884 resultados para Paediatric
Aim It is well reported in the scientific literature that there is a high level of periodontal disease and lower caries prevalence in Down Syndrome (DS) individuals, when compared with age-matched non DS individuals. This study was conducted to investigate the process of dental caries in DS children. Materials and methods In this study the following parameters were considered: oral hygiene habits, levels of Streptococcus mutans (SM) and Lactobacillus spp. (LB), Modified Gingival Index (MGI), and Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S). A case group with DS children (n=69) and a control group of non DS children (n=69) were formed to perform this study Dental caries severity was determined using the DMFT index. Samples of non-stimulated saliva were collected to determine the Lactobacillus spp levels. For SM levels, MSB agar plates were used. Results The findings revealed that the case group attended, dental check-ups more frequently brushed their teeth more times per day, flossed less, and also more frequently had SM levels classified as ""high count"". The MGI was higher and the OHI-S was lower than the control group (p<0.001). Conclusion No significant differences were found between the DMFT indexes of children from the two groups (p=0.345). The logistic regression analysis showed that in the case group, age, MGI, and SM count were positively related to dental caries (p<0.05).
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de copingstrategier som föräldrar och syskon till barn med cancer använde för att hantera problem under vårdtiden, samt att beskriva vilka faktorer som påverkade dessa copingstrategier. Litteratursökningen utfördes via databasen Elin@Dalarna och sökorden som användes var childhood cancer, paediatric cancer, cancer, parents, siblings, coping, och coping strategies. Inklusions-kriterierna var att artiklarna skulle vara publicerade 1999 eller senare, skrivna på engelska och finnas i fulltext på databasen. Sökningen resulterade i 20 artiklar som ansågs vara relevanta för arbetets syfte. En granskning av artiklarna gjordes och betygen G, VG, MVG och IG delades ut. Resultatet visade att föräldrar och syskon använde sig av en mängd olika copingstrategier för att hantera de psykologiska och praktiska problem som uppstod under vårdtiden. Optimism, informationssökning, sökande av socialt stöd, aktivt problemlösande, undvikande beteenden, självkritiserande samt önsketänkande var några exempel på olika copingstrategier. Faktorer som påverkade copingstrategierna var bland annat det sjuka barnets diagnos och ålder, syskonens ålder, familjestorlek, hemstadens storlek, ekonomisk börda, religion och brist på kommunikation.
Objetivos: Desenvolver e validar instrumento que auxilie o pediatra a determinar a probabilidade de ocorrência do abuso sexual em crianças. Métodos: Estudo de caso-controle com 201 crianças que consultaram em ambulatórios de pediatria e locais de referência para vítimas de abuso sexual, entre março e novembro de 2004: grupo caso (com suspeita ou revelação de abuso sexual) e grupo controle (sem suspeita de abuso sexual). Aplicou-se, junto aos responsáveis, um questionário com 18 itens e cinco opções de respostas segundo a escala Likert, abordando comportamento, sintomas físicos e emocionais apresentados pelas crianças. Excluíram-se nove crianças sem controle esfincteriano e um item respondido por poucas pessoas. A validade e consistência interna dos itens foram avaliadas com obtenção de coeficientes de correlação (Pearson, Spearman e Goodman-Kruskal), coeficiente α de Cronbach e cálculo da área da curva ROC. Calculou-se, após, a razão de verossimilhança (RV) e os valores preditivo positivos (VPP) para os cinco itens do questionário que apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. Resultados: Obteve-se um questionário composto pelos cinco itens que melhor discriminaram crianças com e sem abuso sexual em dois contextos. Cada criança recebeu um escore resultante da soma das respostas com pesos de 0 a 4 (amplitude de 0 a 20), o qual, através do teorema de Bayes (RV), indicou sua probabilidade pós-teste (VPP) de abuso sexual. Conclusões: O instrumento proposto é útil por ser de fácil aplicação, auxiliando o pediatra na identificação de crianças vítimas de abuso sexual. Ele fornecerá, conforme o escore obtido, a probabilidade (VPP) de abuso sexual, orientando na conduta de cuidado à criança.
Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da fisioterapia respiratória como tratamento adjuvante em pacientes pediátricos com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade. Delineamento: Ensaio clínico randomizado Local do estudo: Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio – Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa, Porto Alegre, Brasil. Participantes e métodos: Foram arroladas crianças com idade entre 1 e 12 anos, com diagnóstico clínico e radiológico confirmado de pneumonia, hospitalizadas no período de setembro de 2001 a setembro de 2002. Os pacientes que preencheram os critérios de inclusão foram randomizados para receber fisioterapia respiratória três vezes ao dia (grupo intervenção) ou para receber, uma vez ao dia, orientações para respirar profundamente, expectorar a secreção e manter preferencialmente o decúbito lateral (grupo controle). As variáveis analisadas na linha de base, no primeiro e no segundo períodos de seguimento e no dia da alta hospitalar foram: escore de gravidade (composto pela freqüência respiratória anormal para a idade, tiragem supra-esternal, intercostal, e subcostal, febre, saturação de oxigênio da hemoglobina e raio-x de tórax), duração da hospitalização, freqüência respiratória, temperatura e saturação do oxigênio. Resultados: Setenta e dois pacientes foram randomizados para os grupos intervenção ou controle. Destes, sete foram retirados devido a complicações como atelectasia ou drenagem pleural. Dentre os 65 pacientes estudados no primeiro seguimento (terceiro dia), a febre foi mais prevalente no grupo intervenção (34,4%) do que no grupo controle (12,5%), bem como o escore de gravidade 9,63 ± 1,62 e 8,71 ± 0,86 pontos, respectivamente. No segundo seguimento, entre o quarto e sexto dia, a diferença entre os grupos teve tendência à significância apenas para febre, 31,6% no grupo intervenção e 6,7% no grupo controle (P= 0,07). A duração média da hospitalização foi de 7,41 ± 6,58 dias para o grupo intervenção e 4,52 ± 2,21 dias para o controle. Conclusão: Neste ensaio clínico, a fisioterapia prolongou a hospitalização e a duração da febre nos pacientes pediátricos com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade. Nestes pacientes, a fisioterapia é prejudicial e não deveria ser prescrita até que evidências de benefício estejam disponíveis.
Allergicasthmarepresentsanimportantpublichealthissuewithsignificantgrowthovertheyears,especially in the paediatric population. Exhaled breath is a non-invasive, easily performed and rapid method forobtainingsamplesfromthelowerrespiratorytract.Inthepresentmanuscript,themetabolicvolatile profiles of allergic asthma and control children were evaluated by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography–quadrupole mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC–qMS). The lack ofstudiesinbreathofallergicasthmaticchildrenbyHS-SPMEledtothedevelopmentofanexperimental design to optimize SPME parameters. To fulfil this objective, three important HS-SPME experimental parameters that influence the extraction efficiency, namely fibre coating, temperature and time extractions were considered. The selected conditions that promoted higher extraction efficiency corresponding to the higher GC peak areas and number of compounds were: DVB/CAR/PDMS coating fibre, 22◦C and 60min as the extraction temperature and time, respectively. The suitability of two containers, 1L Tedlar® bags and BIOVOC®, for breath collection and intra-individual variability were also investigated. The developed methodology was then applied to the analysis of children exhaled breath with allergicasthma(35),fromwhich13hadalsoallergicrhinitis,andhealthycontrolchildren(15),allowing to identify 44 volatiles distributed over the chemical families of alkanes (linear and ramified) ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, acids, among others. Multivariate studies were performed by Partial LeastSquares–DiscriminantAnalysis(PLS–DA)usingasetof28selectedmetabolitesanddiscrimination between allergic asthma and control children was attained with a classification rate of 88%. The allergic asthma paediatric population was characterized mainly by the compounds linked to oxidative stress, such as alkanes and aldehydes. Furthermore, more detailed information was achieved combining the volatile metabolic data, suggested by PLS–DA model, and clinical data.
Allergic asthma represents an important public health issue, most common in the paediatric population, characterized by airway inflammation that may lead to changes in volatiles secreted via the lungs. Thus, exhaled breath has potential to be a matrix with relevant metabolomic information to characterize this disease. Progress in biochemistry, health sciences and related areas depends on instrumental advances, and a high throughput and sensitive equipment such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC–ToFMS) was considered. GC × GC–ToFMS application in the analysis of the exhaled breath of 32 children with allergic asthma, from which 10 had also allergic rhinitis, and 27 control children allowed the identification of several hundreds of compounds belonging to different chemical families. Multivariate analysis, using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis in tandem with Monte Carlo Cross Validation was performed to assess the predictive power and to help the interpretation of recovered compounds possibly linked to oxidative stress, inflammation processes or other cellular processes that may characterize asthma. The results suggest that the model is robust, considering the high classification rate, sensitivity, and specificity. A pattern of six compounds belonging to the alkanes characterized the asthmatic population: nonane, 2,2,4,6,6-pentamethylheptane, decane, 3,6-dimethyldecane, dodecane, and tetradecane. To explore future clinical applications, and considering the future role of molecular-based methodologies, a compound set was established to rapid access of information from exhaled breath, reducing the time of data processing, and thus, becoming more expedite method for the clinical purposes.
