Many bacteria use acyl homoserine lactone signals to monitor cell density in a type of gene regulation termed quorum sensing and response. Synthesis of these signals is directed by homologs of the luxi gene of Vibrio fischeri. This communication resolves two critical issues concerning the synthesis of the V. fischeri signal. (i) The luxI product is directly involved in signal synthesis-the protein is an acyl homoserine lactone synthase; and (ii) the substrates for acyl homoserine lactone synthesis are not amino acids from biosynthetic pathways or fatty acid degradation products, but rather they are S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and an acylated acyl carrier protein (ACP) from the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. We purified a maltose binding protein-LuxI fusion polypeptide and showed that, when provided with the appropriate substrates, it catalyzes the synthesis of an acyl homoserine lactone. In V. fischeri, luxi directs the synthesis of N-(3-oxohexanoyl) homoserine lactone and hexanoyl homoserine lactone. The purified maltose binding protein-LuxI fusion protein catalyzes the synthesis of hexanoyl homoserine lactone from hexanoyl-ACP and SAM. There is a high level of specificity for hexanoyl-ACP over ACPs with differing acyl group lengths, and hexanoyl homoserine lactone was not synthesized when SAM was replaced with other amino acids, such as methionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine, homoserine, or homoserine lactone, or when hexanoyl-SAM was provided as the substrate. This provides direct evidence that the LuxI protein is an auto-inducer synthase that catalyzes the formation of an amide bond between SAM and a fatty acyl-ACP and then catalyzes the formation of the acyl homoserine lactone from the acyl-SAM intermediate.
We describe a novel DNA damage binding activity in nuclear extracts from a normal human fibroblast cell strain. This protein was identified using electrophoretic mobility shift assays of immunopurified UV-irradiated oligonucleotide substrates containing a single, site-specific cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer or a pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidinone photoproduct. Compared with the (6-4) photoproduct, which displayed similar levels of binding in double and single-stranded substrates, the protein showed somewhat lower affinity for the cyclobutane dimer in a single-stranded oligonucleotide and negligible binding in double-stranded DNA. The specificity and magnitude of binding was similar in cells with normal excision repair (GM637) and repair-deficient cells from xeroderma pigmentosum groups A (XP12RO) and E (XP2RO). An apparent molecular mass of 66 kDa consisting of two subunits of approximately 22 and approximately 44 kDa was determined by Southwestern analysis. Cell cycle studies using centrifugal cell elutriation indicated that the binding activity was significantly greater in G1 phase compared with S phase in a human lymphoblast cell line. Gel supershift analysis using an anti-replication protein A antibody showed that the binding protein was not antigenically related to the human single-stranded binding protein. Taken together, these data suggest that this activity represents a novel DNA damage binding protein that, in addition to a putative role in excision repair, may also function in cell cycle or gene regulation.
Alternative RNA polymerase sigma factors are a common means of coordinating gene regulation in bacteria. Using PCR amplification with degenerate primers, we identified and cloned a sigma factor gene, sigF, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The deduced protein encoded by sigF shows significant similarity to SigF sporulation sigma factors from Streptomyces coelicolor and Bacillus subtilis and to SigB, a stress-response sigma factor, from B. subtilis. Southern blot surveys with a sigF-specific probe identified cross-hybridizing bands in other slow-growing mycobacteria, Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and Mycobacterium avium, but not in the rapid-growers Mycobacterium smegmatis or Mycobacterium abscessus. RNase protection assays revealed that M. tuberculosis sigF mRNA is not present during exponential-phase growth in M. bovis BCG cultures but is strongly induced during stationary phase, nitrogen depletion, and cold shock. Weak expression of M. tuberculosis sigF was also detected during late-exponential phase, oxidative stress, anaerobiasis, and alcohol shock. The specific expression of M. tuberculosis sigF during stress or stationary phase suggests that it may play a role in the ability of tubercle bacilli to adapt to host defenses and persist during human infection.
Mapping nucleosome position at single base-pair resolution by using site-directed hydroxyl radicals.
