860 resultados para People with disabilities in the civil service
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether a difference exists in coronary heart disease clinical manifestations and the prevalence of risk factors between Japanese immigrants and their descendents in the city of São Paulo. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of coronary artery disease clinical manifestations and the prevalence of risk factors, comparing 128 Japanese immigrants (Japanese group) with 304 Japanese descendents (Nisei group). RESULTS: The initial manifestation of the disease was earlier in the Nisei group (mean = 53 years), a difference of 12 years when compared with that in the Japanese group (mean = 65 years) (P<0.001). Myocardial infarction was the first manifestation in both groups (P = 0.83). The following parameters were independently associated with early coronary events: smoking (OR = 2.25; 95% CI = 1.35-3.77; P<0.002); Nisei group (OR = 10.22; 95% CI = 5.64-18.5; P<0.001); and female sex (OR = 5.04; 95% CI = 2.66-9.52; P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The clinical presentation of coronary heart disease in the Japanese and their descendents in the city of São Paulo was similar, but coronary heart disease onset occurred approximately 12 years earlier in the Nisei group than in the Japanese group.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in the rural community of Cavunge, in the Brazilian state of Bahia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 160 individuals (age > 19 years) randomly drawn from those listed in the population census of the Cavunge Project. The following parameters were studied: arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, smoking, waist-hip ratio (WHR), physical activity, and overall cardiovascular risk classified according to the Framingham score. The assessing parameters used were those established by the III Brazilian Consensus on Hypertension and the II Brazilian Consensus on Dyslipidemia. RESULTS: Of the randomly drawn individuals, 126 with a mean age of 46.6 + 19.7 years were included in the study, 43.7% of whom were males. The frequency of arterial hypertension was 36.5%; 20.4% of the individuals had cholesterol levels >240 mg/dL; 31.1% of the individuals had LDL-C levels > 130 mg/dL; 4% were diabetic; and 39.7% had a high-risk Framingham score. Abdominal obesity was observed in 41.3% of the population and in 57.7% of the females. High caloric-expenditure (HCE) physical activities were performed by 56.5% of the individuals. The HCE group had a greater frequency of normal triglyceride levels (63% vs 44%; P=0.05), no diabetes, and WHR tending towards normal (46% vs 27%, P=0.08) as compared with those in the low caloric-expenditure group. CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, are frequently found in rural communities. The greatest frequency of normal triglyceride levels and normal WHR in the HCE group reinforces the association between greater caloric expenditure and a better risk profile.
Las Enfermedades de Atesoramiento de Glucógeno (EAGs) también llamadas Glucogenosis comprenden un grupo de entidades causadas por una deficiencia enzimática específica relacionada con la vía de síntesis o degradación de esta macromolécula. La heterogeneidad fenotípica de los pacientes afectados dificulta la identificación de las diferentes variantes de EAG y por ende la correcta definición nosológica. En el Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas, CEMECO, se fueron definiendo los diferentes tipos de Glucogenosis a través de una estrategia multidisciplinaria que integra distintos niveles de investigación clínica y complementaria, laboratorio metabólico especializado, enzimático, histomorfológico y de análisis molecular. Sin embargo, en algunos enfermos, entre los que se encuentran aquellos con defectos en el sistema de la fosforilasa hepática (EAG-VI y EAG-IX), la exacta definición nosológica aún no está resulta. La EAG-VI se refiere a un defecto en la fosforilasa hepática, enzima codificada por el gen PYGL, mientras que la EAG-IX es causada por un defecto genético en una de las subunidades de la fosforilasa b quinasa hepática codicadas por los genes PHKA2, PHKB y PHKG2, respectivamente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es propender a la definición nosológica de pacientes con defectos en el sistema de la fosforilasa mediante una estrategia de análisis molecular investigando los genes PYGL, PHKA2, PHKB y PHKG2. Los pacientes incluidos en este estudio deberán ser compatibles de padecer una EAG-VI o EAG-IX sobre la base de