861 resultados para Polietina major


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AimUnderstanding the relative contribution of diversification rates (speciation and extinction) and dispersal in the formation of the latitudinal diversity gradient - the decrease in species richness with increasing latitude - is a main goal of biogeography. The mammalian order Carnivora, which comprises 286 species, displays the traditional latitudinal diversity gradient seen in almost all mammalian orders. Yet the processes driving high species richness in the tropics may be fundamentally different in this group from that in other mammalian groups. Indeed, a recent study suggested that in Carnivora, unlike in all other major mammalian orders, net diversification rates are not higher in the tropics than in temperate regions. Our goal was thus to understand the reasons why there are more species of Carnivora in the tropics. LocationWorld-wide. MethodsWe reconstructed the biogeographical history of Carnivora using a time-calibrated phylogeny of the clade comprising all terrestrial species and dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis models. We also analysed a fossil dataset of carnivoran genera to examine how the latitudinal distribution of Carnivora varied through time. ResultsOur biogeographical analyses suggest that Carnivora originated in the East Palaearctic (i.e. Central Asia, China) in the early Palaeogene. Multiple independent lineages dispersed to low latitudes following three main paths: toward Africa, toward India/Southeast Asia and toward South America via the Bering Strait. These dispersal events were probably associated with local extinctions at high latitudes. Fossil data corroborate a high-latitude origin of the group, followed by late dispersal events toward lower latitudes in the Neogene. Main conclusionsUnlike most other mammalian orders, which originated and diversified at low latitudes and dispersed out of the tropics', Carnivora originated at high latitudes, and subsequently dispersed southward. Our study provides an example of combining phylogenetic and fossil data to understand the generation and maintenance of global-scale geographical variations in species richness.


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Previous studies have shown that over 40% of babies with Down syndrome have a major cardiac anomaly and are more likely to have other major congenital anomalies. Since 2000, many countries in Europe have introduced national antenatal screening programs for Down syndrome. This study aimed to determine if the introduction of these screening programs and the subsequent termination of prenatally detected pregnancies were associated with any decline in the prevalence of additional anomalies in babies born with Down syndrome. The study sample consisted of 7,044 live births and fetal deaths with Down syndrome registered in 28 European population-based congenital anomaly registries covering seven million births during 2000-2010. Overall, 43.6% (95% CI: 42.4-44.7%) of births with Down syndrome had a cardiac anomaly and 15.0% (14.2-15.8%) had a non-cardiac anomaly. Female babies with Down syndrome were significantly more likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared to male babies (47.6% compared with 40.4%, P < 0.001) and significantly less likely to have a non-cardiac anomaly (12.9% compared with 16.7%, P < 0.001). The prevalence of cardiac and non-cardiac congenital anomalies in babies with Down syndrome has remained constant, suggesting that population screening for Down syndrome and subsequent terminations has not influenced the prevalence of specific congenital anomalies in these babies.


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What drove the transition from small-scale human societies centred on kinship and personal exchange, to large-scale societies comprising cooperation and division of labour among untold numbers of unrelated individuals? We propose that the unique human capacity to negotiate institutional rules that coordinate social actions was a key driver of this transition. By creating institutions, humans have been able to move from the default 'Hobbesian' rules of the 'game of life', determined by physical/environmental constraints, into self-created rules of social organization where cooperation can be individually advantageous even in large groups of unrelated individuals. Examples include rules of food sharing in hunter-gatherers, rules for the usage of irrigation systems in agriculturalists, property rights and systems for sharing reputation between mediaeval traders. Successful institutions create rules of interaction that are self-enforcing, providing direct benefits both to individuals that follow them, and to individuals that sanction rule breakers. Forming institutions requires shared intentionality, language and other cognitive abilities largely absent in other primates. We explain how cooperative breeding likely selected for these abilities early in the Homo lineage. This allowed anatomically modern humans to create institutions that transformed the self-reliance of our primate ancestors into the division of labour of large-scale human social organization.


