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Os autores do livro apontam a importância de os professores serem propositores dos programas de formação contínua, a partir das necessidades que apontam. Essa perspectiva, que dá voz aos professores, tem se mostrado fértil no desenvolvimento de processos dessa natureza, pois considera fundamental o protagonismo dos sujeitos-professores na implementação de mudanças que se fazem necessárias nas práticas e nos currículos escolares. Procedendo ao levantamento de necessidades junto a uma amostra significativa de 533 professores, em dez municípios da região, com a colaboração da UNDIME - União Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educação, e desenvolvendo uma análise crítica e contextualizada dos resultados, os autores apresentam indicativos e propostas para a efetivação de políticas de formação contínua que superam eventuais desperdícios de recursos em ações pontuais, fragmentadas e externas às demandas reais das escolas e dos professores. Ao valorizar a formação crítica e reflexiva desses sujeitos, alinham-se às perspectivas que superam a racionalidade técnica instrumental das competências docentes, característica dos governos neoliberais que culpabilizam os professores diretamente pelo fracasso escolar, desvalorizam sua formação universitária de intelectual e pesquisador e não investem na melhoria da infraestrutura necessária ao trabalho docente de qualidade nem nas condições de carreira e salário dos professores.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research analyzes the development of motor skills of kicking andhitting 60 children, six years old, from three schools in the city of Bauru. Thestudents were videotaped performing the task of kicking and hitting. Thecollected data were analyzed by three independent evaluators who rated theskills in development stages (early, elementary and mature), following thecharacteristics presented by Gallahue and Ozmun (2005), adding two morecategories: beginner / intermediate, elementary / intermediate. The resultsshowed that there were differences between the skills of kicking and hitting.This may be related to cultural aspects. Also found that most children havenot reached the mature stage of development the two skills, which is contraryto that expected in the literature.


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The professional development of teachers to work with children with disabilities is a recurring theme in the literature, as it is one of the keys to effective educational inclusion. However, studies carried out so far have mainly focused on training elementary school teachers. Given this context, this study sought to investigate: the occurrence of articles whose main objective is professional development for teachers of early childhood education to work with children with disabilities; and the methodology used in the professional development programs assessed by those papers. Articles published from 1990 to 2012, in the following journals, were analyzed: Educação e Pesquisa (USP), Revista Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, Pro-Posições (Unicamp), Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial e Revista Educação Especial (UFSM). After selecting the journals, the titles of all articles published within the period considered were read. Articles deemed relevant articles were read in full, and analyzed, according to the purposes of this research. The results indicated that within the period considered, and based on the journals chosen for investigation, there were no specific articles on the subject directly, although there have been articles that touch on the issue. This literature review emphasizes the importance of expanding research on the subject, in order to widen knowledge in the area, especially knowledge aimed at contributing to early childhood education and the professional development of its teachers.


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Years after the constructivism theory was adopted by “Parameters for National Syllabuses”, the results have pointed to a worse performance in teaching and learning with regards to reading and writing. This article presents the conclusions proceeding from investigation about the probable reasons for the student’s lack of success in reading and writing, and its relation to Emília Ferreiro’s constructivism proposals. Interviews were made as well as sit in class observation were done, with twenty teachers at six Fundamental Level 1 schools in Ourinhos, SP State, in schools that had been awarded the best and the worst performance rating in the Prova Brasil-2005, with this objective: to know and analyze the teacher’s conceptions under their practices and their practices in the classes. The conclusion is: it is not possible to attribute the students’ lack of success in reading and writing; these studies showed that many teachers, most of them, have a non-constructivist concept of teaching and learning, it means that they do not apply Ferreiro’s researches.


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Given the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of education institutions in primary education, it is clear that they are connected to decipher and not the search for meaning and understanding. In thinking about the use of new technologies that can contribute to the formation of the reader, it is believed that reading subtitles allows such training since it requires a quick read that does not cling to every word and attribution of meaning to monitor all the course of the film. This makes the children learn to read and make sense using the expertise of its cultural heritage. This research aimed to analyze the contribution of film subtitles to the formation of the reader from elementary school. Thus, students were invited, between the ages of six and ten years, with interest to see subtitled films, and they learn to read subtitles. The film sessions were held fortnightly at the school, in an adapted room. After the sessions, held group discussions to see what the problems in understanding the plot this paper presents data on the session of the film "Coração de Tinta". Children, assisted by the researchers could understand the story and learned to articulate their knowledge in situations of movies. The research is ongoing, but we can see that during the projection there are indications that they are able to read the subtitles, sometimes lose the timing of reading, but gradually evolve in the field of reading this kind of discourse.


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The child accidents are a serious public health problem, but can be prevented by the education. The Ministries of Health and Education suggest preventive actions in schools, but these are scarce, as well as the materials to be used in the educational context. The objective of this study was to evaluate an educational intervention on prevention of accidental falls. Participants were 17 students of the fourth year of elementary school at a municipal school. We checked the students' prior knowledge, read a paradicdatic book and re-verification of knowledge. The results indicated an increase of correct answers by 40% comparing the data obtained before and after the action. It is concluded that the educational activity favored the expansion of knowledge about the theme in the educational environment.


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Esse texto é resultado das análises preliminares do projeto de pesquisa intitulado: Literatura infantil e a presença da criança negra: uma análise dos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca da Escola (PNBE) de 2010, que tem como objetivo analisar a presença dos personagens negros nos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE) no ano de 2010, com o objetivo de compreender como as crianças do primeiro e do quinto ano do ensino fundamental I veem a presença do personagem negro na literatura infantil. A escolha pela série inicial e pela série final do ensino fundamental I tem a intenção de investigar se as percepções acerca dos personagens negros são diferentes ao decorrer do processo escolar, ou seja, analisar se as crianças pequenas possuem representações diferentes das crianças maiores. Por tratar-se da proposição de uma pesquisa de tipo etnográfico, serão realizadas observações para analisar e interpretar aspectos da literatura infantil veiculada na escola, entrevista semiestruturada para compreender como as crianças vêem a presença do personagem negro na literatura infantil, revisão bibliográfica e análise dos livros de literatura infantil recomendados pelo Programa Nacional Biblioteca Escolar (PNBE) de 2010. Foi escolhido o último ano do programa com o intuito de analisar as obras que estão em circulação atualmente.