This study compared the evolution of posture, tone and neonatal reflexes in preterm infants without clinical or neurological complications before and after the age of term using the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies. To reach the age of the term, was applied Scales Amiel-Barrier-Shnider changed and the Prechtl, traditionally used in the evaluation of term newborns, looking for possible changes to the term, while also evaluating the sensitivity of these scales. We studied 20 non-complicated preterm infants, both sexes aged 32-36 weeks, born in Januário Cicco Maternity School, from August 2006 to August 2007. Was applied to the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies every two weeks until reach the term, and the range of Amiel-Barrier-Shnider changed and the Prechtl, after reaching 39 and 41 weeks. The evaluation result of articular angles was subjected to the test of Friedman ANOVA, significant differences between the three measurements of the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies only for angles heel-to-ear to term. Neonatal reflexes changed in the period of prematurity were the cardinal points reflexes, Moro reflexes, cross extensions reflex and the automatic walking reflexes. The posture was the parameter which remained unchanged in the three scales. Considering a significance level of 5% by applying Cochran Q Test, it was found that the scale of Saint-Anne Dargassies is more sensitive to detect suspects. With this methodology and the results it was possible to prepare a manuscript: The neurological examination of non-complicated preterm newborns using the Sanit-Anne Dargssies Scale from birth to term: normal or altered? In which we describe that despite the good clinical condition, the RNP show changes in tone and neonatal reflexes. These data are important because though non-complicated RNP need further attention its maturation process, enabling us to detect and intervene early. With these results we can build a scale simplified neurological assessment made with items found most altered during the application of three scales. The development of this project has a multidisciplinary approach, because it involved Paediatric Neurologist, Physiotherapist and Neonatologist, as recommended by PPGCSA
The aim of the present study was to evaluate DNA damage (micronucleus) in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes and exfoliated buccal mucosa cells from children with malignant tumours and under chemotherapy. Micronucleated cells (MNCs) were assessed from children before and during chemotherapy. A total of 21 healthy children (controls), matched for gender and age, were used as control. The results pointed out higher frequencies of micronucleated lymphocytes in children with malignant tumour before any therapy when compared to healthy probands. Furthermore an increase of micronucleated lymphocytes during chemotherapy was detected when compared to the data obtained before chemotherapy. No statistically significant increases of MNCs were noticed in buccal mucosa cells at any of the timepoints evaluated. Taken together, these data indicate that the presence of malignant tumours may increase the frequency of DNA damage in circulating lymphocytes, these cells being more sensitive for detecting chromosome aberrations caused by anti-cancer drugs.
Objectives To report methodology and overall clinical, laboratory and radiographic characteristics for Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), childhood polyarteritis nodosa (c-PAN), c-Wegener granulomatosis (c-WG) and c-Takayasu arteritis (c-TA) classification criteria.Methods The preliminary Vienna 2005 consensus conference, which proposed preliminary criteria for paediatric vasculitides, was followed by a EULAR/PRINTO/PRES-supported validation project divided into three main steps. Step 1: retrospective/prospective web-data collection for HSP, c-PAN, c-WG and c-TA, with age at diagnosis <= 18 years. Step 2: blinded classification by consensus panel of a subgroup of 280 cases (128 difficult cases, 152 randomly selected) enabling expert diagnostic verification. Step 3: Ankara 2008 Consensus Conference and statistical evaluation (sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve, kappa-agreement) using as 'gold standard' the final consensus classification or original treating physician diagnosis.Results A total of 1183/1398 (85%) samples collected were available for analysis: 827 HSP, 150 c-PAN, 60 c-WG, 87 c-TA and 59 c-other. Prevalence, signs/symptoms, laboratory, biopsy and imaging reports were consistent with the clinical picture of the four c-vasculitides. A representative subgroup of 280 patients was blinded to the treating physician diagnosis and classified by a consensus panel, with kappa-agreement of 0.96 for HSP (95% CI 0.84 to 1), 0.88 for c-WG (95% CI 0.76 to 0.99), 0.84 for c-TA (95% CI 0.73 to 0.96) and 0.73 for c-PAN (95% CI 0.62 to 0.84), with an overall. of 0.79 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.84).Conclusion EULAR/PRINTO/PRES propose validated classification criteria for HSP, c-PAN, c-WG and c-TA, with substantial/almost perfect agreement with the final consensus classification or original treating physician diagnosis.
