943 resultados para Permanents residents
OBJECTIVE: To assess the determinants of opinions regarding tobacco control policies in the Swiss general population. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006 on a random sample of adult residents of Lausanne, Switzerland, aged 35-75 years (2601 women and 2398 men). Nine questions on smoking policies were applied. RESULTS: Ninety-five percent of responders supported policies that would help smokers to quit, 92% no selling of tobacco to subjects aged less than 16 years, 87% a smoking ban in public places and 86% a national campaign against smoking. A further 77% supported a total ban on tobacco advertising, 74% the reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies and 70% an increase in the price of cigarettes. A lower support was found for two non-evidence-based interventions total ban of tobacco sales (35%) and promotion of light cigarettes (22%). Never smokers, women, physically active subjects, teetotallers and subjects with lower educational level were more likely to favour stronger measures while no differences were found between age groups. Reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies was favoured more by current smokers and inactive subjects. CONCLUSION: The vast majority of responders supported the recommended tobacco control policies. Opinions regarding specific interventions vary according to the policy and subjects' characteristics.
Résumé Amédée VIII, premier comte de Savoie à accéder au titre ducal en 1416, est bien connu pour avoir édicté les Statuta Sabaudie en 1430, pour être devenu ermite à Ripaille près de Thonon en 1434 et, enfin, pour avoir été élu antipape en 1439 sous le nom de Félix V. Mais ce sont surtout ses capacités de fin diplomate qui émergent de l'historiographie. Amédée VIII a en effet su rester en dehors de la guerre de Cent Ans en arbitrant les différentes parties entre 1407 et 1435, puis en continuant son oeuvre d'intermédiaire en Italie jusqu'en 1438. Loin d'être désintéressée, cette activité diplomatique a été utilisée à bon escient pour les propres intérêts du duché. Cette importante activité diplomatique s'est traduite par un nombre élevé d'ambassades envoyées auprès des protagonistes des différents conflits. La politique matrimoniale d'Amédée VIII, visant à un potentiel agrandissement du duché, a généré un tout aussi considérable va-et-vient. Néanmoins, les acteurs des négociations, qu'il s'agisse d'ambassadeurs, d'officiers ou de messagers, ainsi que les modalités pratiques et matérielles de leurs missions, ont totalement été négligés, les historiens s'étant surtout attelés à reconstituer les événements politiques et à vanter l'habileté diplomatique d'Amédée VIII. En étudiant l'exceptionnelle série de comptes conservée aux Archives d'Etat de Turin, les documents émanant des notaires ducaux ou de la Chambre, ainsi que les recueils d'instructions, il résulte qu'Amédée VIII a organisé les voyages de ses officiers au niveau législatif, administratif, financier et pratique, afin d'en faire un instrument de pouvoir et de gouvernement maîtrisé et performant. L'enjeu est en effet fondamental: au niveau international, les ambassadeurs permanents n'existant pas encore, chaque négociation est tributaire d'un voyage pour faire valoir ses droits, protéger ou élargir ses frontières, négocier un mariage, s'assurer une aide militaire ou signer un traité de paix. Les Statuta Sabaudiae sont ainsi les premiers édits savoyards conservés à évoquer les ambassadeurs. La création de dossiers diplomatiques organisés autour des négociations avec un Etat, notamment Milan, met aussi en lumière cette nécessité de contrôler l'intense activité diplomatique déployée par Amédée VIII. La bonne gestion de la diplomatie passe donc également par un important effort de classification de la documentation qu'elle génère en de véritables archives diplomatiques. De même, il ressort très clairement que la diplomatie d'Amédée VIII s'appuie sur une utilisation particulièrement ciblée de ses officiers. Le duc utilise ainsi au mieux les compétences de chacun, qu'il soit question d'ambassadeurs devant traiter de négociations capitales ou de simples chevaucheurs. Dans le cas des légats, c'est principalement dans l'entourage direct du prince qu'ils sont choisis, parmi les conseillers ou les officiers. Ils bénéficient de la confiance de leur seigneur et sont en plus au fait de la situation politique environnante. Les ambassades savoyardes sont d'ailleurs principalement composées d'après un modèle alliant le prestige de la noblesse aux capacités juridiques. Dans ce sens, les légations unissant un officier noble à un juriste sont monnaie courante. Le premier pourra briller au sein de la cour par sa maîtrise du cérémonial, tandis que le second veillera aux problèmes liés au droit et à la rédaction des actes. Amédée VIII pratique également une diplomatie de continuité en envoyant régulièrement les mêmes ambassadeurs auprès d'un seigneur. Ce procédé tend à instaurer un climat de confiance entre les deux parties, le souvenir personnel étant un facteur parfois fondamental lors de négociations. Il