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Two enoxaparin dosage regimens are used as comparators to evaluate new anticoagulants for thromboprophylaxis in patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery, but so far no satisfactory direct comparison between them has been published. Our objective was to compare the efficacy and safety of enoxaparin 3,000 anti-Xa IU twice daily and enoxaparin 4,000 anti-Xa IU once daily in this clinical setting by indirect comparison meta-analysis, using Bucher's method. We selected randomised controlled trials comparing another anticoagulant, placebo (or no treatment) with either enoxaparin regimen for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after hip or knee replacement or hip fracture surgery, provided that the second regimen was assessed elsewhere versus the same comparator. Two authors independently evaluated study eligibility, extracted the data, and assessed the risk of bias. The primary efficacy outcome was the incidence of venous thomboembolism. The main safety outcome was the incidence of major bleeding. Overall, 44 randomised comparisons in 56,423 patients were selected, 35 being double-blind (54,117 patients). Compared with enoxaparin 4,000 anti-Xa IU once daily, enoxaparin 3,000 anti-Xa IU twice daily was associated with a reduced risk of venous thromboembolism (relative risk [RR]: 0.53, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.40 to 0.69), but an increased risk of major bleeding (RR: 2.01, 95% CI: 1.23 to 3.29). In conclusion, when interpreting the benefit-risk ratio of new anticoagulant drugs versus enoxaparin for thromboprophylaxis after major orthopaedic surgery, the apparently greater efficacy but higher bleeding risk of the twice-daily 3,000 anti-Xa IU enoxaparin regimen compared to the once-daily 4,000 anti-Xa IU regimen should be taken into account.


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Lung-volume reduction using coils is an effective and safe treatment for selected patients presenting severe emphysema and hyperinflation. Most complications occur during the first 30 days after the procedure. Although frequent, hemoptysis is usually transient and minor. Antiaggregation therapy is common in patients with emphysema who, very often, have additional tobacco-associated comorbidities. Aspirin is considered safe for most major interventions; however, clopidogrel is mainly contraindicated and considered an exclusion criterion. We present a case of life-threatening hemoptysis caused by dual antiaggregation therapy "accidentally" introduced 3 months after the procedure. So far no recommendations exist on the optimal therapeutic strategy after lung-volume reduction with coils.


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BACKGROUND: Reducing the fraction of transmissions during recent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is essential for the population-level success of "treatment as prevention". METHODS: A phylogenetic tree was constructed with 19 604 Swiss sequences and 90 994 non-Swiss background sequences. Swiss transmission pairs were identified using 104 combinations of genetic distance (1%-2.5%) and bootstrap (50%-100%) thresholds, to examine the effect of those criteria. Monophyletic pairs were classified as recent or chronic transmission based on the time interval between estimated seroconversion dates. Logistic regression with adjustment for clinical and demographic characteristics was used to identify risk factors associated with transmission during recent or chronic infection. FINDINGS: Seroconversion dates were estimated for 4079 patients on the phylogeny, and comprised between 71 (distance, 1%; bootstrap, 100%) to 378 transmission pairs (distance, 2.5%; bootstrap, 50%). We found that 43.7% (range, 41%-56%) of the transmissions occurred during the first year of infection. Stricter phylogenetic definition of transmission pairs was associated with higher recent-phase transmission fraction. Chronic-phase viral load area under the curve (adjusted odds ratio, 3; 95% confidence interval, 1.64-5.48) and time to antiretroviral therapy (ART) start (adjusted odds ratio 1.4/y; 1.11-1.77) were associated with chronic-phase transmission as opposed to recent transmission. Importantly, at least 14% of the chronic-phase transmission events occurred after the transmitter had interrupted ART. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate a high fraction of transmission during recent HIV infection but also chronic transmissions after interruption of ART in Switzerland. Both represent key issues for treatment as prevention and underline the importance of early diagnosis and of early and continuous treatment.