A base-pair resolution method for determining nucleosome position in vitro has been developed to com- plement existing, less accurate methods. Cysteaminyl EDTA was tethered to a recombinant histone octamer via a mutant histone H4 with serine 47 replaced by cysteine. When assembled into nucleosome core particles, the DNA could be cut site specifically by hydroxyl radical-catalyzed chain scission by using the Fenton reaction. Strand cleavage occurs mainly at a single nucleotide close to the dyad axis of the core particle, and assignment of this location via the symmetry of the nucleosome allows base-pair resolution mapping of the histone octamer position on the DNA. The positions of the histone octamer and H3H4 tetramer were mapped on a 146-bp Lytechinus variegatus 5S rRNA sequence and a twofold-symmetric derivative. The weakness of translational determinants of nucleosome positioning relative to the overall affinity of the histone proteins for this DNA is clearly demonstrated. The predominant location of both histone octamer and H3H4 tetramer assembled on the 5S rDNA is off center. Shifting the nucleosome core particle position along DNA within a conserved rotational phase could be induced under physiologically relevant conditions. Since nucleosome shifting has important consequences for chromatin structure and gene regulation, an approach to the thermodynamic characterization of this movement is proposed. This mapping method is potentially adaptable for determining nucleosome position in chromatin in vivo.
A M(r) 140,000 protein has been purified from chicken lungs to apparent homogeneity. The protein binds with high affinity to a non-BNA conformation, which is most likely to the Z-DNA. The protein also has a binding site for double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). Peptide sequences from this protein show similarity to dsRNA adenosine deaminase, an enzyme that deaminates adenosine in dsRNA to form inosine. Assays for this enzyme confirm that dsRNA adenosine deaminase activity and Z-DNA binding are properties of the same molecule. The coupling of these two activities in a single molecule may indicate a distinctive mechanism of gene regulation that is, in part, dependent on DNA topology. As such, DNA topology, through its effects on the efficiency and extent of RNA editing may be important in the generation of new phenotypes during evolution.
A desnutrição proteica (DP) pode ocasionar alterações na matriz extracelular (MEC) de diferentes órgãos e tecidos, inclusive o hematopoético, com comprometimento funcional. Estudos do nosso laboratório demonstraram, em modelo murino de DP, aumento da expressão proteica de fibronectina (FN) no estroma medular ósseo in vivo, principalmente na região subendosteal (local de fixação da célula tronco progenitora hemopoética). Já in vitro, no estroma medular ósseo, observou-se tanto o aumento quanto a diminuição de FN e a presença de suas isoformas. Essas alterações de FN parecem estar envolvidas com a hipoplasia da medula óssea (MO) em camundongos desnutridos. As modificações quantitativas de FN podem ser devidas: (i) à ação das metaloproteinases de matriz (MMP) responsáveis pela degradação das proteínas da MEC; (ii) aos inibidores de metaloproteinases (TIMP) que regulam a degradação da MEC; (iii) às alterações transcricionais, reguladas pela via de AKT/mTOR, que controla os splicing alternativos na FN, resultando em isoformas dessa proteína; (iv) a processos pós-transcricionais modulados por LC3, que aumenta a tradução do RNAm de FN. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi elucidar os mecanismos que alteram o turnover de FN no estroma medular ósseo em modelo murino de DP. Utilizamos camundongos, C57BL/6J machos, adultos, separados em dois grupos: controle e desnutrido, alimentados, ad libitum, com ração contendo 12% e 2% de proteína, respectivamente. Após cinco semanas de indução à desnutrição os camundongos foram eutanasiados, e coletado o material biológico. Avaliamos: o estado nutricional, o hematológico, a histologia da MO femoral bem como a determinação imunohistoquímica da FN, MMP-2 e MMP-9, determinação da expressão de FN e suas isoformas em células totais da MO, o estabelecimento do estroma medular ósseo in vitro, por 28 e 35 dias de cultivo. A partir das culturas foram avaliadas a expressão de RNAm de FN e suas isoformas, MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, AKT, mTOR e LC3α e β, quantificação de MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2,TNFα, TGFβ e IL-1β e determinação de LC3β e proteínas da via de AKT/mTOR. Não observamos alterações na expressão do RNAm de FN e suas isoformas ex vivo e in vitro, mas um aumento da deposição de FN na MO.Também não observamos modificações na imunolocalização de MMP-2 e MMP-9 na MO e na atividade dessas proteínas no sobrenadante de culturas de células estromais in vitro, mas houve aumento da expressão do RNAm de MMP-9 em 28 dias de cultivo. Não detectamos alterações na expressão de RNAm e na concentração de TIMP-1 e TIMP-2 no sobrenadante das culturas. Houve redução significativa de TNFα e TGFβ no sobrenadante das culturas de 28 dias. Observamos aumento da expressão do RNAm de mTOR em culturas de 28 dias e LC3α e LC3β em 35 dias de células estromais. Encontramos menor fosforilação de PI3K, AKT, PTEN, mTOR e mTOR total e aumento de LC3β em culturas de 28 dias, mas redução de LC3β em 35 dias. Em função dos dados inferimos que a DP conduz a alterações da FN que não estão relacionadas à ação de MMPs e TIMPs e sim a modificações de LC3β e da via de AKT/mTOR.
