971 resultados para PCR analysis
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Skin cancers are the most common human malignant neoplasia and their incidence is growing, chiefly in tropical countries. There is evidence that ultraviolet (UV) radiation present in sunlight is important for genetic damage. Mutations due to such damage could be responsible for alterations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Recent studies have reported remarkable differences in mutation frequency of the RAS proto-oncogene in non-melanoma skin cancers. These findings may reflect differences in the molecular epidemiology of cutaneous tumors found in geographical areas with diverse sun exposure and ethnical origins of their populations. Our study proposed to perform molecular analyses of skin tumors on patients living in southeastern Brazil, in areas with high levels of sun exposure. DNA from eight solar keratose (SK), 26 basal cell carcinomas (BCC) and 19 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) was submitted to PCR-SSCP analysis for codons 12, 13 and 61. Contradicting other authors, we found no mutations in codons 12,13 but detected two BCCs and one SCC with a mutation in codon 61. These findings suggest that the activation of KRAS oncogene may contribute to the pathogenicity of cutaneous lesions in southeastern Brazil.
Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique was used to examine the genetic variability on an endangered Neotropical fish species, Brycon lundii, collected on two regions with distinct environmental conditions in the São Francisco River (Brazil), downstream from a hydroelectric station. Using decamer oligonucleotides as single primers in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), genetic similarity index, mean allele frequency and mean heterozigosity were estimated, revealing variations between samples from the two regions. Moreover, a fragment of about 1200 base pairs was found in 100% of the examined animals collected at the region closer to the hydroelectric dam, while its frequency was much lower (27.3%) within the sample from the second collecting site, 30 km downstream from the dam, indicating a possible correlation between genetic variation and geographical area. A dendogram representing the relationships among genotypes was obtained, demonstrating at least two major clusters of animals. Based on the data, a model of population structuring in Brycon lundii is suggested. The described approach holds great promise for further analyses and gives support to biodiversity maintenance and recovery efforts of B. lundii.
PCR and nested-PCR methods were used to assess the frequency of Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina infection in Boophilus microplus engorged females and eggs and in cattle reared in an area with endemic babesiosis. Blood and the engorged female ticks were from 27 naturally infested calves and 25 crossbred cows. The frequency of both Babesia species was similar in calves and cows (P > 0.05). Babesia bovis was detected in 23 (85.2%) calves and in 25 (100%) cows and B. bigemina was detected in 25 (92.6%) calves and in 21 (84%) cows. Mixed infections with the both Babesia species were identified in 42 animals, 21 in each age category. Of female ticks engorged on calves, 34.9% were negative and single species infection with B. bigemina (56.2%) was significantly more frequent (P < 0.01) than with B. bovis (4.7%). Most of the females (60.8%) engorged on cows did not show Babesia spp. infection and the frequency of single B. bovis infection (17.6%) was similar (P > 0.05) to the frequency of single B. bigemina infection (15.9%). Mixed Babesia infection was lower (P < 0.01) than single species infection in female ticks engorged either in cows (5.7%) or in calves (4.3%). An egg sample from each female was analysed for the presence of Babesia species. Of the egg samples from female ticks infected with B. bovis, 26 (47.3%) were infected while from those from female ticks infected with B. bigemina 141 (76.6%) were infected (P < 0.01). The results showed that although the frequency of both species of Babesia was similar in calves and cows, the infectivity of B. bigemina was higher to ticks fed on calves while to those ticks fed on cows the infectivity of both Babesia species was similar. © 2004 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The development of fast, inexpensive, and reliable tests to identify nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is needed. Studies have indicated that the conventional identification procedures, including biochemical assays, are imprecise. This study evaluated a proposed alternative identification method in which 83 NTM isolates, previously identified by conventional biochemical testing and in-house M. avium IS1245-PCR amplification, were submitted to the following tests: thin-layer chromatography (TLC) of mycolic acids and PCR-restriction enzyme analysis of hsp65 (PRA). High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of mycolic acids and Southern blot analysis for M. avium IS1245 were performed on the strains that evidenced discrepancies on either of the above tests. Sixty-eight out of 83 (82%) isolates were concordantly identified by the presence of IS1245 and PRA and by TLC mycolic acid analysis. Discrepant results were found between the phenotypic and molecular tests in 12/83 (14.4%) isolates. Most of these strains were isolated from non-sterile body sites and were most probably colonizing in the host tissue. While TLC patterns suggested the presence of polymycobacterial infection in 3/83 (3.6%) cultures, this was the case in only one HPLC-tested culture and in none of those tested by PRA. The results of this study indicated that, as a phenotypic identification procedure, TLC mycolic acid determination could be considered a relatively simple and cost-effective method for routine screening of NTM isolates in mycobacteriology laboratory practice with a potential for use in developing countries. Further positive evidence was that this method demonstrated general agreement on MAC and M. simiae identification, including in the mixed cultures that predominated in the isolates of the disseminated infections in the AIDS patients under study. In view of the fact that the same treatment regimen is recommended for infections caused by these two species, TLC mycolic acid analysis may be a useful identification tool wherever molecular methods are unaffordable.
