695 resultados para POLITICA EXTERIOR - COLOMBIA - 2004 - 2009


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Objective. To identify and analyze scientific publications on the use of music and play in pediatric nursing care in the hospital context. Method. In this bibliographic study, papers were sought that were published in Portuguese or English between 2004 and 2009 and included the descriptors: hospitalized child, childhood, child recreation, nursing team, nursing, pediatric nursing, alternatives therapies, music, music therapy, play and playthings, play therapy, playing. For the review, the bibliographic databases used were MEDLINE, ScIELO and LILACS. Results. Seventeen publications were obtained, among which: 59% adopted a quantitative method; mainly nursing developed the activities (88%); per type of article, reviews on the theme and assessments of clinical changes associated with the use of music and play were frequent (59% and 18%, respectively); and the utility of this kind of therapies in nursing care is acknowledged (94%). Conclusion. Play and music are useful therapies that can be used in nursing care for pediatric patients.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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This article describes a postoperative endophthalmitis (POE) surveillance system in place in a specialized ophthalmologic center in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study involved a review of medical records from 2004-2009, during which a total of 31,999 intraocular surgeries were performed. Nineteen of these cases fulfilled the criteria for POE, for an infection rate of 0.06%. The main etiologic agent causing POE was Pseudomonas aeruginosa, identified in 42.1% of the cases (8/19). Copyright (C) 2012 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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La realizzazione di questa ricerca ha come obiettivo principe lo studio approfondito dell’istituto della riabilitazione penale all’interno del panorama legislativo italiano, con riferimento al contesto bolognese, e nella legislazione belga; inoltre si pone come scopo l’analisi dell’interazione autore-vittima del reato, con una particolare attenzione al risarcimento elargito alla persona offesa dal reato e alla figura della vittima prima nel sistema penale, poi nel procedimento specifico che porta alla riabilitazione del condannato. Il punto di partenza del lavoro di ricerca intrapreso è costituito da un’accurata ricerca bibliografica inerente agli argomenti trattati, al fine di poter approfondire una buona parte della letteratura italiana e belga esistente in materia. La fase successiva della ricerca è stata quella di reperire informazioni riguardanti l’ambito di studio da approfondire, cioè la riabilitazione, secondo una direttrice empirica. Pertanto, per quanto concerne la realtà italiana, sono stati analizzati, tramite una griglia di rilevazione costruita ad hoc, i fascicoli processuali relativi alla riabilitazione presenti negli archivi del Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Bologna (2004-2009); la situazione belga è invece stata studiata reperendo dati, riferiti alla réhabilitation pénal, rintracciati presso il “Service Public Fédéral Justice - Bureau Permanent Statistiques et Mesure de la charge de travail (BPSM)” (2008-2009), sia livello nazionale che delle cinque Corti di appello. Inoltre, al fine di ottenere un ulteriore punto di vista empirico riguardante l’istituto della riabilitazione penale, sono state effettuate delle interviste semi-strutturate al Presidente del Tribunale di Sorveglianza Dott. Francesco Maisto e al Sostituto Procuratore Generale di Liège Mr. Nicolas Banneux. Infatti l’esperienza lavorativa e il particolare ruolo ricoperto da questi “osservatori privilegiati”, competenti di riabilitazione e particolarmente sensibili alle tematiche criminologiche e vittimologiche, li pone direttamente in contatto con l’istituto e la procedura della riabilitazione, determinando in loro una profonda padronanza dell’oggetto di ricerca.