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The difficulty in mimicking nervous system complexity and cell-cell interactions as well as the lack of kinetics information has limited the use of in vitro neurotoxicity data. Here, we assessed the biokinetic profile as well as the neurotoxicity of Amiodarone after acute and repeated exposure in two advanced rodent brain cell culture models, consisting of both neurons and glial cells organized in 2 or 3 dimensions to mimic the brain histiotypic structure and function. A strategy was applied to evidence the abiotic processes possibly affecting Amiodarone in vitro bioavailability, showing its ability to adsorb to the plastic devices. At clinically relevant Amiodarone concentrations, known to induce neurotoxicity in some patients during therapeutic treatment, a complete uptake was observed in both models in 24h, after single exposure. After repeated treatments, bioaccumulation was observed, especially in the 3D cell model, together with a greater alteration of neurotoxicity markers. After 14days, Amiodarone major oxidative metabolite (mono-N-desethylamiodarone) was detected at limited levels, indicating the presence of active drug metabolism enzymes (i.e. cytochrome P450) in both models. The assessment of biokinetics provides useful information on the relevance of in vitro toxicity data and should be considered in the design of an Integrated Testing Strategy aimed to identify specific neurotoxic alerts, and to improve the neurotoxicity assay predictivity for human acute and repeated exposure.


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Metacaspases (MCAs) are cysteine peptidases expressed in plants, fungi and protozoa, with a caspase-like histidine-cysteine catalytic dyad, but differing from caspases, for example, in their substrate specificity. The role of MCAs is subject to debate: roles in cell cycle control, in cell death or even in cell survival have been suggested. In this study, using a Leishmania major MCA-deficient strain, we showed that L. major MCA (LmjMCA) not only had a role similar to caspases in cell death but also in autophagy and this through different domains. Upon cell death induction by miltefosine or H2O2, LmjMCA is processed, releasing the catalytic domain, which activated substrates via its catalytic dyad His/Cys and a proline-rich C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain interacted with proteins, notably proteins involved in stress regulation, such as the MAP kinase LmaMPK7 or programmed cell death like the calpain-like cysteine peptidase. We also showed a new role of LmjMCA in autophagy, acting on or upstream of ATG8, involving Lmjmca gene overexpression and interaction of the C-terminal domain of LmjMCA with itself and other proteins. These results allowed us to propose two models, showing the role of LmjMCA in the cell death and also in the autophagy pathway, implicating different protein domains.


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L'octubre de 2010 es va iniciar un estudi sobre els cartells de la Festa Majar de Vilafranca que esconserven al Centre de Documentació del Museu de les Cultures del Vi de Catalunya (CDV i VINSEUM)de Vilafranca del Penedes. Aquests cartells són part de la documentació grafica que genera aquestafesta i cronológicament se situen entre el 1907 i el 2007.El treball es va dur a terme mitjanc;ant conven i entre el Museu i la Universitat de Barcelona per ala real ització del Practicum del Máster en Direcció de Projectes de Conservació-Restauració ambI'objectiu d'estudiar I'estat de conservació de la Col·lecció de Cartells del CDV i propasar un seguit derecomanacions practiques per a la seva preservació futura.L'interes que va generar aquest primer estudi va donar pas a la necessitat d'aprofundir en lescaracterístiques tecniques deis Cartells de la Col ·lecció. A més, el fet de poder estudiar una col·leccióde cartells cronológicament correlatius i fets en un mateix Iloc geografic, Catalunya, permetria coneixerI'evo!ució tant de les tecniques d'impressió com deis materials utilitzats en la producció de cartells.En I'estudi es plantejaven dos obj ectius principals: en primer lIoc, recollir el maxim d'informaciósobre els mat erials i les tecniques deis cartells; i en segon, plantej ar la possibi litat de relacionarels diferents materials deis cartells amb el seu estat de conservació, intent ant posar de manifest sirealment els elements constitutius del paper I'havien afectat i si ho feien de la mateixa manera endiferents exemplars.