An extensible internal device (EID) was developed to preserve growth plate during the treatment of fracture complications or segmental bone loss from tumour resection in children. Since this type of extensible, trans-physeal, internal fixation device has only been used in a few paediatric cases; the aim of this study was to evaluate an in vivo canine study, a surgical application of this device, and its interference with longitudinal growth of the non-fractured distal femur. Ton clinically healthy two- to three-month-old poodles weighing 1.5-2.3 kg were used. Following a medial approach to the right distal femur, one extremity of the EID, similar to a T-plate, was fixed in the femoral condyle with two cortical screws placed below the growth plate. The other extremity, consisting of an adaptable brim with two screw holes and a plate guide, was fixed in the third distal of the femoral diaphysis with two cortical screws. The EID was removed 180 days after application. All of the dogs demonstrated full weight-bearing after surgery. The values of thigh and stifle circumferences, and stifle joint motion range did not show any difference between operated and control hindlimbs. The plate slid in the device according to longitudinal bone growth, in all but one dog. In this dog, a 10.5% shortening of the femoral shaft was observed due to a lack of EID sliding. The other dogs had the some longitudinal lengths in both femurs. The EID permits longitudinal bone growth without blocking the distal femur growth plate if appropriately placed.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the alpha-amylase (sAA) and cortisol levels in children with Global developmental delay (GDD) before and after dental treatment and its association with the children's behavior during treatment. The morning salivary cortisol levels and activity of sAA of 33 children with GDD were evaluated before and after dental treatment and were compared to 19 healthy children. The behavior of children with GDD during dental care was assessed by the Frankl scale. Children with GDD showed lower levels of sAA activity than healthy children, but this result was not significant. The salivary cortisol levels were similar between GOD and healthy children. GDD children showed increased levels of sAA (but not cortisol) prior to the dental treatment as compared to the post-treatment phase. GOD children who showed less favorable behavior during dental care had higher levels of sAA and salivary cortisol than GOD children with more favorable behavior, but only the sAA results were significant. In conclusion, GOD children show hyperactivity of the SNS-axis in anticipation of dental treatment which indicates the need for strategies to reduce their anxiety levels before and during dental care. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 310316 Background. Generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) in primary teeth is a rare periodontal disease that occurs during or soon after eruption of the primary teeth. An association with systemic diseases is a possibility. Case Report. A 4-year-old Brazilian girl presented with GAP involving the entire primary dentition. The patient and her parents and sister were subjected to microbiological testing to identify the microorganisms involved in the disease. The patient underwent tooth extraction to eradicate the disease and received a prosthesis for the restoration of masticatory function. After the permanent teeth erupted, fixed orthodontic appliances were place to restore dental arch form and occlusion. Conclusions. The results show the importance of an early diagnosis of GAP and of a multidisciplinary approach involving laboratory and clinical management to treat the disease and to restore masticatory function, providing a better quality of life for patients.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background.The prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) varies considerably around the world; however, few studies have examined MIH in South American countries.Objective.To evaluate the prevalence, severity, and clinical consequences of MIH in Brazilian children residing in rural and urban areas of the municipality of Botelhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil.Methods.Children aged 6 to 12 years (n = 918) with all four-first permanent molars erupted had these teeth evaluated according to the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) criteria. The examinations were conducted by two previously trained examiners, and the dental impact caused by MIH was evaluated with the Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index (WHO).Results.Molar incisor hypomineralization was present in 19.8% of the 918 children, with a higher prevalence in rural areas. The majority of the defects presented were demarcated opacities without post-eruptive structural loss, which has been considered as mild defects. Children with MIH had higher DMFT values.Conclusion.Despite the high prevalence of MIH, the severity of the defects was mild. The results indicate a positive association between MIH and the presence of dental caries.
Background. Predicting risk of posteruptive enamel breakdown (PEB) of molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) opacity is a difficult but important clinical task. Therefore, there is a need to evaluate these aspects through longitudinal studies.Objective. The aim of this longitudinal study was to analyse the relationship between colours of MIH opacity of children aged 6-12 (baseline) and other clinical and demographic variables involved in the increase in severity of MIH.Materials and methods. A blinded prospective 18-month follow-up was conducted with 147 individuals presenting mild MIH. Tooth-based incidence of increase in severity of MIH (PEB or atypical restorations) was used as dependent measurement. Enamel opacities were recorded according to colour shades of white, yellow and brown, allowing assessment of susceptibility to structural loss over time, according to colour of MIH opacity. Poisson regression models were used to adjust the results for demographic and clinical variables.Results. Brown and yellow MIH opacities were at higher risk for PEB and atypical restorations than those of white ones, even after adjustment for clinical and demographic variables.Conclusion. Teeth presenting mild MIH severity associated with yellow and brown enamel opacities were at high risk for increase in severity of MIH than lighter ones. This result could help clinicians determine a risk-based treatment for children with MIH.