O operon groESL de C. crescentus apresenta dupla regulação. A indução deste operon por choque térmico é dependente do fator sigma de choque térmico σ32. A temperaturas fisiológicas, a expressão de groESL apresenta regulação temporal durante o ciclo celular da bactéria e o controle envolve a proteína repressora HrcA e o elemento CIRCE (controlling inverted repeat of chaperonin expression). Para estudar a atividade da proteína repressora in vitro, produzimos e purificamos de E. coli a HrcA de C. creseentus contendo uma cauda de histidinas e a ligação especifica ao elemento CIRCE foi analisada em ensaios de migração retardada em gel de poliacrilamida (EMRGP). A quantidade de DNA retardada pela ligação a HrcA aumentou significativamente na presença de GroES/GroEL, sugerindo que estas proteínas modulam a atividade de HrcA. Corroboração desta modulação foi obtida analisando fusões de transcrição da região regulatória de groESL com o gene lacZ, em células de C. crescentus produzindo diferentes quantidades de GroES/EL. HrcA contendo as substituições Pro81 AJa e Arg87Ala, aminoácidos que se localizam no domínio putativo de ligação ao DNA da proteína, mostraram ser deficientes na ligação a CIRCE, tanto in vitro como in vivo. Em adição, HrcA Ser56Ala expressa na mesma célula juntamente com a proteína selvagem produziu um fenótipo dominante-negativo, indicando que a HrcA de C. crescentus liga-se a CIRCE como um oligômero, provavelmente um dímero. As tentativas de obtenção de mutantes nulos para os genes groESL ou dnaKJ falharam, indicando que as proteínas GroES/GroEL e DnaK/DnaJ são essenciais em C. crescentus, mesmo a temperaturas normais. Foram então construídas no laboratório as linhagens mutantes condicionais SG300 e SG400 de C. crescentus, onde a expressão de groESL e de dnaKJ, respectivamente, está sob controle de um promotor induzido por xilose (PxyIX). Estas linhagens foram caracterizadas quanto á sua morfologia em condições permissivas ou restritivas, assim como quanto à capacidade de sobrevivência frente a vários tipos de estresse. As células da linhagem SG300, exauridas de GroES/GroEL, são resistentes ao choque térmico a 42°C e são capazes de adquirir alguma termotolerância. Entretanto, estas células são sensíveis aos estresses oxidativo, salino e osmótico. As células da linhagem SG400, exauridas de DnaKlJ, são sensíveis ao choque térmico, à exposição a etanol e ao congelamento, e são incapazes de adquirir termotolerância. Além disso, tanto as células exauridas de GroES/GroEL quanto as exauridas de DnaK/DnaJ apresentam problemas na sua morfologia. As células de SG300 exauridas de GroES/GroEL formam filamentos longos que possuem constrições fundas e irregulares. As células de SG400 exauridas de DnaK/DnaJ são apenas um pouco mais alongadas que as células pré-divisionais selvagens e a maioria das células não possuem septo. Estas observações indicam bloqueio da divisão celular, que deve ocorrer em diferentes estágios em cada linhagem.