Bone tumor incidence in women peaks at age 50-60, coinciding with the menopause. That estrogen (E2) and triiodothyronine (T3) interact in bone metabolism has been well established. However, few data on the action of these hormones are available. Our purpose was to determine the role of E2 and T3 in the expression of bone activity markers, namely alkaline phosphatase (AP) and receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL). Two osteosarcoma cell lines: MG-63 (which has both estrogen (ER) and thyroid hormone (TR) receptors) and SaOs-29 (ER receptors only) were treated with infraphysiological E2 associated with T3 at infraphysiological, physiological, and supraphysiological concentrations. Real-time RT-PCR was used for expression analysis. Our results show that, in MG-63 cells, infraphysiological E2 associated with supraphysiological T3 increases AP expression and decreases RANKL expression, while infraphysiological E2 associated with either physiological or supraphysiological T3 decreases both AP and RANKL expression. On the other hand, in SaOs-2 cells, the same hormone combinations had no significant effect on the markers' expression. Thus, the analysis of hormone receptors was shown to be crucial for the assessment of tumor potential growth in the face of hormonal changes. Special care should be provided to patients with T3 and E2 hormone receptors that may increase tumor growth. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A PCR-RFLP analysis of the restriction pattern in nuclear (RAG2) and mitochondrial (12S/16S) gene sequences of bat species from the Molossidae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae, and Emballonuridae families produced a large number of fragments: 107 for RAG2 and 155 for 12S/16S combined in 139 and 402 haplotypes, respectively. The values detected for gene variation were low for both sequences (0.13 for RAG2 and 0.15 for 12S/16S) and reflected their conservative feature, reinforced by high values of inter- and intraspecies genetic identity (70-100%). The species with a high gene divergence were variable in the analyses of RAG2 (Eumops perotis, Artibeus lituratus, and Carollia perspicillata) and of 12S/16S (Nyctinomops laticaudatus, C. perspicillata, and Cynomops abrasus), and furthermore, one of them, C. perspicillata, also showed the highest intraspecific variation. The species that exhibited the lowest variation for both genes was Molossus rufus. In the families, the highest variation was observed in the Molossidae and this can be attributed to variation exhibited by Eumops and Nyctinomops species. The variations observed were interpreted as a natural variability within the species and genus that exhibited a conserved pattern in the two gene sequences in different species and family analyzed. Our data reinforce the idea that the analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear genes contribute to our knowledge of the diversity of New World bats. The genetic variability found in different taxa suggests that an additional diversity, unnoticed by other methods, can be revealed with the use of different molecular strategies. ©FUNPEC-RP.
Aim: Nowadays, research on orthopedic and dental implants is focused on titanium alloys for their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in the human body environment. Another important aspect to be investigated is their surface topography, which is very important to osseointegration. With laser beam irradiation for roughening the implants surface an easier control of the microtopography is achieved, and surface contamination is avoided. The aim of this study was to assess human bone marrow stem cells response to a newly developed titanium alloy, Ti-15Mo, with surface topography modified by laser beam irradiation. Materials and methods: A total of 10 Ti machined disks (control), 10 Ti-15Mo machined disks and 10 Ti-15Mo disks treated by laser beam-irradiation were prepared. To study how Ti-15Mo surface topografy can induce osteoblast differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells, the expression levels of bone related genes and mesenchymal stem cells marker were analyzed, using real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Results: In Test 1 (comparison between Ti-15Mo machined disks and Ti-machined disks) quantitative real-time RT-PCR showed a significant induction of ALPL, FOSL1 and SPP1, which increase 20% or more. In Test 2 (comparison between Ti-15Mo laser treated disks and Ti-machined disks) all investigated genes were up-regulated. By comparing Test 1 and Test 2 it was detected that COL1A1, COL3A1, FOSL1 and ENG sensibly increased their expression whereas RUNX2, ALPL and SPP1 expression remained substantially unchanged. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that laser treated Ti-15Mo alloys are promising materials for implants application.
