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有机-无机钙钛矿型杂化半导体材料结合了有机和无机材料优点,并在分子水平上自组装形成复合材料,具有独特的光、电、磁等性质,在许多领域具有潜在的应用。基于第四主族金属卤化物的杂化钙钛矿是本论文研究的主题,这一类杂化钙钛矿材料是一类独特的半导体材料,其光功能引起人们越来越多的重视。 为此,本论文通过选择不同的有机阳离子配体制备了新型的基于卤化铅的有机-无机杂化钙钛矿结构单晶材料和薄膜,对它们的发光性质进行了研究。利用N-(3-胺基丙基)咪唑和溴化铅在氢溴酸溶液中反应得到了罕见的(110)取向杂化钙钛矿(C6H13N3)2PbBr4 (monoclinic, P21/c)。所得到的杂化钙钛矿在吸收(392 nm)及发射(424 nm)光谱中均存在激子的特征峰。同时,由于N-(3-胺基丙基)咪唑的光活性,得到的杂化材料具有独特的发光性质,在无机层与有机层之间发生了能量传递,使得有机配体的峰位发生红移并且发光强度明显增加。利用CASTEP (Cambridge Serial Total Energy Package) 总能计算软件包对配合物及配体的能带结构进行了计算。结果证明了配体在杂化材料中发光的红移及激子与配体间的能量传递。另外,还发现了一个有机配体2-(2-氨基乙基)硫脲也能够与金属卤化物络合形成(110)取向的有机-无机杂化钙钛矿结构C3H11SN3PbBr4(monoclinic P21/c),由于有机配体的不同,2-(2-氨基乙基)硫脲构筑的(110)取向杂化钙钛矿结构较N-(3-胺基丙基)咪唑构筑的(110)取向杂化钙钛矿结构有较大程度的扭曲变形,使得它们的发光性质有所不同。 邻-(胺基甲基)吡啶,间-(胺基甲基)吡啶,对-(胺基甲基)吡啶在相同条件下与溴化铅组装,得到0-D [(m-C6H10N2)2PbBr6] (orthorhombic, Pbca), 1-D [(o-C6H10N2)PbBr4] (monoclinic, P21/c), 2-D [p-(C6H10N2)PbBr4] (orthorhombic, Pbca) 等不同维数的溴化铅骨架。其中间-(胺基甲基)吡啶与溴化铅在酸性条件下形成稀有的0-D杂化钙钛矿;邻-(胺基甲基)吡啶在相同条件下形成2-D层状杂化钙钛矿;对-(胺基甲基)吡啶则得到共边八面体组成的一维链。证实了有机配体氢键和空间位阻对无机结构的形成起限制作用。得到的杂化钙钛矿化合物的无机层激子特征吸收峰分别位于428 nm(0-D)和431 nm(1-D),无机层激子特征发射峰位于461 nm (0-D)和467 nm(1-D)。 由于甲基咪盐的特殊胺盐构型,我们选用甲基咪盐取代的吡啶作为有机阳离子配体来构筑基于溴化铅的杂化钙钛矿,分别为3-甲咪基吡啶和4-甲咪基吡啶。3-甲咪基吡啶与溴化铅在酸性条件下构筑未见文献报道的即共点又共边的Pb-Br八面体连成无机层网络的杂化结构(C6H13N3)PbBr4 (monoclinic, C2/c)。4-甲咪基吡啶与溴化铅在相同条件下构筑的是常见的(100)取向的杂化钙钛矿结构(C6H13N3)PbBr4(orthorhombic, Pbca)。通过两个不同的化合物在结构和光学性质上的对比,表明有机阳离子配体对无机层结构以及杂化钙钛矿材料光学性质的影响。 在氢溴酸溶液中,组胺与卤化铅自组装成(100)取向杂化钙钛矿(C5H10N3)PbBr4 (monoclinic, P21/c),(C5H10N3)PbCl4 (monoclinic, P21/c)。得到由扭曲的共角八面体组成的钙钛矿片层。受有机配体空间位阻及氢键的影响,无机层发生一定的扭曲,从而导致激子吸收较(分别位于419 nm,339 nm)线形脂肪胺有一定程度的红移。荧光光谱中存在基于溴化铅,氯化铅杂化钙钛矿激子的特征发射峰。另外作为比较,另一个复杂的有机胺3-氨基-1,2,4-三唑,在同样的条件下与PbBr2进行组装得到的是无机组分为一曲折的链状一维结构的杂化结构(C2H2N4)PbBr3 (orthorhombic, Pna21)。 线形的二咪唑配体2,2΄-(二咪唑基-甲基)苯和4,4΄-(二咪唑基-甲基)对联苯,由于其空间位阻与氢键的影响,与卤化铅的组装得到链状骨架。2,2΄-(二咪唑基-甲基)苯与氯化铅构筑的无机骨架是由共边铅氯三角锥连成的一维链状结构(C7H8N2)PbCl3 (triclinic, P-1);与溴化铅形成类似交替排布的层状结构(C7H8N2)PbBr3 (triclinic, P-1)。4,4΄-(二咪唑基-甲基)对联苯构筑的氯化铅骨架为新奇的由共点的铅氯四方锥组成的类隧道形链(C20H21N4)Pb2Cl6•H2O (triclinic, P-1);构筑的溴化铅骨架为由共边的铅溴八面体组成的双链(C20H21N4)Pb2Br6 (monoclinic, C2/c)。形成配合物的发光为配体本身的π-π*跃迁发光。 所合成的杂化钙钛矿材料都具有较好的成膜性,利用简单的旋涂法即可得到质量较好的薄膜材料,有利于对其进行光电研究。
