974 resultados para PPG-5-CETETH-20
The effect of cyclosporine A during the development phase of adjuvant arthritis was studied in 40 female rats. Five groups of eight animals each received oral cyclosporine, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, or 30 mg/kg daily for 30 days. Also, eight normal and eight diseased rats served as placebo controls. At the time of inoculation of the adjuvant suspension on day 0, measurement of disease parameters (paw swelling and vertebral density) was started concomitantly with beginning of therapy. On completion of the study, the animals were killed, and after measurement of total skeletal and segmental (hind legs and caudal spine plus two caudal vertebrae) calcium, the two assessed vertebrae and both femoral condyles were removed for histomorphometric evaluation (vertebrae) and for estimation of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content of cartilage. Blood for osteocalcin determinations also was taken at term from control and untreated arthritic rats and from animals that had received 10 mg/kg cyclosporine. Treatment with 2.5 mg/kg was ineffective, but doses between 5 and 20 mg/kg prevented the development of articular and osseous lesions. The 20 mg/kg dose showed no better effect than 10 mg/kg. This was shown by the absence of inflammation and the presence of normal condylar GAG and total mineral content in the areas screened. Untreated animals showed marked reductions in all of these parameters. The 30 mg/kg dose was effective in blocking the GAG loss, but significant reductions in bone density and trabecular volume were seen. There was a close correlation between GAG and bone density values, suggesting a common causal relationship. Circulating osteocalcin was significantly elevated in the untreated animals with adjuvant arthritis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Recently it has been shown in rodent malaria models that immunisation with genetically attenuated Plasmodium parasites can confer sterile protection against challenge with virulent parasites. For the mass production of live attenuated Plasmodium parasites for vaccination, safety is a prerequisite. Knockout of a single gene is not sufficient for such a strategy since the parasite can likely compensate for such a genetic modification and a single surviving parasite is sufficient to kill an immunised individual. Parasites must therefore be at least double-attenuated when generating a safe vaccine strain. Genetic double-attenuation can be achieved by knocking out two essential genes or by combining a single gene knockout with the expression of a protein toxic for the parasite. We generated a double-attenuated Plasmodium berghei strain that is deficient in fatty acid synthesis by the knockout of the pdh-e1α gene, introducing a second attenuation by the liver stage-specific expression of the pore-forming bacterial toxin perfringolysin O. With this double genetically attenuated parasite strain, a superior attenuation was indeed achieved compared with single-attenuated strains that were either deficient in pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)-E1 or expressed perfringolysin O. In vivo, both single-attenuated strains resulted in breakthrough infections even if low to moderate doses of sporozoites (2,000-5,000) were administered. In contrast, the double genetically attenuated parasite strain, given at moderate doses of 5,000 sporozoites, did not result in blood stage infection and even when administered at 5- to 20-fold higher doses, only single and delayed breakthrough infections were observed. Prime booster immunisation with the double genetically attenuated parasite strain completely protected a susceptible mouse strain from malaria and even a single immunisation conferred protection in some cases and lead to a markedly delayed onset of blood stage infection in others. Importantly, premature rupture of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane by liver stage-specific perfringolysin O expression did not induce host cell death and soluble parasite proteins, which are released into the host cell cytoplasm, have the potential to be processed and presented via MHC class I molecules. This, in turn, might support immunological responses against Plasmodium-infected hepatocytes.
Since November 1994, the GROund-based Millimeter-wave Ozone Spectrometer (GROMOS) measures stratospheric and lower mesospheric ozone in Bern, Switzerland (47.95° N, 7.44° E). GROMOS is part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). In July 2009, a Fast-Fourier-Transform spectrometer (FFTS) has been added as backend to GROMOS. The new FFTS and the original filter bench (FB) measured parallel for over two years. In October 2011, the FB has been turned off and the FFTS is now used to continue the ozone time series. For a consolidated ozone time series in the frame of NDACC, the quality of the stratospheric ozone profiles obtained with the FFTS has to be assessed. The FFTS results from July 2009 to December 2011 are compared to ozone profiles retrieved by the FB. FFTS and FB of the GROMOS microwave radiometer agree within 5% above 20 hPa. A later harmonization of both time series will be realized by taking the FFTS as benchmark for the FB. Ozone profiles from the FFTS are also compared to coinciding lidar measurements from the Observatoire Haute Provence (OHP), France. For the time period studied a maximum mean difference (lidar – GROMOS FFTS) of +3.8% at 3.1 hPa and a minimum mean difference of +1.4% at 8 hPa is found. Further, intercomparisons with ozone profiles from other independent instruments are performed: satellite measurements include MIPAS onboard ENVISAT, SABER onboard TIMED, MLS onboard EOS Aura and ACE-FTS onboard SCISAT-1. Additionally, ozonesondes launched from Payerne, Switzerland, are used in the lower stratosphere. Mean relative differences of GROMOS FFTS and these independent instruments are less than 10% between 50 and 0.1 hPa.
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main;
Previous studies of the sediments of Lake Lucerne have shown that massive subaqueous mass movements affecting unconsolidated sediments on lateral slopes are a common process in this lake, and, in view of historical reports describing damaging waves on the lake, it was suggested that tsunamis generated by mass movements represent a considerable natural hazard on the lakeshores. Newly performed numerical simulations combining two-dimensional, depth-averaged models for mass-movement propagation and for tsunami generation, propagation and inunda- tion reproduce a number of reported tsunami effects. Four analysed mass-movement scenarios—three based on documented slope failures involving volumes of 5.5 to 20.8 9 106 m3—show peak wave heights of several metres and maximum runup of 6 to [10 m in the directly affected basins, while effects in neighbouring basins are less drastic. The tsunamis cause large-scale inundation over distances of several hundred metres on flat alluvial plains close to the mass-movement source areas. Basins at the ends of the lake experience regular water-level oscillations with characteristic periods of several minutes. The vulnerability of potentially affected areas has increased dramatically since the times of the damaging historical events, recommending a thorough evaluation of the hazard.
Die Foliierung geht nur bis Bl. 422; zusätzlich gibt es das Blatt 98a.
ATLAS measurements of the azimuthal anisotropy in lead–lead collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV are shown using a dataset of approximately 7μb−1 collected at the LHC in 2010. The measurements are performed for charged particles with transversemomenta 0.5 < pT < 20 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range |η| < 2.5. The anisotropy is characterized by the Fourier coefficients, vn, of the charged-particle azimuthal angle distribution for n = 2–4. The Fourier coefficients are evaluated using multi-particle cumulants calculated with the generating function method. Results on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity and centrality dependence of the vn coefficients are presented. The elliptic flow, v2, is obtained from the two-, four-, six- and eight-particle cumulants while higher-order coefficients, v3 and v4, are determined with two- and four-particle cumulants. Flow harmonics vn measured with four-particle cumulants are significantly reduced compared to the measurement involving two-particle cumulants. A comparison to vn measurements obtained using different analysis methods and previously reported by the LHC experiments is also shown. Results of measurements of flow fluctuations evaluated with multiparticle cumulants are shown as a function of transverse momentum and the collision centrality. Models of the initial spatial geometry and its fluctuations fail to describe the flow fluctuations measurements.
Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher
Vorbesitzer: Isaak Markus Jost
Vorbesitzer: Eljāqīm Carmoly