The aim of this study was to evaluate a simple molecular method of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to differentiate Newcastle disease virus strains according to their pathogenicity, in order to use it in molecular screening of Newcastle disease virus in poultry and free-living bird populations. Specific primers were developed to differentiate LaSota-LS-(vaccine strain) and Sao Joao do Meriti-SJM-strain (highly pathogenic strain). Chickens and pigeons were experimentally vaccinated/infected for an in vivo study to determine virus shedding in feces. Validation of sensitivity and specificity of the primers (SJM and LS) by experimental models used in the present study and results obtained in the molecular analysis of the primers by BLAST made it possible to generalize results. The development of primers that differentiate the level of pathogenicity of NDV stains is very important, mainly in countries where real-time RT-PCR is still not used as a routine test. These primers were able to determine the presence of the agent and to differentiate it according to its pathogenicity. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Axillary bud outgrowth determines shoot architecture and is under the control of endogenous hormones and a fine-tuned gene-expression network, which probably includes small RNAs (sRNAs). Although it is well known that sRNAs act broadly in plant development, our understanding about their roles in vegetative bud outgrowth remains limited. Moreover, the expression profiles of microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets within axillary buds are largely unknown. Here, we employed sRNA next-generation sequencing as well as computational and gene-expression analysis to identify and quantify sRNAs and their targets in vegetative axillary buds of the biofuel crop sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Computational analysis allowed the identification of 26 conserved miRNA families and two putative novel miRNAs, as well as a number of trans-acting small interfering RNAs. sRNAs associated with transposable elements and protein-encoding genes were similarly represented in both inactive and developing bud libraries. Conversely, sequencing and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR results revealed that specific miRNAs were differentially expressed in developing buds, and some correlated negatively with the expression of their targets at specific stages of axillary bud development. For instance, the expression patterns of miR159 and its target GAMYB suggested that they may play roles in regulating abscisic acid-signalling pathways during sugarcane bud outgrowth. Our work reveals, for the first time, differences in the composition and expression profiles of diverse sRNAs and targets between inactive and developing vegetative buds that, together with the endogenous balance of specific hormones, may be important in regulating axillary bud outgrowth. © 2013 © The Author(2) [2013].
Inteins are coding sequences that are transcribed and translated with flanking sequences and then are excised by an autocatalytic process. There are two types of inteins in fungi, mini-inteins and full-length inteins, both of which present a splicing domain containing well-conserved amino acid sequences. Full-length inteins also present a homing endonuclease domain that makes the intein a mobile genetic element. These parasitic genetic elements are located in highly conserved genes and may allow for the differentiation of closely related species of the Candida parapsilosis (psilosis) complex. The correct identification of the three psilosis complex species C. parapsilosis, Candida metapsilosis, and Candida orthopsilosis is very important in the clinical setting for improving antifungal therapy and patient care. In this work, we analyzed inteins that are present in the vacuolar ATPase gene VMA and in the threonyl-tRNA synthetase gene ThrRS in 85 strains of the Candida psilosis complex (46 C. parapsilosis, 17 C. metapsilosis, and 22 C. orthopsilosis). Here, we describe an accessible and accurate technique based on a single PCR that is able to differentiate the psilosis complex based on the VMA intein. Although the ThrRS intein does not distinguish the three species of the psilosis complex by PCR product size, it can differentiate them by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, this intein is unusually present as both mini- and full-length forms in C. orthopsilosis. Additional population studies should be performed to address whether this represents a common intraspecific variability or the presence of subspecies within C. orthopsilosis. Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Background: Piezosurgery is an osteotomy system used in medical and dental surgery. Many studies have proven clinical advantages of piezosurgery in terms of quality of cut, maneuverability, ease of use, and safety. However, few investigations have tested its superiority over the traditional osteotomy systems in terms of dynamics of bone healing. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamics of bone healing after osteotomies with piezosurgery and to compare them with those associated to traditional bone drilling.Methods: One hundred and ten rats were divided into two groups with 55 animals each. The animals were anesthetized and the tibiae were surgically exposed to create defects 2 mm in diameter by using piezosurgery (Piezo group) and conventional drilling (Drill group). Animals were sacrificed at 3, 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. Bone samples were collected and processed for histological, histomorphometrical, immunohistochemical, and molecular analysis. The histological analysis was performed at all time points (n = 8) whereas the histomorphometrical analysis was performed at 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery (n = 8). The immunolabeling was performed to detect Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Caspase-3 (CAS-3), Osteoprotegerin (OPG), Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa-B Ligand (RANKL), and Osteocalcin (OC) at 3, 7, and 14 days (n = 3). For the molecular analysis, animals were sacrificed at 3, 7 and 14 days, total RNA was collected, and quantification of the expression of 21 genes related to BMP signaling, Wnt signaling, inflammation, osteogenenic and apoptotic pathways was performed by qRT-PCR (n = 5).Results: Histologically and histomorphometrically, bone healing was similar in both groups with the exception of a slightly higher amount of newly formed bone observed at 30 days after piezosurgery (p < 0.05). Immunohistochemical and qRT-PCR analyses didn't detect significant differences in expression of all the proteins and most of the genes tested.Conclusions: Based on the results of our study we conclude that in a rat tibial bone defect model the bone healing dynamics after piezosurgery are comparable to those observed with conventional drilling. © 2013 Esteves et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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