In this paper, we calculated the elastic strain and elastic strain energy inside the semiconductor quantum dots by using the finite element programming package ANSYS 6.0. The values of elastic strain and strain energy in the three shapes of quantum dots were calculated, and led to the conclusion that the pyramid island structure of quantum dots is the most stable shape in the three shapes under thermal-equilibrium condition.
本文重点对超图划分和空间填充曲线两类算法进行比较研究。在大规模科学计算的中,并行计算效率提升的一个关键在于将数据进行剖分,分配到相应处理器中,以及对处理器中的数据进行动态调整,数据剖分和数据调整是实现处理器节点之间负载均衡的关键。针对数据剖分和数据调整问题,目前主要通过两类手段解决,分别称为拓扑手段和几何手段。而超图划分和空间填充曲线作为这两类手段的代表,在数据剖分和数据调整过程中得到了广泛的应用。 解决超图划分问题的经典算法中,应用最为广泛是启发式算法,如FM算法等。本文以FM算法为例,给出了较为详细的分析。随着问题规模的不断扩大,这些传统的算法消耗的时间急剧增加,研究者们因此又提出了对超图进行多级划分的算法框架。本文将对这一算法框架的各阶段细节进行分析。 空间填充曲线可以对离散的多维空间进行线性遍历,将多维的问题转化为一维的问题。利用这种特性,在数据剖分过程中可以将数据进行排序,根据这一顺序对数据进行剖分。本文对空间填充曲线的生成和应用,以及几类常用的空间填充曲线的顺序编码生成算法进行分析。 超图划分和空间填充曲线在数据剖分应用中各有优缺点。超图划分对节点间通信量等优化目标可以进行更为准确的计算,可以得到对更为有效的减少节点间通信量的数据剖分,但是超图划分这一过程本身所需要的时间较多;而空间填充曲线可以在很短的时间内对数据进行剖分,但是无法对优化目标进行准确计算。我们对两者在数据剖分中的应用,以及应用不同的划分模型对整体计算的影响进行了分析比较,并进行了实验对观点进行了验证。 在文章的最后,结合实际项目对数值软件可视化界面的设计进行了阐述。
A three-dimensional MHD solver is described in the paper. The solver simulates reacting flows with nonequilibrium between translational-rotational, vibrational and electron translational modes. The conservation equations are discretized with implicit time marching and the second-order modified Steger-Warming scheme, and the resulted linear system is solved iteratively with Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method that is implemented by PETS,: package. The results of convergence tests arc plotted, which show good scalability and convergence around twice faster when compared with the DPLR method. Then five test runs are conducted simulating the experiments done at the NASA Ames MHD channel, and the calculated pressures, temperatures, electrical conductivity, back EMF, load factors and flow accelerations are shown to agree with the experimental data. Our computation shows that the electrical conductivity distribution is not uniform in the powered section of the MHD channel, and that it is important to include Joule heating in order to calculate the correct conductivity and the MHD acceleration.
