996 resultados para Pensamento transversal
The cross-cutting themes, which are characteristic express concepts and values of citizenship and correspond to important and urgent issues to society, should be treated within the school context , for all disciplines . Just like football, specific content of physical education, which most often is approached only by the technical and tactical aspects. The aim of this study was to analyze football from the perspective of labor and consumption and to propose activities for teachers to this content and theme in physical education classes. We investigated, in particular, the influence brands, media and the effect of the globalization phenomenon in this sport, and later thematic activities. The methodology used was qualitative type, which is from a thick description of the details about the situation analyzed and evaluated. In the first step a literature survey was conducted to understand and analyze the topic of this work. In the second, the activities were prepared, with the teacher ways to treat football from the perspective of labor and consumption from the themes presented in the goal. The activities were directed to students in the 9th grade of elementary school. It is expected that with the study, football can be see addition to the procedural dimension in class and the teacher values the critical training, and labor relations and consumption Football and any other content of school physical education. Activities that assist teachers in their future projects, jobs and classes. It is also hoped that the sport can be studied and understood both historically and critically in Brazil, the football country
This paper studies the frame deformations on a formula SAE vehicle in steady-state cornering and its influence on the lateral load transfers and, consequently, on the tires normal loads due to the applied lateral load. For a vehicle with a perfect rigid frame, the vehicle mass, the position of the center of gravity and the suspensions are the only factors responsible for the load distribution between the tires. When the frame deformations are no longer negligible, the frame deformations affect the loaddistribution between the tires. The frame flexibility turns it able to behave as an additional set of springs to the suspension system, thus changing the behavior of the set. This paper describes howit happens and suggests ways to minimize this phenomenon
The implementation of mathematical modeling curricula represents a great challenge, both for teachers and students, since it escapes the traditional teaching methodology, i.e. when the teacher speaks to his/her students. This work presents, at least, one possible way of implementing mathematical modeling inside the classroom, and how this way encourage critical thinking in students. I see mathematical modeling as an opportunity to minimize student's rejection and increase their interest for mathematics, promoting their competencies to give points of scene in every day situations. The history of mathematics shows that mathematical modeling had developed since almost the beginning of human live, when men needed to solve problems that arose in the course of his life. Mathematics has become more and more abstract, but it is important to recall what was originated it. In this way, it is possible to make this subject matter more meaningful to students. I will make an introduction of mathematical modeling, presenting some important definitions. Based on this framework, I will present a classroom instruction understand on a 7 th grade classroom by myself. With this in instruction I sustain the idea that mathematical modeling has, in fact, a great potential to improve the quality of mathematics teaching. I also sustain that, the development of critical thinking, as a competence, way be achieved with it
Introdução: A sociedade brasileira tem sofrido grandes transformações nessas últimas décadas e o papel da escola e sua importância também. Com a queda da Ditadura Militar, que vigorou de 1964 até 1985 e com a promulgação da Constituição da República em 1988, que teve como um dos objetivos principais a inclusão social, entre outras iniciativas no âmbito das políticas educacionais, foi dado início à elaboração dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, cuja primeira publicação se deu em 1997. Assim, além das disciplinas tradicionais como: Língua Portuguesa, Matemática, História, Ciências Naturais, Geografia, Artes e Educação Física, a escola também deveria trabalhar os chamados Temas Transversais: Meio ambiente, Ética, Pluralidade Cultural, Saúde, Orientação Sexual e Trabalho e Consumo, temas esses, que devem permear toda a prática educativa. Como será que as escolas vêm desenvolvendo a proposta de Temas Transversais? Será que a saúde é uma preocupação? Se a resposta for afirmativa, de que modo ela vem sendo conduzida? Objetivo: Baseado nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, este trabalho pretendeu avaliar a importância do tema transversal Saúde, bem como investigar os impactos desse documento na educação escolar do ensino fundamental. Metodologia: Para tanto, serão realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e também documentais da escola, como o projeto político pedagógico e os livros didáticos utilizados. Conclusões: As conclusões elencadas neste trabalho são que o tema transversal Saúde é pouco trabalhado no ensino fundamental, devido, entre outros fatores, ao despreparo do professor e a concepção equivocada que ainda há nos educadores relacionando saúde às doenças e à higiene unicamente
Buscou-se com o presente trabalho identificar as concepções de natureza e a relação sociedade-natureza presentes no pensamento do escritor brasileiro Monteiro Lobato. Por meio de pesquisa de natureza documental foram identificadas, predominantemente, as concepções romântica e utilitarista da natureza. Desta forma, quanto às relações sociedade-natureza delas decorrentes, em conseqüência da concepção romântica identificou-se a referência ao homem como destruidor e ser não pertencente à natureza, assim como em decorrência da concepção utilitarista percebeuse a legitimação do direito de exploração dos elementos naturais pelo ser humano. O estudo voltou-se também para a maneira como estas concepções de natureza, coexistentes no pensamento lobatiano, revelam-se ao ser discutida a questão do desenvolvimento brasileiro, causa defendida por Lobato durante sua vida, principalmente por meio das campanhas pela exploração do petróleo e ferro nacionais. Percebeu-se que ao considerar esta questão, a concepção predominante é a utilitarista, defendendo-se a exploração dos recursos para a riqueza nacional. Foram identificadas contradições nos posicionamentos de Monteiro Lobato, motivadas seja por aspectos emocionais seja pela influência do momento histórico vivido pelo escritor. Possivelmente as concepções identificadas na obra lobatiana refletem as concepções hegemônicas no momento histórico de sua produção, assim como influenciariam seus leitores na constituição de suas concepções de natureza e na maneira como estes estabeleceriam sua relação com o meio natural não-humano
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The success obtained by the Toyota Company in implementing the Toyota Production System was a global case of study that generated different new approaches, such as Lean Thinking. This approach was already successfully applied to various sectors, breeding methodologies as Lean Service, Lean Office or Lean IT. In this paper, the main concepts of Lean Thinking were applied in an information flow through an action research, more specifically in the sending and return of mailing process from a bank. The objectives were to create changes that led to the decrease of the mail returning indexes and ultimately to cost reduction and waste elimination. For this purpose the actual situation was mapped, and after data collection and analysis, a future proposed state was generated for the information flow. Alongside, indicators were conceived for managing process control and a set of implemented and proposed improvements were delivered. The applied Lean Thinking concepts were considered efficient for the application, and the proposed objectives were achieved
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)