Les produits biologiques représentent une avenue thérapeutique très prometteuse pour diverses maladies actuellement sans traitement, dont le cancer. La demande pour ces produits est donc très forte et des bioprocédés industriels efficaces et fiables doivent être mis en place pour y répondre. Le système inductible au cumate (CR5) développé par le groupe de Bernard Massie permet d’exprimer des protéines d’intérêt de façon finement régulable et à haut niveau dans les cellules CHO. Un travail d’optimisation est toutefois nécessaire afin de maximiser l’expression tout en améliorant l’étanchéité du système. Dans cette optique, diverses constructions du promoteur comportant des configurations différentes d’espacement entre ses constituants, des transactivateurs comportant des domaines d’activation différents, et une séquence opératrice synthétique ont été testées pour évaluer leur capacité à améliorer le rendement et l’étanchéité du CR5. Ainsi, un protomoteur comportant trois séquences opératrices avec six paires de bases entre chacune de ces dernières s’est montré plus efficace en termes de rendement et d’étanchéité que la configuration actuelle du CR5. De plus, une nouvelle configuration du CR5 où le transactivateur est régulé par le système inductible à la coumermycine a été étudiée et a montré une régulation très fine. Le travail d’optimisation effectué dans ce projet s’applique seulement dans le but d’optimiser un procédé dans des conditions spécifiques. Son application à d’autres lignées cellulaires et d’autres promoteurs reste à démontrer.
Formation of the vertebrate axial skeleton requires coordinated Hox gene activity. Hox group 6 genes are involved in the formation of the thoracic area owing to their unique rib-promoting properties. Here we show that the linker region (LR) connecting the homeodomain and the hexapeptide is essential for Hoxb6 rib-promoting activity in mice. The LR-defective Hoxb6 protein was still able to bind a target enhancer together with Pax3, producing a dominant-negative effect, indicating that the LR brings additional regulatory factors to target DNA elements. We also found an unexpected association between Hoxb6 and segmentation in the paraxial mesoderm. In particular, Hoxb6 can disturb somitogenesis and anterior-posterior somite patterning by dysregulation of Lfng expression. Interestingly, this interaction occurred differently in thoracic versus more caudal embryonic areas, indicating functional differences in somitogenesis before and after the trunk-to-tail transition. Our results suggest the requirement of precisely regulated Hoxb6 expression for proper segmentation at tailbud stages.
During the blood meal of a Plasmodium-infected mosquito, 10 to 100 parasites are inoculated into the skin and a proportion of these migrate via the bloodstream to the liver where they infect hepatocytes. The Plasmodium liver stage, despite its clinical silence, represents a highly promising target for antimalarial drug and vaccine approaches. Successfully invaded parasites undergo a massive proliferation in hepatocytes, producing thousands of merozoites that are transported into a blood vessel to infect red blood cells. To successfully develop from the liver stage into infective merozoites, a tight regulation of gene expression is needed. Although this is a very interesting aspect in the biology of Plasmodium, little is known about gene regulation in Plasmodium parasites in general and in the liver stage in particular. We have functionally analyzed a novel promoter region of the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei that is exclusively active during the liver stage of the parasite. To prove stage-specific activity of the promoter, GFP and luciferase reporter assays have been successfully established, allowing both qualitative and accurate quantitative analysis. To further characterize the promoter region, the transcription start site was mapped by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5'-RACE). Using promoter truncation experiments and site-directed mutagenesis within potential transcription factor binding sites, we suggest that the minimal promoter contains more than one binding site for the recently identified parasite-specific ApiAP2 transcription factors. The identification of a liver stage-specific promoter in P. berghei confirms that the parasite is able to tightly regulate gene expression during its life cycle. The identified promoter region might now be used to study the biology of the Plasmodium liver stage, which has thus far proven problematic on a molecular level. Stage-specific expression of dominant-negative mutant proteins and overexpression of proteins normally active in other life cycle stages will help to understand the function of the proteins investigated.
Ocean acidification is considered a major threat to marine ecosystems and may particularly affect calcifying organisms such as corals, foraminifera and coccolithophores. Here we investigate the impact of elevated pCO2 and lowered pH on growth and calcification in the common calcareous dinoflagellate Thoracosphaera heimii. We observe a substantial reduction in growth rate, calcification and cyst stability of T. heimii under elevated pCO2. Furthermore, transcriptomic analyses reveal CO2 sensitive regulation of many genes, particularly those being associated to inorganic carbon acquisition and calcification. Stable carbon isotope fractionation for organic carbon production increased with increasing pCO2 whereas it decreased for calcification, which suggests interdependence between both processes. We also found a strong effect of pCO2 on the stable oxygen isotopic composition of calcite, in line with earlier observations concerning another T. heimii strain. The observed changes in stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition of T. heimii cysts may provide an ideal tool for reconstructing past seawater carbonate chemistry, and ultimately past pCO2. Although the function of calcification in T. heimii remains unresolved, this trait likely plays an important role in the ecological and evolutionary success of this species. Acting on calcification as well as growth, ocean acidification may therefore impose a great threat for T. heimii.