Hyperfine quenching rates of the 3s3p P-3(0) level in Mg-like ions were calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method. Valence and core-valence correlation effects were accounted for in a systematic way. Breit interactions and QED effects were included in the subsequent relativistic CI calculations. Calculated rates were compared with other theoretical values and with experiment, and a good agreement with the latest experimental value for the Al-27(+) ion (Rosenband et al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 220801) was found. Furthermore, we showed in detail the contributions from Breit interaction and QED effects to concerned physical properties. Finally, electronic data were presented in terms of a general scaling law in Z that, given isotopic nuclear spin and magnetic moment, allows hyperfine-induced decay rates to be estimated for any isotope along the isoelectronic sequence.
To evaluate the radiative electron capture for the collisions of U89+ ion with N-2, radiative recombination cross sections and the corresponding emitted photon energies are calculated from the ground state 1s(2)2s to 1s(2)2snl(j) (2 <= n <= 9, 0 <= l <= 6) using the newly developed relativistic radiative recombination program RERR06 based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. The x-ray spectra for radiative electron capture in the collision have been obtained by convolving the radiative recombination cross sections and the Compton profile of N2. Good agreement is found between the calculated and experimental spectra. In addition, the transition energy levels and probabilities among the 147 levels from the captured 1s(2)2snl(j) have been calculated. From the calculated results, radiative decay cascade processes followed by the radiative electron capture have also been studied with the help of multistep model and coupled rate equations, respectively. The present results not only make us understand the details of the radiative electron captures and the radiative decay cascade spectra in the experiment but also show a more efficient way to obtain the cascade spectra. Finally, the equivalence between the multistep model and coupled rate equations has been shown under a proper condition and the latter can hopefully be extended to investigate other cascade processes.
The electron impact excitation (EIE) cross sections from the ground state to all of the 2s(2)2p(5)3l and 2s2p(6)3l(l=s, p, d) states along the Ne-like isoelectronic sequence of ions (Z = 50-57) have been calculated by using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock package GRASP92 and the fully relativistic distorted-wave program REIE06. In the calculations, the relativistic effects and electron correlation effects are considered systematically. Based on those calculations, the EIE cross sections along the Ne-like isoelectronic sequence of ions for different incident electron energies are discussed, and some important conclusions are drawn. We also study the influence of the correlation effects on the values of the 3C/3D line-intensity ratio [3C: (2p(1/2)3d(3/2))(1) -> 2s(2)2p(6) S-1(0), 3D: (2p(3/2)3d(5/2))(1) -> 2s(2)2p(6) S-1(0)] along the Ne-like sequence. A comparison is made between the present results and previous theoretical calculations and experimental results for the EIE cross sections in Ba-46 (+) ions, and a good agreement is obtained.
Two-electron-one-photon (TEOP) M1 and E2 transition energies, line strengths and transition probabilities between the states of the 2p(3) and 2s(2)2p odd configurations for B-like ions with 18 <= Z <= 92 have been calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method. Employing active-space techniques to expand the configuration list, we have systematically considered the valence, core-valence and core-core electron correlation effects. Breit interaction and quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects were also included to correct atomic state wavefunctions and the corresponding energies. Influences of electron correlation, Breit interaction and QED effects on transition energies and line strengths of the TEOP M1 and E2 transitions were analysed in detail. The present results were also compared with other theoretical and experimental values.
In communication networks such as the Internet, the relationship between packet generation rate and time is similar to a rectangle wavefunction due to the rhythm of humans. Thus, we investigate the traffic dynamics on a network with a rectangle wavepacket generation rate. It is found that the critical delivering capacity parameter beta(c) (which separates the congested phase and the free phase) decreases significantly with the duty cycle r of the rectangle wave for package generation. And, in the congested phase, more collective generation of packets (smaller r) is helpful for decreasing the packet aggregation rate. Moreover, it is found that the congested phase can be divided into two regions, i.e., region1 and region2, where the distributions of queue lengths are nonlinear and linear, respectively. Also, the linear expression for the distribution of queue lengths in region2 is obtained analytically. Our work reveals an obvious effect of the rectangle wave on the traffic dynamics and the queue length distribution in the system, which is of essential interest and may provide insights into the designing of work-rest schedules and routing strategies.
