Recent changes in the dynamics of Greenland's marine terminating outlet glaciers indicate a rapid and complex response to external forcing. Despite observed ice front retreat and recent geophysical evidence for accelerated mass loss along Greenland's northwestern margin, it is unclear whether west Greenland glaciers have undergone the synchronous speed-up and subsequent slow-down as observed in southeastern glaciers earlier in the decade. To investigate changes in west Greenland outlet glacier dynamics and the potential controls behind their behavior, we derive time series of front position, surface elevation, and surface slope for 59 marine terminating outlet glaciers and surface speeds for select glaciers in west Greenland from 2000 to 2009. Using these data, we look for relationships between retreat, thinning, acceleration, and geometric parameters to determine the first-order controls on glacier behavior. Our data indicate that changes in front positions and surface elevations were asynchronous on annual time scales, though nearly all glaciers retreated and thinned over the decade. We found no direct relationship between retreat, acceleration, and external forcing applicable to the entire region. In regard to geometry, we found that, following retreat, (1) glaciers with grounded termini experienced more pronounced changes in dynamics than those with floating termini and (2) thinning rates declined more quickly for glaciers with steeper slopes. Overall, glacier geometry should influence outlet glacier dynamics via stress redistribution following perturbations at the front, but our data indicate that the relative importance of geometry as a control of glacier behavior is highly variable throughout west Greenland.
Capitulares grab. xil.
This paper analyzes the relationship among research collaboration, number of documents and number of citations of computer science research activity. It analyzes the number of documents and citations and how they vary by number of authors. They are also analyzed (according to author set cardinality) under different circumstances, that is, when documents are written in different types of collaboration, when documents are published in different document types, when documents are published in different computer science subdisciplines, and, finally, when documents are published by journals with different impact factor quartiles. To investigate the above relationships, this paper analyzes the publications listed in the Web of Science and produced by active Spanish university professors between 2000 and 2009, working in the computer science field. Analyzing all documents, we show that the highest percentage of documents are published by three authors, whereas single-authored documents account for the lowest percentage. By number of citations, there is no positive association between the author cardinality and citation impact. Statistical tests show that documents written by two authors receive more citations per document and year than documents published by more authors. In contrast, results do not show statistically significant differences between documents published by two authors and one author. The research findings suggest that international collaboration results on average in publications with higher citation rates than national and institutional collaborations. We also find differences regarding citation rates between journals and conferences, across different computer science subdisciplines and journal quartiles as expected. Finally, our impression is that the collaborative level (number of authors per document) will increase in the coming years, and documents published by three or four authors will be the trend in computer science literature.
El uso de Internet por parte de los ciudadanos para relacionarse con las Administraciones Públicas o en relación con actividades de comercio electrónico crece día a día. Así lo evidencian los diferentes estudios realizados en esta materia, como los que lleva a cabo el Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información (http://www.ontsi.red.es/ontsi/). Se hace necesario, por tanto, identificar a las partes intervinientes en estas transacciones, además de dotarlas de la confidencialidad necesaria y garantizar el no repudio. Uno de los elementos que, junto con los mecanismos criptográficos apropiados, proporcionan estos requisitos, son los certificados electrónicos de servidor web. Existen numerosas publicaciones dedicadas a analizar esos mecanismos criptográficos y numerosos estudios de seguridad relacionados con los algoritmos de cifrado, simétrico y asimétrico, y el tamaño de las claves criptográficas. Sin embargo, la seguridad relacionada con el uso de los protocolos de seguridad SSL/TLS está estrechamente ligada a dos aspectos menos conocidos: el grado de seguridad con el que se emiten los certificados electrónicos de servidor que permiten implementar dichos protocolos; y el uso que hacen las aplicaciones software, y en especial los navegadores web, de los campos que contiene el perfil de dichos certificados. Por tanto, diferentes perfiles de certificados electrónicos de servidor y diferentes niveles de seguridad asociados al procedimiento de emisión de los mismos, dan lugar a diferentes tipos de certificados electrónicos. Si además se considera el marco jurídico que afecta a cada uno de ellos, se puede concluir que existe una tipología de certificados de servidor, con diferentes grados de seguridad o de confianza. Adicionalmente, existen otros requisitos que también pueden pasar desapercibidos tanto a los titulares de los certificados como a los usuarios de los servicios de comercio electrónico y administración electrónica. Por ejemplo, el grado de confianza que otorgan los navegadores web a las Autoridades de Certificación emisoras de los certificados y cómo estas adquieren tal condición, o la posibilidad de poder verificar el estado de revocación