The Asparagus officinalis L. asparagine (Asn) synthetase (AS) promoter was analysed for elements responding to carbohydrate and senescence signals. Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana L. plants containing deletion constructs of the –1958 bp AS promoter linked to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (AS::GUS) were analysed by measuring GUS specific activity. Inclusion of sucrose (Suc), glucose (Glc) or fructose (Fru) in plant media repressed levels of GUS activity in –1958AS::GUS plants, regardless of the light environment, with increases in GUS found 1 d after incubation on Suc-lacking media. Hexokinase is likely to be involved in the signal pathway, as Suc, Glc, Fru, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and mannose were more effective repressors than 3-O-methylglucose, and the hexokinase inhibitor mannoheptulose reduced repression. Plants containing AS::GUS constructs with deletions that reduced the promoter to less than –405 bp did not show low sugar induction. AS::GUS activity was significantly higher in excised leaves induced to senesce by dark storage for 24 h, compared to fresh leaves, for lines containing at least –640 bp of the AS promoter but not those with –523 bp or smaller promoter fragments. Fusion of the –640 to –523 bp region to a –381AS::GUS construct generated a promoter that retained senescence induction but lacked low sugar induction. Alignment of this region to the 33-bp senescence-related sequence of the Arabidopsis and Brassica napus L. SAG12 promoters identified the sequence TTGCACG as being conserved in all the promoters, and which may be an important senescence-responsive element.
Large numbers of noncoding RNA transcripts (ncRNAS) are being revealed by complementary DNA cloning and genome tiling array studies in animals. The big and as yet largely unanswered question is whether these transcripts are relevant. A paper by Willingham et al. shows the way forward by developing a strategy for large-scale functional screening of ncRNAs, involving small interfering RNA knockdowns in cell-based screens, which identified a previously unidentified ncRNA repressor of the transcription factor NFAT. It appears likely that ncRNAs constitute a critical hidden layer of gene regulation in complex organisms, the understanding of which requires new approaches in functional genomics.
The tropical abalone. Haliotis asinina. is,in ideal species to investigate the molecular mechanisms that control development. growth, reproduction and shell formation in all cultured haliotids. Here we describe the analysis of 232 expressed sequence tags (EST) obtained front a developmental H. asinina cDNA library intended for future microarray studies. From this data set we identified 183 unique gene Clusters. Of these, 90 clusters showed significant homology with sequences lodged in GenBank, ranging in function from general housekeeping to signal transduction, gene regulation and cell-cell communication. Seventy-one clusters possessed completely novel ORFs greater than 50 codons in length, highlighting the paucity of sequence data from molluscs and other lophotrochozoans. This study of developmental gene expression in H. asinina provides the foundation for further detailed analyses of abalone growth, development and reproduction.
Orphan nuclear receptors: therapeutic opportunities in skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 291: C203-C217, 2006; doi: 10.1152/ajpcell. 00476.2005.-Nuclear hormone receptors (NRs) are ligand-dependent transcription factors that bind DNA and translate physiological signals into gene regulation. The therapeutic utility of NRs is underscored by the diversity of drugs created to manage dysfunctional hormone signaling in the context of reproductive biology, inflammation, dermatology, cancer, and metabolic disease. For example, drugs that target nuclear receptors generate over $10 billion in annual sales. Almost two decades ago, gene products were identified that belonged to the NR superfamily on the basis of DNA and protein sequence identity. However, the endogenous and synthetic small molecules that modulate their action were not known, and they were denoted orphan NRs. Many of the remaining orphan NRs are highly enriched in energy-demanding major mass tissues, including skeletal muscle, brown and white adipose, brain, liver, and kidney. This review focuses on recently adopted and orphan NR function in skeletal muscle, a tissue that accounts for similar to 35% of the total body mass and energy expenditure, and is a major site of fatty acid and glucose utilization. Moreover, this lean tissue is involved in cholesterol efflux and secretes that control energy expenditure and adiposity. Consequently, muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, the blood lipid profile, and energy balance. Accordingly, skeletal muscle plays a considerable role in the progression of dyslipidemia, diabetes, and obesity. These are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which is the the foremost cause of global mortality (> 16.7 million deaths in 2003). Therefore, it is not surprising that orphan NRs and skeletal muscle are emerging as therapeutic candidates in the battle against dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.