998 resultados para Pastoral industry
Tiruvadi Sambasiva Venkatraman (TSV) was a plant breeder. In response to a call from Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya, he made it his mission to develop high-yielding varieties of sugarcane for manufacturing sugar and making it available as a sweetening agent and an energy source for the malnourished children of India. Using Saccharum officinarum, then under cultivation in India, as the female parent, he artificially fertilized it with pollen from S. barberi, which grew wild in Coimbatore. After 4-5 recurrent backcrossings of S. officinarum Chi wild Sorghum spontaneum with S. officinarum as the female parent, TSV selected the `rare' interspecies hybrid cane varieties that resembled sugarcane and had approximately 2.5 cm thick juicy stems containing 16-18% sucrose - nearly 35 times more than what occurred in parent stocks. The hybrid canes matured quickly, were resistant to waterlogging, drought, and to the red-rot disease caused by Glomerella tucumanensis (Sordariomycetes: Glomerellaceae), and to the sereh-virus disease. Most importantly, they were amenable for propagation using stem cuttings. In recognition of the development of high-yielding sugarcane varieties, TSV was conferred the titles Rao Bahadur, Rao Sahib, and Sir by the British Government, and Padma Bhushan by the Republic of India. In the next few decades, consequent to TSV's work, India turned into the second largest sugar producer in the world, after Brazil. The hybrid sugarcane varieties developed are the foundational stocks for new sugarcane x bamboo hybrids, and for possible resistance to Puccinia megalocephala (Pucciniomycetes: Pucciniaceae) and Ustilago scitaminea (Ustilaginomycetes: Ustilaginaceae) using molecular techniques.
Food industries like biscuit and confectionary use significant amount of fossil fuel for thermal energy. Biscuit manufacturing in India is carried out both by organized and unorganized sector. The ratio of organized to unorganized sector is 60 : 40 (1). The total biscuit manufacturing in the organized sector India in 2008 was about 1.7 million metric tons (1). Accounting for the unorganized sector in India, the total biscuit manufacturing would have been about 2.9 million metric tons/annum. A typical biscuit baking is carried in a long tunnel kiln with varying temperature in different zones. Generally diesel is used to provide the necessary heat energy for the baking purpose, with temperature ranging from 190 C in the drying zone to about 300 C in the baking area and has to maintain in the temperature range of +/- 5 C. Typical oil consumption is about 40 litres per ton of biscuit production. The paper discusses the experience in substituting about 120 lts per hour kiln for manufacturing about 70 tons of biscuit daily. The system configuration consists of a 500 kg/hr gasification system comprising of a reactor, multicyclone, water scrubbers, and two blowers for maintaining the constant gas pressure in the header before the burners. Cold producer gas is piped to the oven located about 200 meters away from the gasifier. Fuel used in the gasification system is coconut shells. All the control system existing on the diesel burner has been suitably adapted for producer gas operation to maintain the total flow, A/F control so as to maintain the temperature. A total of 7 burners are used in different zones. Over 17000 hour of operation has resulted in replacing over 1800 tons of diesel over the last 30 months. The system operates for over 6 days a week with average operational hours of 160. It has been found that on an average 3.5 kg of biomass has replaced one liter of diesel.
Desiccated coconut industries (DCI) create various intermediates from fresh coconut kernel for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. The mechanized and non-mechanized DCI process between 10,000 and 100,000 nuts/day to discharge 6-150 m(3) of malodorous waste water leading to a discharge of 2646642 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) daily. In these units, three main types of waste water streams are coconut kernel water, kernel wash water and virgin oil waste water. The effluent streams contain lipids (1-55 g/l), suspended solids (6-80 g/l) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) at concentrations that are inhibitory to anaerobic bacteria. Coconut water contributes to 20-50 % of the total volume and 50-60 % of the total organic loads and causes higher inhibition of anaerobic bacteria with an initial lag phase of 30 days. The lagooning method of treatment widely adopted failed to appreciably treat the waste water and often led to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (propionic acid) along with long-chain unsaturated free fatty acids. Biogas generation during biological methane potential (BMP) assay required a 15-day adaptation time, and gas production occurred at low concentrations of coconut water while the other two streams did not appear to be inhibitory. The anaerobic bacteria can mineralize coconut lipids at concentrations of 175 mg/l; however; they are severely inhibited at a lipid level of = 350 mg/g bacterial inoculum. The modified Gompertz model showed a good fit with the BMP data with a simple sigmoid pattern. However, it failed to fit experimental BMP data either possessing a longer lag phase and/or diauxic biogas production suggesting inhibition of anaerobic bacteria.
AIMS: Regenerative medicine is an emerging field with the potential to provide widespread improvement in healthcare and patient wellbeing via the delivery of therapies that can restore, regenerate or repair damaged tissue. As an industry, it could significantly contribute to economic growth if products are successfully commercialized. However, to date, relatively few products have reached the market owing to a variety of barriers, including a lack of funding and regulatory hurdles. The present study analyzes industry perceptions of the barriers to commercialization that currently impede the success of the regenerative medicine industry in the UK. MATERIALS & METHODS: The analysis is based on 20 interviews with leading industrialists in the field. RESULTS: The study revealed that scientific research in regenerative medicine is thriving in the UK. Unfortunately, lack of access to capital, regulatory hurdles, lack of clinical evidence leading to problems with reimbursement, as well as the culture of the NHS do not provide a good environment for the commercialization of regenerative medicine products. CONCLUSION: Policy interventions, including increased translational government funding, a change in NHS and NICE organization and policies, and regulatory clarity, would likely improve the general outcomes for the regenerative medicine industry in the UK.