del certificado electrónico. El presente trabajo analiza todos estos requisitos y establece, en función de los mismos, la correspondiente tipología de certificados electrónicos de servidor web. Concretamente, las características a analizar para cada tipo de certificado son las siguientes: Seguridad jurídica. Normas técnicas. Garantías sobre la verdadera identidad del dominio. Verificación del estado de revocación. Requisitos del Prestador de Servicios de Certificación. Los tipos de certificados electrónicos a analizar son: Certificados de servidor web: Certificados autofirmados y certificados emitidos por un Prestador de Servicios de Certificación. Certificados de dominio simple y certificados multidominio (wildcard y SAN) Certificados de validación extendida. Certificados de sede electrónica. ABSTRACT Internet use by citizens to interact with government or with e-commerce activities is growing daily. This topic is evidenced by different studies in this area, such as those undertaken by the Observatorio Nacional de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información (http://www.ontsi.red.es/ontsi/ ). Therefore, it is necessary to identify the parties involved in these transactions, as well as provide guaranties such as confidentiality and non-repudiation. One instrument which, together with appropriate cryptographic mechanisms, provides these requirements is SSL electronic certificate. There are numerous publications devoted to analyzing these cryptographic mechanisms and many studies related security encryption algorithms, symmetric and asymmetric, and the size of the cryptographic keys. However, the safety related to the use of security protocols SSL / TLS is closely linked to two lesser known aspects: the degree of security used in issuing the SSL electronic certificates; and the way software applications, especially web Internet browsers, work with the fields of the SSL certificates profiles. Therefore, the diversity of profiles and security levels of issuing SSL electronic certificates give rise to different types of certificates. Besides, some of these electronic certificates are affected by a specific legal framework. Consequently, it can be concluded that there are different types of SSL certificates, with different degrees of security or trustworthiness. Additionally, there are other requirements that may go unnoticed both certificate holders and users of e-commerce services and e-Government. For example, the degree of trustworthiness of the Certification Authorities and how they acquire such a condition by suppliers of Internet browsers, or the possibility to verify the revocation status of the SSL electronic certificate. This paper discusses these requirements and sets, according to them, the type of SSL electronic certificates. Specifically, the characteristics analyzed for each type of certificate are the following: Legal security. Technical standards. Guarantees to the real identity of the domain. Check the revocation status. Requirements of the Certification Services Providers. The types of electronic certificates to be analyzed are the following: SSL electronic certificates: Self-signed certificates and certificates issued by a Certification Service Provider. Single-domain certificates and multi-domain certificates (wildcard and SAN) Extended Validation Certificates. “Sede electrónica” certificates (specific certificates for web sites of Spanish Public Administrations).
A unos 4 km aproximadamente de Peñarroya y Fuente Ovejuna, en la provincia de Córdoba, se encuentra un importante coto minero, constituido por la minas de carbón llamadas "Porvenir de la Industria", "San Juan"y "Esperanza" y las de hierro llamadas "Capricho 1", "Capricho 2" abarcando una extensión superficial en conjunto de 1111 hectáreas, de las cuales 1076 corresponden al primer grupo y las 35 restantes al segundo, siendo la más importante de las 5, por su extensión y trabajos en ella realizados, la que es objeto de la memoria presente.
The continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey is an upper layer plankton monitoring program that has regularly collected samples, at monthly intervals, in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas since 1946. Water from approximately 6 m depth enters the CPR through a small aperture at the front of the sampler and travels down a tunnel where it passes through a silk filtering mesh of 270 µm before exiting at the back of the CPR. The plankton filtered on the silk is analyzed in sections corresponding to 10 nautical miles (approx. 3 m**3 of seawater filtered) and the plankton microscopically identified (Richardson et al., 2006 and reference therein). In the present study we used the CPR data to investigate the current basin scale distribution of C. finmarchicus (C5-C6), C. helgolandicus (C5-C6), C. hyperboreus (C5-C6), Pseudocalanus spp. (C6), Oithona spp. (C1-C6), total Euphausiida, total Thecosomata and the presence/absence of Cnidaria and the Phytoplankton Colour Index (PCI). The PCI, which is a visual assessment of the greenness of the silk, is used as an indicator of the distribution of total phytoplankton biomass across the Atlantic basin (Batten et al., 2003). Monthly data collected between 2000 and 2009 were gridded using the inverse-distance interpolation method, in which the interpolated values were the nodes of a 2 degree by 2 degree grid. The resulting twelve monthly matrices were then averaged within the year and in the case of the zooplankton the data were log-transformed (i.e. log10 (x+1).
Vol. 1, pages 57-62 wanting.
Each vol. has numersous sections called anexos which are sometimes issued separately. Some anexo have individual titles and variant titles.
Half-title: Codigo de comercio y de navegacion, actualmente en vigor en los estados de América, conocido bajo el nombre de Ordenanzas de la ilustre Universidad y Casa de contratacion de la m. n. y m. l. villa de Bilbao.