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Introduction: L'hyperglycémie est un phénomène connu chez les patients gravement agressés, et surtout chez ceux nécessitant un séjour aux soins intensifs, alors que l'hypoglycémie est une complication menaçante. Des valeurs de glycémies anormales sont associées avec une mortalité et morbidité augmentées chez les patients de soins intensifs, y compris les grands brûlés. Des glycémies jusqu'à 15mmol/l ont longtemps été tolérées sans traitement. En 2001, une grande étude randomisée a complètement changé les pratiques du contrôle glycémique aux soins intensifs. Van den Berghe et al. ont montré qu'un contrôle glycémique strict atteint au moyen d'une « intensive insulin therapy » (HT) visant une glycémie 4.1-6.0 mmol/l réduisait la mortalité chez les patients chirurgicaux traités plus que 5. Par la suite plusieurs études contradictoires ont questionné la validité externe de l'étude de Louvain: avec la publication de l'étude « NICE-SUGAR » en 2009 enrôlant plus de 6000 patients cette hypothèse a été réfutée, aboutissant à un contrôle modéré de la glycémie (6-8 mmol/l). Bien que plusieurs études sur le contrôle glycémique aient également inclus quelques patients brûlés, à ce jour il n'y a pas de recommandation ferme concernant la gestion de la glycémie chez les patients brûlés adultes. Le but de l'étude était d'évaluer la sécurité du protocole de contrôle de la glycémie qui avait été introduit aux soins intensifs adultes chez des patients grand brûlés nécessitant un traitement prolongé aux soins intensifs. Méthodes : 11 s'agit d'une étude rétrospective uni-centrique sur des patients brûlés admis aux soins intensifs du CHUV à Lausanne entre de 2000 à juin 2014. Critères d'inclusions : Age >16 ans, brûlures nécessitant un traitement aux soins intensifs >10 jours. Critères d'exclusion : Décès ou transfert hors des soins intensifs <10 jours. Les investigations ont été limitées aux 21 premiers jours de l'hospitalisation aux soins intensifs. Variables : Variables démographiques, surface brûlée (TBSA), scores de sévérité, infections, durée d'intubation, durée du séjour aux soins intensifs, mortalité. Variables métaboliques : Administration totale de glucides, énergie et insuline/2411, valeurs de glycémie artérielle et CRP. Quatre périodes (P) ont été analysées, correspondant à l'évolution du protocole de contrôle de glycémie du service. P1: Avant son introduction (2000-2001) ; P2: Contrôle glycémie serré géré par les médecins (2002-2006) ; P3: Contrôle glycémie serré géré par lés infirmières (2007-2010); P4: Contrôle modéré géré par les infirmières (2011-2014). Les limites glycémiques ont été définis de manière suivante: Hypoglycémie extrême <2.3mmol/l ; hypoglycémie modéré <4.0mmol/l ; hyperglycémie modérée 8.1-10.0mmol/l ; hyperglycémie sévère >10.0mmol/l. Toutes les valeurs de glycémies artérielles ont été extraites depuis le système informatisé des soins intensifs (MetaVision ®). Statistiques: Wilcoxon rank test, Two- way Anova, Tuckey Kramer test, area under the curve (AUC), Spearman's test et odds ratio. STATA 12 1 ' StataCorp, College station, TX, USA and JPM V 10.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Résultats: Sur les 508 patients brûlés admis durant la période étudiée, 229 patients correspondaient aux critères d'inclusion, âgés de 45±20ans (X±SD) et brûlés sur 32±20% de la surface corporelle. Les scores de sévérité sont restés stables. Au total 28'690 glycémies artérielles ont été analysées. La valeur médiane de glycémie est restée stable avec une diminution progressive de la variabilité intra-patient. Après initiation du protocole, les valeurs normoglycémiques ont augmenté de 34.7% à 65.9% avec diminution des événements hypoglycémiques (pas d'hypoglycémie extrême en P4). Le nombre d'hyperglycémies sévères est resté stable durant les périodes 1 à 3, avec une diminution en P4 (9.25%) : les doses d'insuline ont aussi diminué. L'interprétation des résultats de P4 a été compliquée par une diminution concomitante des apports d'énergie et de glucose (p<0.0001). Conclusions: L'application du protocole destiné aux patients de soins intensifs non brûlés a amélioré le contrôle glycémique chez les patients adultes brûlés, aboutissant à une diminution significative de la variabilité des glycémies. Un contrôle modéré de la glycémie peut être appliqué en sécurité, considérant le nombre très faible d'hypoglycémies. La gestion du protocole par les infirmières s'avère plus sûre qu'un contrôle par les médecins, avec diminution des hypoglycémies. Cependant le nombre d'hyperglycémies reste trop élevé. L'hyperglycémie' n'est pas contrôlable uniquement par l'administration d'insuline, mais nécessite également une approche multifactorielle comprenant une optimisation de la nutrition adaptée aux besoins énergétiques élevés des grands brûlés. Plus d'études seront nécessaire pour mieux comprendre la complexité du mécanisme de l'hyperglycémie chez le patient adulte brûlé et pour en améliorer le contrôle glycémique.