donne en outre aux envoyés du duc l'avantage de suivre un même dossier sur une longue période et, ainsi, d'en maîtriser les moindres aspects. Au fil des missions naissent ainsi de véritables spécialistes d'un Etat ou d'affaires particulières. Ces derniers ne sont toutefois pas cantonnés à gérer un seul type de négociation, bien que l'on puisse définir des traits particuliers. Devenu pape, Amédée VIII gardera néanmoins, jusqu'à sa mort en 1451, une influence prépondérante sur son fils Louis dépourvu de son sens aigu de la diplomatie. Le principat de Louis ne peut donc être envisagé séparément de celui de son père. Louis conservera d'ailleurs les supports établis par Amédée VIII pour son appareil diplomatique. Le nouveau duc devra cependant affronter de lourds déboires financiers et une grande instabilité du personnel administratif qui déboucheront in fine sur un refus du voyage diplomatique de la part de certains officiers, remettant ainsi en cause le service du prince.
In the last decades, the globalized competition among cities and regions made them develop new strategies for branding and promoting their territory to attract tourists, investors, companies and residents. Major sports events - such as the Olympic Games, the FIFA World Cup or World and Continental Championships - have played an integral part in these strategies. Believing, with or without evidence, in the capacity of those events to improve the visibility and the economy of the host destination, many cities, regions and even countries have engaged in establishing sports events hosting strategies. The problem of the globalized competition in the sports events "market" is that many cities and regions do not have the resources - either financial, human or in terms of infrastructure - to compete in hosting major sports events. Consequently, many cities or regions have to turn to second-tier sports events. To organise those smaller events means less media coverage and more difficulty in finding sponsors, while the costs - both financial and in terms of services - stay high for the community. This paper analyses how Heritage Sporting Events (HSE) might be an opportunity for cities and regions engaged in sports events hosting strategies. HSE is an emerging concept that to date has been under-researched in the academic literature. Therefore, this paper aims to define the concept of HSE through an exploratory research study. A multidisciplinary literature review reveals two major characteristics of HSEs: the sustainability in the territory and the authenticity of the event constructed through a differentiation process. These characteristics, defined through multiple variables, give us the opportunity to observe the construction process of a sports event into a heritage object. This paper argues that HSEs can be seen as territorial resources that can represent a competitive advantage for host destinations. In conclusion, academics are invited to further research HSEs to better understand their construction process and their impacts on the territory, while local authorities are invited to consider HSEs for the branding and the promotion of their territory.
This thesis analyses what local community theatre activity means to an area and its residents, and whether this kind of activity is meaningful. The objective was to explore whether and how community art can help urban areas to move in the direction of sustainable development: whether art can be part of regional policy development work. Hakunilan Kultsa was founded in 2003. It is an Urban II, European Union project and part of the Community Iniative Programme 2001-2006, financed by the EU. Hakunilan Kultsa is also a co-operation between Vantaa city council's culture and youth services. The project encourages Hakunila residents of different ages to take part in versatile art and cultural intrests in the Hakunila youth centre. People have the opportunity to participate in theatre, expression, arts, dance, performing arts and writing groups. One of the main aims is to found a sustainable community theatre in the area. The thesis examines what effects Hakunilan Kultsa has had so far. Inquiry form and thematical interviews have been used as research methods. Interviews and questionnaires were gathered between Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005. The whole process lasted from Spring 2004 until Spring 2006. The author also made participatory observations during the research process which in turn affected the conclusions. The thesis also deals with associated topics such as urban programmes, sustainable development, Hakunila as a suburban area, resident stimulation, and community thetare work. Hakunilan Kultsa has proved its importance. Based on the enquiries and interviews, the project has effectively presented the possibility for art forms to become hobbies. There is no cultural, age or economical discrimination. The easily accessible site and the low threshold principle make it easy for people to participate. The community theatre has improved the area's public image, increased participation and initiative, and given a voice to the community.