síntomas clínicos y hallazgos bioquímicos. La metodología incluirá la determinación de la enzima fosforilasa b quinasa en glóbulos rojos y dentro del análisis molecular la extracción de DNA genómico a partir de sangre entera para la amplificación por PCR de los exones más las uniones exon/intron de los genes PHKG2 y PYGL y la extracción de RNA total y obtención de cDNA para posterior amplificación de los cDNA PHKA2 y PHKB. Todos los fragmentos amplificados serán sometidos a análisis de secuencia de nucleótidos. Resultados esperados. Este trabajo, primero en Argentina, permitirá establecer las bases moleculares de los defectos del sistema de la fosforilasa hepática (EAG-VI y EAG-IX). El poder lograr este nivel de investigación traerá aparejado, una oferta integrativa en el vasto capítulo de las glucogenosis hepáticas, con extraordinaria significación en la práctica asistencial para el manejo, pronóstico y correspondiente asesoramiento genético. Hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) are a group of disorders produced by a deficiency in a specific protein involved in the metabolism of glycogen causing different types of GSDs. Phenotypic heterogeneity of affected patients difficult to identify the different GSD variants and therefore the correct definition of the disease. In the “Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas”, CEMECO, were defined the different GSD types by a protocol which included complex gradual levels of clinical, biochemical, enzymatic and morphological investigation. However, in some patients, like those one with defects in the hepatic phosphorylase system (GSD-VI and GSD-IX) the exact definition of the disease has not yet been resolved. The GSD-VI is produced by a defect in the PYGL gen that encode the liver phosphorylase, while the GSD-IX is caused by a genetic defect in one of the Phosphorylase b kinase subunits, encoded by the PHKA2, PHKB and PHKG2 genes, respectively. The aim of the present study is to define the phosphorylase system defects in argentinian patients through a molecular strategy that involve the investigation of PYGL, PHKA2, PHKB and PHKG2 genes. Patients included in the present study must be compatible with a GSD-VI or GSD-IX on the bases of clinical symptoms and biochemical findings. The phosphorylase b kinase activity will be assay on in blood red cells. The molecular study will include genomic DNA extraction for the amplification of PHKG2 and PYGL genes and the total RNA extraction for amplification of the PHKA2 and PHKB cDNA by PCR. All PCR-amplified fragments will be subjected to direct nucleotide sequencing. This work, first in Argentina, will make possible to establish the molecular basis of the defects on the hepatic phosphorylase system (GSD-VI and GSD IX). To achieve this level of research will entail advance in the study of the hepatic glycogen storage disease, with extraordinary significance in the treatment, prognosis and the genetic counselling.
A recent study with 69 Japanese liver transplants treated with tacrolimus found that the MDR13435 C >T polymorphism, but not the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism, was associated with differences in the intestinal expression level of CYP3A4 mRNA. In the present study, over 6 h, we measured the kinetics of a 75 microg oral dose of midazolam, a CYP3A substrate, in 21 healthy subjects genotyped for the MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphism. No statistically significant differences were found in the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (TT, CT and CC group, respectively: Cmax (mean +/- SD: 0.30 +/- 0.08 ng/ml, 0.31 +/- 0.09 ng/ml and 0.31 +/- 0.11 ng/ml; Apparent clearance: 122 +/- 29 l/h, 156 +/- 92 l/h and 111 +/- 35 l/h; t1/2: 1.9 +/- 1.1 h, 1.6 +/- 0.90 h and 1.7 +/- 0.7 h). In addition, the 30-min 1'OH midazolam to midazolam ratio, a marker of CYP3A activity, determined in 74 HIV-positive patients before the introduction of antiretroviral treatment, was not significantly different between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (mean ratio +/- SD: 3.65 +/- 2.24, 4.22 +/- 3.49 and 4.24 +/- 2.03, in the TT, CT and CC groups, respectively). Similarly, no association was found between the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism and CYP3A activity in the healthy subjects or in the HIV-positive patients. The existence of a strong association between the activity of CYP3A and MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphisms appears unlikely, at least in Caucasian populations and/or in the absence of specific environmental factors.