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Abstract: Research on human values within the family focuses on value congruence between the family members (Knafo & Schwartz, 2004), based on the assumption that transmission of values is part of a child’s socialization process. Within the family, values are not only implicitly transmitted through this process but also explicitly conveyed through the educational goals of parents (Grusec et al., 2000; Knafo & Schwartz, 2003; 2004, 2009). However, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the role of family characteristics in the value transmission process, especially for families with young children. Thus, the study presented had multiple aims: Firstly, it analyzed the congruency between mothers’ and fathers’ values and their value-based educational goals. Secondly, it examined the influence of mothers’ and fathers’ socio-demographic characteristics on their educational goals. Thirdly, it analyzed the differences in parental educational goals in families with daughters and families with sons. Finally, it examined the congruency between children’s values and the value-based educational goals of their parents. The value transmission process within families with young children was analyzed using data from complete families (child, mother and father) in Switzerland (N = 265). The survey of children consisted of 139 boys and 126 girls aged between 7 and 9 years. Parents’ values and parental educational goals were assessed using the Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-21) (Schwartz, 2005). Children’s’ values were assessed using the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C) (Döring et al., 2010). Regarding the role of the family context in the process of shaping children’s values, the results of the study show that, on average, parents are similar not only with respect to their value profiles but also with regard to their notion as to which values they would like to transmit to their children. Our findings also suggest that children’s values at an early age are shaped more strongly by mothers’ values than by fathers’ values. Moreover, our results show differences in value transmission with respect to the child’s gender. In particular, they suggest that value transmission within the family has a greater influence on female than on male offspring.


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BACKGROUND Complex pelvic traumas, i.e., pelvic fractures accompanied by pelvic soft tissue injuries, still have an unacceptably high mortality rate of about 18 %. PATIENTS AND METHODS We retrospectively evaluated an intersection set of data from the TraumaRegister DGU® and the German Pelvic Injury Register from 2004-2009. Patients with complex and noncomplex pelvic traumas were compared regarding their vital parameters, emergency management, stay in the ICU, and outcome. RESULTS From a total of 344 patients with pelvic injuries, 21 % of patients had a complex and 79 % a noncomplex trauma. Complex traumas were significantly less likely to survive (16.7 % vs. 5.9 %). Whereas vital parameters and emergency treatment in the preclinical setting did not differ substantially, patients with complex traumas were more often in shock and showed acute traumatic coagulopathy on hospital arrival, which resulted in more fluid volumes and transfusions when compared to patients with noncomplex traumas. Furthermore, patients with complex traumas had more complications and longer ICU stays. CONCLUSION Prevention of exsanguination and complications like multiple organ dysfunction syndrome still pose a major challenge in the management of complex pelvic traumas.


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The federal regulatory regime for addressing airborne toxic pollutants functions fairly well in most of the country. However, it has proved deficient in addressing local risk issues, especially in urban areas with densely concentrated sources. The problem is especially pronounced in Houston, which is home to one of the world's biggest petrochemical complexes and a major port, both located near a large metropolitan center. Despite the fact that local government's role in regulating air toxics is typically quite limited, from 2004-2009, the City of Houston implemented a novel municipality-based air toxics reduction strategy. The initiatives ranged from voluntary agreements to litigation and legislation. This case study considers why the city chose the policy tools it did, how the tools performed relative to the designers' intentions, and how the debate among actors with conflicting values and goals shaped the policy landscape. The city's unconventional approach to controlling hazardous air pollution has not yet been examined rigorously. The case study was developed through reviews of publicly available documents and quasi-public documents obtained through public record requests, as well as interviews with key informants. The informants represented a range of experience and perspectives. They included current and former public officials at the city (including Mayor White), former Texas Commission on Environmental Quality staff, faculty at local universities, industry representatives, and environmental public health advocates. Some of the city's tools were successful in meeting their designers' intent, some were less successful. Ultimately, even those tools that did not achieve their stated purpose were nonetheless successful in bringing attention and resources to the air quality issue. Through a series of pleas and prods, the city managed to draw attention to the problem locally and get reluctant policymakers at higher levels of government to respond. This work demonstrates the potential for local government to overcome limitations in the federal regulatory regime for air toxics control, shifting the balance of local, state, and federal initiative. It also highlights the importance of flexible, cooperative strategies in local environmental protection.^