Viatjar, conèixer noves cultures, endinsar-se en aventures inoblidables,descobrir noves experiències... Aquestes són tan sols algunes de lesmotivacions que impulsen als éssers humans a dur a terme una deles activitats més importants al nostre país i sobretot a les Illes Balears: el turisme.Però, és aquesta activitat beneficiosa per totes les parts? Es tracta d’unaactivitat respectuosa amb el medi ambient? És el turisme, avui dia, el principalmotor de l’economia balear? En què consisteix això que en diuen turismesostenible? Existeix aquest turisme a les Illes?Preguntes com aquestes són les que ens hem plantejat a l’hora de realitzaraquest estudi i a les quals intentarem donar resposta al llarg del nostre treball.Aquestes qüestions van més enllà de preguntes merament teòriques ja quesón realment preocupants pel govern i residents Balears. Per aquesta raó varemescollir desenvolupar aquest tema, amb el clar objectiu de fer palès fins quin puntés perjudicial continuar amb la tendència turística de sol i platja d’aquests últimsanys. Dos dels membres de l’equip han viscut en primera persona lesconseqüències d’aquest tipus de turisme a les Illes Balears, motiu que ens haincentivat a l’hora de buscar alternatives per poder conservar tot allò quecaracteritza aquesta comunitat autònoma, que a la llarga d’aquests anys s’haanat degradant.Sota les perspectives d’entendre la importància del turisme, la seva estructurai el seu funcionament, hem cregut necessari introduir diversos punts que ens hanpermès crear alternatives que combinin cultura, medi ambient i turisme.La primera etapa del nostre treball ha estat la que podríem denominar fased’anàlisi. En aquesta, hem realitzat una investigació sobre la importància que téactualment el turisme a les Balears. Hem cregut oportú definir el concepte desostenibilitat per tal d’aplicar-lo millor al sector turístic i seguidament identificar enquina situació es troba aquest sector a les Illes, veient les coincidències amb elmodel de Butler.Un cop fet l’anàlisi i situats en el context s’ha procedit a plantejar la hipòtesisdel treball, completant-la amb un anàlisi DAFO.Per poder oferir altres possibilitats ens calia saber quin era el perfil de turistaque visita cada illa i exemplificar-ho amb un hotel concret de l’illa de Menorca.Una vegada finalitzat això i observant els resultats, s’ha proposat unturisme alternatiu al que existeix actualment, amb la finalitat de que aquestaelecció no hipotequi les generacions futures.Amb la intenció d’assolir aquest objectiu, hem elaborat un paquet turísticsota la idea de sostenibilitat que alhora s’adeqüi al perfil del visitant de les Illes deMenorca i Eivissa analitzat prèviament.Dit això, convidem al lector a descobrir el sector turístic de les IllesBalears...OBJECTIUS DEL TREBALLAmb la finalitat de facilitar la lectura i la comprensió del nostre treball hemcregut adient afegir aquest punt on especifiquem de forma sistemàtica elsobjectius d’aquest.L’objectiu principal del treball és donar un nou enfocament al turismebalear, és a dir, crear un turisme sostenible que permeti conservar tant elpatrimoni cultural com natural. El que es pretén fer amb l’anàlisi i els diferentsestudis és demostrar que el turisme de les Illes es troba en una fased’estancament. És per això que hem mirat en quina etapa del model de Butler estroba el sector turístic de les Illes i hem intentat esbrinar el perquè, per poderoferir altres alternatives.Un cop vist que ens trobem en una fase d’estancament, hem procedit al’elaboració de dos paquets turístics sostenibles per les Illes d’Eivissa i Menorca.Concretament hem volgut oferir l’alternativa en aquestes dues Illes perquè són lesque pateixen més l’estacionalitat de manera que és també una proposta peracabar amb aquest problema, a banda d’oferir altres activitats al turista.Cal dir però, que amb aquestes alternatives que oferim no pretenemeliminar percomplet el turisme de sol i platja. Som conscients de que l’afluènciade visitants es deu en gran part al clima i medi ambient que ofereixen les Illes.Per això, ens veiem obligats a relacionar turisme i medi ambient, ja que si volemconservar l’afluència de turistes, hem de conservar primerament el medi.