On the basis of previous work, the hyperfine-induced 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s(2) S-1(0) E1 transition probabilities of Mg-like ions were further calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method. The contribution to the lifetime of the P-3(2) level from the 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s(2) S-1(0) hyperfine-induced E1, 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s3p P-3(1) M1, 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s(2) S-1(0) M2 and 3s3p P-3(2) -> 3s3p P-3(0,1) E2 transition was discussed in detail. It was found that hyperfine interaction has an obvious effect on the lifetime at the beginning of the Mg-like isoelectronic sequence.
Ion - molecule complexes of magnesium cation with ethyl isocyanate were produced in a laser- ablation supersonic expansion nozzle source. Photo- induced reactions in the 1: 1 complexes have been studied in the spectral range of 230 - 410 nm. Photodissociation mass spectrometry revealed the persistent product Mg+ from nonreactive quenching throughout the entire wavelength range. As for the reactive channels, the photoproducts, Mg+OCN and C2H5+, were produced only in the blue absorption band of the complex with low yields. The action spectrum of Mg+(OCNC2H5) consists of two pronounced peaks on the red and blue sides of the Mg+ 3(2)P <-- 3(2)S atomic transition. The ground state geometry of Mg+ - OCNC2H5 was fully optimized at B3LYP/6- 31 - G** level by using GAUSSIAN 98 package. The calculated absorption spectrum of the complex using the optimized structure of its ground state agrees well with the observed action spectrum. Photofragment branching fractions of the products are almost independent of the photolysis photon energy for the 3P(x,y,z) excitations. The very low branching ratio of reactive products to nonreactive fragment suggests that evaporation is the main relaxation pathway in the photo- induced reactions of Mg+ (OCNC2H5). (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
In addition to classical methods, namely kriging, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and splines, which have been frequently used for interpolating the spatial patterns of soil properties, a relatively more accurate surface modelling technique is being developed in recent years, namely high accuracy surface modelling (HASM). It has been used in the numerical tests, DEM construction and the interpolation of climate and ecosystem changes. In this paper, HASM was applied to interpolate soil pH for assessing its feasibility of soil property interpolation in a red soil region of Jiangxi Province, China. Soil pH was measured on 150 samples of topsoil (0-20 cm) for the interpolation and comparing the performance of HASM, kriging. IDW and splines. The mean errors (MEs) of interpolations indicate little bias of interpolation for soil pH by the four techniques. HASM has less mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) than kriging, IDW and splines. HASM is still the most accurate one when we use the mean rank and the standard deviation of the ranks to avoid the outlier effects in assessing the prediction performance of the four methods. Therefore, HASM can be considered as an alternative and accurate method for interpolating soil properties. Further researches of HASM are needed to combine HASM with ancillary variables to improve the interpolation performance and develop a user-friendly algorithm that can be implemented in a GIS package. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High-resolution Sustained off resonance irradiation (SORI) CID was employed to distinguish four pairs of isomeric diglycosyl flavonoids in the negative mode using the electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FTICR MS). All of these isomers can be distinguished via MS/MS data. For these diglycosyl flavones and flavanones, the deprotonated alpha 1-->6 linkage diglycosyl flavonoids produce fewer fragments than the alpha 1-->2 linkage type compounds and the Retro-Diels-Alder (RDA) reaction in MS/MS only takes place when the aglycone is a flavanone and glycosylated with an alpha 1-->2 intersaccharide linkage disaccharide. The deprotonation sites after collisional activation are discussed according to the high mass accuracy and high-resolution data of tandem spectrometry. Some of these high-resolution SORI CID product ions from alpha 1-->2 linkage diglycosyl flavonoids involve multibond cleavages; the possible mechanism is discussed based on the computer modeling using Gaussian 03 program package at the B3LYP/6-31G level of theory. Unambiguous elementary composition data provides fragmentation information that has not been reported previously.
Blocked isocyanates are widely used in many kinds of one-package coatings, powder coatings and adhesives. They have also been used in water-borne polyurethane. The kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of blocked isocyanates are reviewed and two urethane forming reaction mechanisms by which a blocked isocyanate can react with a nucleophile are provided. Furthermore, effects of isocyanate structure, reaction medium, catalyst and functionality on kinetics of blocked isocyanate are discussed in detail.