En aquest projecte s’ha estudiat la relació entre els canvis en les temperatures superficials de l’Oceà Atlàntic i els canvis en la circulació atmosfèrica en el segle XX. Concretament s’han analitzat dos períodes de estudi: el primer des del 1940 al 1960 i el segon des del 1980 fins al 2000. S’ha posat especial interès en les anomalies en les temperatures superficials del mar en la regió tropical de l’Oceà Atlàntic i la possible interconnexió amb els canvis climàtics observats i predits. Per a la realització de l’estudi s’han dut a terme una sèrie d’experiments utilitzant el model climàtic elaborat a la universitat d’UCLA (UCLA‐AGCM model). Els resultats obtinguts han estat analitzats en forma de mapes i figures per a cada variable d’estudi. També s’ha fet una comparació entre els resultats obtinguts i altres trobats en altres treballs publicats sobre el mateix tema de recerca. Els resultats obtinguts són molt amplis i poden tenir diverses interpretacions. Tot i així algunes de les conclusions a les quals s’ha arribat són: les diferències més significatives per a les variables estudiades i trobades a partir dels resultats obtinguts del model per als dos períodes d’estudi són en els mesos d’hivern i a la zona dels tròpics; concretament a parts del nord de sud Amèrica i a parts del nord d’Àfrica. S’han trobat també canvis significatius en els patrons de precipitació sobre aquestes mateixes zones. També s’ha observant un moviment cap al nord de la zona d’interconvergència tropical i pot ser degut a l’anòmal gradient trobat a la zona equatorial en les temperatures superficial de l’Oceà. Tot i així per a una definitiva discussió i conclusions sobre els resultats dels experiments, seria necessari un estudi més ampli i profund.
The Programme for Government promises the most fundamental reform of our health services in the history of the State. Future Health – A Srategic Framework for Reform of the Health Service 2012 – 2015 details the actions that we will take to deliver on this promise. The need for change in the health service is unquestionable. The current system is unfair to patients; it often fails to meet their needs fast enough; and it does not deliver value for money.  Click here to download
A new, investigational, parenteral form of sparfloxacin was compared with ceftriaxone in the treatment of experimental endocarditis caused by either of three penicillin-susceptible streptococci or one penicillin-resistant streptococcus. Both drugs have prolonged half-lives in serum, allowing single daily administration to humans. Sparfloxacin had relatively low MICs (0.25 to 0.5 mg/liter) for all four organisms and was also greater than or equal to eight times more effective than the other quinolones against 21 additional streptococcal isolates recovered from patients with bacteremia. Ceftriaxone MICs were 0.032 to 0.064 mg/liter for the penicillin-susceptible strains and 2 mg/liter for the resistant isolate. Both antibiotics resulted in moderate bacterial killing in vitro. Rats with catheter-induced aortic vegetations were inoculated with 10(7) CFU of the test organisms. Antibiotic treatment was started 48 h later and lasted either 3 or 5 days. The drugs were injected at doses which mimicked the kinetics in human serum produced by one intravenous injection of 400 mg of sparfloxacin (i.e., the daily dose expected to be given to human adults) and 2 g of ceftriaxone. Both antibiotics significantly decreased the bacterial densities in the vegetations. However, sparfloxacin was slower than ceftriaxone in its ability to eradicate valvular infection caused by penicillin-susceptible bacteria. While this difference was quite marked after 3 days of therapy, it tended to vanish when treatment was prolonged to 5 days. In contrast, sparfloxacin was very effective against the penicillin-resistant isolate, an organism against which ceftriaxone therapy failed in vivo. No sparfloxacin-resistant mutant was selected during therapy. Thus, in the present experimental setting, this new, investigational, parenteral form of sparfloxacin was effective against severe infections caused by both penicillin-susceptible and penicillin-resistant streptococci.
Plasmid and chromosomal genes encode determinants of virulence for Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague. However, in vitro, Y. pestis genome is very plastic and several changes have been described. To evaluate the alterations in the plasmid content of the cultures in vitro and the impact of the alterations to their pathogenicity, three Y. pestis isolates were submitted to serial subculture, analysis of the plasmid content, and testing for the presence of characteristic genes in each plasmid of colonies selected after subculture. Different results were obtained with each strain. The plasmid content of one of them was shown to be stable; no apparent alteration was produced through 32 subcultures. In the other two strains, several alterations were observed. LD50 in mice of the parental strains and the derived cultures with different plasmid content were compared. No changes in the virulence plasmid content could be specifically correlated with changes in the LD50.
Mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 gene (CDKL5) have been described in epileptic encephalopathies in females with infantile spasms with features that overlap with Rett syndrome. With more than 80 reported patients, the phenotype of CDKL5-related encephalopathy is well-defined. The main features consist of seizures starting before 6 months of age, severe intellectual disability with absent speech and hand stereotypies and deceleration of head growth, which resembles Rett syndrome. However, some clinical discrepancies suggested the influence of genetics and/or environmental factors. No genotype-phenotype correlation has been defined and thus there is a need to examine individual mutations. In this study, we analyzed eight recurrent CDKL5 mutations to test whether the clinical phenotype of patients with the same mutation is similar and whether patients with specific CDKL5 mutations have a milder phenotype than those with other CDKL5 mutations. Patients bearing missense mutations in the ATP binding site such as the p.Ala40Val mutation typically walked unaided, had normocephaly, better hand use ability, and less frequent refractory epilepsy when compared to girls with other CDKL5 mutations. In contrast, patients with mutations in the kinase domain (such as p.Arg59X, p.Arg134X, p.Arg178Trp/Pro/Gln, or c.145 + 2T > C) and frameshift mutations in the C-terminal region (such as c.2635_2636delCT) had a more severe phenotype with infantile spasms, refractory epileptic encephalopathy, absolute microcephaly, and inability to walk. It is important for clinicians to have this information when such patients are diagnosed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
BACKGROUND Uncomplicated chronic rachialgia is a highly prevalent complaint, and one for which therapeutic results are contradictory. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of treatment with auriculopressure, in the primary healthcare sector, carried out by trained healthcare professionals via a 30-hour course. METHODS/DESIGN The design consists of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial, with placebo, with two parallel groups, and including an economic evaluation. Patients with chronic uncomplicated rachialgia, whose GP is considering referral for auriculopressure sensory stimulation, are eligible for inclusion. Sampling will be by consecutive selection, and randomised allocation to one of the two study arms will be determined using a centralised method, following a 1:1 plan (true auriculopressure; placebo auriculopressure). The implants (true and placebo) will be replaced once weekly, and the treatment will have a duration of 8 weeks. The primary outcome measure will be the change in pain intensity, measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS) of 100 mm, at 9 weeks after beginning the treatment. A follow up study will be performed at 6 months after beginning treatment. An assessment will also be made of the changes measured in the Spanish version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire, of the changes in the Lattinen test, and of the changes in quality of life (SF-12). Also planned is an analysis of cost-effectiveness and also, if necessary, a cost-benefit analysis. DISCUSSION This study will contribute to developing evidence on the use of auriculotherapy using Semen vaccariae [wang bu liu xing] for the treatment of uncomplicated chronic rachialgia. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN01897462.
Conservation in the city is challenging because of a continued view that the urban realm is antithetical to nature. This was clearly the case when the first Swiss National Park was established at the beginning of the 20th century. New Swiss legislation brought new approaches to the establishment of natural parks, in particular by including human activities as a logical component in their development. In 2010, a Federal think tank discussed opportunities for launching a new kind of park: the Urban Natural Park. This paper reports an analysis of this discussion, together with the study of the literature dealing with conservation in the city and natural parks. It shows that a clear antagonism between city and nature still remains present, reflected in an implicit hierarchy hidden in the designation of natural parks: wild nature is nominated as the best nature; if not wild, the best nature is identified as rural; if neither wild nor rural, nature is thought not to be the concern of natural park policy. The Swiss Biodiversity Strategy implemented in 2012 is a recent recognition of the importance of urban nature for biodiversity conservation. This recognition, however, condemns urban nature to a special status, situated outside the usual framework of conservation management. I conclude by arguing that anti-urban bias must be addressed because it inhibits effective conservation strategy, prevents the identification of existing environmental qualities of cities and, eventually, has negative impacts on biological conservation outside the city because it fosters urban spreading.