The goal of this paper is to study the e¤ects of globalization on the workings of financial markets. We adopt a "technological" view of globalization, which consists of an exogenous reduction in the cost of shipping goods across di¤erent regions of the world. We model financial markets where agents anonymously trade securities issued by every other agent in the world. In the absence of frictions, we show how globalization creates trade opportunities among residents of different regions of the world, thereby raising welfare. In the presence of sovereign risk, however, there emerge two crucial interactions between trade among residents within a region and trade among residents of di¤erent regions. First, the more residents within a region trade with each other, the more they can trade with residents of other regions. Second, the possibility of trade with residents of other regions sometimes leads a government to not enforce payments by its residents, destroying trade opportunities among residents within the region. The net effect on welfare of this process of creation and destruction of trade opportunities is ambiguous. We argue that there are no policies governments can take to avoid the negative effects of globalization on trade among domestic residents. In a dynamic extension, we analyze how our results are a¤ected by reputational considerations.
This paper estimates the effect of judicial institutions on governance at the local level in Brazil. Our estimation strategy exploits a unique institutional feature of state judiciary branches which assigns prosecutors and judges to the most populous among contiguous counties forming a judiciary district. As a result of this assignment mechanism there are counties with nearly identical populations, some with and some without local judicial presence, which we exploit to impute counterfactual outcomes. Conditional on observable county characteristics, offenses per civil servant are about 35% lower in counties that have a local seat of the state judiciary. The lower incidence of infractions stems mostly from fewer violations of financial management regulations by local administrators, fewer instances of problems in project execution and project managment, fewer cases of non-existent or ineffective civil society oversight and fewer cases of improper handling of remittances to local residents.
Many metropolitan areas have experienced extreme boom-bust cycles over the past century. Some places, like Detroit, grew enormously as industrial powerhouses and then declined, while other older cities, like Boston, seem quite resilient. Education does a reasonable job of explaining urban resilience. In this paper, we present a simple model where education increases the level of entrepreneurship. In this model, human capital spillovers occur at the city level because skilled workers produce more product varieties and thereby increase labor demand. We decompose empirically the causes of the connection between skills and urban success and find that skills are associated with growth in productivity or entrepreneurship, not with growth in quality of life, at least outside of the West. We also find that skills seem to have depressed housing supply growth in the West, but not in other regions, which supports the view that educated residents in that region have fought for tougher land-use controls. We also present evidence that skills have had a disproportionately large impact on unemployment during the current recession.
In the new book series 'ESASO Course Series', the essentials of the courses of the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) are made available to interested ophthalmologists, optometrists, technicians and residents all over the world. In this volume, the seminars on surgical retina presented by renowned experts during ESASO's activities are collected. Many specialists have contributed their knowledge to make this volume a device to give practical support. The topics range from prevention to state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and the latest surgical treatment options for many eye conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. This publication provides the ophthalmologist with the main aspects of surgical retina in a simple and practical update.
A cross-sectional, epidemiological study aimed to estimate the prevalence of burden among family caregivers of impaired elderly residents in the city of João Pessoa, and to identify associations between the mean burden and social and demographic characteristics of the elderly and the caregivers. A total number of 240 elderly residents in a previously drawn census tract participated in this research. The sample was composed of 52 elderly and their caregivers. For data collection, a questionnaire was applied with questions on social and demographic characteristics of elderly and caregivers, and the Burden Interview Scale was used. Results showed a high prevalence of burden among caregivers (84.6%), in which a statistically significant association was found with the following characteristics: retired elderly, elderly as head of family, spousal caregivers, and caregivers with less education. The findings of this study may contribute to the development of activities focused on formal and emotional support for the caregivers.