The impact of differing product strategies on product innovation processes pursued by healthcare firms is discussed. The critical success factors aligned to product strategies are presented. A definite split between pioneering product strategies and late entrant product strategies is also recognised.
Resumen: Este ensayo teolgico comprende y expone el pensamiento pastoral del Papa Francisco, primer obispo de Roma y Papa latinoamericano, elegido desde las periferias del orbe para guiar al Pueblo de Dios en el corazn de la urbe. Francisco es un pastor misionero y un pastoralista lcido, que ha enseado teologa pastoral y, lo sigue haciendo, de otra forma, desde el ministerio petrino. La exhortacin Evangelii gaudium (2013) condensa de una forma orgnica su mirada a la evangelizacin en la huella de la exhortacin Evangelii nuntiandi de Pablo VI (1975) y del Documento Conclusivo de Aparecida del Episcopado latinoamericano y caribeo (2007). La novedad de su pontificado reformador y misionero hunde sus races en la figura singular del jesuita argentino Jorge Mario Bergoglio; en su arraigo en la Iglesia latinoamericana y en el proyecto misionero de Aparecida; y en la incipiente pero promisoria teologa argentina postconciliar. El autor hace un pormenorizado estudio sistemtico y contextualizado de la exhortacin La alegra del Evangelio desde el propio documento y en relacin a otros textos de Jorge Bergoglio y, ahora, del Papa Francisco. Articula su discurso en dos momentos mostrando sus interrelaciones. El primero, breve, presenta al sucesor de Pedro como un icono de la fisonoma regional y la reflexin pastoral de la Iglesia latinoamericana. El segundo analiza nueve claves de la Evangelii gaudium: la alegra de evangelizar, sntesis de la mstica misionera; la figura de la Iglesia centrada en la misin; la influencia del proyecto misionero de Aparecida; la conversin misionera para la reforma eclesial desde el Concilio Vaticano II; la Iglesia, Pueblo de Dios y Madre de los pueblos, como sujeto de la misin; la fuerza evangelizadora de la piedad catlica popular; la revolucin de la ternura comunicada en el Evangelio de la misericordia; la dimensin social del Evangelio y de la evangelizacin; la opcin por los pobres desde el corazn de Dios.
Resumen: El proceso eclesial y teolgico que llev a la temtica de la II Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano de Medelln se aliment de diversas fuentes y constituy un ejercicio de discernimiento teolgico-pastoral de los signos de los tiempos latinoamericanos. La proximidad de los 50 aos de la inauguracin del Concilio Vaticano II ofrece una ocasin particular para hacer memoria y reflexionar sobre Medelln como un hito fundamental de la recepcin conciliar en Amrica Latina. El propsito de este estudio es realizar un recorrido histrico-gentico del camino temtico hacia la II Conferencia y presentar, a partir de l, una lectura interpretativa de los grandes temas de Medelln en la perspectiva de los signos de los tiempos. Como toda recepcin es inacabada, queda abierta la tarea para reapropiarla y profundizarla.
Resumen: Uno de los grandes maestros en teologa en la Argentina de los ltimos tiempos, Lucio Gera (+07.08.2012), cuyo segundo aniversario de fallecido honramos en este nmero de la revista Teologa, hablaba de la ineludible exigencia posconciliar de integrar teologa, espiritualidad y pastoral. El captulo V de Evangelii gaudium, Evangelizadores con Espritu (cf. EG 259ss), se ubica especialmente en este horizonte de convicciones porque tiene un inconfundible contenido teolgico, un marcado acento espiritual y una clara orientacin y lenguaje pastoral, pero sobre todo en razn de expresar una ntima compenetracin entre estas tres dimensiones. En este artculo, que reelabora y ampla una presentacin oral en la Jornada Evangelii gaudium, organizada por la Facultad de Teologa de la UCA el pasado 5 de junio, se asume el vigor de la propuesta de una evangelizacin con espritu (EG 261) y se reflexiona, en dilogo con nuestra iglesia local, sobre cuatro aspectos relacionados con ella: 1. una teologa de la evangelizacin con espritu, es decir, con Espritu Santo; 2. una espiritualidad contemplativa: amar la Palabra y gustar ser pueblo; 3. el estilo pastoral mariano de la evangelizacin; y 4. la danza de la teologa, la espiritualidad y la pastoral al servicio de la alegra de evangelizar.
Resumen: El autor de esta colaboracin profundiza en una posibilidad que nos orienta a ser protagonistas en la construccin compartida de un presente ms fraterno y autnticamente plural. El smbolo guadalupano se ofrece como un modelo que puede ayudar a mejor vivir el momento pastoral de la Teologa. El suceso guadalupano sigue acaeciendo y analgicamente nos abre y propone una serie de fecundas precisiones, sugerencias e interrogantes. En tanto smbolo, del cual la Imagen de Nuestra Seora de Guadalupe es su elemento nuclear, plasma e incentiva a encarnar una pragmtica evangelizadora. Una dinmica de dilogo, inculturante e inculturador, que anima a dejar empapar lo propio por el Amor Salvador; y a compartirlo, como pueblo, con una actitud cordial y misericordiosa, y dando lugar a lo ajeno y al mestizaje.
Resumen: El texto realiza una relectura del mtodo Ver-Juzgar-Actuar teniendo en cuenta el acercamiento biogrfico que ofrecen las ciencias sociales. Propone considerar que la Teologa Pastoral desarrolla as un discurso sobre la Iglesia, la Academia y la Plaza Pblica en el cruce que estos mbitos tienen en las mismas prcticas cristianas, dando lugar a una Teologa Inter Loci. Y describe el perfil teolgico emergente en dicha experiencia utilizando el marco de las inteligencias mltiples.