The purpose of this study was to compare in the individual hypertensive patient the blood pressure lowering effect of a beta-blocking agent i.e. betaxolol with that of a calcium entry blocker, i.e. verapamil. The antihypertensive efficacy of the drugs was evaluated both at the physician's office and by monitoring ambulatory daytime blood pressure using a portable blood pressure recorder (Remler M2000). Seventeen patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension (aged 35-67 years) were treated for two consecutive 6-week periods with either betaxolol, 20 mg/day or a slow-release formulation of verapamil, 240-480 mg/day. The sequence of treatment phases was randomly allocated and a 2-week wash-out period preceded each treatment. Both betaxolol and verapamil had a significant blood pressure lowering effect when assessed at the physician's office. However, ambulatory recorded blood pressures were significantly reduced only with betaxolol. In the presence of a physician, the best responders to betaxolol tended to be also the best responders to verapamil, whereas there was no relationship between the fall in ambulatory recorded blood pressure observed during betaxolol and the corresponding fall during verapamil administration. The blood pressure response to both betaxolol and verapamil was not related to age.
Sleep deprivation (SD) results in increased electroencephalographic (EEG) delta power during subsequent non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and is associated with changes in the expression of circadian clock-related genes in the cerebral cortex. The increase of NREMS delta power as a function of previous wake duration varies among inbred mouse strains. We sought to determine whether SD-dependent changes in circadian clock gene expression parallel this strain difference described previously at the EEG level. The effects of enforced wakefulness of incremental durations of up to 6 h on the expression of circadian clock genes (bmal1, clock, cry1, cry2, csnk1epsilon, npas2, per1, and per2) were assessed in AKR/J, C57BL/6J, and DBA/2J mice, three strains that exhibit distinct EEG responses to SD. Cortical expression of clock genes subsequent to SD was proportional to the increase in delta power that occurs in inbred strains: the strain that exhibits the most robust EEG response to SD (AKR/J) exhibited dramatic increases in expression of bmal1, clock, cry2, csnkIepsilon, and npas2, whereas the strain with the least robust response to SD (DBA/2) exhibited either no change or a decrease in expression of these genes and cry1. The effect of SD on circadian clock gene expression was maintained in mice in which both of the cryptochrome genes were genetically inactivated. cry1 and cry2 appear to be redundant in sleep regulation as elimination of either of these genes did not result in a significant deficit in sleep homeostasis. These data demonstrate transcriptional regulatory correlates to previously described strain differences at the EEG level and raise the possibility that genetic differences underlying circadian clock gene expression may drive the EEG differences among these strains.
In accordance with 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, the 2005 Affirmative Action in Iowa report illustrates the progress made during fiscal year 2005 to balance the State's worforce, the challenges that the State must address and the effort that the Department of Administratie Services must lead in order to remove barriers that limit the hiring, retention and advancement of females, minorities and persons with disabilities in the State's workforce. Highlighted in the report are four departments that initiated proactive and innovative measures to address their workplace equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity programs. Additionally, the Department of Administrative Services-Human Resources Enterprise outlines its plan to build on its past efforts as well as pursue new initiatives to partner with advocacy groups and reach out to the commuity more directely to enhance employment opportunities for females, minorities and persons with disabilities in State of Iowa employment.
In accordance with 19B.5 of the Code of Iowa, the 2005 Affirmative Action in Iowa report illustrates the progress made during fiscal year 2005 to balance the State's worforce, the challenges that the State must address and the effort that the Department of Administratie Services must lead in order to remove barriers that limit the hiring, retention and advancement of females, minorities and persons with disabilities in the State's workforce. Highlighted in the report are four departments that initiated proactive and innovative measures to address their workplace equal opportunity, affirmative action and diversity programs. Additionally, the Department of Administrative Services-Human Resources Enterprise outlines its plan to build on its past efforts as well as pursue new initiatives to partner with advocacy groups and reach out to the commuity more directely to enhance employment opportunities for females, minorities and persons with disabilities in State of Iowa employment.