We investigate the coevolution between philopatry and altruism in island-model populations when kin recognition occurs through phenotype matching. In saturated environments, a good discrimination ability is a necessary prerequisite for the emergence of sociality. Discrimination decreases not only with the average phenotypic similarity between immigrants and residents (i.e., with environmental homogeneity and past gene flow) but also with the sampling variance of similarity distributions (a negative function of the number of traits sampled). Whether discrimination should rely on genetically or environmentally determined traits depends on the apportionment of phenotypic variance and, in particular, on the relative values of e (the among-group component of environmental variance) and r (the among-group component of genetic variance, which also measures relatedness among group members). If r exceeds e, highly heritable cues do better. Discrimination and altruism, however, remain low unless philopatry is enforced by ecological constraints. If e exceeds r, by contrast, nonheritable traits do better. High e values improve discrimination drastically and thus have the potential to drive sociality, even in the absence of ecological constraints. The emergence of sociality thus can be facilitated by enhancing e, which we argue is the main purpose of cue standardization within groups, as observed in many social insects, birds, and mammals, including humans.
This study aimed to investigate the sociodemographic, clinical and behavioral factors and receiving information about the vaccine against pandemic influenza A (H1N1) associated with vaccination of elderly people. Study of quantitative and transversal nature, in which 286 elderly residents in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil participated. The association between variables was analyzed by the Pearson chi-square test, considering a 95% confidence interval and significance level (p≤0.05). The results revealed that, unlike the sociodemographic characteristics, many clinical, behavioral and informational aspects correlated significantly with adherence to Influenza A (H1N1) vaccination. It is believed that the findings can be used in strategies to control and prevent infection by viral subtypes within the elderly population, extensible even to other vaccine-preventable diseases, especially in light of possible future pandemics.
Vigorous and Healthy woodlands in Iowa have the unique distinction of being able to provide a wealth of benefits for the landowner and residents of the state. Benefits from a healthy forest include timber and wood resources, watershed protection, fragile site protection, wildlife and bird habitat, aesthetics and beauty, and recreational opportunities.
Insomnia Symptoms, Daytime Naps And Physical Leisure Activities In The Elderly: FIBRA Study Campinas
The practice of physical activities contributes to reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improves sleep patterns in the elderly. This research aimed to investigate the association between insomnia symptoms and daytime nap and the participation in physical leisure activities in elderly community residents. Data from the Studies Network of the Fragility in Brazilian Elderly (Campinas site), were used. Information from 689 elderly was analyzed, regarding sociodemographic characterization, physical leisure activity, occurrence of daytime napping and its duration, symptoms of insomnia and use of sleep medication. A significant association was found between the practice of walking and the daytime nap of short duration. Studies indicate that a short nap can benefit the quality of sleep and health of the elderly. Therefore, promoting the practice of walking can be a nursing intervention that favors the sleep patterns of the elderly.
The current issue of deportation is a global concern that is demanding the attention of human rights leaders, activists and global citizens. Small island nations, such as, the Cape Verde Islands, are experiencing difficulties reintegrating deported immigrants arriving from both the United States and Europe. According to the Consulate of Cape Verde’s database, one Cape Verdean immigrant was deported in 1987. Twenty years later, 108 deportation cases are pending—the highest number of pending cases to date. This issue is a reflection of the Western countries’ immigration and human rights policies that are affecting many developing countries. This capstone research focuses primarily on the reintegration program managed by the Cape Verdean government, the reintegration process of the deported immigrants from the United States and the islanders’ experiences throughout this process. This issue is examined through the eyes of a Cape Verdean immigrant living in the United States witnessing first hand the negative impacts these immigration policies have had, and continue to have, in the Cape Verdean community in the United States and in Cape Verde. Research was collected through various formal and informal interviews and published documents on this topic. Analysis of the data has revealed that the government’s reintegration program is experiencing difficulties with implementation and financial sustainability. Moreover, the deportees’ reintegration experience varied based on access to government assistance and their interaction with island residents. Subsequently, it is recommended that the reintegration program be evaluated with the purpose to reorganize under new leadership.