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This dissertation assesses the relationship between board composition and financial performance for the top 71 major nonprofit hospitals in the United States during the period 2004-2009. The underlying data were collected from copies of IRS Form 990 available at http://www.guidestar.org . The dissertation investigates five factors: board size, board independence (percentage of outsiders), number of MDs, CEO succession and CEO compensation. And it evaluates the results within a multi-theoretic framework drawing on agency theory, resource dependence theory, institutional theory and social network theory. Corporate governance literature suggests that board composition has an important impact on firm financial performance. This dissertation examines whether the same may be true for nonprofit hospitals. The results should help hospital executives make better governance decisions during trying economic times.^


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Esta ponencia se inscribe en el marco de una serie de investigaciones realizadas por la cátedra de Educación I cuyo objetivo es reflexionar sobre el campo disciplinar y profesional de las Ciencias de la Educación en la universidad pública. La primera de ellas, consistió en un estudio de seguimiento de la cohorte que estudió Ciencias de la Educación en la UBA entre 1986 y 1991, a la que se le aplicó una encuesta al ingresar y al finalizar la Carrera respectivamente. Algunas de las variables consideradas fueron: el nivel educativo de los padres, trabajo, ocupación e ingresos, tipos de estudios secundario cursados, imágenes y expectativas de la formación y del campo profesional, relación entre la Carrera y la práctica laboral, etc. La segunda es una encuesta llevada a cabo a estudiantes de primer año de la carrera en los años 1986, 2004, 2009 y 2010, con el objeto de examinar los motivos de la elección de la carrera, las expectativas al ingreso, las concepciones acerca del objeto de estudio de la misma, así como también comparar las características del perfil de los estudiantes. Hemos contemplado en el análisis los elementos del contexto socioeconómico, político y cultural que creemos tienen una significativa incidencia en las reconfiguraciones que se realizan respecto del campo y del papel de la educación, la formación, y la pedagogía. Se analizaron los cambios que las distintas cohortes de estudiantes experimentan a través de los años, acompañando procesos de reconfiguración de políticas y procesos educativos, así como las opiniones de sentido común acerca del papel y la función de lo educativo en la sociedad. Resultan interesantes algunas conclusiones respecto del perfil de los ingresantes a la carrera, registrándose un crecimiento en el nivel educativo de los padres y un cambio en la proporción de alumnos provenientes de escuelas del ámbito de gestión privada. Asimismo se evidencian cambios significativos respecto de los espacios de inserción y participación. Debatir estas temáticas implica posicionarse desde una perspectiva crítica capaz de repensar las distintas facetas que asume el objeto de la educación, las posibilidades de transformación o no que posee el campo, las posibilidades de construcción de una identidad profesional y fundamentalmente la posibilidad de poder elaborar nuevas propuestas curriculares, adecuándose a cada momento histórico.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar para su análisis y discusión, la propuesta del área de Biología, del Curso Introductorio a la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP). La sistematización del diagnóstico de los alumnos, representa el eje de la adecuación continua de la propuesta. Se desarrolló a lo largo de seis años (2004-2009) comparativos, para lo cual se diseñaron instrumentos de evaluación cuyos resultados fueran cuantificables y sistematizables. Dada la magnitud de las dificultades observadas, su sostenimiento y su progresivo incremento sabemos que el proceso de adaptación a la vida Universitaria en el contexto explicitado, representa un proceso que excede los tiempos de un trayecto de ingreso. En el grupo de alumnos ingresantes encontramos gran diversidad de intereses y de formación. Las dificultades estructurales que deben superar para abordar los contenidos de primer año son importantes y se refieren a todos los aspectos comprometidos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Se presentan la formulación de las clases desde una postura sistémica, que permite adecuarla continuamente a los cambios, que se suceden cada vez más rápido y a las variables emergentes de la propia institución universitaria. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten definir Ingreso como un trayecto necesario de ser revisado para su adecuación continua en función de las problemáticas complejas inherentes a los alumnos.