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Long-term relative sea-level cycles (0 5 to 6 Myr) have yet to be fully understood for the Cretaceous. During the Aptian, in the northern Maestrat Basin (Eastern Iberian Peninsula), fault-controlled subsidence created depositional space, but eustasy governed changes in depositional trends. Relative sea-level history was reconstructed by sequence stratigraphic analysis. Two forced regressive stages of relative sea-level were recognized within three depositional sequences. The first stage is late Early Aptian age (intra Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) and is characterized by foreshore to upper shoreface sedimentary wedges, which occur detached from a highstand carbonate platform, and were deposited above basin marls. The amplitude of relative sea-level drop was in the order of tens of metres, with a duration of <1 Myr. The second stage of relative sea-level fall occurred within the Late Aptian and is recorded by an incised valley that, when restored to its pre-contractional attitude, was >2 km wide and cut 115 m down into the underlying Aptian succession. With the subsequent transgression, the incision was back-filled with peritidal to shallow subtidal deposits. The changes in depositional trends, lithofacies evolution and geometric relation of the stratigraphic units characterized are similar to those observed in coeval rocks within the Maestrat Basin, as well as in other correlative basins elsewhere. The pace and magnitude of the two relative sea-level drops identified fall within the glacio-eustatic domain. In the Maestrat Basin, terrestrial palynological studies provide evidence that the late Early and Late Aptian climate was cooler than the earliest part of the Early Aptian and the Albian Stage, which were characterized by warmer environmental conditions. The outcrops documented here are significant because they preserve the results of Aptian long-term sea-level trends that are often only recognizable on larger scales (i.e. seismic) such as for the Arabian Plate.


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Long-term relative sea-level cycles (0 5 to 6 Myr) have yet to be fully understood for the Cretaceous. During the Aptian, in the northern Maestrat Basin (Eastern Iberian Peninsula), fault-controlled subsidence created depositional space, but eustasy governed changes in depositional trends. Relative sea-level history was reconstructed by sequence stratigraphic analysis. Two forced regressive stages of relative sea-level were recognized within three depositional sequences. The first stage is late Early Aptian age (intra Dufrenoyia furcata Zone) and is characterized by foreshore to upper shoreface sedimentary wedges, which occur detached from a highstand carbonate platform, and were deposited above basin marls. The amplitude of relative sea-level drop was in the order of tens of metres, with a duration of <1 Myr. The second stage of relative sea-level fall occurred within the Late Aptian and is recorded by an incised valley that, when restored to its pre-contractional attitude, was >2 km wide and cut 115 m down into the underlying Aptian succession. With the subsequent transgression, the incision was back-filled with peritidal to shallow subtidal deposits. The changes in depositional trends, lithofacies evolution and geometric relation of the stratigraphic units characterized are similar to those observed in coeval rocks within the Maestrat Basin, as well as in other correlative basins elsewhere. The pace and magnitude of the two relative sea-level drops identified fall within the glacio-eustatic domain. In the Maestrat Basin, terrestrial palynological studies provide evidence that the late Early and Late Aptian climate was cooler than the earliest part of the Early Aptian and the Albian Stage, which were characterized by warmer environmental conditions. The outcrops documented here are significant because they preserve the results of Aptian long-term sea-level trends that are often only recognizable on larger scales (i.e. seismic) such as for the Arabian Plate.


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Soitinnus: Ork