedas por múltiples ámbitos geográficos, por rango temporal, por texto libre o por un subconjunto de magnitudes, realizar vistas previas de los datos, y añadir los conjuntos de datos que se crean interesantes a un “carrito” de descargas. En el momento de realizar la descarga de una colección de datos, se le asignará un identificador universal que permitirá referenciarla en eventuales publicaciones, y repetir su descarga en el futuro (de modo que los experimentos publicados sean reproducibles). El portal se apoya en formatos abiertos de uso común en la comunidad científica, como el formato NetCDF para los datos, y en el perfil ISO de CSW, estándar de catalogación y búsqueda propio del ámbito geoespacial. El portal se ha desarrollado partiendo de componentes de software libre existentes, como Thredds Data Server, GeoNetwork Open Source y GeoExt, y su código y documentación quedarán publicados bajo una licencia libre para hacer posible su reutilización en otros proyecto
In this paper we describe a lightweight Web portal developed for running computational jobs on a IBM JS21 Bladecenter cluster, ThamesBlue, for inferring and analyzing evolutionary histories. We first discuss the need for leveraging HPC as a enabler for molecular phylogenetics research. We go on to describe how the portal is designed to interface with existing open-source software that is typical of a HPC resource configuration, and how by design this portal is generic enough to be portable to other similarly configured compute clusters, and for other applications.
Grid portals are increasingly used to provide uniform access to the grid infrastructure. This paper describes how the P-GRADE Grid Portal could be used in a collaborative manner to facilitate group work and support the notion of Virtual Organisations. We describe the development issues involved in the construction of a collaborative portal, including ensuring a consistent view between participants of a collaborative workflow and management of proxy credentials to allow separate nodes of the workflow to be submitted to different grids.
As part of a large European coastal operational oceanography project (ECOOP), we have developed a web portal for the display and comparison of model and in situ marine data. The distributed model and in situ datasets are accessed via an Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) respectively. These services were developed independently and readily integrated for the purposes of the ECOOP project, illustrating the ease of interoperability resulting from adherence to international standards. The key feature of the portal is the ability to display co-plotted timeseries of the in situ and model data and the quantification of misfits between the two. By using standards-based web technology we allow the user to quickly and easily explore over twenty model data feeds and compare these with dozens of in situ data feeds without being concerned with the low level details of differing file formats or the physical location of the data. Scientific and operational benefits to this work include model validation, quality control of observations, data assimilation and decision support in near real time. In these areas it is essential to be able to bring different data streams together from often disparate locations.
Primary sensory afferent neurons modulate the hyperdynamic circulation in Cirrhotic rats with portal hypertension.The stomach of cirrhotic rats is prone to damage induced by ethanol, a phenomenon associated with reduced gastric hyperemic response to acid-back diffusion. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of ablation of capsaicin-sensitive neurons and the tachykinin NK(1) receptor antagonist A5330 on the susceptibility of the portal hypertensive gastric mucosa, to ethanol-induced injury and its effects on gastric cyclooxygenase (COX) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) mRNA expression. Capsaicin was administered to neonatal, male, Wistar rats and the animals were allowed to grow. Cirrhosis was then induced by bile duct ligation in adult rats while controls had sham operation. Ethanol-induced gastric damage was assessed using ex vivo gastric chamber experiments. Gastric blood flow was measured as well as COX/NOS mRNA expression. Topical application of ethanol produced significant gastric damage in cirrhotic rats compared to controls, which was reversed in capsaicin- and A5330-treated animals. Mean arterial and portal pressure was normalized in capsaicin-treated cirrhotic rats. Capsaicin and A5330 administration restored gastric blood flow responses to topical application of ethanol followed by acid in cirrhotic rats. Differential COX and NOS mRNA expression was noted in bile duct ligated rats relative to controls. Capsaicin treatment significantly modified gastric eNOS/iNOS/COX-2 mRNA expression in cirrhotic rats. Capsaicin-sensitive neurons modulate the susceptibility of the portal hypertensive gastric mucosa to injury induced by ethanol via tachykinin NK(1) receptors and signalling of prostaglandin and NO production/release. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from human umbilical cord vein have great potential for use in cell therapy because of their ease of isolation, expansion, and differentiation, in addition to their relative acceptance from the ethical point of view. Obtaining the umbilical cord at birth does not present any risk to either mother or child. Objective. To isolate and promote in vitro expansion and differentiation of MSCs from human umbilical cord vein into cells with a pancreatic endocrine phenotype. Methods. Mesenchymal stem cells obtained from human umbilical cord vein via collagenase digestion were characterized at cytochemistry and fluorescent-activated cell sorting, and expanded in vitro. Differentiation of MSCs into an endocrine phenotype was induced using high-glucose (23 mmol/L) medium containing nicotinamide, exendin-4, and 2-mercaptoethanol. Expression of insulin, somatostatin, glucagon, and pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 was analyzed using immunofluorescence. Results. Cells isolated from the umbilical cord vein were MSCs as confirmed at cytochemistry and fluorescent-activated cell sorting. Expression of somatostatin, glucagon, and pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 by differentiated cells was demonstrated using immunofluorescence. Insulin was not expressed. Conclusions. The MSC differentiation protocol used in the present study induced expression of some endocrine markers. Insulin was not produced by these cells, probably because of incomplete induction of differentiation.
Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) are surface receptors present in eukaryotic cells that mediate cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Vascular endothelium stimulation in vitro that lead to the upregulation of CAMs was reported for the pathogenic spirochaetes, including rLIC10365 of Leptospira interrogans. In this study, we report the cloning of LIC10507, LIC10508, LIC10509 genes of L interrogans using Escherichia coli as a host system. The rational for selecting these sequences is due to their location in L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni genome that has a potential involvement in pathogenesis. The genes encode for predicted lipoproteins with no assigned functions. The purified recombinant proteins were capable to promote the upregulation of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) and E-selectin on monolayers of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECS). In addition, the coding sequences are expressed in the renal tubules of animal during bacterial experimental infection. The proteins are probably located at the outer membrane of the bacteria since they are detected in detergent-phase of L interrogans Triton X-114 extract. Altogether our data suggest a possible involvement of these proteins during bacterial infection and provide new insights into the role of this region in the pathogenesis of Leptospira. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.